ARI0900E | operation error on DDNAME = xxxxxxxx . Return Code = nn . EREASON = nn . |
Explanation: An error occurred in a sequential input or output operation on the xxxxxxxx file during database generation, ADD DBSPACE processing, or ADD and DELETE DBEXTENT processing.
The Return Code value is the Primary Error Code value. The EREASON value is the Secondary Error Code value. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.
ARI0901E | End of file on SYSIN before DBGEN process is completed. |
Explanation: End of file was encountered on SYSIN before all required control information was received by the database generation process. Either:
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Make the appropriate correction and rerun the program.
ARI0903E | DBGEN keyword CUREXTNT was not specified. |
Explanation: The required CUREXTNT keyword control statement was not specified as input to the database generation process.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Supply the CUREXTNT keyword control statement and rerun the program.
ARI0904E | Value specified for DBGEN keyword keyword is invalid. |
Explanation: The value specified for keyword was either null or exceeded eight characters in length.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Correct the value specified for the keyword and rerun the program.
ARI0905E | Invalid keyword specified. |
Explanation: You did not specify a valid keyword for database generation or an ADD and DELETE DBEXTENT function.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Correct the unrecognizable keyword and rerun the program.
ARI0906E | Value for keyword exceeds maximum of nnnnnnn . |
Explanation: The value specified for keyword exceeded the maximum allowed value nnnnnnn.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Correct the value specified and rerun the program.
ARI0907E | Incorrect value specified on DBSPACE definition. Return Code = n . |
Explanation: A value specified on a DBSPACE control statement was considered incorrect (not a valid type or number). Values of n can be:
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Make the appropriate change to the DBSPACE control statement and rerun the program.
ARI0908E | Insufficient DBEXTENT information. |
Explanation: An END delimiter control statement was encountered before the number of DBEXTENT control statements specified by the CUREXTNT keyword were processed.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Ensure that the number of DBEXTENT control statements is the same as was specified by the CUREXTNT keyword and rerun the program.
ARI0909E | DBEXTENT number sequence error. |
Explanation: If database generation is being performed, one of the following errors occurred:
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Ensure that the DBEXTENT control statements are correctly specified and are in the proper sequence. Ensure that a POOL control statement was not misspelled. Rerun the program.
ARI0910E | Incorrect storage pool specified. Return Code = n . |
Explanation: A specified storage pool number or a DBEXTENT or DBSPACE control statement was not valid for the reason signified by the value of n:
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Correct the value in error and rerun the program.
ARI0911E | Maximum number of DBSPACES exceeded. |
Explanation: The number of DBSPACEs being defined exceeded the value specified by the MAXDBSPC keyword.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Increase the value specified on the MAXDBSPC keyword or reduce the number of DBSPACE control statements and rerun the program.
ARI0912E | Insufficient space in the application server directory. |
Explanation: There is not enough space in the application server directory to map the number of DBSPACEs defined. You can use the output of the SHOW DBCONFIG operator command to estimate the amount of directory space available for adding DBSPACEs.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Reduce either the number or the size of the DBSPACEs being defined and rerun the program, or use the expand directory function to increase the size of the page map table to allow more DBSPACE pages to be added.
ARI0913E | Maximum number of pages exceeded. |
Explanation: When formatting the DBEXTENTs the available space defined across all DBEXTENTs exceeded the maximum number of pages.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Reduce the space defined across all DBEXTENTs and rerun the program, or use the expand directory function to increase the size of the allocation bitmaps and page map table to allow more DBEXTENT and DBSPACE pages to be added.
ARI0914E | System checkpoint failed. |
Explanation: System checkpoint failed while attempting to add DBSPACEs to database. This may be due to a cancelled database or LOG ARCHIVE or an error found in the directory.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI0915I | One or more DBSPACES added to database. |
Explanation: The DBSPACEs specified in the SYSIN file have been added to the database by the Database Storage System (DBSS) component. Any errors occurring after this message are in the catalog update phase of the ADD DBSPACE function.
System Action: The process continues with the catalog update.
ARI0916E | Number of internal DBSPACES is zero, or number of pages specified is zero. |
Explanation: One of the following conditions occurred:
In any case, a cancel request is issued and the database changes are not made.
System Action: Processing is terminated.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Rerun the program, specifying the INTERNAL DBSPACE control statement (with more than zero DBSPACEs) and a correct number of pages.
ARI0917E | Maximum number of DBEXTENTS exceeded. |
Explanation: You attempted to add more DBEXTENTs than the maximum number specified at database generation time. The MAXEXTNTS database generation control statement defines the maximum number of DBEXTENTs that can be added to the database. The SHOW DBCONFIG operator commands displays this value.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: If more DBEXTENTs are required, you will need to do another data base generation and specify a larger value for MAXEXTNTS.
ARI0918I | No input to ADD/DELETE DBEXTENT. |
Explanation: You invoked the ADD or DELETE DBEXTENT function, but the input file did not supply any ADD or DELETE control statements. POOL or ARCHIVE control statements might not be in the input file.
System Action: The program ends normally.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Provide the desired respective ADD and DELETE control statements (and optionally, POOL and ARCHIVE control statements) in the input file, and rerun the program.
ARI0919D | Database generation invoked. The database will be formatted and the original database destroyed. Enter either: DBGEN to continue, or CANCEL to cancel. |
Explanation: The application server was started with the SQLDBINS or SQLDBGEN EXEC. This invokes the database generation process, which will format the directory, DBEXTENTs, and logs of the database.
System Action: The system waits for the operator's reply.
If the reply is DBGEN, the database generation process continues.
If the reply is CANCEL, the application server is ended without modification to the database.
Any other reply causes the message to be reissued.
Operator Response: If database generation is to be performed, reply DBGEN.
If you do not want database generation to be performed, reply CANCEL.
System Programmer Response: Inform the operator of your intentions when running database generation.
ARI0920D | Cold-log function invoked. Logs will be formatted and existing log data destroyed. |
Explanation: The application server was started with the SQLLOG EXEC. This invokes the COLDLOG function, which will format the database logs.
System Action: The system waits for the operator's reply.
If the reply is COLDLOG, message ARI0944D is issued to determine if the DB2 Server for VM logs are to be reformatted or reconfigured.
If the reply is CANCEL, the application server is ended without modification to the log or logs.
Any other reply causes this message to be reissued.
Operator Response:
If COLDLOG (log reformatting or reconfiguring) is to be performed, reply COLDLOG.
If you do not want to perform COLDLOG (log reformatting or reconfiguring), reply CANCEL to end the application server.
System Programmer Response: Inform the operator of your intentions when running COLDLOG.
ARI0921I | No input to add DBSPACE. |
Explanation: The ADD DBSPACE function was invoked, but no control information was provided in the SYSIN file.
System Action: The program ends normally.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: If the intent was to add DBSPACEs, provide the necessary control information in the SYSIN file and rerun the program.
ARI0922I | DBEXTENT(s) have been added to or deleted from the database. |
Explanation: Adding or deleting DBEXTENTs to or from the database has been completed successfully.
System Action: The program continues.
ARI0923E | Space allocation for filename is less than minimum. |
Explanation: The space allocated for the DBEXTENT or log minidisk identified by filename is less than the minimum allowed by DB2 Server for VM storage management.
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Increase the space allocation for the DBEXTENT or log minidisk identified by file name and rerun the program. For the minimum space allocation for the device type on which this DBEXTENT or log is defined, refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.
ARI0924I | It is recommended that a database archive be taken. |
Explanation: The directory expansion process completed successfully. It is strongly recommended that a database archive be taken immediately. Any updates made to the database after the directory expansion may not be applied correctly during a restore if a database archive taken before the directory expansion is used as the starting point of the restore set.
System Action: Processing ends.
ARI0925E | An error occurred during {read|write} I/O operation on DASD cuu . DDNAME = ddname . Return Code = nnn . |
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to read or write a block of an DB2 Server for VM database minidisk using the CP IUCV SEND function.
The cuu value is the virtual device address of the database minidisk.
The DDNAME value identifies the database minidisk:
The Return Code value defines the error condition, as follows:
For all other cases (including all read error cases), this is a DB2 Server for VM system error.
System Action: Unless the error is on a log minidisk and you are using dual logging, the application server terminates. For dual logging, the application server terminates only if errors occur on the same relative block on both log minidisks. For termination, a virtual machine dump occurs to assist in problem determination for all error conditions except uncorrectable I/O errors and device reset.
Operator Response: Save the error message and the virtual machine dump (if any), and notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Take action based on the Return Code value:
Otherwise, determine the service levels of VM and the DB2 Server for VM product. Make a record of what occurred and contact the designated support group for your installation.
Unless an unrecoverable DASD media error occurred, restart the application server (possibly after the DASD is repaired). If the error occurred during an Add DBEXTENT or Add DBSPACE operation, refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for information on recovery from system failures. If the error occurred during a database generation, restart the process from the beginning (using the SQLDBINS EXEC or the SQLDBGEN EXEC).
ARI0926E | The maximum number of minidisks specified for the database exceeds the limit for the Virtual Machine. |
Explanation: The number of minidisks specified for the database is greater than the number of IUCV connections allowed for the virtual machine. Each database minidisk requires one IUCV connection. In addition, each user virtual machine which can be concurrently connected to the database virtual machine requires one IUCV connection. The MAXCONN parameter value of the OPTION control statement in the database virtual machine entry in the VM directory must be updated. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for information on how to define minidisks for the database.
System Action: The database manager terminates.
Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Increase the MAXCONN value in the VM directory entry for the database virtual machine to allow for the necessary IUCV connections.
ARI0927E | An error occurred while the database manager was opening ({DISKID|CONNECT}) the database. DDNAME = ddname . DASD = cuu . Return Code = nnn . |
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to open a DB2 Server for VM database minidisk.
If CONNECT is shown in the message, the database manager was using the CMS CMSIUCV CONNECT macro.
If DISKID is shown in the message, the database manager was using the CMS DISKID function. In this situation, the virtual device address (cuu) is not returned; the message displays a 0 for cuu.
The cuu value is the virtual device address of the database minidisk.
The ddname value identifies the database minidisk:
For the CMS DISKID function, the Return Code value (the DISKID return code) defines the error condition, as follows:
This is a DB2 Server for VM or VM system error if you successfully defined this minidisk and did not replace it. You could have done that by any of these methods:
If you replaced the minidisk yourself, you may not have issued the required CMS FORMAT and RESERVE commands successfully. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for information about how to replace a database minidisk.
The CMS DISKID function is described in the VM/ESA: CMS Application Development Reference manual. The CP DIAGNOSE instructions are described in the VM/ESA: CP Programming Services manual.
Note: | For CMS DISKID errors the virtual device address is not displayed. You
can obtain the virtual device address by examining the dbname
SQLFDEF file on the production minidisk for a CMS FILEDEF command with the
displayed ddname. This command contains the virtual device
address; it has the format:
FILEDEF ddname DISK cuu |
Logs - 4096 bytes DBEXTENTs - 4096 bytes Directory - 512 bytes
This is a DB2 Server for VM or VM system error if you had successfully defined this minidisk and did not replace it. You could have done that by any of these methods:
If you replaced the minidisk yourself, you may not have issued the required CMS FORMAT and RESERVE commands successfully. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for information about how to replace a database minidisk.
System Action: The application server terminates. For conditions other than uncorrectable I/O errors, the application server terminates with a virtual machine dump to assist in problem determination.
Operator Response: Save the error message and the virtual machine dump (if any). Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Take action based on the function (DISKID or CONNECT) and the Return Code value, as follows:
ARI0928E | An error occurred while the database manager was closing the database. DDNAME = ddname . DASD = cuu . Return Code = nnn . |
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to close a database minidisk using the CP IUCV SEVER macro or the CMS CMSIUCV SEVER macro.
The cuu value is the virtual device address of the database minidisk.
The DDNAME value identifies the database minidisk:
The Return Code value defines the error condition, as follows:
The CMS CMSIUCV SEVER macro is described in the VM/ESA: CMS Application Development Reference for Assembler manual, and the CP IUCV SEVER macro is described in the VM/ESA: CP Programming Services manual.
Database close failures do not affect the database. No data is written during a close operation (or after a close operation).
System Action: The application server terminates with a virtual machine dump to assist in problem determination.
Operator Response: Save the error message (and any other error messages) and the virtual machine dump. Notify your system programmer.
Note: | The DB2 Server for VM run has completed successfully unless: |
System Programmer Response: Take action based on the Return Code value.
Also see note under Operator Response; if you were running the SQLDBINS EXEC to generate a database, you must rerun the SQLDBINS EXEC.
ARI0929E | Incorrect pool number {BLANK| value } on POOL statement. |
Explanation: During database generation or the ADD DBEXTENT function, a POOL control statement with an incorrect storage pool number was encountered. The incorrect storage pool number is identified by BLANK or value in the message text. The storage pool number was incorrect for one of the following reasons:
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Supply the correct POOL control statement information and rerun the program.
ARI0930E | Incorrect keyword keyword on POOL statement. |
Explanation: During database generation or ADD DBEXTENT processing, an error was detected. The second operand (keyword in message text) of the POOL control statement was incorrectly specified. The second operand of the POOL control statement can be either LOG or NOLOG (or can be omitted).
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Supply the correct POOL control statement information and rerun the program.
ARI0931E | Pool number n is not an empty storage pool. |
Explanation: During ADD DBEXTENT processing, a POOL control statement specified a storage pool number (n in message text) that already has either one or more DBEXTENTs, or one or more DBSPACEs assigned to it. You can specify only a storage pool that does not yet have any DBEXTENTs or DBSPACEs assigned to it. The SHOW DBEXTENT, or SHOW POOL operator command will tell you which storage pools currently have DBEXTENTs assigned to them. Query the SYSDBSPACES catalog table to determine which storage pools currently have DBSPACEs assigned to them.
Note: | You can specify an empty storage pool and then follow the POOL control statement with a DBEXTENT control statement that assigns a DBEXTENT to the storage pool. |
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Supply the correct POOL control statement information and rerun the program.
ARI0932E | Number of DBEXTENTS exceeds CUREXTNT value value . |
Explanation: During database generation one of the following errors occurred:
System Action: The program ends.
Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.
System Programmer Response: Verify that the CUREXTNT control statement was specified with the correct value. Ensure that the correct number of DBEXTENT control statements are specified and that they are followed by an END delimiter control statement. Correct the error and rerun the program.
ARI0933E | DBEXTENT number extno specified as input to action . DBEXTENT is invalid. Reason Code = n . |
Explanation: You have specified an invalid DBEXTENT number extno to add or delete. The type of action is signified by action. The reason is signified by the value n. For ADD DBEXTENT, n is one of the following:
For DELETE DBEXTENT, n is one of the following:
System Action: The program ends.
System Programmer Response: Rerun the program with the correct values.
ARI0934E | Error occurred while deleting DBEXTENT number extno . Reason Code = n . |
Explanation: The ADD/DELETE DBEXTENT processing encountered an error. It occurred while the function was deleting DBEXTENT number extno. The function has added or deleted all DBEXTENT numbers in the input file prior to extno. The function will not process any DBEXTENT numbers in the input file after extno. The value of n signifies the error.
System Action: The program ends. The DBEXTENT extno is not changed.
System Programmer Response: Determine the cause of the error from the reason code. If the storage pool does not have enough space, add DBEXTENTS to the same pool before invoking the deletion. (Ensure you have not exceeded the SOSLEVEL and there is enough space in the storage pool. You may have to increase the SOSLEVEL to 95%.) For other errors, follow your installation's problem determination procedure.
ARI0935E | Archopt failed. Correct the cause of error. Do a normal SQLSTART to do the archive (or user archive). |
Explanation: Processing failed during the archive. Archopt is the type of archive the program is taking.
System Action: The program ends. All the DBEXTENTs specified have been added or deleted successfully.
System Programmer Response: Determine and correct the cause of the error. Do a normal SQLSTART of the application server and take the archive (or user archive).
ARI0936I | Warning: DBEXTENT number extno is already in place. Program continues. |
Explanation: The DBEXTENT number extno that you wanted to add is already in the database.
System Action: The program continues.
System Programmer Response: Ensure that the DBEXTENT number is correct. If the DBEXTENT was added in a previous run, no action is required. If you want to move the DBEXTENT from one storage pool to another, delete the DBEXTENT in a separate run and rerun the program.
ARI0937I | Warning: DBEXTENT number extno that you want to delete is not found. Program continues. |
Explanation: The DBEXTENT to be deleted was not found in the database. A previous run of a program may have deleted it.
System Action: The program continues.
System Programmer Response: Ensure that the DBEXTENT number is correct. If the DBEXTENT was deleted in a previous run, no action is required. Otherwise, rerun the program with the correct values.
ARI0938E | You have specified DBEXTENT number extno for deletion more than once. Processing terminates. |
Explanation: You cannot delete a DBEXTENT more than once in a single execution of the ADD or DELETE DBEXTENT function, even though the DBEXTENT may have been added back to the database in the interim.
System Action: Processing ends.
System Programmer Response: Rerun the program with proper input.
ARI0939E | Storage pool poolno contains the INTERNAL DBSPACE and the DBEXTENT extno specified to be deleted is the only DBEXTENT in this pool. DBEXTENT extno cannot be deleted. Processing terminates. |
Explanation: Storage pool poolno contains the INTERNAL DBSPACE, and the DBEXTENT extno that you specified for deletion is the only DBEXTENT left in this pool. You cannot delete DBEXTENT extno.
System Action: Processing ends.
System Programmer Response: Move the INTERNAL DBSPACE to another pool using the ADD DBSPACE function or add more DBEXTENTs to the storage pool before you delete the DBEXTENT.
ARI0940I | Additional 512-byte directory blocks required: nnnnnnnnnn |
Explanation: The directory has been expanded previously to allow more DBSPACE pages to be added. To expand the directory again to allow both DBSPACE and DBEXTENT pages to be added, the new directory must be large enough to hold both the previously expanded DBSPACE pages as well as the DBEXTENT pages to be added. The new directory is not large enough. The message displays the additional number of directory blocks that are required to expand the directory.
System Action: Processing ends.
System Programmer Response: This message indicates how much additional space is required. Specify a larger VSAM Extent and re-run the job. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual to determine the size of the new minidisk.
ARI0944D | Do you wish to reformat or reconfigure? Enter 0 to REFORMAT (erase only log data). Enter 1 to RECONFIGURE (erase log data and log history). |
Explanation: You should reply 0 if you are reformatting the log or logs. The following events require log reformatting:
If you reply 1 to reconfigure the logs, CMS FORMAT and RESERVE commands will be issued for the log minidisks identified by message ARI0688D for single logging or message ARI6129D for dual logging.
The following events require log reconfiguring:
System Action: CMS FORMAT and RESERVE commands are invoked on the log disks if the reply is 1.
In either case, the logs are reformatted to indicate no prior logging activity and initialization continues. (Any logging of database updates is lost.)
Operator Response: Decide whether to reply 0 or 1. Enter your reply.
ARI0945I | Expanded space will be used for DBSPACE pages. |
Explanation: You have requested to expand the directory and to use the additional space to hold more DBSPACE pages.
System Action: Processing continues.
ARI0946I | Expanded space will be used for DBSPACE and DBEXTENT pages. |
Explanation: EXPAND = ALL was supplied in the parameter list. The directory expansion process will expand the directory to allow more DBEXTENT and DBSPACE pages to be added.
System Action: Processing continues.
ARI0947I | Current|New maximum DBEXTENT|DBSPACE pages: nnnnnnnnnn |
Explanation: This message shows the (Current|New) maximum number of (DBEXTENT|DBSPACE) pages that the directory can hold.
System Action: Processing continues.
ARI0948I | DBEXTENT|DBSPACE pages added: nnnnnnnnnn |
Explanation: This message shows the number of additional (DBEXTENT|DBSPACE) pages that will be available in the new directory.
System Action: Processing continues.
ARI0949I | (Current|New) directory size (blocks): nnnnnnnnnn |
Explanation: This message shows the size of the (Current|New) directory in 512-byte pages.
System Action: Processing continues.