DB2 Server for VM: Messages and Codes

Chapter 9. ARI0520-ARI0535, ARI5806 Catalog Generation/Migration/Index Reorganization Messages

All messages written during catalog generation, catalog migration, and catalog index reorganization are written to the SYSPRINT file. These include any error messages as well as status messages. If an error occurs while trying to write to SYSPRINT, message ARI0527A is written to the virtual machine console.

ARI0520EStorage allocation failure. Reason Code =  nn .

Explanation: In allocating virtual storage during catalog generation, a CMS free storage macro failure occurred. The cause of the error is described by the REASON value nn, which is the return code from the free storage macro:

Not enough storage space available.

any other value
DB2 Server for VM system error.

System Action: Database generation ends.

System Programmer Response: Take action based on the REASON value:

The DB2 Server for VM virtual machine does not have enough virtual storage. Either modify DB2 Server for VM initialization parameters so that less storage is required, or reconfigure the system so you have a larger database manager virtual machine. Restart the database generation.

Any other reason -
Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation. When the problem is corrected, restart the database generation.

ARI0521EACCESS error  &1C.  MACRO  &2. , input file. Reason Code =  nn . Return Code =  nn .

Explanation: An error occurred while the system was trying to access the ARISCAT file. This file is a VM card image CMS file. The Reason Code is the Primary Error Code. The Return Code value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 24, Include File Access Errors, or "INCLUDE FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: If &1C. is ARISCAT, database generation ends unsuccessfully.

Programmer Response: If &1C. is ARISCAT, take action based on the Reason Code and Return Code values.

ARI0522ECatalog generation control record error  catalog generation control record .

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to process a catalog generation control record from the ARISCAT file. This file is a VM card image CMS file. One of the following conditions was detected:

The invalid record is printed as the second line of the message.

System Action: Database generation ends.

System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation. Restart the database generation after the problem is corrected.

ARI0523EDBSS error occurred while processing the system catalog. Reason Code =  nn .

Explanation: In an attempt to update the database during the catalog generation stage of database generation, or the catalog update phase of ADD DBSPACE, or while catalog migration was processing the catalog, a DBSS error occurred. The cause is described by the Reason Code=nn value in the message text. The Reason Code values are DBSS return codes. Refer to the description of the DBSS return codes under Chapter 18, DBSS Return Codes.

System Action: Processing is terminated.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Refer to the description of the DBSS return codes under Chapter 18, DBSS Return Codes. Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

If the problem occurred during database generation, restart database generation when the problem is corrected.

If the problem occurred during ADD DBSPACE (SQLADBSP) execute the SQLSTART EXEC with the following parameters:

LOGMODE=current value

This is necessary because the information about the DBSPACEs is already recorded in the database directory minidisk. By specifying the above parameters only the catalog update phase of ADD DBSPACE will be executed.

ARI0524ERequired  objecttype objectname  not found in  catalogname .

Explanation: In an attempt to locate the DB2 Server for VM objecttype objectname, an error occurred. objecttype can be index, link, column, catalog or package. If objecttype is an index, link, or column, the associated catalogname is displayed in the message text.

System Action: The DB2 Server for VM database maintenance is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation. Restart the database maintenance function when the problem is corrected.

ARI0525ENumber of columns is incorrect in catalog  catalogname .

Explanation: This is a DB2 Server for VM programming error. An inconsistency was found in the required number of columns for catalogname and the actual number of columns which the database manager defined for this catalog during database generation. The catalog generation stage determined that internal data areas were incorrect.

System Action: Database generation is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation. Restart database generation when the problem is corrected.

ARI0526AError on user ID record.  user ID record 

Explanation: A user-supplied user ID record was being processed during the catalog generation stage of database generation and a syntax error or missing/invalid keyword/parameter was detected. The incorrect record is displayed as the second line of the message.

System Action: The user ID record is ignored and database generation continues.

System Programmer Response: The database has been successfully created without the user ID on this user ID record defined in the catalog table SYSTEM.SYSUSERAUTH. You may either:

ARI0527E access  error  filename . Reason Code =  nn . Return Code =  cc  [ nnnn ].

Explanation: An error occurred in an attempt to access SYSPRINT or SYSIN.

If the nnnn value is included in the message, it reflects an attempt to display message ARInnnn.

The Reason Code value is the Primary Error Code. The Return Code value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: If access is GET or CLOSE for file name SYSIN, the system was trying to read an INSERT record during the catalog generation. The record and any additional records will be ignored by the system; the database generation continues.

If access is OPEN for file name SYSPRINT, database generation or catalog index reorganization processing ends. Catalog migration processing continues.

If access is PUT or CLOSE for file name SYSPRINT, processing continues.

Operator Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Programmer Response: See Operator Response.

Refer to message ARInnnn (where nnnn is the value identified in the message text) to determine what system condition caused the message to be displayed.

ARI0528IUser  userid  defined with password  password auth .

Explanation: User userid has been defined to the database with password password and authorization auth (where auth may be any combination of DBA, SCHED, and RES) and inserted into the catalog table SYSTEM.SYSUSERAUTH.

System Action: Database generation continues.

ARI0529I &1 . is completed.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The function is successfully completed. &1. can be:

System Action: The program continues processing until the end.

ARI0530EAn error occurred while attempting to free storage. Reason Code =  nn .

Explanation: In freeing virtual storage during catalog generation or catalog migration, a CMSSTOR macro failure occurred. The Reason Code value nn is the return code from the CMSSTOR macro. This condition is a VM system error.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0531EDBSS error. Return Code =  &1A .. Reason Code =  &2A., &3 .= &4 ..

Explanation: An error occurred during catalog index reorganization when the database manager attempted to perform a DBSS action.

The DBSS returns an error code shown in the Return Code value. (See Chapter 18, DBSS Return Codes for an explanation of DBSS return codes.)

The Reason Code value describes the type of DBSS operation that was in progress when the error occurred.

Opening a scan

Closing a scan

Deleting (either a row or an Index Control Record)


Fetch (either a row or an Index Control Record)


Insert (applies only to the Index Control Record)

Acquiring an internal DBSPACE

Releasing an internal DBSPACE

&3. is either INDEX or CATALOG.

&4. is either index name or catalog name.

System Action: Utility execution stops. All changes to the database are rolled back.

System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0532IPackage  &1 . has been marked invalid.

Explanation: Catalog index reorganization processing has marked a package invalid.

&1. is owner.packagename.

User Response: You can use this message to determine which packages catalog index reorganization has marked invalid.
Note:If an error occurs that causes catalog index reorganization to fail, these messages no longer apply.

ARI0533ECatalog migration error processing  object .

Explanation: An error occurred during forward migration while modifying the SYSTEM CATALOG. The object can be a SYSTEM CATALOG table, column, or index. This message is followed by message ARI0504I, which indicates the condition that caused the error and message ARI0505I. Message ARI0505I provides the SQLCODE information.
Note:The SQLCODE information in the accompanying ARI0505I message should be less than 0 (zero).

System Action: The catalog migration is terminated.

System Programmer Response: If this error occurs during forward migration processing (ARISMEX EXEC), make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0534EA column named  &1 . already exists in  &2 ..

Explanation: A column name &1. was found in &2. that was not created by the database manager. The forward migration process cannot continue.

System Action: The program is terminated.

System Programmer Response: If you are migrating from SQL/DS(TM) 2.2.0, you must change the column name from &1. to another name.

The recommended procedure is:

  1. Drop any indexes that have been created on the named column and any programs that reference or use it.
  2. Drop the &1. column by deleting the row in SYSCOLUMNS where &1. = CNAME. Recreate the column in &2. with a different name.
  3. Recode and repreprocess the programs that were dropped in step 1.
  4. Rerun forward catalog migration. (This step can be performed before step 3.)

If you are migrating from SQL/DS 3.1.0 or later, contact the support group for your installation.

ARI0535EThis catalog is not a release  n  catalog.

Explanation: If you are performing forward migration, this error occurred because the catalog information indicates that the catalog is not at a release level supported by migration.

System Action: The program terminates with no catalog updates performed.

System Programmer Response: If you are certain that the catalog is at the proper release level, contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI5806EThere is insufficient space in the server directory for migration.

Explanation: The invalid entities table cannot be migrated to the new format because there is not enough space in the database directory. There must be at least four DBSPACE blocks remaining in the database directory for this migration step.

System Action: Database migration ends.

System Programmer Response: Increase the size of the directory and rerun this migration step. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for more information on increasing the size of the directory. file

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