The SQL messages are associated with the SQLCODEs. These messages provide general information; they do not give detailed descriptions of the cause of the error. The SQLCODE appears in message ARI0505I. The text following messages ARI0501 and ARI0503 is the SQLCODE descriptive text. To find the explanation and related action, refer to Chapter 19, SQLCODEs of this manual.
ARI0500I | SQL processing was successful. |
Explanation: The processing of the SQL statement was successful. This message occurs only when SQLCODE = 0 and no SQL warning conditions occurred during SQL statement processing. This message is followed by message ARI0505I, which indicates the SQLCODE and ROWCOUNT information.
System Action: Normal completion.
ARI0501I | An SQL warning has occurred. SQLCODE descriptive text |
Explanation: This message occurs when either:
This message is followed by message ARI0505I, which provides the SQLCODE and ROWCOUNT information, and in the first two conditions, the ARI0502I message that indicates the specific warning conditions.
The SQLCODE descriptive text describes the SQLCODE error condition.
System Action: SQL statement processing completed successfully.
User Response: For an SQLCODE greater than zero, take action based upon the SQLCODE descriptive text. For the SQLCODE of zero, take action defined for message ARI0502I. For an SQL code of less than zero, correct the problem described in the SQLCODE descriptive text before the application program is executed.
ARI0502I | Following SQL warning conditions encountered: {truncation | NULLIGNORED | mismatch | NULLWHERE | performance | implicit rollback | adjustment | ineligible | no storage | can't fit 2}. |
Explanation: Each of the SQL processing warning condition keywords is directly associated with an SQLCA SQLWARN indicator. The applicable SQLWARN indicator is identified in the explanation of each keyword.
TRUNCATION (SQLWARN1) - one or more of the requested data items was truncated due to insufficient space in the declared program variable. By examining the null indicator variables of the data items returned, you can find which data items were truncated. A positive value in the null indicator denotes actual length before truncation.
Set to W, if the value of a string column was truncated when it was assigned to a host variable.
Set to Z, if mixed character data was truncated and the resulting data does not follow the proper rules regarding mixed data.
Set to Z, if both W and Z truncations occur.
NULLIGNORED (SQLWARN2) - set to W, if null values were ignored in the computation of a column function such as AVG, SUM, MAX, MIN, or COUNT.
MISMATCH (SQLWARN3) - set to W, if the number of target variables in the INTO clause is less than the number of items in the SELECT list.
If the number of target variables in the INTO clause is greater than the number of items in the SELECT list, then the warning flag will not be set.
NULLWHERE (SQLWARN4) - set to W, if an UPDATE or DELETE command has been used without a WHERE clause. The user should verify that the update or deletion was intended unconditionally on the entire table.
PERFORMANCE (SQLWARN5) - set to W, if a WHERE clause, represented internally by one or more search arguments, associated with a SELECT statement has exceeded a DB2 Server for VM internal limitation. This means that a performance degradation will result because the database manager will not internally convert eligible predicates to search arguments. The database manager may still choose to use indexes for eligible predicates, but if not, degradation may further be increased since a DBSPACE scan would be used to retrieve query data. Decreasing the number of predicates, such as by removing unnecessary conditions which may exist in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement, may alleviate this condition.
IMPLICIT ROLLBACK (SQLWARN6) - the logical unit of work is no longer active. It has been rolled back due to a system failure.
Set to W, when the database manager is forced to terminate a logical unit of work.
Set to S, when the database manager issues a severe SQLCODE.
ADJUSTMENT (SQLWARN7) - set to W, when an adjustment has been made to a derived date or timestamp value for the last day of the month.
Set to Z, when the divisor or dividend of a DECIMAL divide operation requires readjustment in order to complete the divide operation. This may affect the accuracy of the quotient (result).
INELIGIBLE (SQLWARN8) - set to W, if the statement is disqualified for blocking for reasons other than storage, such as use of long fields.
Set to Z, if a character that could not be converted was replaced with a substitute character.
NO STORAGE (SQLWARN9) - set to W, if there was insufficient storage for blocking and therefore blocking is cancelled for the subject cursor.
CAN'T FIT 2 (SQLWARNA) - set to W, if blocking factor of at least two rows cannot be maintained and therefore blocking is cancelled for the subject cursor.
System Action: Normal completion; SQL statement processed successfully.
User Response: Take appropriate action based upon warning condition.
ARI0503E | An SQL error has occurred. SQLCODE descriptive text |
Explanation: Processing of the SQL statement was not successful. This message is followed by message ARI0505I, which provides the SQLCODE and ROWCOUNT information, and message ARI0504I, which indicates the condition that caused the error message.
SQLCODE descriptive text is derived from SQLCODE descriptive text modules. Multiple lines of SQLCODE descriptive text may appear.
System Action: SQL statement was not processed.
User Response: Take action based on the SQLCODE descriptive text. For additional information on the specific problem, refer to the appropriate SQLCODE in the section Chapter 19, SQLCODEs, or use the SQLCODE number as the topic for the ISQL HELP command (for example: enter HELP -105).
ARI0504I | SQLERRP: pppppppp SQLERRD1: nnn SQLERRD2: nnn. |
RUN-TIME means that an error occurred while a DB2 Server for VM data manipulation statement was being executed.
If an error occurs while the statement is being preprocessed, the RDS module name is displayed. If the error occurs in the run-time access generator (when the statement is being executed), the message text may contain either the RDS module name or the literal string RUN-TIME. The RUN-TIME message is issued when the error is one that cannot be trapped by the access generator run-time modules and is handled by the DB2 Server for VM abend handler. For example, division by zero or an arithmetic overflow.
This message follows messages ARI0503E (or ARI0533E) and ARI0505I.
System Action: See System Action for the associated ARI0503E (or ARI0533E) message.
User Response: See User Response for the associated ARI0503E (or ARI0533E) message.
ARI0505I | SQLCODE = nnn [SQLSTATE = nnnnn] ROWCOUNT = nnn |
Explanation: This message follows messages ARI0500I, ARI0501I, and ARI0503E (or ARI0533E). In the case of DELETE statements, it only appears when the number of dependent rows affected is greater than zero.
The text following message ARI0501I or ARI0503E is the SQLCODE descriptive text. To find the explanation and related action, either refer to the section Chapter 19, SQLCODEs in this manual or enter a HELP command for the SQLCODE indicated.
SQLSTATE=nnnnn, where nnnnn is a 5-digit number associated with an SQLCODE. See Chapter 20, SQLSTATEs for a list of SQLSTATE values.
Note: | The application server does not issue an SQLSTATE value if the error occurs during DB2 Server for VM preprocessing. |
For any other SQL statement or catalog migration, the value of ROWCOUNT is not applicable.
System Action: See System Action for the associated SQLCODE.
User Response: See User Response for the associated SQLCODE.
ARI0506I | Dependent rows affected = n. |
Explanation: This message appears only for DELETE statements when the number of dependent rows affected is greater than zero. The command caused changes to dependent tables because of referential constraints with a rule of SET NULL or CASCADE. The number (n) of dependent rows affected is reported.
System Action: Processing of the command continues.
ARI0511E | SQL message formatter error. Reason Code = nn. |
Explanation: The SQL Message Formatter Routine has encountered incorrect parameter values being passed to it by some system internal calling routine.
System Action: Processing of the current SQL statement has ended. A return code value of 20 is returned to the calling routine in register 15.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
Explanation: Preprocessing or execution of an SQL statement against a non-DB2 Server for VM application server has resulted in the message indicated by SQLCODE. The variables (tokens, nnn, and c) shown are the values that the non-DB2 Server for VM product would have substituted into the message.
The product that issued the message is shown in the IBM product PRODUCT.
The release level of this product is shown in Level, which has the
where vv is the version number, rr is the release number, and m is the modification number. For example, V03R01M0 would be Version 3 Release 1 Modification 0.
System Action: The non-DB2 Server for VM product's action depends on the specific message that was issued from it. If the database manager was affected by the event causing the message, one or more DB2 Server for VM messages should have been issued to describe this effect.
User Response: Look up the reported message in the appropriate manual of the indicated product, and act accordingly.
Explanation: Preprocessing or execution of an SQL statement against a non-DB2 Server for VM application server has resulted in the message indicated by SQLCODE. The variables (tokens, nnn, and c) shown are the values that the non-DB2 Server for VM product would have substituted into the message.
The product that issued the message is shown in the IBM product product.
The release level of this product is shown in level, which has the
where vv is the version number, rr is the release number, and m is the modification number. For example, V03R01M0 would be Version 3 Release 1 Modification 0.
System Action: The non-DB2 Server for VM product's action depends on the specific message that was issued from it. If the database manager was affected by the event causing the message, one or more DB2 Server for VM messages should have been issued to describe this effect.
User Response: Look up the reported message in the appropriate manual of the indicated
product, and act accordingly.