DB2 Server for VM: Messages and Codes

Chapter 3. ARI0200-ARI0299, ARI2000-ARI2048 DBSS Messages

ARI0200ESizes of dual logs are unequal.

Explanation: During database generation (invoking the application server with the SQLDBINS or SQLDBGEN EXEC) or during log file redefinition/reformatting (invoking the application server with the SQLLOG EXEC), dual logging was defined (initialization parameter DUALLOG=Y). The database manager has determined that the two log minidisks are not the same size. This is not permitted.

System Action: The application server is ended.

Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.

System Programmer Response: You can circumvent this problem by invoking the application server with a single log. To do so:

You can correct this problem by proceeding as follows:

Redefine the VM Block I/O minidisks for the logs so that they are equal in size. They are always equal in size if they are on the same device type and you specify the same number of cylinders (count-key-data devices) or blocks (FB-512 devices). Then reexecute the SQLLOG EXEC with the LOG1 and LOG2 parameters or the SQLDBINS or SQLDBGEN EXEC and reply that you want two log minidisks when prompted.

ARI0201EStorage pool n is full.

Explanation: The physical storage in storage pool n has reached a level at which the system cannot function. If this error was the result of a DROP TABLE or DBSPACE command, then the storage pool did not contain enough shadow pages to process the DROP command.

System Action: In most cases, processing of the SQL statement ends. In some cases, the application server ends.

Operator Response: Return the console output with the output listing.

System Programmer Response: Define an additional Block I/O minidisk for a new DBEXTENT. Then run the ADD DBEXTENT (SQLADBEX EXEC) function to add the DBEXTENT to the storage pool that is full.


  1. If ARI0201E occurred during DROP TABLE or DBSPACE processing and the application server ended, you need to check the catalog table SYSDROP after you warm start the application server. If there is an entry in SYSDROP for the table or dbspace that was being dropped when the application server was terminated, any subsequent drop commands may cause the application server to be terminated with message ARI0201E.

    To correct this problem, you need either to add a DBEXTENT to the storage pool in which the table's DBSPACE resides, or to reorganize the DBSPACE.

    When you add a DBEXTENT to correct this problem, you should next issue an ACQUIRE and then a DROP of any size DBSPACE. This will cause the database manager to clean up any entries in SYSTEM.SYSDROP that were left over during the original DROP TABLE or DBSPACE failure.

    For information on how to reorganize the DBSPACE, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.

  2. You may not have to enlarge the storage pool. Under certain conditions, the message ARI0201E occurs when the processing of the current operation has used only half of the storage pool.

    A bypass is possible if LOGMODE is not N and the failing operation is one of:

    Try running the command in single user mode with LOGMODE=N.

ARI0202IWarning: Storage pool n is short of storage.

Explanation: Storage pool n has reached the cushion specified at startup using the database SOSLEVEL initialization parameter (SOSLEVEL x TOTAL PAGES IN POOL / 100). Either logging was inactive, or logging is active but further checkpoints will not correct this situation.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: Notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Enter the SHOW DBEXTENT command to determine the amount of space left in the storage pool. You may need to add more DBEXTENTs to the storage pool specified in the message. (If needed, use the ADD DBEXTENT function (SQLADBEX EXEC).)

ARI0203E{PAGE|DIRECTORY} buffer pool is full.

Explanation: When running the database manager, more pages of data or DIRECTORY blocks were simultaneously required in the buffers than there were buffers in the pool.

System Action: The application server is ended.

Operator Response: Save the console output for the system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Increase the number specified for the initialization parameter NPAGBUF (for page buffers) or NDIRBUF (for directory buffers), and restart the application server.

ARI0204DRestore from archive has been invoked. Current database will be destroyed.
Enter RESTORE - to continue,
or CANCEL - to cancel.

Explanation: The application server was started with STARTUP=R. This causes the contents of the database to be replaced (restored) by the database copy on a database manager archive file. The restored database is then updated for any logging which has occurred since the last database archive.

System Action: The system waits for your reply.

If the reply is RESTORE, the database manager continues and replaces the database with the database copy on the archive file.

If the reply is CANCEL, the application server is ended without modification to the database.

Any other reply causes the message to be reissued.

Operator Response: If the database is to be restored from a database manager archive file, reply RESTORE.

If the database is not to be restored from a database manager archive file, reply CANCEL to end the application server.

System Programmer Response: Inform the operator of your intentions when restoring a database, including any mounting of database manager archive tapes.

ARI0205IYou must user-archive the directory and n DBEXTENT(S) but not the logs!

Explanation: The database operator has issued an SQLEND UARCHIVE command. This tells the database manager that you are shutting down normally and then backing up your database with the backup facility of your choosing.

n is the number of DBEXTENTs in your database. You are also warned not to backup your logs. Backing up and then restoring your logs would make it impossible to restore your database changes since the user-archive was taken.

System Action: The database manager will write a record on the log indicating that a user-archive is being attempted and then shut down normally.

Operator Response: After the application server terminates, backup your directory and n DBEXTENTs with any suitable backup facility. Take special care to note whether you have backed up successfully or not as you will be prompted with message ARI0206D at the next database startup.

ARI0206DDid the user-archive of the directory and n DBEXTENT(S) execute successfully? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: The SQLEND UARCHIVE command was used the last time the application server was shut down. You must tell the database manager if you have successfully archived your database. n is the number of DBEXTENTS in your database.

System Action: If you reply 1 for YES, the database manager records on the log that a user-archive was successfully done, and it frees log space. If you reply 0 for NO, the database manager will prompt you with message ARI0207D. If you do not reply 1 or 0, message ARI0052E will be displayed and message ARI0206D will be redisplayed.

Operator Response: Reply 1 if you are sure that you backed up your directory and n DBEXTENTs. Reply 0 if you are unsure about your archive and you will then be prompted with message ARI0207D.

ARI0207DDo you want to continue (without user-archive) or cancel (redo the user-archive)? Enter CONTINUE or CANCEL.

Explanation: You replied 0 to message ARI0206D. You may terminate the application server if you wish to redo your user-archive.

System Action: If you reply CONTINUE, the database manager will write a record to the log indicating that no user-archive was done and processing will continue.

If you reply CANCEL, the database manager will not write any record to the log. The last user-archive log record is still in effect. The application server will terminate to allow you to redo your user-archive. At the next application server startup, you will be prompted with message ARI0206D.

If you do not reply CONTINUE or CANCEL, message ARI0052E is displayed and message ARI0207D is redisplayed.

Operator Response: Reply CONTINUE if you wish to continue using the database manager without user-archiving the database. Reply CANCEL if you wish to terminate and redo the user-archive.

ARI0208DDid the user-restore of the directory and n DBEXTENT(S) execute successfully? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: The application server was started with STARTUP=U to indicate that a user-restore of the database was done before startup. This message is issued to verify that you performed the restore.

System Action: If you reply 1, the database manager will reapply the log activity since the user-archive was taken. All committed logical units of work will be reflected in the database.

If you reply 0, the application server will terminate to allow you to redo the user-restore or startup with the correct STARTUP parameter.

If you do not reply 1 or 0, message ARI0052E is displayed and message ARI0208D is redisplayed.

Operator Response: Reply 1 if you are sure that your user-restore was successful. Otherwise, reply 0. If the STARTUP parameter was incorrectly set to U, simply restart the application server with the correct STARTUP parameter. If you are unsure of the user-restore, you may redo it after the application server ends and then restart the application server with STARTUP=U.

ARI0210IThe extend file input did not generate summary statistics.

Explanation: Either the control keywords specified in the EXTEND input file had no match in the log or the control keywords were matched but the logical units of work found were read-only (queries).

System Action: The database manager displays message ARI0213D.

Operator Response: Respond CANCEL to ARI0213D. Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Check the control keywords in the EXTEND input file and adjust as needed. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0211IThe requested BYPASS or ROLLBACK operation may affect the following logical units of work:

Explanation: If the ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK or BYPASS UNDO WORK operation completes, the specified logical units of work may operate on the same tables as did the rolled back or bypassed logical unit of work. Depending on which operation is performed on the DBSPACE or the table, this may lead to other problems such as updating a table or row which no longer exists.

System Action: The database manager displays message ARI0214I (impacted summary) and message ARI0213D (pause). Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Use the summary information to determine if the specified action is to be done. Instruct the operator whether to reply CONTINUE or CANCEL to message ARI0213D.

Sample Output Sequence:

ARI0211I The requested BYPASS or ROLLBACK
         operation may affect the
         following logical units of work:
         DBSPACE=8 TABLE ID=-32765(8003)

ARI0212ISummary information of the records to {be bypassed | roll back}:
LUWID = &2B. User ID = &3.
Date = &4. Time = &5.

Explanation: Summary information will be displayed for each logical unit of work bypassed or rolled back due to a BYPASS UNDO WORK or ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command. This message displays statistics for this logical unit of work. It is followed by message ARI0237I which displays the operations and the number of their occurrences which will be rolled back or bypassed if instructed to continue.

However, summary information will not be displayed for the logical units of work which have already been rolled back or bypassed due to a previous BYPASS UNDO WORK or ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command.

System Action: The database manager issues:

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Use the summary information to determine if the specified action is to be done. Instruct the operator whether to reply CONTINUE or CANCEL to message ARI0213D.

Sample Output:

ARI0212I Summary information of the
         records to roll back:
         LUWID=7B9      User ID=SMITH
         Date=12-01-85  Time=13:12:45

ARI0213DEnter CONTINUE to continue initializing or CANCEL to end.

Explanation: Summary information, if any, has been displayed on the console concerning the logical units of work that will be bypassed or rolled back due to a BYPASS UNDO WORK or ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command if the database manager is instructed to continue.

System Action: The database manager waits for the operator reply. Message ARI0052E is displayed if you do not reply CONTINUE or CANCEL. This message displays the first 8 characters of the reply and states that the response was not valid. Message ARI0213D will be repeatedly displayed until CONTINUE or CANCEL is entered.

Operator Response: Analyze the summary information and respond accordingly. The response CONTINUE causes database initialization to continue with the specified EXTEND input file commands carried out. The effects of the commands will be written into the log before applying the records. They will remain in the log even if a failure occurs while applying the records. The response CANCEL causes application server termination, leaving the database as it was before startup.

If no summary information was displayed and an EXTEND input file was included, the EXTEND input file commands will not be executed. Something may be wrong with the EXTEND input file commands. In this case, respond CANCEL to bring down the application server and check the EXTEND input file commands. Refer the summary messages to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Analyze summary messages and decide whether the actions are what was expected. Determine whether to continue or cancel initialization.

ARI0214ILUWID=&1B. User ID=&2. DBSPACE=&3. TABLE ID=&4A. (&5B.)

Explanation: This message is displayed immediately after message ARI0211I. It displays the logical unit of work value, the user ID value, the DBSPACE number, and the table identification number (if applicable) of a logical unit of work which may be affected if the specified BYPASS UNDO WORK or ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command operation is continued.

The user ID value can be blank. For example, a logical unit of work was started after a system checkpoint. A second logical unit of work begins and commits before the first logical unit of work does. The first logical unit of work acts on the changes done by the second logical unit of work and commits. If the second logical unit of work is rolled back for any reason, the first logical unit of work will be affected and USERID will be blank because the logical unit of work started after the checkpoint.

&1B. is a logical unit of work value.

&2. is a user ID value or blank.

&3. is a DBSPACE number.

&4A. is a table identification number or 0 if the table identification number is not applicable (no table updated).

&5B. is a hexadecimal table identification number or 0 if the table identification number is not applicable (no table updated).

System Action: Message ARI0213D (operator decision) is displayed.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Use the summary information to determine if the specified action is to be done. Instruct the operator whether to reply CONTINUE or CANCEL to message ARI0213D.

ARI0215EOperator command attempts to access a disabled DBSPACE.

Explanation: The operator or an ISQL user is issuing an operator command which is attempting to access a disabled DBSPACE. Disabled DBSPACEs cannot be accessed. The operator command that might cause this message is SHOW DBSPACE. DBSPACEs are disabled by DISABLE DBSPACE commands in an EXTEND input file.

System Action: Operator command processing ends.

Operator Response: Change the command so it does not attempt to access a disabled DBSPACE.

User Response: Same as Operator Response.

ARI0216IDirectory verify function completed {with | without} discrepancies.

Explanation: This message is issued after the completion of the directory verify function (an SQLEND command option). This message will be preceded by specific error messages for each discrepancy found (if any).

System Action: Termination process continues.

Operator Response: If the directory verify function ended with discrepancies, refer this message and the preceding messages to your system programmer. If it completed without discrepancies, termination will continue and you will be prompted for operator action as needed.
Note:If ARCHIVE was specified and discrepancies were found, no database archive will be taken. If UARCHIVE was specified and discrepancies were found, a user-archive should not be taken. Any implicit log archives will be performed due to ARCHIVE or UARCHIVE. If LARCHIVE was specified, log archiving will be performed, but you should correct the discrepancies as soon as possible.

System Programmer Response: If the database directory verify function completed with discrepancies, note the information in the messages preceding this message and refer to directory verification in DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference for recovery procedures. If it completed without discrepancies, no action is required of the system programmer.

ARI0217EPhysical page X'n1' assigned to DBSPACE n2. Page X'n3' was not allocated in the allocation bit map.

Explanation: The directory verify function has detected that the physical page number identified by X'n1' that has been allocated to logical page X'n3' of DBSPACE number n2 is reflected as not being allocated in the allocation bit map. This is an internal database error.
Note:The DBSPACE number n2 corresponds to the DBSPACENO column in the catalog table SYSTEM.SYSDBSPACES.

System Action: The database manager will continue verifying all PUBLIC and PRIVATE DBSPACEs and end normally.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.
Note:If ARCHIVE was specified, the DB2 Server for VM database archive function will not be invoked. If UARCHIVE was specified, a user-archive should not be taken. Any implicit log archives will be performed due to ARCHIVE or UARCHIVE. If LARCHIVE was specified, the log will be archived, but you should correct the discrepancies as soon as possible.

System Programmer Response: Make note of the information given in this message and refer to directory verification in DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference for recovery procedures.

ARI0218EDBSPACE n1, page X'n2' is allocated to physical page X'n3' of storage pool n4 instead of storage pool n5.

Explanation: The directory verify function has detected that physical page X'n3' of storage pool n4 was allocated to physical page X'n2' of DBSPACE n1, which belongs to storage pool n5. This is an internal database error.
Note:The DBSPACE number n1 corresponds to the DBSPACENO column in the catalog table SYSTEM.SYSDBSPACES.

System Action: The database manager will continue verifying all PUBLIC and PRIVATE DBSPACEs and end normally.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.
Note:If ARCHIVE was specified, the archive function will not be invoked. If UARCHIVE was specified, a user-archive should not be taken. Any implicit log archives will be performed due to ARCHIVE or UARCHIVE. If LARCHIVE was specified, the log will be archived, but you should correct the discrepancies as soon as possible.

System Programmer Response: Make note of the information given in this message and refer to directory verification in DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference for recovery procedures.

ARI0219EAn unexpected internal error occurred during SYSDROP processing.

Explanation: The process which cleans up entries on the SYSDROP catalog table has been invoked. An unexpected error has occurred during this process, most likely a database error. This message is displayed on the system console.
Note:In addition to this error, ARI0504I and ARI0505I are also displayed to report error information in the SQLCA. See Chapter 18, DBSS Return Codes for definitions of the DBSS return codes.

System Action: The application server terminates the SYSDROP processing but continues executing.

Operator Response: Refer this message and its contents to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: The SYSDROP process can be FORCEd by another logical unit of work which attempts to commit a DROP TABLE or DROP DBSPACE. If this failed to release the resources, report this message and its contents to the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0220EFORCE command has insufficient number of parameters.

Explanation: The database FORCE operator command was entered without parameters.

System Action: The command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Reenter the FORCE operator command with the appropriate operands.

ARI0221E Agent identifier n in FORCE command is invalid.

Explanation: The agent identifier n does not exist in the system. It must be an integer value which ranges from 1 to the database initialization parameter NCUSERS.

System Action: The command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Verify the agent identifier by using the SHOW ACTIVE operator command output. Then reenter the FORCE operator command with the correct agent identifier.

ARI0222EParameter parm value in FORCE command is invalid.

Explanation: The parameter value identified by parm value specified in the FORCE operator command is not valid. Acceptable parameters are:


The DISABLE parameter is optional, but, if used, it must follow the ROLLBACK parameter (that is, ROLLBACK DISABLE).

System Action: The command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Check the specified parameter, and reenter the FORCE operator command with correct values.

For more information about the FORCE operator command, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

ARI0223IAgent n in FORCE command has no work to force.

Explanation: The agent identified by n does not now have any work to be forced off the system.
Note:The SHOW ACTIVE operator command may have indicated that there was work to force. However, the work ended before the FORCE operator command.

System Action: The command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Do a SHOW ACTIVE to verify the status of agent n. The agent will be either not in work (NIW) or active with a new logical unit of work.

ARI0225ESystem operator must issue SHOW ACTIVE, SHOW CONNECT or SHOW SYSTEM command prior to FORCE command.

Explanation: This message is issued for one of these reasons:

Note that if parameters are used on the SHOW CONNECT command, they must result in the display of active agents to enable the FORCE command to work for the displayed agents.

System Action: The command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Enter the SHOW ACTIVE, SHOW CONNECT or SHOW SYSTEM command from the operator console to obtain the correct agent numbers, then reenter the FORCE command for those agents desired.

ARI0226IFORCE {ROLLBACK|COMMIT} is already scheduled for {agent|Rmtuser} n.

Explanation: The agent or Rmtuser identified by n is being rolled back or committed by the system. This action may have been scheduled because of an application request, a previous FORCE command, or system action.

System Action: The command processing is ended.

ARI0229EToo many FORCE command input parameters.

Explanation: The FORCE command was entered with more than three parameters.

System Action: The command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Reenter the FORCE command with correct number of parameters.

ARI0230IFORCE {ROLLBACK|COMMIT} {with|without} disable scheduled for agent n because of {log full|operator request|resynchronization recovery}.

Explanation: The database manager FORCE command was initiated for the agent identified by n due to the condition indicated by the message ("log full," "operator request," or "resynchronization recovery"). If the agent was in-doubt, the action could be COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Otherwise the action is ROLLBACK.

System Action: The COMMIT or ROLLBACK is scheduled. The actual COMMIT or ROLLBACK may not occur immediately. When the agent begins processing and detects that the FORCE was scheduled, it will then begin the requested process. DISABLE, if specified on the FORCE command, will cause the link to the application to be disconnected after the COMMIT or ROLLBACK process completes.

ARI0231EThe database log contains unresolved units. Please start the database manager with NCUSERS = &1..

Explanation: In a VSE guest sharing environment, the DB2 Server for VM recovery process detected some logical units of work which were prepared for COMMIT or ROLLBACK by a subsystem (for example, the DB2 Server for VSE Online Resource Adapter). Because of a system or subsystem failure, the subsystem did not COMMIT or ROLLBACK the logical units of work. These logical units of work cannot be recovered (committed or rolled back) because either:

&1. is the number of logical units of work prepared for COMMIT or ROLLBACK and is the minimum value required for initialization parameter NCUSERS.

System Action: The system ends with a limit error (message ARI0039E).

Operator Response: Restart the application server in multiple user mode (SYSMODE=M) and NCUSERS greater than or equal to &1..

ARI0232EThe log contains unresolved work for user ID &1..

Explanation: In a VSE guest sharing environment, the application server recovery process detected that a logical unit of work for user ID &1. was prepared by a subsystem for COMMIT or ROLLBACK (for example, the DB2 Server for VSE Online Resource Adapter). The COMMIT or ROLLBACK request did not occur because of a system or subsystem failure. Operator intervention may be required to resolve the logical unit of work.

&1. is the user ID which was established for the logical unit of work.

System Action: The database manager rebuilds the agent as it was prior to the system or subsystem failure. The agent is ready to be resolved by the FORCE command or by the DB2 Server for VSE online resource adapter restart resynchronization support. After the agent is resolved, it is made available for general use by applications or subsystems.

Operator Response: The agents requiring resolution will be resolved during the next execution of the DB2 Server for VSE online resource manager CIRA or CIRB transactions.

If the automatic restart resynchronization environment is not available, after database initialization is completed, use the SHOW ACTIVE command to obtain more information about the logical unit of work. Check with the installation database administrator to determine whether a FORCE n COMMIT command or a FORCE n ROLLBACK command should be entered.

System Programmer Response: In general, a FORCE n COMMIT command should be entered. This is because the application declared its intent as commit either by an SQL COMMIT WORK or by a CICS/VSE SYNCPOINT (no ROLLBACK). The only exception to the general rule is if the application was updating multiple resources (for example, the DB2 Server for VM database and a DL/I database). In that case, the ROLLBACK option is available for when the update was not committed by another subsystem like DL/I.

To determine the nature of the application, the SHOW ACTIVE command displays the following information:

If the TRANSACTION identifier is ISQL, only the DB2 Server for VM database was being updated. Thus, FORCE COMMIT should be entered because the ISQL user requested COMMIT and ISQL updates only the DB2 Server for VM database.

ARI0233EInvalid FREECLASS for page X'n1' of DBSPACE n2 (Block X'n3').

Explanation: The database manager has detected that the FREECLASS setting for page X'n1' of DBSPACE n2 is not within the valid range. This is an internal database error.
Note:The DBSPACE number n2 corresponds to the DBSPACENO column in catalog table SYSTEM.SYSDBSPACES.
Note:The BLOCK number n3 refers to the Page Map Table block that is being processed.

System Action: The database manager will continue verifying all PUBLIC and PRIVATE DBSPACEs and end normally.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.
Note:If ARCHIVE was specified, the archive function will not be invoked. If UARCHIVE was specified, a user-archive should not be taken. Any implicit log archives are performed due to ARCHIVE or UARCHIVE. If LARCHIVE was specified, the log will be archived, but you should correct the discrepancies as soon as possible.

System Programmer Response: Make note of the information given in this message and refer to directory verification in DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference for recovery procedures.

ARI0234EInvalid physical page X'n1' for page X'n2' of DBSPACE n3.

Explanation: The database manager has detected that physical page value X'n1' for logical page X'n2' of DBSPACE n3 is outside the currently defined physical pages of the database. This is an internal database error.
Note:The DBSPACE number n3 corresponds to the DBSPACENO column in catalog table SYSTEM.SYSDBSPACES.

System Action: The database manager will continue verifying all PUBLIC and PRIVATE DBSPACEs and end normally.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.
Note:If ARCHIVE was specified, the archive function will not be invoked. If UARCHIVE was specified, a user-archive should not be taken. Any implicit log archives are performed due to ARCHIVE or UARCHIVE. If LARCHIVE was specified, the log will be archived, but you should correct the discrepancies as soon as possible.

System Programmer Response: Make note of the information given in this message and refer to directory verification in DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference for recovery procedures.

ARI0235ILARCHIVE command rejected because a {log | database} archive is being taken.

Explanation: An LARCHIVE command was entered by the database operator while either a log archive or a database archive was being taken.

System Action: The log archive or database archive is completed and the LARCHIVE command is ignored.

ARI0236IThe database manager rejects log archive request because log archiving is not enabled.

Explanation: An SQLEND LARCHIVE or an LARCHIVE command was entered by the operator, but the database manager is not running with LOGMODE=L.
Note:Although it is valid to enter SQLEND ARCHIVE if database archiving is not enabled (LOGMODE=Y), it is not valid to enter SQLEND LARCHIVE if log archiving is not enabled.
Note:SHUTDOWN is a valid synonym for SQLEND.

System Action: The database manager will process the SQLEND command ignoring the LARCHIVE request. If the LARCHIVE command was entered, command processing ends.

Operator Response: If you were instructed to enter the LARCHIVE command or SQLEND LARCHIVE, notify your system programmer. Otherwise, no action is required.

System Programmer Response: Ensure that the operator is not requested to log archive when LOGMODE is not L.

ARI0237I&1. &2.

Explanation: This message is issued after message ARI0212I. It specifies the affected DBSPACEs and the operations which will be bypassed or rolled back.

Sample Output:


System Action: Message ARI0214I (affected logical units) or message ARI0213D (operator decision) will be issued.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Use the summary information to determine if the specified action is to be done. Instruct the operator whether to reply CONTINUE or CANCEL to message ARI0213D.

ARI0238Idatabase archive mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss

Explanation: The database manager is listing the restore set you should apply to the current database archive file. The message identifies the external labeling of the database archive file for the restore set.

Message ARI0239I displayed this information when the database archive file was created.

System Action: ARI0261I is issued for each log archive to be applied to this database.

ARI0239IExternal labeling of this archive is: Type: {database|log} archive Timestamp: mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss

Explanation: Because there are three different kinds of archives, and each may require multiple tape volumes, you should externally label the tapes for use in restoring the database. When the database manager requests the operator to mount the tapes to contain the archive, this message is displayed to help in this external labeling.

This message may be followed by ARI0252I, which may indicate that the LOG ARCHIVE is being written to disk. In that case, it is impossible to externally label the archive medium.

The database manager also uses the label internally to determine the log archives which follow a database archive.

This message is displayed at the following times:

The database manager will display this same information to identify the database archive file and the required log archive files during the restore process. See messages ARI0238I and ARI0261I.

System Action: The archive or restore process continues.

Operator Response: When creating archives, use the displayed information to externally label the archive tapes. If you are doing a LOG ARCHIVE TO DISK, you may want to record the archive details in an operational record book.

When restoring the database, use the displayed information to assist you in mounting the correct log archive tape. (This step is unnecessary if restoring a LOG ARCHIVE FROM DISK.)

ARI0240IRestoring log disk.

Explanation: The application server has been started with STARTUP=R or STARTUP=U; the log archive input volume has been readied; and the log files are being restored.

System Action: The database manager proceeds with the restore process.

ARI0241EThe log archive being read is not the log archive requested.

Explanation: The volume mounted after message ARI0239I was displayed is not the log archive tape file requested. Possible causes include:

If the log archive is on disk, the disk file read after message ARI0239I was displayed is not the log archive disk file requested. Possible causes include:

System Action:

The mounted (and opened) volume is closed. If the close fails, message ARI0298E is displayed and the application server is terminated. Otherwise, message ARI0295A is redisplayed to allow the operator to mount the required log archive file and continue the restore process.

Operator Response:

  1. Determine why the correct volume was not mounted.
  2. Ensure that the information given in message ARI0239I matches the information used to externally label the log archive volume at log archive creation time.
    Note:This only applies if the operator labeled the archive tapes with the information displayed at archive creation time.
  3. Ensure that the correct log archive volume is mounted. This is the log archive file identified by the previous message ARI0239I.
  4. Reply with the correct cuu to message ARI0295A to continue the log archive restore process.

System Programmer Response: If using log archiving to tape, ensure that your database operator and system operator follow procedures that allow proper identification of the log archive volume at creation time and proper log archive volume mounting at log archive restore time.

If using log archiving to disk, ensure that your database operator follows procedures that guarantee a unique file identifier is used for each archive file.

ARI0242EPreviously LOGMODE was L and now LOGMODE is {Y|N}. To start with LOGMODE = {Y|N}, perform SQLEND with LARCHIVE, perform COLDLOG, and restart with LOGMODE = {Y|N}. Note: Only in a restore process do log archives taken up to the switch in LOGMODE from L to {Y|N} remain useful.

Explanation: If the operator wants to change from LOGMODE=L to LOGMODE=Y or N, this message outlines the procedure to follow. In this case, the message also alerts the operator that after SQLEND LARCHIVE archives the current log and the operator does a COLDLOG, a restore process that restores a database archive (which may include the log archive just taken in its restore set) cannot restore log archives taken past this log archive.

If the operator wants to continue running the database manager with LOGMODE=L, the operator can ignore the procedure outlined in this message and restart the application server with LOGMODE=L.

System Action: The application server is ended.

Operator Response: Either restart the application server with LOGMODE=L so that log archives continue to be useful in a restore process, or restart the application server with LOGMODE=Y or LOGMODE=N after performing the procedure outlined in the message. Note that COLDLOG is performed with the SQLLOG EXEC. See DB2 Server for VM System Administration for more information on the SQLLOG EXEC.

ARI0243IPreviously LOGMODE was L and now LOGMODE=A. Note that log archives taken up to this point are useful until another database archive is taken.

Explanation: If the LOGMODE switch from L to A is desired, this message alerts the operator that once a database archive is taken with LOGMODE=A, a restore from a back-level database archive may only apply log archives up to the last log archive before this switch to LOGMODE=A.

System Action: Database initialization continues.

Operator Response: No action is required if the LOGMODE switch from L to A is desired. Otherwise, end the application server and restart it with the desired LOGMODE.

ARI0244ETo continue with LOGMODE=L, you must first perform an initial database archive.

Explanation: You have been running with a LOGMODE other than L. If you want LOGMODE=L, you must first perform an initial database archive since the log indicates that there is no database archive upon which a log archive can be based. A cold log resets LOGMODE to Y because a COLDLOG ends all current restore sets.

System Action: The application server ends.

Operator Response: Start the application server with LOGMODE=Y and take a database archive. Then, restart the application server with LOGMODE=L.

ARI0245EWarning: Do not do a user-archive until you correct discrepancies in the directory.

Explanation: The SQLEND UARCHIVE command was entered with the DVERIFY parameter. The preceding messages display the discrepancies found in the directory.

System Action: The application server ends.

Operator Response: Refer the message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Make note of the information given in the preceding messages and refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference for recovery procedures for directory verification errors.

ARI0246DThe above information describes the log archive about to be done. Enter either CONTINUE to proceed using the output medium indicated, or CHANGE to change this medium.

Explanation: A log archive is being created for one of the following reasons:

This message is displayed after ARI0239I and ARI0252I. If ARI0252I displays question marks (? characters) for the value of any portion of the medium, message ARI0263D is displayed after this message to indicate which archive medium should be used. In other instances, the database manager prompts the operator to confirm whether or not the log archive should be written to the tape address or the disk file specified in ARI0252I.

System Action: When the operator types CONTINUE at the CONTINUE or CHANGE prompt, the log archive is written to the tape address or the disk file specified in ARI0252I. The database manager assumes that the tape is mounted or the disk is accessed.

If the operator types CHANGE, ARI0263D is displayed allowing the destination of the archive to be changed.

If the database manager does not prompt the operator for a response, ARI0263D is always displayed after this message to force the operator to change the destination of the archive.

Operator Response: Take one of the following actions when the database manager prompts you to type CONTINUE or CHANGE:

If you want the archive to be written to a destination other than the one indicated in ARI0252I, type CHANGE.

If you want the archive to be written where indicated in ARI0252I:

If this is a redisplayed message and the system error message DEVICE device name DOES NOT EXIST is displayed before this redisplayed message, issue a CP LINK command from the database operator console to link back to the detached disk to store the log archives.

ARI0247DYou are in the restore process. There are log archives that you could use in this process but LOGMODE=A. Do you want LOGMODE=L instead? Enter 1(Yes) to change LOGMODE to L, or 0(No) to keep LOGMODE=A.

Explanation: You have started the application server with STARTUP equal to R or U and LOGMODE equal A. The database has been restored. There are log archives which could be applied to the database. The database manager is giving you the chance to switch the LOGMODE value to L so that the log archives may be applied.

System Action: If you reply 1(YES), the database manager will switch the LOGMODE to L and apply all applicable log archives as if you had started the application server with LOGMODE=L. If you reply 0(No), the database manager will issue message ARI0264D.

Operator Response: Reply 1(YES) if you want any log archives applied to the database just restored. Reply 0(No) if you do not want these log archives applied.

ARI0248ENo operand on command.

Explanation: The operator or ISQL terminal user entered a COUNTER or RESET command without specifying either * or the counter names.

System Action: The command processing is ended.

User Response: Reenter the command and specify either * for all counters or specific counter names for the desired counters.

Operator Response: See User Response.

ARI0249Eparameter is an invalid RESET or COUNTER parameter.

Explanation: The operator or ISQL terminal user entered a COUNTER command or RESET command with an operand value that was not a system counter name or a valid reset parameter.

System Action: The name is bypassed by the command processor. Any valid counters following the invalid name will be displayed or reset.

User Response: Check the spelling of the submitted name. Reenter the command with the correctly spelled counter name or reset parameter. Issue COUNTER * for a list of all acceptable counter names.

You cannot reset the DASDIO, DASDREAD, and DASDWRIT counters because they are sums of other counters.

To reset the values displayed by the SHOW STORAGE command, enter RESET HIGHSTOR. (HIGHSTOR is not a counter and is not reset by RESET *.)

If your database manager has DB2 VM Data Spaces Support installed, you can obtain the valid storage pool counter names for the RESET POOL command. Enter COUNTER POOL *. To display internal counter names, enter COUNTER INTERNAL *.

Operator Response: See User Response.

ARI0250DThe above information describes the next log archive to be used in the restore process. Enter either: CONTINUE to restore this log archive, STOP SYSTEM to interrupt this restore process or END RESTORE to end this restore process.

Explanation: Messages ARI0239I and ARI0252I contain a description of the next log archive file to be applied. This is the same information given at the time the log archive file was created. You are given three options with this message:

  1. Reply CONTINUE: The log archive identified in message ARI0239I will be applied to the database. If the archive is on tape, and ARI0252I specifies a tape cuu, mount the tape before replying.
  2. Reply STOP SYSTEM: The restore process is suspended and the application server stops. The restore process will start where it left off if you warm start the application server with STARTUP=W and LOGMODE=L.
  3. Reply END RESTORE: The restore process is ended. Also, you will never be able to restore the remaining log archives to the database archive you have just restored. This is because the remaining log archives are no longer a part of the restore set for this database archive in the history area. However, if you go to a back level database archive, these log archives may be applied as usual.

System Action: One of the following actions will occur:

Operator Response: In all but very special cases, you will reply CONTINUE. As mentioned in the Explanation, you may need to mount a tape before making this reply. You may want to reply STOP SYSTEM if you are using an EXTEND input file and need to change the EXTEND commands. There is no danger in using STOP SYSTEM. The only case in which you may want to use END RESTORE is if you want to use the log archives up to a certain point and never restore the remaining log archives. END RESTORE should only be used in extreme cases as it could result in a permanent loss of data. Do not reply END RESTORE without consulting your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Be sure that you understand the consequences of replying END RESTORE.

ARI0251DThe database archive currently mounted is not the most recent database archive known to the database manager. Enter either: IGNORE to continue, or CANCEL to restart the restore process with the most recent database archive.

Explanation: The database archive that was just restored is not the latest database archive record in the history area. This prompt gives you the chance to terminate the database manager if you wish to mount a different database archive.

System Action: If you reply IGNORE and there are no log archive files that go with this database archive file, message ARI0264D is issued. If you reply IGNORE and there are log archive files to go with this database archive file, these log archive files are applied. If you reply CANCEL, the application server terminates to allow you to mount a different database archive file. Any other reply causes message ARI0052E to be displayed and message ARI0251D to be redisplayed.
Note:At this time, the database archive mounted has replaced your database minidisks.

Operator Response: Reply IGNORE if you wish to continue with the restore of the database archive volume currently mounted. Reply CANCEL if you wish to terminate the application server and mount a different database archive to be used in the restore process.

ARI0252IMedium: {Tape  cuu  | Disk  fn ft fm }.

Explanation: When displayed, ARI0252I always follows ARI0239I. A log or database archive is about to be created, or the database manager is ready to read the next log archive file during the restore process.

During a log archive:

ARI0252I tells the operator where the database manager plans to write the archive. The medium (tape or disk) the system chooses is based on the FILEDEF for ARILARC at startup, or the medium used for the most recent log archive (if any) since then.

If the medium is tape, the address shown is the most recent tape address specified for ARILARC at startup, log restore, or log archive; if unspecified so far, it is "???".

If the medium is disk, a default file identifier is presented (fn ft fm) to assist the operator. The file name (fn) is the database name. The file type (ft) is

mmddyynn, where
mmddyy  is the date the archive is taken (in the
        system's date format),
    nn  designates the file as a log (archive),
        and is the archive sequence (01-99) on
        that date.

If the database manager is unable to establish a default file type, message ARI0271A will have been displayed and the file type will be "????????".

The default file mode (fm) is the file mode previously specified for log archive disk output, either in the FILEDEF at startup, or in response to messages. If the file mode has not been specified yet, it is displayed as "??".

During a log restore:

ARI0252I tells the operator where the database manager plans to read the log archive from. If the log is on disk, the file name and file type are taken from the history area of the log, and the file mode shown is "*".

If the log is on tape, the address shown is the most recent tape address specified for ARILARC at startup, log restore, or log archive; if unspecified so far, it is "???".

System Action: The archive or restore process continues.

Operator Response: Respond to the messages following ARI0252I.

ARI0253DThe database archive mounted is not known to the database manager. Enter either: IGNORE to continue, or CANCEL to restart the restore process.

Explanation: The database archive that was just restored does not have a record in the history area. This could be caused by:

  1. The record of this database archive was written over. If it was your most current database archive, you should have gotten message ARI0258E as a warning of this. If it was a back level database archive, you would get no warning.
  2. You did a COLDLOG (STARTUP=L) sometime after taking this database archive which destroyed the history area for this database.
    Note:When running the SQLLOG EXEC, if you answer Y to message ARI0688D, you will also destroy the history area for the database.

This message gives you the chance to terminate the application server if you wish to mount a different database archive file.

System Action: If you reply IGNORE, message ARI0264D is issued. If you reply CANCEL, the application server terminates.

Operator Response: Reply IGNORE if you wish to continue with the restore of the database archive volume currently mounted. Reply CANCEL if you wish to terminate the application server and mount a different database archive to be used in the restore process.

ARI0254IThe database manager is initiating a log archive. When the log archive is complete, the database manager will process the database archive request.

Explanation: A database archive has been requested and LOGMODE=L but the current log has not been archived. Therefore, the database manager has initiated a log archive to ensure that log archives will remain useful in recovering to this point.
Note:This log archive will become the last archive in the restore set for the database archive taken prior to this database archive request.

System Action: The database manager has automatically initiated an on-line log archive operation. It will then process the database archive request.

ARI0255IThe database manager is initiating a log archive. When it is completed, the restore process will continue.

Explanation: A database restore has been requested and LOGMODE=L but the current log has not been archived. Therefore, the database manager has initiated a log archive.
Note:This log archive will become the last log archive in the current restore set.

System Action: The database manager will automatically initiate an on-line log archive operation. The database manager will then resume restore processing.

ARI0256EYou must specify ROLLBACK by DBSPACE dbspace-number in the extend file.

Explanation: A ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command was specified for a logical unit of work containing one or more DROP DBSPACE or DROP TABLE commands and one or more of the following occurred:

This message may be issued more than once for the same DBSPACE.
Note:DBSPACE 1 (catalog DBSPACE) need not be specified on the command although the DROP commands update the catalog.
dbspace-number is a DBSPACE number of the DBSPACE affected by a DROP DBSPACE or DROP TABLE command.

System Action: Processing of the log is completed and summary statistics are displayed. Message ARI0213D is not displayed and processing is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Use the summary information to determine if the specified actions are to be done. If so, include each DBSPACE specified in this message (ARI0256E) in a ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command. Then, restart extended database initialization.

ARI0257INew LUWs and the log archive process cannot continue until  n  non-R/O active LUWs are completed.

Explanation: A log archive has been requested either through a command or due to the ARCHPCT value being exceeded. The log archive process requires that there be no logical units of work active at the time that the log archive begins. This is so that the logical units of work do not span log archives. The database manager displays this message to inform the operator of how many logical units of work are active at the time of the log archive request.

System Action: When a log archive is requested, the database manager prevents new logical units of work from starting. Users that try to start a new logical unit of work will be in a lock wait until the log archive begins. Logical units of work that are active when the log archive is requested are allowed to complete. In most cases, there is only a slight delay before the log archive begins. If, however, there are long running logical units of work, the delay will be longer. A logical unit of work may be long enough so that the SLOGCUSH value is reached. In this case, the database manager will start log overflow processing and rollback the longest-running logical units of work to free log space.

Operator Response: If you find that a long running logical unit of work is holding up the log archive, you can use the SHOW operator commands to determine which user is delaying the start of the log archive. You may wish to use the FORCE command to end those logical units of work.

ARI0258EThe log indicates that you are in danger of losing the record of your latest database archive. To prevent this, you must do a database archive.

Explanation: The database manager keeps track of information such as database archives, log archives, logmode switches, coldlogs, and restores. This is so that the database manager can be sure that the database and log archive files used for restore are valid and in the correct order. However, there is a limit on the number of records the database manager can store at any one time. When the limit is reached, the oldest records are lost. This is not a problem unless the record of the last database archive taken is lost. This message is issued when the latest database archive is within 10 records of being written over and every time a record is stored after that until the record of the latest database archive is actually written over. At this point, message ARI0262E is issued.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Be sure to take a database archive before receiving this message a total of 10 times. After a record of your latest database archive is lost, you will not be able to restore your database to its current state until you have taken a database archive.

ARI0259INo logical unit of work started at or after the time specified in the ROLLBACK command.

Explanation: This information message may be displayed when TIME is used as a control keyword in the EXTEND input file. It will be followed by message ARI0210I or message ARI0212I.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: Check the control keywords in the EXTEND input file and adjust if necessary. See message explanations for the accompanying messages.

ARI0260IThe restore set for this database archive is as follows:

Explanation: This message is displayed every time a database restore completes. It is followed by messages ARI0238I and ARI0261I which identify the set of database archives and log archives to be used with the database archive just restored.

System Action: Message ARI0238I follows.

ARI0261I[-->] log archive - {TAPE|DISK fn ft} mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss

Explanation: The message identifies the next log archive file in the restore set.

Message ARI0239I displayed this information when the log archive file was created. The information displayed should have been recorded externally on the tape. Message ARI0239I will display this information again when the restoration process is ready to read this log archive file.

If the arrow (-->) is displayed before log archive, ARI0261I is followed by ARI0267D, which explains the meaning of the arrow.

System Action: ARI0261I is issued for each log archive file to be applied to this database.

ARI0262EThe record of your latest database archive has just been lost. You must archive the database to retore your database to its current state.

Explanation: The database manager keeps track of information such as database archives, log archives, logmode switches, coldlogs, and restores. This is so that the database manager can be sure that the database and log archive files used for restore are valid and in the correct order. However, there is a limit on the number of records the database manager can store at any one time. When the limit is reached, the oldest records are lost. This is not a problem unless the record of the last database archive taken is lost. This message is issued when the latest database archive has been written over.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Take a database archive as soon as possible to ensure that if you need to restore the database that you will be able to.

ARI0263DTo direct the log archive to tape, enter TAPE followed by the tape address (CUU) to be used. To direct the log archive to disk, enter DISK followed by the disk file's file name, file type and file mode. If you choose DISK, the default file is: filename filetype filemode.

Explanation: A log archive is being created and the operator is prompted to change, or has indicated a change is necessary, to the destination of the archive specified in ARI0252I. ARI0263D requests that this new destination be specified, either as a tape address or a disk file identifier. In case a disk archive is wanted, a default file identifier is presented (fn ft fm) to assist the operator. The default file identifier is described under ARI0252I.

System Action: If the operator response is valid, the database manager displays it in ARI0252I (preceded by ARI0239I), allowing the operator to confirm that this is the intended destination. If the response was invalid, an error message is displayed and ARI0263D is redisplayed.

Operator Response: To have the log archive written to tape, enter TAPE, followed by the tape address (cuu) to which the archive will be written. This address is normally 183.

To have the log archive written to disk, enter DISK, followed by the file identifier (file name, file type, and file mode) of the disk file to contain it. You can specify an equal sign (=) as a component of the file identifier to indicate that you want that component's value taken from ARI0263D. The file mode letter must specify a currently accessed CMS minidisk or Shared File System directory.

The file identifier cannot have been used already for a log archive. Use the default naming convention.

If this is a redisplayed message and the system error message DEVICE device name DOES NOT EXIST is displayed before this redisplayed message, issue a CP LINK command from the database operator console to link back to the detached disk to store the log archives.

System Programmer Response: If you have log archives written to disk files, ensure that a convention to name these files uniquely is established and followed.

ARI0264DIf a COLDLOG was not performed immediately preceding this restore process, enter CANCEL, perform COLDLOG, and start the database manager with STARTUP=W. Otherwise, enter IGNORE.


Unless you executed a COLDLOG immediately preceding the STARTUP=R, your current log is out of synchronization with the database just restored. This message gives you a chance to COLDLOG before the log is applied to the database.

System Action: If you reply IGNORE, the database manager will assume that you have performed a COLDLOG prior to restore and log recovery, and the restore process will continue.

If you reply CANCEL, the application server will terminate.

Operator Response: If you have performed a COLDLOG immediately preceding the restore, then reply IGNORE. If you have not, then reply CANCEL, execute the COLDLOG function and then start the application server with STARTUP=W. The COLDLOG function is performed by the SQLLOG EXEC. See the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for more information on the SQLLOG EXEC.

ARI0265IThe block size for ddname is invalid. A block size of 4K bytes will be used.

Explanation: The block size specified on the FILEDEF for ddname is not a multiple of 4K or it is greater than 28K. ddname is ARILARC for the LOG ARCHIVE, or ARIARCH for the DATABASE ARCHIVE.

System Action: Database initialization continues using the default block size of 4K.

Operator Response: If a block size of anything other than 4K is desired, the operator must end database manager operation by issuing the SQLEND command, change the block size in question to be a multiple of 4K, and restart the database manager after initialization is complete.

ARI0266AThe specified file is an existing log archive.

Explanation: The disk file identifier entered in response to ARI0263D has a file name and file type which have already been used for a log archive file. This fact is based on a search of the history area of the log file.

System Action: ARI0263D is displayed to allow an unused log archive file identifier to be specified.

Operator Response: Enter a valid, unused log archive file identifier in response to ARI0263D.

ARI0267DThe log archive disk files indicated by an arrow (-->) cannot be found on any currently accessed disk. Enter either: CONTINUE to continue this restore process, or STOP SYSTEM to interrupt this process, or END RESTORE to end this process.

Explanation: When displayed, this message follows ARI0261I. It indicates that all currently accessed disks have been searched for each disk log archive in the restore set, but at least one of the archives could not be found. The missing archives are indicated by an arrow in ARI0261I.

You have three options with this message:

  1. Reply CONTINUE: The restore process continues.
  2. Reply STOP SYSTEM: The restore process is suspended and the application server stops. The restore process will start where it left off if you warm start the application server with STARTUP=W.
  3. Reply END RESTORE: The restore process is ended. Also, you will never be able to restore the remaining log archives to the database archive you have just restored. This is because the remaining log archives are no longer a part of the restore set for this database archive in the history area. However, if you go to a back level database archive, these log archives may be applied as usual.

    The only case in which you should reply END RESTORE is if you do not want to restore any of the log archives in the restore set. END RESTORE should only be used in extreme cases as it could result in a permanent loss of data.

System Action: One of the following actions will occur:

Operator Response: You will normally want to reply STOP SYSTEM. This lets you interrupt the restore process, determine why the archives could not be found, correct the problem, and re-start the restore. You may also want to use this reply if you are using an EXTEND input file and need to change the EXTEND commands. There is no danger in using STOP SYSTEM.

There are two cases in which you may want to reply CONTINUE:

Do not reply END RESTORE without consulting your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Be sure that you understand the consequences of replying END RESTORE.

ARI0268DThe above log archive disk file cannot be found on any currently accessed disk. Enter either: STOP SYSTEM to interrupt this restore process, or END RESTORE to end this process.

Explanation: When displayed, this message follows ARI0239I and ARI0252I. It indicates that the log archive file described in these two messages is not found on any of the currently accessed disks.

You have two options with this message:

  1. Reply STOP SYSTEM: The restore process is suspended and the application server terminates. The restore process will start where it left off if you start the application server with STARTUP=W, LOGMODE=L.
  2. Reply END RESTORE: The restore process is ended. Also, you will never be able to restore the remaining log archives to the database archive you have just restored. This is because the remaining log archives are no longer a part of the restore set for this database archive in the history area. However, if you go to a back level database archive, these log archives may be applied as usual.

System Action: One of the following actions will occur:

Operator Response: You will normally want to reply STOP SYSTEM. This lets you interrupt the restore process, determine why the archive could not be found, correct the problem, and re-start the restore. You may also want to use this reply if you are using an EXTEND input file and need to change the EXTEND commands. There is no danger in using STOP SYSTEM.

The only case in which you should reply END RESTORE is if you do not want to restore this log archive or any later one in the restore set. END RESTORE should only be used in extreme cases as it could result in a permanent loss of data. Do not reply END RESTORE without consulting your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Be sure that you understand the consequences of replying END RESTORE.

ARI0269DThe log archive will overlay an existing disk file. Enter either OVERLAY to proceed, or CHANGE to change the destination of the log archive.

Explanation: The system has been instructed to write a log archive to the disk file previously displayed or entered by the operator. There is an existing file with the same identifier, however, and the log archive, if continued, would overlay the existing file.

System Action: The database manager waits for the operator's reply. If the reply is OVERLAY, the archive will proceed to overlay the existing file. If the reply is CHANGE, message ARI0263D will be displayed to allow the destination of the archive to be changed.

Operator Response: If you are certain the existing file is nonessential and should be destroyed, reply OVERLAY. Otherwise, reply CHANGE and change the archive destination in response to later messages.

ARI0270AThe database manager does not have write access to the output disk.

Explanation: The database manager has been instructed to write a log archive to the disk file previously displayed, or entered by the operator. However, the database machine does not have the disk accessed in read/write mode. (It may not have the disk accessed at all.

If the output disk is a Shared File System directory (VM/ESA Version 2 Release 1 or later), a some VM commands (such as XEDIT) are able to write to it even if accessed in read-only mode. This capability does not extend to the database manager.

System Action: ARI0263D is re-displayed, allowing the operator to specify a different disk file mode, or to choose a tape archive instead.

Operator Response: Respond to ARI0263D, requesting a different disk or tape.

System Programmer Response: Ensure that, before the application server is started each time, the database machine has read/write access to all the disks to which it may need to write a log archive.

ARI0271AThe database manager could not establish a default file type for the log archive disk file.

Explanation: For log archiving to disk, the database manager will name the output disk files and allow the operator to confirm them. The naming convention followed by the database manager allows 99 log archives per day. ARI0271A indicates that the log archive just started will exceed this limit.

System Action: Instead of displaying the default log archive file type in message ARI0263D, the file type displayed is "????????".

Operator Response: Respond to ARI0263D by choosing a valid file type, preferably similar to the default. The naming convention for the default is discussed under ARI0252I.

ARI0272EFILEDEF for file must have one of these device types: device1, device2, device3, device4, or device5.

Explanation: You have executed a FILEDEF command for the specified file before starting the application server, but the device type used in the FILEDEF is not valid for that file. device1 to device5 are the valid device types for file.

System Action: The application server startup is terminated.

User Response: Execute a FILEDEF for file, using either:

Then re-execute the command that caused this message to be issued.

ARI0274IImplicit COMMIT failed for userid to avoid deadlock or because of system request. A ROLLBACK of the LUW will occur.

Explanation: User userid did not issue a commit work command before ending, and the database manager started implicit commit processing for that user. During this processing, it was found that the work performed by the user had to be rolled back due to a system request (such as log full, out of lock request blocks, etc.) or to avoid a deadlock situation.

System Action: All database changes for this logical unit of work have been rolled back.

Operator Response: Inform user user-id that the work has not been committed, but rolled back. User user-id should inform the application developer that this condition occurred.

User Response: Recover the work that had been rolled back. Also, it is strongly recommended that a commit work command be issued by applications prior to application termination. If this is done, the application could indicate to the user when a COMMIT WORK is actually completed.

ARI0275DArchive file open error. Enter either: RETRY to try again, or CANCEL to cancel. Note: entering CANCEL will cancel the { database manager|LARCHIVE}.

Explanation: When trying to open the database manager archive tape or disk output file, an error was detected during CMS OS QSAM OPEN processing as indicated by message ARI0296A and by a CMS DMS error message. A likely cause is that the output file is for tape, but there is no tape mounted.

If the message text says 'CANCEL the database manager', the database manager will end if the operator replies CANCEL. This will occur for all database archives and for all log archives except a log archive initiated by the database LARCHIVE operator command.

If the message text says CANCEL LARCHIVE, only the log archive initiated by the LARCHIVE operator command will be canceled. The database manager will continue normal operations.

System Action: The system waits for your reply.

Operator Response: Correct the reason for the open error as indicated in previous messages. Reply RETRY so that the database archive file open can be tried again. For a database archive, message ARI0299A is displayed before the retry. Reply CANCEL to:

ARI0276ELog is full.

Explanation: The database log is full. Overflow procedures, designed to prevent this from happening, have failed.

System Action: The application server is ended with a limit error. Logical units of work in progress at the time of the termination will be undone when the application server is warm started.

Operator Response: Notify your system programmer concerning the size of the log minidisks and the occurrence of this message. Possibly the size of the log minidisks should be increased. Also, it is possible that one logical unit of work has been started and has not been committed or rolled back; that is, it inadvertently remains active. This active logical unit of work prevents reuse of database log space.

You must always warm start the application server (initialization parameter STARTUP=W) to recover the logical units of work in progress when the system terminated. You can then, after a "clean" application server shutdown, redefine the minidisks and start the application server with the new log minidisk definitions using the SQLLOG EXEC to run with the larger logs.

System Programmer Response: You can minimize the space required in the log by running with LOGMODE=N or LOGMODE=Y (rather than LOGMODE=A). This is especially appropriate when loading or reloading the database (including DBS utility DATALOAD and RELOAD operations) and when running other applications that make mass updates to the database. If you are already doing this and are encountering this problem, consider redefining the logs with a larger size.

Switching log modes and redefining the logs are described in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

ARI0277EArchive input file cuu does not contain a DB2 Server for VM identifier.

Explanation: The volume mounted on tape unit cuu in response to message ARI0295A is not a DB2 Server for VM database archive tape.

Possible causes include:

Note:No database updates have yet occurred.

System Action: The archive file is closed. Message ARI0295A is displayed again to allow the operator to mount the correct volume and continue the restore process. If the close fails, message ARI0298E is displayed and the application server terminates.

Operator Response: Determine why the correct volume was not mounted, mount the correct volume, and reply to message ARI0295A with the tape unit cuu.

If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, contact your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Ensure that archive file volumes are properly identified so that you know which volumes belong to a database archive and the order in which they must be mounted. Ensure that your DB2 Server for VM operator and VM system operator follow procedures that allow proper identification at archive creation time and proper volume mounting at archive restore time. You should use extensive standard volume and file label checking and creation procedures to assist in this identification and verification process.

ARI0278EUnexpected EOF on archive input file [cuu].

Explanation: During a restore from archive, one of the following occurred:

cuu identifies the tape unit containing the database or log archive file. No cuu is specified for a log archive file being restored from disk. Possible causes include:

System Action: The database or log archive file is closed, and the application server stops. Note that the database has been only partially restored and is not usable.

Operator Response: If the error occurred while restoring a database archive file and you can determine the cause of the error, restart the application server with the STARTUP=R initialization parameter to redo the database restore process.

If the error occurred while restoring a log archive file and you can determine the cause of the error, warm start the application server (STARTUP=W). It will resume the restore process with the current log archive file (the one which encountered this error).

Otherwise, contact your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If the error occurred on a database archive file, you should retry the database (STARTUP=R) restore process. If the error persists, you will not be able to use this database archive file.

If the error occurred on a log archive file, you should try to resume the restore process with the current log archive file by warm starting the application server (STARTUP=W). If the error persists, you will not be able to use this log archive file.

Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for recovery procedures when a database or log archive file cannot be processed and you need to restart a database restore operation.

ARI0279EArchive input file is not current. No COLDLOG is issued.

Explanation: During a database restore from archive, the database manager determined from its log that:

You cannot restore a database from an archive copy that is not the most recent archive copy of the database unless you immediately precede this task with the COLDLOG function. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for information on restoring a database.

System Action: The application server terminates. The database has been updated to reflect the contents of the archive file, but it may not be in a "current and consistent state" because the updates in the DB2 Server for VM log have not been applied to the database.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: You have either:

You must either:

ARI0280APreviously LOGMODE was A(ARCHIVE) and now LOGMODE=&1. To restart with LOGMODE=&1. perform shutdown with ARCHIVE unless an archive has just been taken, perform COLDLOG, and restart with LOGMODE=&1.

Explanation: This message is issued to protect against making a previous DB2 Server for VM (or any type) of user archive useless. To run with LOGMODE=N or LOGMODE=Y, after running with LOGMODE=A, follow the procedure given in the message.
Note:This message can occur if:
  1. You last ran the database manager with LOGMODE=Y and you issued an SQLEND ARCHIVE or SQLEND UARCHIVE command. These commands internally change the current LOGMODE to A if the current LOGMODE is Y.


    You last ran the database manager with LOGMODE=Y, issued an SQLEND, then ran SQLADBEX, specifying ARCHIVE or UARCHIVE, which internally changes the current LOGMODE to A if the current LOGMODE is Y.

  2. You then restarted the application server with LOGMODE set to Y or N. Note that LOGMODE=Y is the default.

In both of the above circumstances, performing a shutdown with archive is not required to continue with LOGMODE=Y, since an archive has just been performed.

System Action: The application server is ended.

Operator Response: If you have started the application server with an incorrect LOGMODE value, correct the LOGMODE value and restart the application server. Otherwise, restart the database manager with LOGMODE=N or LOGMODE=Y after performing the procedure outlined in the message. The archive step may be skipped if this message is caused by either of the two scenarios described in the above note. COLDLOG is performed by starting the database manager with the SQLLOG EXEC. See the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for more information on the SQLLOG EXEC.

ARI0281ILUW REDO is completed.

Explanation: The logical units of work in the current log which required redoing at startup time have been redone by the recovery procedure.

System Action: Initialization continues.

ARI0282ILUW UNDO is completed.

Explanation: The logical units of work in the current log which required undoing at startup time have been undone by the recovery procedure.

System Action: Initialization continues.

ARI0283ILog analysis is complete.

Explanation: The current log has been scanned successfully by the recovery procedure to determine those logical units of work which require redoing or undoing at startup time.

System Action: Initialization continues.

ARI0284ISHOW LOG command is rejected because LOGMODE = N.

Explanation: A SHOW LOG command was entered by the DB2 Server for VM virtual machine console operator or the ISQL terminal user while running with LOGMODE=N.

System Action: The command is ignored.

ARI0285ICheckpoint interval is reduced to n.

Explanation: The checkpoint interval is the number of log pages which will be written between automatic checkpoints. This interval is specified by the database initialization parameter CHKINTVL. At database initialization, an analysis of the checkpoint interval and the size of the log is made to determine if at least one checkpoint will be taken before end of log or log wrap. If CHKINTVL will not cause one checkpoint, it is reduced by the required amount to cause one checkpoint to be taken.

System Action: Processing continues. The value n (in pages) is used to cause a checkpoint to be taken.

Operator Response: Unless this message is expected, give it to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: You may wish to change the CHKINTVL database initialization parameter to avoid this message.

ARI0286IRESTORE cancelled by operator request.

Explanation: The operator replied CANCEL to message ARI0295A while restoring the database. Message ARI0295A is displayed (to ensure that the tape is mounted) before opening the database archive file or before opening a log archive file (restoring with LOGMODE=L) when the tape cuu to be used is unknown.

Unless STARTUP=R was specified and the restore process was canceled before restoring the database archive file, the database has been partially restored.

System Action: The application server ends.

Operator Response: Refer to message ARI0295A (where you replied CANCEL).

ARI0287IARCHIVE command rejected because a {database | log} ARCHIVE is being performed.

Explanation: An ARCHIVE command was entered by the database operator while either a log archive or a database archive was being taken.

System Action: The log archive or the database archive that is being taken will be completed, and the ARCHIVE command is ignored.

ARI0288IARCHIVE command rejected because archiving is not enabled.

Explanation: An ARCHIVE command was entered by the database operator, but the database manager is not running with LOGMODE=A or LOGMODE=L.
Note:It is valid to enter SQLEND ARCHIVE if archiving is not enabled (LOGMODE=Y).
Note:SHUTDOWN is a valid synonym for SQLEND.
The ARCHIVE command requires a LOGMODE of A or L.

System Action: The database manager ignores the ARCHIVE command.

Operator Response: If you were instructed to enter the ARCHIVE command, notify your system programmer. Otherwise, no action is required.

System Programmer Response: Tell the operator not to enter the ARCHIVE command if LOGMODE is not A or L and do not enter the SQLEND ARCHIVE command if the LOGMODE is not Y, A, or L.

ARI0289IRestoring directory disk.

Explanation: This message occurs when the application server has been started with STARTUP=R, the archive input volume has been readied, and the directory file is being restored.

System Action: The restore process continues.

ARI0290IRestoring data disk.

Explanation: The application server has been started with STARTUP=R , the archive input volume has been readied, the directory disk has been restored, and the restoring of the data disks (DBEXTENTs) is in process.

System Action: The database manager proceeds with the restore process.

ARI0291ISystem restore from directory and data disk(s) of database archive is completed.

Explanation: The application server has been started with STARTUP=R

System Action: The database manager continues with initialization. The archive volumes can be removed from the system and stored until needed.

ARI0292IArchive is completed.

Explanation: A database or log archive has completed. If the archive was to tape, the archive tape unit is now available for other purposes.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: If the archive was to tape, the archive volumes can be removed from the system and stored until required for the restore process (or until they are no longer required).

ARI0293IArchive is starting.

Explanation: A database or log archive is beginning.

System Action: The database manager continues the archive process.

ARI0294AArchive file [cuu] {read|write} failed. Reason Code = nn. Return Code = nn.

Explanation: While attempting to read or write a DB2 Server for VM database or log archive file, an access error occurred. cuu is the address of the tape device on which the error occurred; it is not displayed for an error on a disk device.

If the message text specifies WRITE, the database or log archive file has not been completed; it cannot be used. After the I/O error condition is corrected:

If the message text specifies READ, a database or log archive file was being used to restore the database. (The application server had been started with the initialization parameter STARTUP=R or U. The database is only partially restored; it can only be recovered by a successful archive restoration (described below) or by rebuilding the database using the database generation process.

The Reason Code value is the Primary Error Code. The Return Code value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: If this error occurred due to a log archive initiated using the LARCHIVE operator command, the log archive process ends, but the database manager continues normal operation. For all other cases, the application server ends.

Operator Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

If an archive file was being written, restart the application server or the LARCHIVE operator command according to the situation described under Explanation. This recovery action is described in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

If an error occurred when reading a database archive file and if you are able to use the archive file which previously failed, start the application server with the initialization parameter STARTUP=R to restore the database and continue normal processing.

If an error occurred while reading a log archive file, warm start the application server. It will resume the restore process with the log archive that failed.

If a database or log archive file cannot be read (for example, uncorrectable media error), refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

System Programmer Response: See Operator Response.

ARI0295AReady archive input volume. Enter CANCEL or the cuu.

Explanation: Restoring a database from archive files has been begun by starting the application server with STARTUP=R or U.

The database manager is prompting the operator to ensure that the correct database or log archive tape is mounted and readied on tape unit cuu. The operator is being requested to respond by entering the cuu on which the tape has been mounted or CANCEL to terminate.

If the archive file could not be opened successfully, message ARI0296A was displayed to indicate the error condition. This message was redisplayed to give the operator the opportunity to correct the error and restart the archive restore process.

If the cuu value entered in response to this message was not valid, message ARI0297A was displayed to indicate the error condition. This message was redisplayed to give the operator the opportunity to enter a valid cuu.

If the database archive file did not contain a DB2 Server for VM database archive, message ARI0277E was displayed and the file was closed. This message was redisplayed to correct the error and restart the database restore process.
Note:If the request was for a database archive file, no database updates have yet occurred. Otherwise, the database has been partially restored.

System Action: If the operator responds with CANCEL, the restore is canceled and the application server is ended.

If the database operator replies with cuu, one of the following occurs:

For a database archive restore, the cuu entered is not actually used in opening the file. The operator should enter the correct cuu, however, because it may appear in later messages (ARI0296A, ARI0294A, and ARI0298A).

Operator Response: If this message was redisplayed after message ARI0277E, ARI0296A, or ARI0297A, take the corrective action suggested by that error message.

If the request is for a log archive file, you can use any available virtual tape unit.

Request (using the CP MSG OP command) that the CP operator select an available tape unit, mount and ready the first (or only) volume of the archive file, and attach the tape unit to your virtual machine with the required virtual tape unit address. (TAPn is unit 180-7, if n= 0 to 7 and TAPn is unit 288-F, if n= 8 to F.) When the CP operator notifies you that these actions have been taken, enter the cuu of the virtual tape unit.

If no virtual or real tape unit is available, or if the archive file is not available, or if the error condition from message ARI0277E or ARI0296A cannot be corrected, enter CANCEL to end the restore process and the application server.

If you reply CANCEL for a database archive file, you must restart with STARTUP= R. for database recovery.

If you reply CANCEL for a log archive file, you should warm start the application server (STARTUP=W) and continue the restore process with the current log archive file. The current log archive file is the one you were requested to mount.

ARI0296AArchive file [cuu] ASSIGN or OPEN failed. Reason Code = nn. Return Code = nn.

Explanation: A DB2 Server for VM database archive or restore from archive is in progress. An error occurred while attempting to open the archive output file or restore input file. cuu is the address of the tape device on which the error occurred; it will not be displayed for an error on a disk device.

The Reason Code value is the primary error code. The Return Code value is the secondary error code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.
Note:If the request was for a database archive file, no database updates have yet occurred. Otherwise, the database has been partially restored.

System Action:

For restore, message ARI0295A is redisplayed. For archive, if Reason Code = 8 and Return Code = 0, then message ARI0275D is displayed; otherwise:

Operator Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

If the application server stops while creating a log archive during the restore process, restart the process after taking corrective action for the error.

If the application server stops while creating a normal database or log archive, warm start the application server (STARTUP=W) after taking corrective action for the error. Then, take the action you took previously to initiate the database or log archive. If the archive was initiated by the database manager, it will be initiated again.

If an LARCHIVE operator command request failed and the database manager continued operating, you can retry the LARCHIVE command after correcting the cause of this error message.

ARI0297AResponse to archive prompt is not valid.

Explanation: An archive prompt message has been issued, but the operator's reply was not valid.

If ARI0263D has been issued, the response has a syntax error. Possible causes:

System Action: The database manager issues the prompt message again and asks for valid input.

Operator Response: Ensure that the input being entered is valid, and enter it in response to the prompt message.

ARI0298EArchive file [cuu] CLOSE failed. Reason Code = nn. Return Code = nn.

Explanation: The database manager was creating or reading a database or log archive file. An error occurred when the database manager attempted to close the database or log archive file.

cuu is the address of the tape device on which the error occurred; the address will not be displayed for an error on a disk device.

System Action: If a log archive file was being created with the LARCHIVE operator command, the log archive ends and the database manager continues normal operation. If a database or log archive file was being created for any other reason, the application server ends. The database or log archive file cannot be used. The system log indicates that the archive was not successful.

If the database was being restored from a database archive and message ARI0277E precedes this message, the application server stops. The database has not been updated by the restore process.

If the entire database was being restored from a database archive and message ARI0277E was not displayed, normal processing continues.

If a log archive was being read during the restore process, normal processing continues.

Operator Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

Then, if a log archive was being created during the restore process, restart the process.

Then, if this error occurred due to a log archive initiated by the LARCHIVE operator command, reenter the LARCHIVE operator command to re-initiate the log archive process.

Then, if a database or log archive was being created, warm start the application server, If desired, reschedule the archive creation by using the ARCHIVE, LARCHIVE, SQLEND ARCHIVE, SQLEND LARCHIVE, or SQLEND UARCHIVE operator command. This recovery action is described in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual. If the database manager implicitly initiated the database or log archive due to the ARCHPCT initialization parameter, it will do so again when you warm start the application server.
Note:SHUTDOWN is a valid synonym for SQLEND.
If the database was being restored from a database archive and message ARI0277E precedes this message, take the corrective action as implied by these two messages. Restart the database archive process.

If the database was being restored from a database archive and message ARI0277E does not precede this message, you can proceed with whatever activity you had planned. The database has been successfully restored from the archive copy.

No further action is required if the error occurred while closing a database or log archive input file during the restore process.

System Programmer Response: See Operator Response.

ARI0299A Ready archive output volume. Enter the cuu.

Explanation: A database or log archive is being created for one of the following reasons:

If the cuu entered in response to this message was not valid, message ARI0297A was displayed to indicate the error condition.

System Action: When the operator responds with cuu, tape unit cuu is dynamically assigned to the archive output file; it is opened (with rewind) for archive output and the archive process proceeds.

If a database archive is being created when you reply with cuu, the tape file on the virtual tape unit specified on the CMS FILEDEF command for ddname ARIARCH is opened for output and the archive process proceeds.

If a log archive is being created, when you reply with cuu, the tape file on the virtual tape unit specified on the CMS FILEDEF command for ddname ARILARC is opened for output and the archive process proceeds.

The cuu entered is not actually used in opening the file. The operator should enter the correct cuu, however, because it may appear in later messages (ARI0296A, ARI0294A, and ARI0298E).

Operator Response:

If the request is for a database archive file, you must use the virtual tape unit specified on the CMS FILEDEF command for ddname ARIARCH.

If the request is for a log archive file, you must use the virtual tape unit specified on the CMS FILEDEF command for ddname ARILARC.

Request (using the CP MSG OP command) that the CP operator select an available tape unit, mount and ready a scratch tape volume, and attach the tape unit to your virtual machine with the required virtual tape unit address. (If n=0 to 7, the TAPn is unit 180-7. If n=8 to F, the TAPn is unit 288-F) When the CP operator notifies you that these actions have been taken, enter the cuu of the virtual tape unit.

ARI2000EIndex index-id in DBSPACE dbspace-no has been marked invalid.

Explanation: One of the following may have happened during ROLLBACK, UNDO, or REDO processing:

System Action: The database manager continues to process the ROLLBACK, UNDO, or REDO command without updating the index and marks the index invalid.

Operator Response: Notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Contact the owner of the invalid index. The owner must drop and recreate the index. The system has a limit of 16 invalid indexes. You can find the index name by using the following SELECT statement:

             A.CREATOR = B.CREATOR
             AND A.DBSPACENO = dbspace-no
             AND B.IID = index-id

ARI2001IWarning: The following entities are invalid.

Explanation: This is a message heading for a list of invalid entities found during system start up. It is followed by the output of the SHOW INVALID command. For more information refer to the SHOW INVALID operator command.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: Notify and give your console output to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Notify the owners of the invalid indexes and have them drop and recreate the indexes.

ARI2002IIndex pages are being reclaimed for DBSPACE &1.

Explanation: A free index page is required for a ROLLBACK, UNDO, or REDO work, but there are no free pages available. An attempt is being made to reclaim empty or partially empty pages from existing indexes.

System Action: If pages are reclaimed successfully processing will continue. If no pages are reclaimed the index will be marked invalid and processing will continue. Message ARI2003I will be issued when the page reclaim processing is complete.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Refer to message ARI2003I.

ARI2003IThe index page reclaim processing is finished.

Explanation: A free index page was required for a ROLLBACK, UNDO, or REDO work, but there were no free pages available. An attempt to reclaim empty or partially empty index pages has completed.

System Action: If pages were reclaimed successfully processing will continue. If no pages were reclaimed the index will be marked invalid and processing will continue.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: This message indicates that the DBSPACE specified is running short of index pages. Index page reclaiming may adversely affect performance. At this time the SHOW DBSPACE command should be issued to monitor index page consumption. If there are still relatively few free index pages, then action should be taken to free some pages.

For more information, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.

ARI2004IWarning: Error occurred while action histype log history area (HSDS). Reason Code = nnn. Return Code = nn.

Explanation: action indicates what action the database manager was doing on the log history area: archiving or restoring.

histype indicates which version of the log history area (file ARIHSDS PRECLDLG A or file ARIHSDS ARCHIVE A) the database manager was operating on: pre-COLDLOG or current version.

If you are processing a database or log archive, the database manager saves the log history area in file ARIHSDS ARCHIVE A.

If you are restoring a database, the database manager system tried to restore the log history area for one of the following reasons:

The Reason is determined by the function that the database manager attempted to perform, and the Code depends on the Reason. The possible values of Reason are:

An error occurred when the database manager issued a FILEDEF command on file ARILHSDS for the history area archive file. The Code value is the CMS return code from the FILEDEF.

An error occurred when the database manager issued STATE for the history area archive file. The Code value is the CMS return code from the STATE.

The history area file being restored is corrupt.

An error occurred when the database manager issued access for the A-disk. The code value is the CMS return code from the access.

An error occurred when the system performed an operation on the history area archive file. The Reason value is the primary error code. The Code value is the secondary error code. For more information, see Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors.

System Action: If you issued a command to archive the history area, the database manager bypasses the remainder of the HSDS archive process, but the archive itself is unaffected. If you issued a command to restore the history area from ARIHSDS ARCHIVE A, the database manager issues this message before it terminates abnormally. If you issued a command to restore the history area from ARIHSDS PRECLDLG A, the database manager issues this message but continues with the restore process, using only the current log history.

Operator Response: Correct the problem by taking appropriate action based on the Reason and Code values specified. If you were doing a log archive, take a new log archive so that the HSDS copy on the A-disk reflects the previous log archive. If you were creating a log archive, and you have a critical need to be able to restore log archives at any time, ensure that the problem is fixed and a new log archive is created as soon as possible. If the user or the database manager was doing a database archive, no further action is required.

If you were doing a restore and the log history area was invalid, perform a COLDLOG reconfiguration and try the restore again. If the user was restoring an unknown database, the user must decide whether or not to restore the database without applying log archives (if applicable).

If you cannot solve the problem, refer it to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI2005ILog history area restored. Reason Code = nnn.

Explanation: The database manager restored the log history area (HSDS) on the log disks from ARIHSDS ARCHIVE A or ARIHSDS PRECLDLG A. The values of Reason Code are:

The log history area on the log disk is invalid.

The log history area on the log disk does not contain a record of the database archive that you want to restore. The history area saved prior to the COLDLOG has been restored. If a restore is requested immediately after a COLDLOG RECONFIGURATION, the pre-COLDLOG history area is restored automatically. If a restore is requested and the database archive is found only on the pre-COLDLOG history area, this history area is restored only upon request.

System Action: The current operation continues.

Operator Response: If you know that the database log file was destroyed and recreated with COLDLOG, ignore this message. Otherwise, inform your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If you did not realize that a log was damaged or if you expect the database manager to restore the HSDS, check the previous console logs for the DB2 Server for VM database machine and ensure that no unexpected errors occurred that are related to the log.

Issue the SHOW LOGHIST command and verify that the recent entries agree with the database activity. If they do not, do a database archive.

ARI2006IWarning: Error occurred while copying log history area (HSDS). Copy File Return Code = nn.

Explanation: The database manager attempted to copy the current history area in disk file ARIHSDS ARCHIVE A to file ARIHSDS PRECLDLG A and the copy failed. The code value is the CMS return code from COPYFILE. For further explanation of the code value, look up the displayed error codes under Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors.

System Action: The COLDLOG process continues.

Operator Response: Correct the problem by taking appropriate action based on the code value specified. If the pre-COLDLOG information is necessary, copy file ARIHSDS ARCHIVE A to file ARIHSDS PRECLDLG A by using the CMS COPYFILE command.

System Programmer Response: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI2007DThe database archive currently mounted was taken before the last COLDLOG reconfiguration. If this archive is restored, the log history before the COLDLOG will replace the current log history. Enter either IGNORE to continue, or CANCEL to restart the restore process.

Explanation: The database manager cannot find the database archive to restore in the history area of the current log. The database manager found the database archive in the history area of the disk file ARIHSDS PRECLDLG A, which was current before the COLDLOG reconfiguration. If the operator continues the restore process, the pre-COLDLOG history area will replace the history area in the current log. Because the history area containing the database archive is available, subsequent log archives are identified so that they can be applied as part of the restore process.

System Action: The restore process continues if requested.

Operator Response: Decide whether to continue the restore process or not. Enter IGNORE or CANCEL.

ARI2008IArchive is about to be started.

Explanation: The operator or database administrator requested a database or log archive with one of the following commands:


This message follows message ARI0065I. It informs the user that although the operator or database administrator requested an archive, the actual archive process has not started.

System Action: As soon as the system is ready, the database or log archive begins.

ARI2009ETo continue with LOGMODE=A, you must first perform an initial database archive.

Explanation: You have been running with LOGMODE Y or N. If you want LOGMODE=A, you must first perform an initial database archive because the log indicates that no database archive exists.

System Action: The application server ends.

Operator Response: Start the application server with LOGMODE=Y and take a database archive. Next, restart the application server with LOGMODE=A.

ARI2010IWARNING: The database manager terminated abnormally. The log contents is required for recovery. Continuing with the COLDLOG will erase all log records and may cause the next startup to terminate during UNDO/REDO processing.

Explanation: The last time the application server started up, it terminated abnormally. The current log is required to recover the system to the point of failure, either by warmstarting the database or by restoring the last database archive.

System Action: Processing continues. The user will be given an opportunity to cancel the COLDLOG by message ARI0920D.

User Response: Cancel the coldlog in response to message ARI0920D. Warm start the database to recover up to the point of failure or restore the database from a previous archive.

ARI2012IThe machine is not in XC-mode. Parameter parmid is ignored.

Explanation: The DB2 VM Data Spaces Support parameter is not valid with a 370 or XA-mode machine.

parmid identifies the DB2 VM Data Spaces Support parameter involved.

System Action: Initialization continues. DB2 VM Data Spaces Support will not be used.

Operator Response: Ensure that the System Action is what you intended.

ARI2014EThe directory block size is invalid because the machine is not in XC-mode.

Explanation: Directory consists of 4KB blocks. This block size is not valid in a 370 or XA-mode machine.

System Action: Processing ends.

Operator Response: Issue the CP command SET MACHINE XC and re-IPL CMS to enable DB2 VM Data Spaces Support for directory, or reformat the directory into 512-byte blocks using the SQLCDBEX EXEC to run without DB2 VM Data Spaces Support.

ARI2015IThe storage pool specification input file was not found. The database manager will use the default values.

Explanation: During startup, SQLSTART issued the following FILEDEF : 'FILEDEF ARISPOOL DISK dbname ARISPOOL * (NOCHANGE'. If the user issued a different FILEDEF for DDNAME ARISPOOL, SQLSTART will not override it. If this message is issued, then the file identified by DDNAME ARISPOOL was not found. The database manager will use system default values for all storage pools and continue processing.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Ensure that the database manager is intended for starting without the storage pool specification input file, or create a file containing storage pool specification values. This file must have the name dbname ARISPOOL. Alternatively, a FILEDEF must be issued for a differently named file using DDNAME ARISPOOL before invoking SQLSTART.

ARI2017EAn error occurred when the database manager issued macro string1 string2. Return Code = return-code.

Explanation: An error occurred when a DB2 VM Data Spaces Support macro was issued.

string1 string2 identify the DB2 VM Data Spaces Support macro.

return-code is the system return code. Please refer to the VM/ESA: CP Programming Services manual.

System Action: Processing ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the problem by taking appropriate action based on the Return Code specified and the DB2 VM Data Spaces Support macro involved. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI2018EDevice number cuu is not supported by the VM/ESA system. Storage pool pool-num cannot be mapped to data spaces.

Explanation: Data Spaces cannot be used, because the specified device is not supported by DB2 VM Data Spaces Support.

cuu identifies the device.

pool-num identifies the pool number.

System Action: Processing ends.

Operator Response: Turn DB2 VM Data Spaces Support off for the storage pool containing the unspported device.

ARI2019EDevice number cuu is not supported by the VM/ESA system. The directory cannot be mapped to data spaces.

Explanation: Data Spaces cannot be used, because the specified device is not supported by DB2 VM Data Spaces Support.

cuu identifies the device.

System Action: Processing ends.

Operator Response: Do not use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support with the directory. Reblock the directory to 512 bytes, or copy the directory to a supported device before restarting the application server.

ARI2020IThe machine is not in XC-mode. Data spaces will not be used.

Explanation: DB2 Server for VM storage pools cannot use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support if the database machine is not in XC-mode.

System Action: Processing continues. DB2 VM Data Spaces Support will not be used for storage pools.

ARI2021E{OPEN |READ(GET)|CLOSE} error occurred during processing of the storage pool specification input file. Reason Code = primary-code Return Code = secondary-code.

Explanation: An error has occurred during database processing of the DDNAME 'ARISPOOL' used for the storage pool specification input file.

The Reason Code value is the Primary Error Code. The Return Code value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes in the "Include File Access Errors" section or "INCLUDE FILE ERROR" in the HELP text.

System Action: Processing is terminated.

Operator Response: Correct the problem as identified by the Reason Code and the Return Code.

ARI2022IThe database manager is using data spaces for the directory.

Explanation: Directory is being accessed through the use of a data space since directory block size is 4K bytes.

System Action: Directory is mapped to data spaces. Processing continues.

ARI2023IStorage pools cannot use data spaces when the application server is started with STARTUP=E.

Explanation: The pool specification file indicates that some or all storage pools are to use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support. However, when the application server is being started for adding or deleting dbextents (STARTUP=E), DB2 Server for VM storage pools cannot use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support.

System Action: Initialization continues. Data spaces will not be used for storage pools.

ARI2024IStorage pools cannot use data spaces when the application server is started with STARTUP=R.

Explanation: The pool specification file indicates that some or all storage pools are to use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support. However, when the application server is being started for Archive Restore (STARTUP=R), storage pools cannot use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support.

System Action: Archive Restore continues. DB2 VM Data Spaces Support will not be used for storage pools.

ARI2025EInvalid or missing storage pool specification string1 [in the storage pool specification input file. Line Number = number].

Explanation: The storage pool specification string1 is not valid.

If the error occurred during storage pool specification input file processing, the message indicates the line number in the storage pool specification input file where the error occurred.

System Action: If processing an operator command, the command is ignored. If processing the storage pool specification input file, the storage pool specification will be ignored, the remainder of the storage pool specifications will be verified, and the application server will subsequently terminate processing.

Operator Response: Verify that proper and valid parameters are specified. It must be a valid storage pool value (nn), range (nnn-mmm), Working Storage residency priority ('DSn' where 'n' is between 1 and 5 inclusive), or specification (such as 'SEQ', 'STR', 'BLK', or 'DSn' where 'n' is between 1 and 5 inclusive).
Note:The specification 'BLK' is not valid for operator command line invocation.

ARI2026ISome or all storage pools will use data spaces.

Explanation: The database machine has determined that some or all storage pools will use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support. You can alter the storage pool specification input file before starting the application server to specify which pools will and which pools will not use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support. By default, all pools use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support. The SHOW POOL command gives information on data space use for all storage pools.
Note:The value of the startup parameter SEPINTDB as well as the specification for the storage pool to which internal dbspaces have been assigned determine whether internal dbspaces will use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support or not, and whether they will be mapped or unmapped.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: Ensure that this is intended.

ARI2027INo storage pools will use data spaces.

Explanation: The database machine has determined that no storage pools will use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support. You can alter the storage pool specification input file before starting the application server to specify which pools will and which pools will not use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support. By default, all pools use DB2 VM Data Spaces Support. The SHOW POOL command gives information on data space use for all storage pools. Some startup conditions will cause data spaces to not be used, thus overriding what was specified in the storage pool specification input file. A previous message will have informed you of such a condition.
Note:Internal dbspaces will still use separate unmapped data spaces if the startup parameter SEPINTDB has the value Y and startup conditions still allow the use of data spaces.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: Ensure that this is intended.

ARI2028EError detected using MVPG instruction. Using MVCL instruction instead.

Explanation: The database machine detected an error when using a MVPG instruction to move a buffer page to a data space.

System Action: The database machine recovered by using the MVCL instruction to move the data.

Operator Response: Notify the system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Make a record of the error and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI2029ESET-keyword = {parameter|,} is invalid. It must be in the range from lower-limit to upper-limit.

Explanation: CMD indicates that the parameter in error was specified in the operator command.

SET-keyword is the operator SET command keyword which has the invalid parameter value. It must be one of the following keywords: SAVEINTV, or TARGETWS. parameter is the invalid parameter value. If no value was specified, a comma is substituted for the missing value. If the parameter is longer than eight characters, only the first eight characters are displayed. The parameter value can be up to eight characters. Leading zeros are suppressed.

lower-limit is the lower limit (or minimum) for the correct parameter value.

upper-limit is the upper limit (or maximum) for the correct parameter value.

            lower   upper
yyyyyyyy    limit   limit     (default)
--------    -----  --------   ---------
SAVEINTV     1      999999      10
TARGETWS     1       99999      32

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI2030EDevice number device-number residing on FBA DASD does not start or does not end on a 4k block boundary. Storage pool storage-pool cannot be mapped to data spaces.

Explanation: The device-number is a minidisk residing on a fixed block architecture (FBA) DASD device. The minidisk does not start or does not end on a 4K block boundary. (On VM/ESA, the minidisk's starting FBA block number and its ending FBA block number plus one must each be evenly divisible by eight) Please refer to the VM/ESA: CP Programming Services manual.

System Action: Processing ends.

Operator Response: You have two choices:

  1. Turn off data spaces support for the storage-pool.
  2. Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: You have two choices:

  1. To continue using an FBA device, use DDR or use the SQLCDBEX EXEC to ensure that it is formatted on a 4k block boundary.
  2. Move to a non-FBA device, using the SQLCDBEX EXEC.

For information about using the SQLCDBEX EXEC, see the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

ARI2033EThe database manager has detected an I/O error. Error Type = type Error Code = code Data Space ASIT = asit [Address = address]

Explanation: The database manager has detected an I/O error that occurred while reading or writing via data spaces.

type specifies during what activity the error occurred and is one of 'MVC', 'MVCL', 'MVPG', 'MAPMDISK SAVE', 'CP paging', or 'N/A'.

code is the MAPMDISK SAVE Completion Code if type is 'MAPMDISK SAVE', otherwise it is the CMS Abend Code identifying the error. It is displayed in hexadecimal form.

asit is the address space identification token of the data space in which the error occurred. It is displayed in hexadecimal form.

address is the data space address where the error occurred. It is displayed in hexadecimal form.

If type is 'MAPMDISK SAVE' and code is 8, the data space specified by asit does not exist. In this case the "Address = ... " portion of the message will not be shown.

In all other cases, this error indicates that a DASD-related hardware failure has occurred. Again, the "Address = ..." portion will not be shown if the database manager did not receive the address from CP and therefore could not display it.

If type is 'MVC', 'MVCL' or 'MVPG', the error occurred when the database manager attempted to move data from or to a data space, causing a page fault which could not be completed. If type is 'MAPMDISK SAVE', the error occurred when CP attempted to save pages in a data space to disk as instructed by the database manager. If type is 'CP paging', the error occurred when CP attempted to save a page to disk as part of CP's regular paging activities. If type is 'N/A', the database manager was not able to determine the type.

In all cases except when type is 'CP Paging' or when address is not shown, message ARI2035I will follow this message, providing additional information about the error. Message ARI2034I may also appear.

System Action: If the type is 'CP paging', processing continues. Otherwise, additional messages as explained above may appear and the application server will terminate.

Operator Response: If type is 'CP paging', you may choose to terminate the application server yourself to allow the hardware failure to be found and fixed. In all cases, record the messages received and notify your System Programmer.

System Programmer Response: If type is MAPMDISK SAVE and code is 8, the data space referred to does not exist. Report this error to the designated support group for your installation. Otherwise, ensure that no one has detached any of the database machine's disks while the database is running (an error will occur even if the disk was later reattached). If this is not the case, the message indicates a DASD-related hardware failure and may be accompanied by other DB2 Server for VM and non-DB2 Server for VM messages. Determine the cause of the failure and take appropriate action.

ARI2034IThis ASIT and address correspond to dbspace dbspace, page page.

Explanation: This message follows message ARI2033E and provides additional information that may be useful for diagnosing the reported error.

dbspace and page are the dbspace number and logical page number within the dbspace that correspond to the given ASIT and address reported by message ARI2033E. If these numbers are both -1, the database manager could not determine the dbspace and page numbers.

System Action: Processing ends.

ARI2035IThis page resides on location.

Explanation: This message follows message ARI2033E and provides additional information that may be useful for diagnosing the reported error.

location is the location on disk corresponding to the ASIT and address provided in message ARI2033E. location will be one of the following phrases in the displayed message:

System Action: Processing ends.

ARI2037DRestoring the database with LOGMODE=Y or N. Enter 0 to CANCEL and restart with logmode A or L, or enter 1 to CONTINUE.

Explanation: The restore process is started with LOGMODE=Y or N. You can enter 0 to cancel the restore process and restart with logmode A or L. If you enter 1 to continue, the restore process will continue to restore the Directory and the DBEXTENTs. The restore set for this database archive will also be displayed if there are log archives to be restored. Message ARI0280A will then be issued and the application server terminated. Also, the current log could be lost.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: Enter 0 to cancel the restore, and restart the restore process with logmode A or L, or enter 1 to continue.

Attention: The current log could be lost.

ARI2038EArchive being restored is from a different release of DB2 Server for VM. The restore has failed.

Explanation: The system has determined that the archive being restored was not taken with the current release of DB2 Server for VM.

System Action: The restore process ends. Note that the directory has been restored and the database is unusable.

Operator Response: Restore an archive taken with the current release of DB2 Server for VM.

ARI2039ECHKINTVL = newval is invalid. Maximum valid CHKINTVL value is maxval.

Explanation: The checkpoint interval is the number of log pages which will be written between automatic checkpoints. When this value is changed during run time, an analysis of the checkpoint interval and the size of the log is made to determine if at least one checkpoint will be taken before end of log or log wrap. This message is generated if the CHKINTVL specified will not cause at least one checkpoint to be taken.

System Action: The checkpoint interval is not changed and processing continues.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid CHKINTVL value. maxval represents the highest allowable checkpoint interval value based on the size of the log.

ARI2040EPool Recovery is in progress, STARTUP=startup is not allowed.

Explanation: The Data Restore storage pool recovery process was initiated, but has not yet been completed by starting the database manager with STARTUP=U. Storage Pool recovery must be completed before the database can be started with STARTUP=startup.

System Action: The requested function is not performed.

Operator Response: Complete the storage pool recovery process by starting the database with STARTUP=U.

ARI2041IPool Recovery processing continues.

Explanation: The Data Restore storage pool recovery process was initiated and completed successfully. The database is being started with STARTUP=U, which will complete the storage pool recovery process.

System Action: Storage pool recovery processing continues.

ARI2042EPool Recovery cannot continue.

Explanation: The Data Restore storage pool recovery process was initiated, but did not complete successfully. The database cannot be started with STARTUP=U to complete the storage pool recovery process until the Data Restore pool recovery process is successfully completed. The database is currently in an inconsistent state. One of the following must be done before the database can be restarted.

System Action: Processing terminates.

ARI2043EDuring Pool Recovery, END RESTORE will not be accepted.

Explanation: The message displayed before ARI2043E indicates that END RESTORE is an acceptable reply to the message. However, during Pool Recovery, END RESTORE will be rejected as an invalid response.

System Action: The system is waiting for an operator response.

Operator Response: Enter a response to the previous message. If END RESTORE is entered, it will not be accepted as a valid response.

ARI2044DAgent identifier n in the FORCE command was using DRDA Two Phase Commit protocol. Forcing this agent may lead to heuristic damage. Do you want to force this agent? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: The in-doubt agent n was using the DRDA two phase commit protocol. Forcing this agent's work could cause data on other databases to be inconsistent with data at this database.

System Action: If you reply 1 for YES, the agent will be forced to commit or rollback its work as indicated on the FORCE command. If you reply 0 for NO, the in-doubt agent will not be forced and will remain in-doubt. If you do not reply 1 or 0, message ARI0052E will be displayed and message ARI2044D will be redisplayed.

Operator Response: Reply 1 if you are sure that you want to force this in-doubt agent. Reply 0 if you are unsure. If you need to force the in-doubt agent, the FORCE command can be reentered.

Database Administrator Action:

The database administrator must understand the application and the status of this unit of work on all of the involved application servers before forcing an in-doubt agent that was using DRDA two phase commit protocol. It is most desirable to let the systems resolve the in-doubt agents automatically during resynchronization recovery. The database administrator of the DRDA2 requester should be contacted to help determine the impact of forcing the in-doubt agent.

ARI2045ERESET INDOUBT command has insufficient number of parameters.

Explanation: The RESET INDOUBT operator command was entered without parameters.

System Action: The command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Reenter the RESET INDOUBT operator command with the appropriate operands.

ARI2046EToo many RESET INDOUBT command input parameters.

Explanation: The RESET INDOUBT * operator command was entered with extra parameters. When * is specified, no other parameters are allowed.

System Action: The command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Reenter the RESET INDOUBT operator command with the appropriate operands.

ARI2047ETransaction identifier n in RESET INDOUBT command is invalid.

Explanation: The transaction identifier n does not exist in the system.

System Action: The command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Enter the SHOW INDOUBT operator command to find out the valid, existing transaction identifiers. Then reenter the RESET INDOUBT operator command with the appropriate operands.

ARI2048DIn-doubt n was forced. Are you sure you want to reset this in-doubt? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: The transaction identifier n was in-doubt and was resolved by using the FORCE operator command. The action taken by the FORCE command could be different than the action that resynchronization recovery would have done. This unit of work might still be in-doubt on the other participating application servers.

System Action: If you reply 1 for YES, the in-doubt entry will be removed from the system. If you reply 0 for NO, the in-doubt entry will not be removed from the system. If you do not reply 1 or 0, message ARI0052E will be displayed and message ARI2048D will be redisplayed.

Operator Response: Reply 1 if you are sure that you want to remove this in-doubt entry. Reply 0 if you are unsure. If you need to remove the in-doubt entry, the RESET INDOUBT command can be reentered.

Database Administrator Action:

The database administrator must understand the application and the status of this unit of work on all of the involved application servers before removing an in-doubt entry that was forced. It is most desirable to let the systems resolve the in-doubt agents automatically during resynchronization recovery. The database administrator of the DRDA2 requester should be contacted to help determine the impact of forcing the in-doubt agent.

ARI2049IFORCE RINIT may only be entered when Resychronization Initialization is active.

Explanation: The operator entered the "FORCE RINIT" command to force the abnormal termination of resynchronization initialization. However, the database is not currently performing resynchronization initialization.
Note:The SHOW CONNECT operator command may have indicated that resynchronization initialization was active. However it ended before the FORCE command was issued.

System Action: Command processing is terminated.

Operator Response: Issue the SHOW CONNECT command to verify the status of resynchronization initialization.

ARI2050I FORCE RREC may only be entered when Resychronization Recovery is active.

Explanation: The operator entered the "FORCE RREC" command to force the abnormal termination of resynchronization recovery. However, the database is not currently performing resynchronization recovery.
Note:The SHOW CONNECT operator command may have indicated that resynchronization recovery was active. However it ended before the FORCE command was issued.

System Action: Command processing is terminated.

Operator Response: Issue the SHOW CONNECT command to verify the status of resynchronization recovery.

ARI2051IFORCE {RINIT|RREC} is already scheduled.

Explanation: If FORCE RINIT is displayed, then resynchronization initialization is being terminated by the database manager. If FORCE RREC is displayed, then resynchronization recovery is being terminated by the database manager.

System Action: Command processing is terminated.

A checkpoint was taken.
Scheduled: sctime
Started: sttime
Ended: etime
A checkpoint was taken.
Type = type.
Scheduled: sctime
Started: sttime
Ended: etime
DSREAD = dsr
Time spent waiting to
start: wst seconds
Time spent executing: ext seconds
Log pages filled since last
checkpoint: logused

Explanation: Format 1 of the message is displayed if DSPSTATS=1. Format 2 of the message is displayed if DSPSTATS=2. The DSREAD and DSWRITE values are only displayed if the VM data spaces feature is installed and is being used.

type is the reason the checkpoint was performed. The type is only displayed if DSPSTATS=2. Valid types are:

Log just formatted.

Warm Start
System just recovered (that is, warm start).

Periodic system checkpoint taken. Periodic checkpoints can occur for various reasons, including, CHKINTVL was reached, SLOGCUSH was reached, SOSLEVEL was reached, and a DROP DBSPACE was issued. See the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Performance Tuning Handbook manual for more details.

Database Archive Started
Archive of the database started.

Database Archive Completed
Archive of database completed.

Log Archive Started
Archive of the log started.

Log Archive Completed
Archive of the log completed.

System being shutdown.

Shutdown with User archive
Shutdown with user archive.

User Archive Done
User archive done and verified.

System checkpoint when LOGMODE=N.

sctime is the time of day the checkpoint was scheduled.

sttime is the time of day the checkpoint started execution.

etime is the time of day the checkpoint ended execution.

drd is the number of directory buffer reads that were done by the checkpoint processing.

dwr is the number of directory buffer writes that were done by the checkpoint processing.

prd is the number of page buffer reads that were done by the checkpoint processing.

pwr is the number of page buffer writes that were done by the checkpoint processing.

dsr is the number of data space reads that were done by the checkpoint processing. This is only displayed if the VM data spaces feature is being used.

dsw is the number of data space writes that were done by the checkpoint processing. This is only displayed if the VM data spaces feature is being used.

wst is the time that the checkpoint was waiting to begin processing. This is only displayed if DSPSTATS=2.

ext is the time that the checkpoint was processing. This is only displayed if DSPSTATS=2.

logused is the number of log pages filled since the last checkpoint was taken.

System Action: System processing continues.

User Response: Use the SET DSPSTATS command to disable these messages if they are not desired, or to change which format of the message appears.

ARI2053EThe mandatory COLDLOG during migration was not done. A COLDLOG must be performed before continuing.

Explanation: The database startup has detected that a COLDLOG was not performed during migration. Failure to COLDLOG the database will prevent restoring database archives. The database cannot be started until a COLDLOG has been performed.

System Action: Database startup has terminated.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: You must perform a COLDLOG before the database manager will allow the database to finish startup.

ARI2054IDatabase manager has taken a FULL archive.

Explanation: The database manager has completed taken a FULL archive. Either an implicit archive was initiated by the database manager, or the ARCHIVE operator command was used with the FULL parameter.

System Action: Processing continues.

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