DB2 Server for VM: Messages and Codes

Chapter 2. ARI0001-ARI0198 DB2 Server for VM Control Messages

ARI0001EAn error occurred while attempting to obtain storage.

Explanation: Either:

Note:The DB2 Server for VM reason code is the CMS free storage macro return code. It is displayed in message ARI0042I.

System Action: If SQLCODE -930 accompanies this message, the database manager continues and additional requests to obtain storage may result in the message being issued again. If the message is issued without SQLCODE -930, the database manager is ended.

Operator Response: If free storage has been exhausted (reason code = 01), restart the database manager after allocating a larger virtual machine.

System Programmer Response: You may have to assist the operator in determining what virtual machine size will be required if storage is exhausted. Contact the designated support group for errors.

ARI0002EUnable to open the xxxxxxxx parameter data set. Reason Code = nn. Return Code=nn.

Explanation: xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set as specified in the PARMID parameter.

This parameter is in the SQLSTART EXEC command to identify a card image CMS file having file type SQLPARM and file mode *.

The Reason Code value is the Primary Error Code. The Return Code value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 24, Include File Access Errors, or "INCLUDE FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Either:

If the problem persists, for corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 24, Include File Access Errors or "INCLUDE FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

ARI0003EAn error occurred reading the xxxxxxxx parameter data set. Reason Code = nn Return Code = nn.

Explanation: xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set as specified in the PARMID parameter. This parameter is in the SQLSTART EXEC command to identify a card image CMS file having file type SQLPARM and file mode *.

The REASON value is the Primary Error Code. The CODE value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 24, Include File Access Errors, or "INCLUDE FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 24, Include File Access Errors, or "INCLUDE FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

ARI0004Ixxxxxxxx - The database manager ignores PARMID within a parameter data set.

Explanation: xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set which contains the PARMID initialization parameter. The PARMID parameter is ignored in a parameter data set.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the parameter data set specification to eliminate this message.

ARI0005E {CMD|xxxxxxxx} - yyyyyyyy parameter is specified more than once.

Explanation: CMD indicates that the parameter in error was specified in the SQLSTART EXEC.

xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set which contains the parameter in error.

yyyyyyyy is the parameter keyword that was specified more than once in the initialization parameter input.
Note:The same parameter keyword can be specified once in the SQLSTART EXEC and once in the parameter data set.

System Action: If this error occurs in the SQLSTART EXEC parameter processing, the database manager ends.

If this error occurs during parameter data set processing, the database manager ends unless the yyyyyyyy parameter is correctly specified in the SQLSTART EXEC. See System Programmer Response.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Remove the extra occurrences of the initialization parameter from either the SQLSTART EXEC or the parameter data set. If this parameter was specified more than once in the parameter data set, it may be overridden by a correct specification in the SQLSTART EXEC. However, the message will still be issued but may be ignored and the database manager will continue processing.

ARI0006E {CMD|xxxxxxxx} - yyyyyyyy is an invalid parameter specification.

Explanation: CMD indicates that the parameter in error was specified in the SQLSTART EXEC.

xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set which contains the parameter in error.

yyyyyyyy is the initialization parameter keyword which is invalid (or misspelled). If the parameter keyword in error was greater than eight characters, only the first nine characters are printed.

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid initialization parameter specification in either the SQLSTART EXEC or the parameter data set.

ARI0007E {CMD|xxxxxxxx} error. A keyword is missing.

Explanation: CMD indicates that the parameter in error was specified in the SQLSTART EXEC.

xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set which contains the parameter in error.

System Action: The database manager is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid initialization parameter specification in either the SQLSTART EXEC or the parameter data set. This error would be caused by coding ...,=value,... .

ARI0008E {CMD|OPER|xxxxxxxx} - yyyyyyyy = c is invalid. It must be d

Explanation: CMD indicates that the parameter in error was specified in the SQLSTART EXEC.

OPER indicates that the parameter in error was specified during run time using the SET operator command.

xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set which contains the parameter in error.

yyyyyyyy is the initialization parameter keyword which has the invalid parameter value. It must be one of the following keywords: ACCOUNT, DBMODE, DSPSTATS, DSPLYDEV, DUALLOG, DUMPTYPE, EXTEND, LOGMODE, MAPPING, PROTOCOL, SECALVER, SECTYPE, STARTUP, SYSMODE, SEPINTDB, or SYNCPNT.

c is the first (or only) character of the invalid parameter value. If no value was specified, a comma is substituted for the missing value. If more than one character is given for the parameter value, it will not be accepted even if the first character is valid.

d is a character string indicating the correct parameter value as follows:

yyyyyyyy     d               (default)
--------  ---------------    ---------
ACCOUNT   D or N                 N
DBMODE    G, L, or N         Value in
                             CP Directory
DSPLYDEV  C                      C
DSPSTATS  0, 1, or 2             0
DUALLOG   N or Y                 N
DUMPTYPE  P, F, or N             F
EXTEND    Y or N                 N
LOGMODE   Y, A, L, or N          Y
MAPPING   L or P                 L
SECALVER  N or Y                 N
SECTYPE   DB2 or ESM            DB2
SEPINTDB  N or Y             see note below
STARTUP   C, E, I, L, M,         W
          R, S, U, or W
SYNCPNT   Y or N                 Y
SYSMODE   M or S                 M

Note:When the DB2 DSS feature is installed and the database machine is in XC mode, then the default value for SEPINTDB is Y, otherwise the default value is N.

System Action: If this error occurs in the SQLSTART EXEC parameter processing, the database manager ends.

If this error occurs during parameter data set processing, the database manager ends unless the yyyyyyyy parameter is correctly specified in the SQLSTART EXEC. See System Programmer Response.

If this error occurs while processing the SET command, the command is ignored and processing continues.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid parameter value in the SQLSTART EXEC, the parameter data set, or the operator console. If the invalid parameter was specified in the parameter data set, it may be overridden by a correct specification in the SQLSTART EXEC. However, the message will still be issued but may be ignored and the database manager will continue processing.

ARI0009E {CMD|OPER|xxxxxxxx} - yyyyyyyy = c is invalid. It must be in the range from n1 to n2.

Explanation: CMD indicates that the parameter in error was specified in the SQLSTART EXEC.

OPER indicates that the parameter in error was specified during run time using the SET operator command.

xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set which contains the parameter in error.

yyyyyyyy is the parameter keyword which has the invalid parameter value. It must be one of the following keywords: ARCHPCT, CHKINTVL, DISPBIAS, LTIMEOUT, NCSCANS, NCUSERS, NDIRBUF, NLRBS, NLRBU, NPACKAGE, NPACKPCT, NPAGBUF, PROCMXAB, PTIMEOUT, SAVEINTV, SLOGCUSH, SOSLEVEL, TARGETWS, TCPPORT, or TRACEBUF.

c is the invalid parameter value. If no value was specified, a comma is substituted for the missing value. If the parameter is longer than eight characters, only the first eight characters are displayed. The parameter value can be up to eight characters. Leading zeros are suppressed.

n1 is the lower limit (or minimum) for the correct parameter value.

n2 is the upper limit (or maximum) for the correct parameter value.

yyyyyyyy        n1  n2          (default)
--------        --  --------    ---------
ARCHPCT         10        99       80
CHKINTVL         1  99999999       10
DISPBIAS         1        10        7
LTIMEOUT         0     99999        0
NCSCANS          1       655       30
NCUSERS          1       252        5
NDIRBUF         10    400000     NPAGBUF
NLRBS       Larger    583333  (2 x NCUSERS) +
          of 50 or           (NLRBU x NCUSERS)/2 +10
     (2 x NCUSERS)
NLRBU           10    583233     1000
NPACKAGE         1  32766/NCUSERS  10
NPACKPCT         0       100       30
NPAGBUF         10    400000  (4 x NCUSERS) + 10
PROCMXAB         0       255        0
PTIMEOUT         0     99999      180
SLOGCUSH        11       100       90
SOSLEVEL         1       100       10
TARGETWS         1     99999       32
TCPPORT          0     65535    ETC SERVICES
TRACEBUF         0     99999        0

System Action: If this error occurs in the SQLSTART EXEC parameter processing or during parameter data set processing, the database manager ends.

If this error occurs while processing the SET operator command, the command is ignored and processing continues.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid parameter value in the SQLSTART EXEC, the parameter data set, or the operator console. If the invalid parameter was specified in the parameter data set, it may be overridden by a correct specification in the SQLSTART EXEC. However, the message will still be issued but may be ignored and the database manager will continue processing.

ARI0010E {CMD|xxxxxxxx} - {TRACDBSS|TRACCONV|TRACRDS| TRACDSC|TRACWUM|TRACDRRM |TRACSTG} is invalid. The parameter value must be either {0, 1, or 2 | 0 or 1}.

Explanation: CMD indicates that the parameter in error was specified in the SQLSTART EXEC.

xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set which contains the parameter in error.

Specifying a parameter value other than 0, 1, or 2 for the TRACDBSS, TRACCONV, TRACRDS, TRACDSC, TRACWUM, or TRACDRRM initialization parameter is invalid. Specifying a parameter value other than 0 or 1 for the TRACSTG initialization parameter is invalid.

System Action: If this error occurs in the SQLSTART EXEC parameter processing, the database manager ends. If this error occurs during parameter data set processing, the database manager ends unless the TRACDBSS, TRACCONV, TRACRDS, TRACDSC, TRACWUM, TRACDRRM, or TRACSTG parameter is correctly specified in the SQLSTART EXEC. See System Programmer Response.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid initialization parameter value in either the SQLSTART EXEC or the parameter data set. If the invalid parameter was specified in the parameter data set, it may be overridden by a correct specification in the SQLSTART EXEC. However, the message will still be issued but may be ignored and the database manager will continue processing.

ARI0011E {CMD|xxxxxxxx} - yyyyyyyy is invalid. The parameter string must be from 1 to n characters.

Explanation: CMD indicates that the parameter in error was specified in the SQLSTART EXEC.

xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set which contains the parameter in error.

yyyyyyyy is the initialization parameter keyword which has the invalid parameter string length. It must be one of the following keywords: CHARNAME, DBNAME, DSPSTATS, PARMID, PROGNAME, PROTOCOL, TRACCONV, TRACDBSS, TRACRDS, TRACDSC, TRACWUM, TRACDRRM, or TRACSTG.

n is the maximum character string length of the value.

yyyyyyyy      n
---------   -----
DBNAME       18
PARMID        8
TRACRDS       6
TRACDSC       2
TRACWUM       1
TRACSTG       1

Note:PROTOCOL also has a minimum length of 4.

System Action: If this error occurs in the SQLSTART EXEC parameter processing, the database manager ends.

If this error occurs during parameter data set processing, the database manager ends unless the yyyyyyyy parameter is correctly specified in the SQLSTART EXEC. See System Programmer Response.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid initialization parameter value in either the SQLSTART EXEC or the parameter data set. If the invalid parameter was specified in the parameter data set, it may be overridden by a correct specification in the SQLSTART EXEC. However, the message will still be issued but may be ignored and the database manager will continue processing. PARMID is valid only on the SQLSTART EXEC and, therefore, must always be corrected.

ARI0012IThe database manager ignores yyyyyyyy = c when zzzzzzzz = d.

Explanation: yyyyyyyy is the initialization parameter keyword of the value that is ignored.

c is the parameter value that was specified.

zzzzzzzz is the initialization parameter keyword that is used and causes the yyyyyyyy parameter to be ignored.

d is the parameter value specified for zzzzzzzz.

yyyyyyyy  c              zzzzzzzz  d
--------  -------------  --------  -------------
ACCOUNT   D              STARTUP   C, E, I, L, M,
                                   or S
ARCHPCT   value          LOGMODE   Y or N
DBMODE    G, L, or N     SYSMODE   S
DISPBIAS  value          SYSMODE   S
DUALLOG   N or Y         SYSMODE   M
DUALLOG   N or Y         STARTUP   E, I, M, R,
                                   S, U, or W
NCUSERS   value > 1      SYSMODE   S
PROCMXAB  non-zero value SYSMODE   S
PROGNAME  program-name   SYSMODE   M
PROGNAME  program-name   STARTUP   C, E, I, L, M,
                                   or S
PTIMEOUT  non-zero value SYSMODE   S
TCPPORT   non-zero value SYSMODE   S
TRACWUM   1 or 2         PROTOCOL  SQLDS
SECALVER  N or Y         SYSMODE   S
LTIMEOUT  non-zero value SYSMODE   S
SYNCPNT   Y              AMODE     24


  1. The database manager ignores the PROTOCOL parameter when SYSMODE=S because it has no significance in single user mode. It is supported only in multiple user mode.

  2. The database manager ignores the PROCMXAB and PTIMEOUT parameters when SYSMODE=S because they have no significance in single user mode. They are supported only in multiple-user mode.

  3. The database manager ignores the TRACDRRM and TRACWUM parameters when PROTOCOL=SQLDS because the DRRM and WUM components are available only when PROTOCOL=AUTO.

  4. The database manager ignores the TCPPORT parameter when SYSMODE=S because it has no significance in single user mode. It is supported only in multiple-user mode.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Remove the initialization parameter specification causing the message.

ARI0013Eyyyyyyyy must be c when zzzzzzzz = .

Explanation: yyyyyyyy is the initialization parameter keyword of the value that is in conflict.

c is the parameter value that was specified.

zzzzzzzz is the initialization parameter keyword that is used and causes the yyyyyyyy parameter specification to be invalid.

d is the parameter value specified for zzzzzzzz.

yyyyyyyy  c              zzzzzzzz  d
--------  -------        --------  --------
LOGMODE   Y              STARTUP   L
LOGMODE   Y, A,          SYSMODE   M
          or L
NETID     specified      PROTOCOL  AUTO
PROTOCOL  AUTO           RESID     Registered
                                   DRDA TPN
STARTUP   W, R,          EXTEND    Y
          or U
STARTUP   W, R,          SYSMODE   M
          or U


  1. DBMODE must be G or L when PROTOCOL is AUTO because DBMODE = N implies the use of IUCV communications, whereas PROTOCOL=AUTO implies the use of APPC/VM communications.

  2. PROTOCOL must be AUTO when RESID is a registered DRDA TPN because the server must provide all the capabilities associated with DRDA support.

  3. NETID must be specified when PROTOCOL is AUTO because the name of the host network is required for network problem management.

System Action: If this error occurs in the SQLSTART EXEC parameter processing, the database manager ends.

If this error occurs during parameter data set processing, the database manager ends unless the yyyyyyyy parameter is correctly specified in the SQLSTART EXEC. See System Programmer Response.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid initialization parameter value in either the SQLSTART EXEC or the parameter data set. If the invalid parameter was specified in the parameter data set, it may be overridden by a correct specification in the SQLSTART EXEC. However, the message will still be issued but may be ignored and the database manager will continue processing.

ARI0014EThe database manager requires PROGNAME when SYSMODE = S AND STARTUP = {W|R}.

Explanation: When SYSMODE=S and STARTUP=W (or STARTUP=R) is specified, the PROGNAME initialization parameter must be specified.

System Action: If this error occurs in the SQLSTART EXEC parameter processing, the database manager ends. If this error occurs during parameter data set processing, the database manager ends unless the PROGNAME or SYSMODE or STARTUP parameter is correctly specified in the SQLSTART EXEC. See System Programmer Response.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Either specify the PROGNAME initialization parameter or correct the invalid parameter value (SYSMODE or STARTUP) in either the SQLSTART EXEC or the parameter data set that is causing this message. If this parameter was specified more than once in the parameter data set, it may be overridden by a correct specification in the SQLSTART EXEC. However, the message will still be issued but may be ignored and the database manager will continue processing.

ARI0015Iyyyyyyyy parameter value is c.

Explanation: This message displays the final values used by the database manager as a result of the merging of SQLSTART EXEC, parameter data set, and default parameter values.

yyyyyyyy is the initialization parameter keyword.

c is the parameter value to be used by the database manager.

yyyyyyyy   c
---------  ------------------------
CHARNAME   character-set-name
DBNAME     database name, up to 18 characters
DBMODE     G, L, or N
DSPSTATS   0, 1, or 2
EXTEND     Y or N
LOGMODE    Y, A, L, or N
NETID      network identifier
PARMID     parameter-data-set-name
PROGNAME   program-name
RESID      hexadecimal/character TPN
STARTUP    C, E, I, L, M, R, S,
           U, or W
TRACCONV   0, 1, or 2
TRACDBSS   0, 1, or 2
TRACRDS    0, 1, or 2
TRACDSC    0, 1, or 2
TRACWUM    0, 1, or 2
TRACDRRM   0, 1, or 2
TRACSTG    0 or 1


  1. The NETID parameter value must be from 1 to 8 characters long. NETID is a character string comprised of alphabetic (uppercase), numeric, and special characters #, @, $. The first character must not be numeric. Its length can be from 1 to 8 bytes.

  2. The RESID parameter value must be from 1 to 8 characters long. It must belong to one of the following categories:

System Action: Processing continues.


  1. DUALLOG will be displayed only if STARTUP=C or STARTUP=L.

  2. PARMID will be displayed only when specified.

  3. PROGNAME will be displayed only when SYSMODE=S and STARTUP=W, R or U.

  4. DBMODE will be displayed only when specified.

  5. SEPINTDB and MAPPING will be displayed only when the database manager is using data spaces.

System Programmer Response: You may want to verify that the initialization parameter values are correct.

ARI0016Iyyyyyyyy parameter value is n.

Explanation: This is an information message that displays the final values used by the database manager as a result of the merging of SQLSTART EXEC, parameter data set, and default parameter values.

yyyyyyyy is the initialization parameter keyword.

n is the parameter value to be used by the database manager.

yyyyyyyy   n
---------  --------------
ARCHPCT    10 to 99
CHKINTVL   1 to 99999999
DISPBIAS   1 to 10
NCSCANS    1 to 655
NCUSERS    1 to 252
NDIRBUF    10 to 400000
NLRBS      50 to 583333
NLRBU      10 to 583233
NPACKPCT   0 to 100
NPAGBUF    10 to 400000
PROCMXAB   0 to 255
PTIMEOUT   0 to 99999
SLOGCUSH   11 to 100
SOSLEVEL   1 to 100
SAVEINTV   1 to 999999
TARGETWS   1 to 99999
TCPPORT    0 to 65535
TRACEBUF   0 to 99999

System Action: Processing continues.


  1. The ARCHPCT parameter is displayed only if LOGMODE=A.

  2. The SAVEINTV and TARGETWS parameters are displayed only when the database manager is using data spaces for its storage pools.

System Programmer Response: You may want to verify that the initialization parameter values are correct.

ARI0017EAn error occurred in the parameter specification.

Explanation: One or more errors were found while processing the initialization parameters. Previous messages indicate the parameter in error and the correction.

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the invalid initialization parameter value in either the SQLSTART EXEC or the parameter data set. If the invalid parameter was specified in the parameter data set, it may be overridden by a correct specification in the SQLSTART EXEC.

ARI0018I{CMD|xxxxxxxx} - {DBPSWD|DSPLYDEV} parameter is ignored for VM.

Explanation: CMD indicates that the parameter in error was specified in the SQLSTART EXEC.

xxxxxxxx is the name of the parameter data set which contains the parameter in error.

System Action: Processing continues. The specified keyword is ignored. DSPLYDEV is always set to C (console).

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: You may want to remove the specification of DBPSWD or DSPLYDEV to prevent the issuance of this message in the future.

ARI0019EDBNAME parameter must be specified for VM.

Explanation: The DBNAME parameter must be specified when the application server is started with SYSMODE=M. (This is the default.)

System Action: The database manager is ended.

System Programmer Response: Re-execute the SQLSTART EXEC with the DBNAME parameter specified. Ensure that any EXEC that may invoke the SQLSTART EXEC specifies the DBNAME parameter. If the application server is being started by a means other than the SQLSTART EXEC, ensure that the DBNAME parameter is specified in the input parameters. For example:

PARM ( DBNAME=server-name,... )

ARI0020IVirtual machine addressing mode = amode. Virtual machine storage size = machine-sizeKB

Explanation: The application server is starting up and will run in addressing mode amode, where amode is either 24 or 31. The application server can run AMODE 24 or 31 in a virtual machine running in XA or XC mode and can run AMODE 24 in a virtual machine which is in 370 mode. The virtual machine size of the database machine is machine-size kilobytes.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: If the addressing mode or virtual machine size is not as desired, issue SQLEND to stop the application server.

If you wish to switch to AMODE 24, you can take one of the following actions.

If you wish to switch to AMODE 31, ensure that your virtual machine is operating in XA or XC mode, and use the AMODE(31) startup parameter when running the SQLSTART EXEC. If you do this, the application server will continue to start up in AMODE 31 unless AMODE(24) is used during a future startup of the application server, or the operating mode is reset to 370.

To change the storage size of the virtual machine, use the CP DEFINE STORAGE command.

ARI0021EThe program-name program was loaded above 16MB. The program must be RMODE 24 when running with the AMODE(24) option.

Explanation: The program-name program must be loaded below 16MB when the application server is running AMODE 24.

System Action: The application server is ended.

System Programmer Response: Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for information on how your single-user-mode applications are loaded and ensure that your application will be loaded below the 16MB line.

If there is no longer any need for the application server to run AMODE 24, (i.e. all your user exits and single-user-mode applications support 31-bit addressing), then you can use the AMODE(31) parameter when running SQLSTART. AMODE 31 will then become the default addressing mode for the application server and your single-user-mode application can be loaded above the 16MB line.

ARI0022EField procedure fieldproc-name has abnormally terminated. Please remove it from your installation.

Explanation: The field procedure fieldproc-name has abended. You must remove the procedure from the system before restarting the system. Executing field procedures that contain errors can affect the security and integrity of the database. Thoroughly test the field procedure before reinstalling it on your system.

System Action: The application server will produce a mini-dump. When possible, processing will continue.

Operator Response: Save the console output for the system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Remove the field procedure from your system before restarting the database manager. Ensure that the field procedure is thoroughly tested before reinstalling it.

ARI0023IThe program-name program will be invoked in AMODE amode.

Explanation: The program-name program will be started in the addressing mode amode specified. This could be either 24-bit or 31-bit addressing. Note that this addressing mode corresponds to the addressing mode in which the application server is started, unless the program is a DBS utility or a DB2 Server for VM preprocessor. In those instances, the addressing mode is always AMODE 24. This message is issued before invoking the single-user-mode application program-name.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: If the addressing mode is not what you want, refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for information on running applications in single-user mode.

ARI0024EDBCS conversion procedure transproc-name has abnormally terminated. Please remove it from your installation.

Explanation: The DBCS conversion procedure transproc-name has abended. Thoroughly test the procedure before re-installing it on your system. If you want to replace or remove this procedure from your system, contact your system programmer.

System Action: The application server will produce a mini-dump. When possible, processing will continue.

Operator Response: Save the console output for the system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Determine the CCSID conversions that use this DBCS conversion procedure by checking the TRANSPROC column of the catalog table SYSTEM.SYSSTRINGS. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for information on updating these CCSID conversions to make use of another DBCS conversion routine.

ARI0025IThe program program-name is loaded at load-address.

Explanation: program-name is the name of the load module loaded by by the database manager.

load-address is the storage address (expressed in hexadecimal) where the load module was loaded.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: You may want to note the address for use in any potential problem determination.

ARI0026EAn error occurred in the attempt to load program xxxxxxxx.

Explanation: xxxxxxxx is the name of the load module that the application server attempted to load.

The application server attempts to load the application program by following this sequence:

  1. If the program was not loaded, use the CMS LOADMOD command.
  2. If the program was not loaded in the previous step, use the CMS NUCXLOAD command (this assumes the program may be in a CMS LOADLIB).
  3. If the saved segment was not loaded, use the CP SEGMENT LOAD function.
  4. If the application server was started with the SET DOS ON command, use the CMS/DOS FETCH function.
  5. If the program was not loaded, use the CMS LOAD command.

If the program was not loaded, the reason code is:

Not found
Insufficient storage
Other error.

System Action: The database manager is ended.

Operator Response: If the reason code indicates insufficient storage, restart the application server after allocating a larger virtual machine. For all other reason codes, notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response:

Ensure that the program runs as a VM load module, in a CMS LOADLIB, a DOSLIB (CMS/DOS), or a TXTLIB, or has been installed as a saved segment.

ARI0027EA communication link error has occurred.

Explanation: The database manager has violated the use of the IUCV or APCC/VM services. The most probable causes may be:

(See Chapter 21, DB2 Server for VM Reason Codes.)

System Action: The database manager is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0028IThe database manager is terminating.

Explanation: This informational message is issued as acknowledgment when an SQLEND command (other than SQLEND QUICK) is first entered.
Note:SHUTDOWN is a valid synonym for SQLEND.

System Action: The database manager will start termination procedures; all active users (DB2 Server for VM agent structures) will be allowed to complete their processing. No new users will be allowed access to database services. After all active users have completed their processing, the database manager will perform any optional functions specified on the SQLEND command and end.

ARI0029In communication links are still connected.

Explanation: This informational message tells the operator how many users are active when the SQLEND command was entered. This number is the number of pseudo agent structures containing connected users.

This message is issued when an SQLEND command (other than SQLEND QUICK) is first issued. It is also issued with an updated number as each communication link is disconnected. This may allow the operator to determine how long it might take to complete the SQLEND process.
Note:SHUTDOWN is a valid synonym for SQLEND.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0030IDatabase manager termination is already in progress.

Explanation: This informational message is issued in response to a subsequent SQLEND command (other than SQLEND QUICK).

System Action: Processing continues and the command is ignored.

Operator Response: None unless an immediate shutdown is required, in which case an SQLEND QUICK command can be issued. If that command is issued, any logical units of work in progress will be resolved (either committed or backed out) the next time the database manager is brought up.
Note:SHUTDOWN is a valid synonym for SQLEND.

ARI0031EInvalid SQLEND parameter.

Explanation: The SQLEND command was entered with an invalid parameter. The operator should specify only a valid SQLEND command. For more information, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
Note:SHUTDOWN is a valid synonym for SQLEND.

System Action: Operator command processing ends.

Operator Response: Reenter the command correctly.

ARI0032IThe database manager has terminated.

Explanation: This informational message is issued prior to closing any data sets and ending.
Note:The virtual machine operator should not enter an HX command after this message has been displayed. It will cause immediate termination of the database manager with the message ARI0034E being displayed.
Note:If the database manager has ended abnormally, a DB2 Server for VM mini-dump will be displayed. These dumps are described in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference manual.

System Action: The database manager is ended.

ARI0034EAn error occurred during termination.

Explanation: This message is issued whenever database manager termination is in progress and an error (for example: a program check) occurs which causes the termination process to be invoked. This message is also issued if the operator enters a HX command after message ARI0032I has been displayed.
Note:Tape files may not have been closed and may be missing the last buffer contents and have no tape mark (EOF indicator).

System Action: The database manager ends immediately.

Operator Response: Notify your system programmer. You may wish to write a tapemark on any open tape files.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0035IApplication server cancel has been requested.

Explanation: The virtual machine operator has issued an HX command. The operator is allowed to request a dump if desired. See message ARI0044D.

System Action: The database manager ends.


Explanation: A program check interrupt occurred in the package. The database manager attempted to recover, but could not find the save area for the RDS recovery routine (ARIXEBR).

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0037EThe entry point for ARIXEBR1 cannot be found.

Explanation: A program check interrupt occurred in the package. The database manager attempted to recover, but could not find the entry point to the RDS recovery routine (ARIXEBR1).

System Action: The database manager is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0038EInvalid return code from ARIxxxx.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred.

ARIxxxx is the name of the module which returned an unexpected or invalid return code to the caller.

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0039EApplication server limit error occurred - ARIxxxx nn.

Explanation: This message is usually due to causes such as:

Other messages issued prior to this message will identify the error condition and aid in the corrective action to be taken.

ARIxxxx is the name of the module which detected the limit error.

nn is the error detection point within that module. See Chapter 25, Limit Errors for a list of critical detection points and their related error conditions.

No DB2 Server for VM dump or mini-dump will be displayed because a limit error occurred.

System Action: The database manager is ended.

Operator Response: If the error is due to insufficient free storage, restart the database manager after allocating a larger virtual machine.

System Programmer Response: You may have to reallocate external storage space; catalog missing modules into the saved segment area, LOADLIB, or DOSLIB; generate modules; or assist the operator in allocating a larger virtual machine size.

ARI0040EA database manager system error occurred - ARIxxxx nn.

Explanation: An internal error occurred within the database manager system. Usually a "should not occur" condition has occurred. A dump will be taken according to the DUMPTYPE initialization parameter. This is a system error.

ARIxxxx is the name of the module that detected the error.

nn is the error detection point within the module. See Chapter 26, System Errors for a list of communication link errors.
Note:If the database manager has ended abnormally, a mini-dump will be displayed. These dumps are described in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference manual. Refer also to message ARI0042I for additional diagnostic information.

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0041ESystem hardware error occurred - ARIxxxx nn.

Explanation: A hardware error was detected during an I/O operation.

ARIxxxx is the name of the module that detected the error.

nn is the error detection point in the module.

A preceding message describes the cause of the hardware error. A dump or mini-dump will not be taken if a hardware error occurs.

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a hardware error is indicated, report this problem to the hardware service person at your installation. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0042IDatabase manager reason code is n1 - X'n2'.

Explanation: This code is a VM system return code returned to the database manager. It can be used for problem determination.

n1 is the decimal representation of the reason code.

n2 is the hexadecimal representation of the reason code.
Note:A previous message should have been displayed related to the reason code. See Chapter 21, DB2 Server for VM Reason Codes and Chapter 18, DBSS Return Codes for additional information about the reason codes. The reason code is a DB2 Server for VM reason code if the application program could not be loaded. (See message ARI0026E.)

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Note the reason code for problem determination.

ARI0043IDatabase manager return code is n.

Explanation: This return code is for informational purposes. Except for return code 0, it is related to any earlier DB2 Server for VM messages that have been displayed. This return code is also returned to VM upon return by the database manager.

n is one of the following:

The database manager ended normally.

An error exists in the logic of the SQLSTART EXEC. Contact the designated database manager support group for your installation.

An error exists in the logic of the SQLSTART EXEC. Contact the designated database manager support group for your installation.

The database manager ended. This return code is returned when an SQLEND QUICK (SHUTDOWN QUICK) has been issued or when a problem such as a trace file close error occurred.

The database manager ended, but a limit error occurred (see message ARI0039E). Execution of any subsequent DB2 Server for VM applications may result in a failure if they depend upon the successful completion of a current DB2 Server for VM application.

The database manager ended, but an error occurred. (See message ARI0040E). This code is also returned if the operator enters an HX command. Execution of any subsequent DB2 Server for VM applications may result in a failure if they depend upon the successful completion of a current DB2 Server for VM application.

The database manager ended but a hardware error occurred. (See message ARI0041E). Execution of any subsequent DB2 Server for VM applications may result in a failure if they depend upon the successful completion of a current DB2 Server for VM application.

For nonzero return codes, see previous database manager error messages.
Note:When the database manager is operating in single user mode: If this message is accompanied by message ARI0046I, the return code passed back to the system will be the code from the database system.

System Action: Database manager termination continues.

ARI0044DIf you want a dump, enter 1(Yes). Otherwise enter 0(No).

Explanation: The abnormal termination routine has been entered due to an operator request. If a dump is required, the operator must reply with a 1 or YES to the message. If 0 or NO is entered, no dump will be taken. Any other reply will cause message ARI0052E to be displayed. The dump to be taken is determined by the DUMPTYPE initialization parameter (DUMPTYPE=P, F, or N). If DUMPTYPE=N was specified, the default DUMPTYPE=F is assumed.

System Action: Processing continues as determined by the operator reply.

Operator Response: Reply 1 or YES if a dump is required. Reply 0 or NO if no dump is required.

ARI0045IReady for operator communications.

Explanation: This informational message is issued only in multiple user mode. It informs the DB2 Server for VM virtual machine operator that the database manager is ready to accept DB2 Server for VM operator commands.

Operator Response: Enter any operator commands desired.

ARI0046Ixxxxxxxx return code is n1 - X'n2'.

Explanation: This message occurs only when the database manager is operating in single user mode. It reports a nonzero application return code (passed back in register 15) when the application program returns to the database manager.

xxxxxxxx is the name of the application program (specified in the PROGNAME initialization parameter).

n1 is the decimal representation of the return code.

n2 is the hexadecimal representation of the return code.

Some application programs (such as those written in COBOL or FORTRAN) do not pass back a zero return code upon successful completion. If the application program does not make the return code zero, whatever value is in register 15 will be displayed as the return code. This value is normally the entry point address of the application program; it is typically a large value.

IBM-supplied DB2 Server for VM programs (for example, a preprocessor or the DBS utility) that run in single user mode will also have their return codes displayed in this message.

If the name of the application program given in the message is one of the preprocessors:

Assembler Preprocessor
C Preprocessor
COBOL Preprocessor
FORTRAN Preprocessor
PL/I Preprocessor

the following return codes apply:

No errors and no warnings.

The preprocessor BLOCK option was specified and

Preprocessor or SQL warning. Either:

Preprocessor or SQL error. Either:

Preprocessor or SQL error. Preprocessor cannot continue. Probable causes are:

Severe SQL error. Preprocessor cannot continue. Probable causes are:

Return codes 12 and 16 are called preprocessor terminating errors. The preprocessor halts at the point of the error and performs its cleanup processing:

If the name of the application program given in the message is the DBS utility (ARIDBS), the following return codes apply:

All commands processed successfully.

An error occurred during DBS utility termination. However, all requested processing completed successfully. All changes were committed to the database. No SQL or DBS utility commands need to be reprocessed.

Errors have occurred during ERRORMODE CONTINUE processing. Some commands issued while SET ERRORMODE CONTINUE was in effect were not processed successfully.

DBS utility processing error occurred. From the point of the error, no further commands were executed, but later DBS utility commands were checked for syntax errors.

DBS control command file open error occurred. No commands were processed.

DBS message file open error occurred. No commands were processed.

Initialization error occurred. Not enough virtual storage was available for DBS utility working storage areas. No commands were processed.

When the database manager is started for database generation (STARTUP=C is specified), the program name is always ARIGCAT.

When the database manager is started for adding DBSPACEs (SQLADBSP EXEC), the program name is always ARISEGB.

Unless the return code is 512 or greater, the application return code is passed back to the system.

System Action: Database manager termination continues.

Operator Response: None, unless otherwise requested by the application programmer.

System Programmer Response: None, unless otherwise requested by the application programmer or by preceding messages if the application program is the DB2 Server for VM program.

ARI0047E xxxxxxxx - Reason Code = nnn.

Explanation: This message only occurs with message ARI0026E. It is issued when an error other than "not found" or "insufficient storage" occurs while the database manager is trying to load the program indicated in message ARI0026E.

xxxxxxxx is the type of load operation being tried by the database manager when the error occurred. This value can be LOADMOD, NUCXLOAD, SEGMENT LOAD, FETCH (CMS/DOS), or LOAD.

nnn is the return code indicating the cause of the failure. Refer to the VM manual that documents the load operation in question. (For NUCXLOAD and SEGMENT macro, also see below.)

This message is accompanied by a DB2 Server for VM dump (as specified by the DUMPTYPE initialization parameter) and message ARI0040E, except when the program identified is ARICMOD. The return code in message ARI0043I is 516.

This message is issued once if the failure occurred while trying to load ARICMOD, ARIGCAT, or ARISEGB (and the error was other than "not found" or "insufficient storage"). For all other programs, the message is issued either four or five times. The database manager tries to load the application program through each of the VM load types in this order: LOADMOD, NUCXLOAD, SEGMENT LOAD, FETCH (only if CMS/DOS is on), and finally LOAD. The system tries each one until a successful load occurs or all fail:

The NUCXLOAD and SEGMENT LOAD cases involve more than the execution of NUCXLOAD or SEGMENT LOAD alone.

For NUCXLOAD, the database manager may go through a NUCEXT QUERY, NUCXDROP, NUCXLOAD, and NUCEXT QUERY process to load the program. As a result, the reason code displayed in message ARI0047E may be a return code from NUCEXT QUERY or NUCXDROP, not NUCXLOAD. Consult the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for a description of the return codes from these commands as well as NUCXLOAD.

Similarly, if the program is to be loaded into a saved segment area, the database manager issues a SEGMENT LOAD macro. The reason code displayed in message ARI0047E may thus have resulted from the FINDSYS or PURGESYS, not the SEGMENT LOAD.

For a full description of this load search hierarchy, and the possible error conditions, refer to the information about starting an application server in single user mode in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0048EAccounting specified, but the CP ACCT option was not specified in the directory entry of the database machine.

Explanation: DB2 Server for VM accounting records are written to the VM system accounting file by the CP DIAGNOSE instruction code X'4C'. This DIAGNOSE requires that the VM directory entry of the virtual machine issuing the DIAGNOSE ( DB2 Server for VM application server) must specify the CP ACCT option. The ACCT is an operand of the VM OPTION directory control statement. Otherwise, the DIAGNOSE returns a condition code of 1.

System Action: If this condition occurs, accounting support is shut off and the database manager is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the VM directory entry of the application server. See the VM/ESA: Planning and Administration manual for details. Then restart the application server.

ARI0049ECP DIAGNOSE Instruction Code X'70' failure. Issue CP command SET ECMODE ON, reissue IPL CMS, and restart the database manager.

Explanation: DB2 Server for VM accounting support uses the CP DIAGNOSE instruction code X'70' to capture CPU time on a user basis. This DIAGNOSE requires that ECMODE is on. If ECMODE is on and the DIAGNOSE still fails, consult the VM/ESA: CP Programming Services manual for further details.

System Action: If this condition occurs, accounting support is shut off and the database manager is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If the problem occurs, and ECMODE is on, the virtual machine must be reset. A virtual machine is reset by issuing any of these CP commands: IPL, SET ECMODE, SYSTEM RESET, SYSTEM CLEAR, DEFINE STORAGE, DEFINE CHANNELS, and LOGOFF. After the virtual machine is reset, restart the database manager.

ARI0050ECP DIAGNOSE instruction code X'4C' failure.

Explanation: DB2 Server for VM accounting records are written by the CP DIAGNOSE instruction code X'4C'. While attempting to write a DB2 Server for VM accounting record, this DIAGNOSE failed. This is a DB2 Server for VM system error condition.

System Action: If this condition occurs, the accounting support is shut off, and the system is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0052Eresponse is incorrect. Please reenter the correct response.

Explanation: An incorrect value (response in text) was entered in response to the previous message. If response is blank, a null response (no response or blanks) was entered.

System Action: The previous message will be re-displayed.

Operator Response: Determine the valid response to the previous message, and enter the valid response when the prompting message is re-displayed.

ARI0053EAn unexpected error occurred accessing the application server at initialization. DBSS Return Code = code.

Explanation: During the database manager startup, the RDS module ARIXERO encountered unexpected problems when attempting to access the application server.

code is the DBSS return code from the open. Refer to Chapter 18, DBSS Return Codes.

System Action: The database manager is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Note the DBSS return code, make a record of what went wrong, and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0054EUnable to do COMMIT. DBSS Return Code = return-code.

Explanation: During the database manager startup, ARIXERO was unable to issue a COMMIT after opening the record catalog table RIDs, TIDs, and IIDs.

return-code is the DBSS return code from the open. Refer to Chapter 18, "DBSS Return Codes".

System Action: The database manager is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0055AReady trace output volume. Enter CUU or CANCEL.

Explanation: You specified one or more of the DB2 Server for VM initialization parameters TRACCONV, TRACDBSS, TRACRDS, TRACDSC, TRACWUM, TRACDRRM, and TRACSTG. DB2 Server for VM initialization is requesting the database virtual machine operator to:

You can reply CANCEL if no tape or CMS file is available or tracing is not desired.

If this message is re-displayed after message ARI0094E (indicating a trace file open error), the system is requesting that corrective action for message ARI0094E be taken. After a scratch tape (for tape output) has been mounted and positioned correctly, enter the cuu of the selected tape unit. Reply CANCEL if the error condition cannot be corrected, no scratch tape is available, no tape unit is available, no CMS file is available, or the error condition represented by message ARI0094E cannot be corrected.

System Action: If the cuu is entered, the tape file or CMS file indicated on the CMS FILEDEF command for ARITRAC is opened. DB2 Server for VM initialization continues with DB2 Server for VM trace active.

If CANCEL is entered, message ARI0056I is displayed. DB2 Server for VM initialization continues with DB2 Server for VM trace inactive ("output disabled").

Operator Response: If this message was re-displayed after message ARI0094E, take the corrective action suggested for that message.

You must use the virtual tape unit or minidisk specified on the CMS FILEDEF command for ddname ARITRAC.

If output is to tape, notify the CP operator (using a CP MSG OP command) to ready (at the load point) a writable scratch tape volume on a tape unit, attach that tape to your virtual machine with the ARITRAC FILEDEF-specified cuu, and notify you when the tape is ready for use. Then enter the cuu of the virtual tape unit. If no tape unit or volume is available, or the error represented by message ARI0094E cannot be corrected, enter CANCEL. DB2 Server for VM initialization will proceed without tracing.
Note:The virtual tape unit or CMS minidisk specified on the CMS FILEDEF command for ddname ARITRAC will be used for the file regardless of the cuu you enter.

ARI0056ITracing terminates because of operator request.

Explanation: During database initialization, you specified the parameters TRACCONV, TRACDBSS, TRACRDS, TRACDSC, TRACWUM, TRACDRRM, or TRACSTG (or any combination). The initialization dialog prompted the operator for the tape unit or CMS minidisk cuu for the trace output file (message ARI0055A) and the operator responded with CANCEL to the prompting message. (The operator refers to the user of the database virtual machine console.) The message indicates that database initialization is continuing but with trace inactive ("output disabled").

System Action: Database initialization continues, but with the trace inactive, the TRACCONV, TRACDBSS, TRACRDS, TRACDSC, TRACWUM, TRACDRRM, or TRACSTG parameters are overridden.
Note:Since trace is "output disabled", the TRACE OFF operator command must be entered before the TRACE ON operator command can be entered.

ARI0057EMessage ARInnnn has formatting error.

Explanation: This is a database error. The message identified by nnnn (that is, message prefix ARI) either:

For a multi-line message, the error may have occurred on any (or all) lines. The message in error precedes this message on the display terminal or printer.

System Action: Normal processing continues.

Operator Response: Save the message output (this message and the message identified by nnnn) and notify your system programmer.

Programmer Response: Same as Operator Response.

System Programmer Response: Save the message output and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation. If the application program using the database manager is known, save information about it so that the problem can be recreated if necessary.

ARI0058EMessage editing error {MSG ID = nnnn | SQLCODE = nnnn}. Reason Code = nn.

Explanation: This is a system error. A database component requested that a message be edited and displayed. If SQLCODE appears in the message text, the request was for the SQLCODE message associated with SQLCODE nnn. If MSG ID appears in the message text, the request was for the database message ARInnnn (nnnn from message text).

The exact cause of the message editing error is identified by the Reason Code=nn value in the message text where:

A message number is outside a valid range.

SQL code number is out of range.

This is an invalid DBCS substitution string.

Message is not found in the repository.

The repository is not found.

Sequence number contains wrong or non-existing message line number.

Invalid buffer length.

You may be able to identify the lost message from the displayed message number or SQLCODE and take appropriate action.

System Action: Processing continues as though the lost message had been displayed. Subsequent messages may clarify system activity.

User Response: If the reason code is 04 and the database machine is operating at a later release than your user machine, use the message number or SQLCODE in the message text to help you determine the release level of the database machine.

Operator Response: Save this message and, if possible, any additional information about the application program or the database manager program which was running and notify your system programmer.

Programmer Response: See Operator Response.

System Programmer Response: Save the message output and any other information given to you by the operator or programmer and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation. If the application program using the database manager is known, save information about it so that the problem can be recreated if necessary.

ARI0059EProgram cancelled due to insufficient virtual storage.

Explanation: An attempt to acquire virtual storage (using the CMS free storage macro) in the virtual machine failed.

System Action: The program will be canceled because of insufficient virtual storage.

Operator Response:

If a return code other than 1 from the free storage macro is displayed (see Note), this indicates a VM or database system error. The system programmer should verify that a user program is not damaging CMS storage pointers (free storage macro return codes 2 and 3). Assuming that a user error did not occur, the system programmer should determine the service level of the database manager and report this problem to the designated support structure for your installation.

Otherwise, assume that the virtual storage is not enough and proceed as follows. Either run the failing program in a larger virtual machine or change the program parameters so that it requires less virtual storage. If you are running a program with the database manager in single user mode, you may be able to run it in a smaller virtual machine while the database manager is running in multiple user mode. Consult with your system programmer to help you. (You can use the CP QUERY STORAGE command to display the virtual storage size of your virtual machine. You can set the size of your virtual machine by using the CP DEFINE STORAGE command before you use the CP IPL CMS command.)
Note:An attempt is made to provide information about:

A dump of the virtual machine is issued if this attempt fails because of a lack of storage. The dump is displayed on the virtual printer.

System Programmer Response: See Operator Response.

ARI0060IDatabase manager initialization complete.

Explanation: The database manager has completed the initialization process in multiple user mode. It is ready to accept work requests from other virtual machines.

System Action: The database manager enters wait state, waiting for work requests from other virtual machines and for database manager operator requests to enter operator commands.

Operator Response: Database application programs including preprocessors, ISQL, and the Database Services Utility program may be started in other virtual machines.

Database operator commands may be entered from the operator console.

ARI0061EThe operator command value value is too long.

Explanation: The database manager operator or ISQL terminal user has entered a database operator command which has a command name or parameter which exceeds eighteen characters in length. Database operator command names and parameters may not exceed eighteen characters. The first eighteen characters of the invalid value are displayed in the message. This error may be caused by misspelling an operator command name or parameter or by omitting the blank required between the parameters of the command or between the command name and the first parameter.

System Action: Operator command processing ends.

Operator Response: Reenter the command with the correct value. For a description of the database operator commands, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

User Response: Reenter the command with the correct value. See the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Interactive SQL Guide and Reference manual.

ARI0063IYou did not enter an operator command.

Explanation: The database manager operator has entered a null line which the database manager has attempted to process as a database operator command, or ISQL has transmitted a blank line for database operator command processing. This should not occur for ISQL (ISQL internal error).

System Action: Operator command processing ends.

User Response: You may enter a database operator command or an ISQL or SQL command. If you are in ISQL, this message indicates an internal error in ISQL. In this case, notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If message ARI0063I is received by an ISQL terminal user, ISQL is malfunctioning. Determine the service level of the database manager and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0064EYou entered an invalid operator command.

Explanation: The operator or the ISQL terminal user has entered an operator command. Either:


  1. ISQL should process only COUNTER and SHOW as operator commands. Therefore, ISQL has an internal error.

  2. The command RESET CRR LOGNAME is not valid when SYNCPNT=N.

System Action: Operator command processing ends.

Operator Response: Initiate communication with the database manager and reenter the command with the correct name and operands. For the descriptions of the database operator commands, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

User Response: You may enter a database operator command or an ISQL or SQL command. This message indicates an internal error in ISQL. Notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If message ARI0064E is received by an ISQL terminal user, ISQL is malfunctioning. Determine the service level of the database manager and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0065IOperator command processing is complete.

Explanation: This message notifies the operator or the ISQL terminal user that a database operator command has successfully completed processing.

System Action: Normal processing continues.

User Response: You may enter another database operator command or an ISQL or SQL command.

ARI0066EAn error occurred processing the operator command.

Explanation: A database operator command was routed to the module which processes the command. The module detected an error and ended command processing. If the error was an invalid command parameter, the module issued a message identifying the error. If the module invoked database services which detected an error (for example, I/O error), then the operator received an error message due to the error. Note that in the last case, the operator command may have come from an ISQL terminal but the specific error message is displayed to the operator.

System Action: Operator command processing ends.

Operator Response: Refer to the previous error message for the cause of the error and for corrective action.

User Response: If there is a previous error message indicating the cause of command failure, take the corrective action indicated by that message. If there is no previous error message, the command was not executed due to some error detected by the database manager (such as an I/O error) and the operator has been notified of the error. If the problem persists, you may wish to notify the system programmer of your problem.

System Programmer Response: Obtain the ISQL terminal user and operator error message output and take the corrective action recommended or suggested by the error messages.

ARI0067EInvalid SHOW command entered.

Explanation: This message was caused by the operator or ISQL terminal entering:

System Action: Operator command processing ends.

Operator Response: Reenter the SHOW command with the correct operands. For a description of this command, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

User Response: Reenter the SHOW command with the correct operands. For the description of SHOW commands, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual. You may alternatively enter an ISQL or SQL command.

ARI0068EInvalid SET command entered.

Explanation: The operator SET command operand was invalid or omitted.

System Action: Operator command processing ends.

Operator Response: Reenter the SET command with the correct operand. For the description of this command, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

ARI0069EREAD FILE fn ft fm failed, REASON=nn CODE=nn.

Explanation: During reading of the SYSIN file, a READ FILE statement was encountered. (The READ FILE statement is described in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual.) When the system attempted to access and read the CMS file, an error occurred.

fn ft fm identifies the file name, file type, and file mode of the CMS file. REASON is the Primary Error Code, and CODE is the Secondary Error Code.

For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 24, Include File Access Errors, or "INCLUDE FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: See subsequent database messages. Normally this error condition causes the database manager program to end.

User Response: Save this error message and give it to the program submittor or the system programmer for problem resolution.

System Programmer Response: For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 24, Include File Access Errors, or "INCLUDE FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

ARI0081EWrite error trace file. Reason Code = nn. Error Code = nn.

Explanation: When the system attempted to write trace data to the trace output file, an access error occurred. Trace status is now "output disabled". The trace file has the ddname ARITRAC. The Reason Code value is the Primary Error Code. The Error Code value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: Any further database trace output is disabled. This error condition prevents closing the trace output file during TRACE OFF command processing, database manager shutdown, or application termination.

User Response: Save this message and give it to your system programmer. Do not try to process the trace output file.

See Operator Response for message ARI0097I for possible action to salvage the accumulated trace output data.

Operator Response: See User Response.

System Programmer Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text. Note that although you may have partial trace output, it cannot be cleanly processed because the tape or CMS file has not been closed.

ARI0082ETRACE command parameter n [parameter] invalid or missing.

Explanation: The TRACE operator command was entered and is being processed. One of the following conditions was detected:

Parameter n identifies which parameter was omitted or contains the invalid value. parameter, if present in the message text, identifies the invalid parameter value. If not present, it indicates that a required parameter was omitted.

System Action: TRACE command processing ends. There is no change in the status of the database trace facility.

Operator Response: Consult the TRACE command section of the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual, and compare the TRACE command description with the TRACE command that you entered and the text of this message. Determine which parameter was erroneously specified or omitted and reenter the TRACE command.

ARI0083ITrace command specified {ON|OFF}, but trace already {ON|OFF CLOSED}.

Explanation: One of the following occurred:

TRACE ON cannot be validly specified unless trace is inactive (OFF). TRACE OFF cannot be validly specified unless trace is active (ON) or inactive but with the trace file open (OFF NOCLOSE).

System Action: TRACE command processing ends. There is no change in status of the database trace facility.

Operator Response: None is required since trace is already in the state specified by the TRACE command. If you want to specify new tracing (TRACE ON) parameters, you must first successfully enter the TRACE OFF command (the NOCLOSE option allows the trace file to be kept open for further output in the same trace file).

ARI0084DEnter one of userid, AGENT n, * (for all), or CANCEL.

Explanation: The TRACE ON operator command is being processed. The database manager is prompting the operator to specify which database user ID or agent number (or * for all agent numbers) is to be traced.

System Action:

Operator Response: Enter one of the following:

User ID
Indicates tracing by database user ID. Although lower case characters may be entered, they are translated to upper case by the database manager. Also, imbedded blanks may not be entered since the blank (space) character is the database parameter delimiter character. You should attempt to trace by a user ID only if the user ID consists entirely of numeric and uppercase alphabetic characters with no imbedded blanks (low order blanks are no problem).

AGENT indicates trace by agent number; n is a valid database Agent number (blank between AGENT and n).

Operator Agent.

Checkpoint/Archive Agent.

In single user mode is General Purpose User Agent.

In multiple user mode is Ready/Recovery Agent.

In multiple user mode are General Purpose User Agents.

Note:On SHOW commands, user agents 4 through n are displayed as agents 1, 2, ..., NCUSERS initialization parameter value.

Indicates that all database Agents are to be traced.

Ends TRACE command processing.

ARI0085EAgent number [value] invalid or missing.

Explanation: An incorrect or null (blank) agent number value was entered in response to TRACE ON command prompting message ARI0084D.

System Action: TRACE ON prompting message ARI0084D is re-displayed to allow the correct response to be entered.

Operator Response: Determine the valid agent number value you will enter in response to prompting message ARI0084D, and enter the valid response when the prompting message is re-displayed.

ARI0086EInvalid response {BLANK|value} to prompt.

Explanation: An incorrect value (value in message text) or no value (BLANK in message text) was entered in response to a TRACE ON command or trace initialization prompting message.

System Action: The TRACE prompting message (to which the invalid response was entered) is redisplayed.

Operator Response: Determine the valid response to the trace prompting message, and enter the valid response when the prompting message is re-displayed.

ARI0087DEnter one or more component names or CANCEL. Valid component names are DBSS, RDS, [WUM, DRRM,] DSC, CONV, and STG.

Explanation: The TRACE ON operator command is being processed. The database manager is prompting the operator to specify the major components (DBSS, RDS, WUM, DRRM, DSC, CONV, or STG) that are to be traced.

System Action:

Operator Response:

Enter any of DBSS, RDS, WUM, DRRM, DSC, CONV, or STG (with one or more blanks between them). You can enter them in any order.
Note:You can see this message in all environments. In environments where components are not active, however, the components tracing does not take place, even if the operator specifies them.

ARI0088DEnter RDS function name and trace-level pairs.
Valid function names are *, EXEC,
PA, OPT, AG, INT, AU, SG, and
Valid trace-level values are 0, 1,
and 2.

Explanation: The TRACE ON command is being processed. The operator has responded RDS to prompting message ARI0087D. The database manager is prompting the operator to specify which functions of RDS to be traced and the desired trace level for each function.

System Action:

Note:If trace level 0 is entered for a function, it will not be traced (equivalent to not entering the function at all). Therefore, if you want to trace all RDS functions (at level 2, for example) except INT, you can enter * 2 INT 0. Since INT appears after the * specification, it overrides the implicit INT 2 implied by * 2. Likewise, entering : * 1 EXEC 2 will cause all RDS functions except EXEC to be traced at level 1 and EXEC to be traced at level 2.

Operator Response:

ARI0089ETrace-level [value] for {RDS|CONV|DBSS |DSC|WUM|DRRM|STG} {*|function name} invalid or missing.

Explanation: You entered one of the following:

Your entry was in response to one of the following TRACE ON command prompting messages:

{*|function name} in message text identifies the valid RDS, DBSS, DSC, or DRRM function name that precedes the omitted or incorrect trace-level value.

System Action: The TRACE ON prompting message (to which the incorrect response was entered) is re-displayed.

Operator Response: Determine the valid response to the trace prompting message (each function name must be followed by a valid trace-level value of 0, 1, or 2 with a blank between them) and enter the valid response when the prompting message is re-displayed.

ARI0090DEnter DBSS function name and trace-level pairs.
Valid function names are
Valid trace-level values are
0, 1, and 2.

Explanation: The TRACE ON command is being processed. The operator has responded DBSS to prompting message ARI0087D. The database manager is prompting the operator to specify which functions of DBSS are to be traced and the desired trace level for each function.

System Action:

Note:If trace level 0 is entered for a function, it will not be traced (equivalent to not entering the function at all). Therefore, if you want to trace all DBSS functions (at level 2, for example) except INDEX, you can enter: * 2 INDEX 0. Since INDEX appears after the * specification, it overrides the implicit INDEX 2 implied by * 2. Likewise, entering: * 1 ENTRY 2 will cause all DBSS functions except ENTRY to be traced at level 1 and ENTRY to be traced at level 2.

Operator Response:

ARI0091DEnter the dump trace point number, or CANCEL to terminate trace command processing.

Explanation: The TRACE ON command is being processed. The operator specified the DUMP parameter in the TRACE ON command. The database manager is prompting the operator to specify the CONV, DBSS, RDS, DSC, WUM, DRRM, or STG trace point number that is to cause a database snap dump to occur when the trace point is first activated. The snap dump will dump either all of the database virtual machine (full dump), or only that part of the virtual machine which does not contain database load modules (partial dump). The database initialization parameter DUMPTYPE will control whether a full dump is given (DUMPTYPE=F) or a partial dump is given (DUMPTYPE=P or N).

System Action: The entered trace point number is stored. When that trace point is first activated for tracing, a snap dump is produced on the virtual printer. After the first activation, no more snap dumps are produced.

If CANCEL is entered, TRACE command processing ends.

Operator Response:

ARI0093ITRACE command terminated by request.

Explanation: The TRACE ON command was being processed. The operator responded CANCEL to a prompting message.

System Action: TRACE command processing ends. There is no change in status to the database trace facility.

Operator Response: The operator may reenter the TRACE ON command.

ARI0094E Trace file cuu assign or open failed. Reason Code = nn. Return Code = nn.

Explanation: The database manager is processing the TRACE ON command or initializing a database trace during database or Resource Adapter initialization. An error occurred while the Resource Adapter was attempting to open the trace output file on tape unit or CMS minidisk cuu. The Reason Code value is the Primary Error Code. The Return Code value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: If this error occurs in the database machine, then either:

If this error occurs in a user virtual machine, the application abends.

User Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

Operator Response: See User Response.

System Programmer Response: See User Response.

ARI0095I Trace now on with output on unit cuu.

Explanation: The TRACE ON command has been successfully processed, or database initialization has successfully initialized trace ON. Database trace is now active with trace output on tape unit or CMS minidisk cuu.

System Action:

ARI0096I TRACE now OFF. Trace file remains open on unit cuu.

Explanation: The TRACE OFF NOCLOSE command was successfully processed. Trace is inactive and the trace output file remains open on tape unit or CMS minidisk cuu for subsequent trace output (after using a TRACE ON command). This message will occur if trace was active when the command was entered or if trace was already inactive but with the trace output file open (due to a prior TRACE OFF NOCLOSE command).

System Action: TRACE OFF command processing has completed. Trace is completely inactive.

Operator Response: None required. A TRACE ON command may now be entered. Note that a TRACE OFF command with the NOCLOSE parameter omitted (or database manager termination which closes the tape or minidisk file) must be executed before the trace output file can be processed.

ARI0097I TRACE was output disabled. TRACE is now OFF. It did not close unit {cuu|UA}.

Explanation: The database manager is being normally or abnormally terminated, or the TRACE OFF command (with or without the CLOSE or NOCLOSE parameters) was processed. Trace was previously ON (active) due to the TRACE ON operator command or the initialization parameters TRACCONV, TRACDBSS, TRACRDS, TRACDSC, TRACWUM, TRACDRRM, or TRACSTG.

Trace became "output disabled" (trace output suppressed) because of either:

The TRACE OFF command or database manager termination caused trace to be turned off (fully disabled), but the trace output file was not closed due to the previous problem (open failure or write error).

If cuu is in the message text, the trace output file was opened and may contain trace output data, but due to the write error and failure to close the file, the file may not be usable.

If UA is in the message text, the trace output file was not successfully opened during database initialization.

System Action: Trace has been turned off (disabled).

Operator Response: None required. If the message was in response to the TRACE OFF command, a TRACE ON command may be entered. If trace output is to tape, you may attempt to salvage the trace data on the output tape by using the CMS TAPE WTM TAPn command. In any case, you can attempt to run the DB2 Server for VM Trace Formatter Utility Program (ARIMTRA). It will format and output all trace data or selected trace data up to the point of failure. At that point, it will probably end due to invalid data or an I/O error on the tape or minidisk file.

ARI0098E Trace file cuu unassigned or CLOSE failed. Reason Code = nn. Return Code = nn. TRACE OFF. Processing completed.

Explanation: The TRACE OFF command (CLOSE is the default) is being processed or the database manager is being normally or abnormally ended. In attempting to close the trace output file on tape unit or CMS minidisk cuu, a terminating error occurred. The Reason Code value is the Primary Error Code. The Return Code value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: TRACE OFF command processing or trace shutdown is completed. Trace is in the OFF state. Assume that the trace tape or minidisk file was not closed and is not fully processable (see below).

Operator Response: Report the problem (message) to your system programmer. Include any CMS minidisk or tape unit error messages displayed by CMS.

You may attempt to run the DB2 Server for VM Trace Formatter Utility Program (ARIMTRA). It will format and output all trace data up to the point of failure. At that point it may end due to lack of tape/minidisk CLOSE recording or an unreadable record on the tape/minidisk.

Note for tape output: You may wish to notify the CP operator to demount the tape volume, save it, and detach the real tape unit from the virtual machine.

System Programmer Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

ARI0099I TRACE OFF. Output file closed on unit cuu.

Explanation: Database trace has been successfully ended due to entry of the TRACE OFF CLOSE (CLOSE is the default) operator command or due to database manager normal or abnormal termination. Trace is off and the trace output file has been successfully closed.

System Action: TRACE OFF command processing or trace shutdown is completed. The trace file is closed.

Operator Response: None required. The trace output tape or minidisk is now available for print display by the DB2 Server for VM Trace Formatter Utility Program (ARIMTRA).

Note for tape output: You may wish to notify the CP operator to demount the tape volume, save it, and detach the real tape unit from the virtual machine.

ARI0100EAgent/user ID {agent-id | user-id} is not assigned.

Explanation: A SHOW LOCK operator command could not be processed. Sources of the problem include:

System Action: The SHOW command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Be sure that the specified agent-id or user-id is valid and reenter the SHOW command.
Note:You may get the same result if the requested agent/user does not occupy a real agent at the time the command is reentered.

ARI0101EDBSPACE dbspace-number does not exist.

Explanation: The dbspace-number entered on the SHOW LOCK DBSPACE operator command was invalid:

System Action: The SHOW command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Correct the DBSPACE number (be sure that the DBSPACE number is between 1 and the maximum valid value for DBSPACE numbers) and reenter the command.

ARI0102EThere is no lock contention for {any | this} {DBSPACE | agent/user}.

Explanation: The database manager could not find a DBSPACE or an agent/user that had locking contention at the instant the SHOW command was entered. This message occurred as a result of entering a SHOW LOCK DBSPACE, SHOW LOCK USER, SHOW LOCK WANTLOCK, SHOW LOCK ACTIVE, or SHOW LOCK GRAPH command.

System Action: The SHOW command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Reenter the command.
Note:You may get the same result if the requested agent, user, or DBSPACE has no lock contention at the time the command is reentered.

ARI0103EA column named name1 does not exist in the system catalog table named name2.

Explanation: The row for the column name (name1) was not found in the system table name2. name1 is either TLABEL or CLABEL. The TLABEL column resides in SYSTEM.SYSCATALOG and contains correlation names. name2 is either SYSTEM.SYSCATALOG or SYSTEM.SYSCOLUMNS. The CLABEL column resides in SYSTEM.SYSCOLUMNS and contains column labels.

The database manager expects there to be a column named TLABEL in SYSTEM.SYSCATALOG and CLABEL in SYSTEM.SYSCOLUMNS when looking for a row describing those columns. It could find neither of them.

System Action: Processing continues.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your database administrator.

Database Administrator Response:

  1. Determine why the row was deleted, or why it was updated with invalid values, and what values should be inserted.
  2. Insert or update a row for TLABEL or CLABEL in SYSTEM.SYSCOLUMNS with the appropriate values.
  3. Restart the database manager.

ARI0104IThe row, where SQLOPTION = option1 does not exist, or has incorrect data in the VALUE column in the catalog table named SYSOPTIONS. The database manager will assume a value of option2.

Explanation: You omitted a data type value or gave an incorrect value. The system assumed a value instead.

The SQLOPTION = option1 possibilities are:

The row for DBCS option in SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS (where SQLOPTION = DBCS) is missing or contains an invalid value. The correct value is either YES or NO.

The row for the CHARSUB option in SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS (where SQLOPTION = CHARSUB) is missing or contains an invalid value. The correct values are SBCS or MIXED.

The row for the CCSIDSBCS option in SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS (where SQLOPTION = CCSIDSBCS) is missing or contains an invalid CCSID value. The correct values are recorded in the SYSTEM.SYSCCSIDS catalog table.

The row for the CCSIDMIXED option in SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS (where SQLOPTION = CCSIDMIXED) is missing or contains an invalid CCSID value. The correct values are recorded in the SYSTEM.SYSCCSIDS catalog table.

The row for the CCSIDGRAPHIC option in SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS (where SQLOPTION = CCSIDGRAPHIC is missing or contains an invalid CCSID value. The correct values are recorded in the SYSTEM.SYSCCSIDS catalog table.

The row for the MCCSIDSBCS option in SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS (where SQLOPTION = MCCSIDSBCS) is missing or contains an invalid CCSID value.

The row for the MCCSIDMIXED option in SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS (where SQLOPTION = MCCSIDMIXED) is missing or contains an invalid CCSID value.

The row for the MCCSIDGRAPHIC option in SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS (where SQLOPTION = MCCSIDGRAPHIC) is missing or contains an invalid CCSID value.

System Action: Processing continues. The implied value of option2 is:

Operator Response: Refer this message to your database administrator.

Database Administrator Response: Display the SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS catalog table and find out whether:

ARI0105IThe row, where column = name, does not exist in the system catalog table table-name. The database manager assumes the internal default of charname.

Explanation: The row for the character set, where column = name does not exist in the catalog table table-name. The character set specified in the CHARNAME parameter on SQLSTART is not correctly defined in all catalog tables.

System Action: Processing continues. The database manager uses the charname character set, which is usually be the last CHARNAME correctly specified.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your database administrator.

Database Administrator Response: Determine whether a wrong character set name is specified as the CHARNAME initialization parameter.

ARI0106EThe database manager found an incompatibility in the application server at initialization. The expected FORMAT ID is format-id1. The FORMAT ID found in the application server is format-id2.

Explanation: The code running on the database manager is incompatible with the release level of the database. format-id1 is the expected format ID, and format-id2 is the format ID of the current application server.

Level of Code
Application Server Format ID

|Version 7 Release 1

Version 6 Release 1

Version 5 Release 1

Version 3 Release 5

Version 3 Release 4

Version 3 Release 3

Version 3 Release 2

Version 3 Release 1

Version 2 Release 2

System Action: The database manager is terminated.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: The procedures for installing the database manager code and updating application servers are described in the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory. Installations that are simultaneously using multiple application servers and different database manager releases may accidentally pair a release of the database manager with an incompatible application server.

ARI0107EThe ROW, where the NAME = name, contains incorrect data in the column column in the system catalog table SYSCHARSETS. Data positions that are in error are indicated by the letter E in the strings that follow. Either the current system CHARNAME or INTERNATIONAL will be used.

Explanation: For the character set specified in the CHARNAME initialization parameter, the EBCDIC character set classification table or the EBCDIC character set translation table in SYSTEM.SYSCHARSETS contains invalid values.

In the strings following the message, the positions in error are marked by an E. These positions are represented in hexadecimal numbers.

System Action: Processing continues. If the application server default CHARNAME is being changed and the new CHARNAME is in error, the value of the current application server default CHARNAME is used. If the current application server default CHARNAME is in error, then INTERNATIONAL will be used as the CHARNAME value. Message ARI0143I indicates the value of the application server default CHARNAME.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your database administrator.

Database Administrator Response: Display the row for the specified EBCDIC character set in the SYSTEM.SYSCHARSETS catalog table. Determine the correct values and update the row with correct values.

After correcting the row, restart the database manager because some application programs may not run correctly using another character set.

ARI0110ECMS TODACCNT function failed. Return Code =  nn .

Explanation: DB2 Server for VM accounting support uses the CP DIAGNOSE instruction code X'70' to capture CPU time on a user basis. The database manager invokes CMS to issue the CP DIAGNOSE using the CMS TODACCNT function. This function has failed while attempting to issue the DIAGNOSE X'70'. The return code is the return code (in decimal) issued by the CMS TODACCNT function.

System Action: If this condition occurs, accounting support is shut off, and the database manager is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer or database administrator.

ARI0113I{LUWID luwid-value | DBSPACE dbspace-number | USERID userid} has already been specified.

Explanation: The specified LUWID, DBSPACE, or USERID was entered in a previous command of the same type (duplicate command) in the EXTEND input file.

System Action: The duplicate specification is ignored. Processing continues.

ARI0114Ekeyword was specified more than once in the same statement.

Explanation: A single EXTEND input file command specified a control keyword more than once.

keyword is a control keyword--ALL, TO, DBSPACE, USERID, or LUWID.

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Remove duplicate keywords in the EXTEND input file command, then restart extended database initialization.

ARI0115EUnexpected string string was found.

Explanation: A line of an EXTEND input file command contains unrecognizable keywords, more than one control keyword, or extra input on a record.

string is an unrecognizable string, a keyword, or a control keyword found while parsing an EXTEND input file command.

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the EXTEND input file command. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0116Estring1 was expected but string2 was found.

Explanation: While parsing EXTEND input file commands, one of the following caused an error:

string1 is:

One of the following keywords was expected: BYPASS, ROLLBACK, DISABLE, or ENABLE.

One of the following options was expected: ALL, LUWID, TIME, DATE, DBSPACE, or USERID.

One of the following values was expected: LUWID value, TIME value, DATE value, DBSPACE value, or USERID value.

reserved word
One of the following reserved words was expected: WHERE, UNDO, WORK, COMMITTED, DBSPACE.

If string1 was either VALUE, UNDO, WORK, COMMITTED, or DBSPACE, string2 may be END OF RECORD because an incomplete command was entered. If string1 is either OPTION or WHERE, string2 may be END OF FILE because an incomplete command was entered.

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the EXTEND input file. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0117ERange error: number is greater than the maximum number of possible condition (max).

Explanation: While parsing EXTEND input file commands, one of two conditions existed. condition identifies the condition.

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the EXTEND input file. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0118E{LUWID luwid-value | DBSPACE dbspace-number | USERID userid} contains invalid {HEX CHARACTERS | NUMBERS | ALPHANUMERICS} or is too long.

Explanation: While parsing EXTEND input file commands, one of the following conditions occurred:

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the EXTEND input file. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0119ECannot {bypass | disable} DBSPACE 1.

Explanation: DBSPACE 1 can be neither disabled nor bypassed. The database manager must be able to use the database catalog located in DBSPACE 1.

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Modify the EXTEND input file so that DBSPACE 1 is not disabled or bypassed. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0120IDBSPACE dbspace-number is already {ENABLED | DISABLED}.

Explanation: A DISABLE or ENABLE DBSPACE command was specified for a DBSPACE that was previously disabled or enabled.

System Action: Initialization continues. The status of the specified DBSPACE is not changed.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Take note of the message.

ARI0121IDBSPACE  nnn  is disabled.

Explanation: This message is issued for each disabled DBSPACE in the database. DBSPACEs are disabled by the DISABLE DBSPACE command.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: You may wish to take note of which DBSPACEs are disabled.

ARI0122EThe time time-string and date date-string specified are later than the current time.

Explanation: The starting date and time specified (or defaulted to) in the ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command are later than the current date and time. There can be nothing in the database log with such a date and time.

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Determine the correct time and date. Correct the EXTEND input file. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0123EThe TO time and date combination is earlier than the FROM time and date combination.

Explanation: In a ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command, the TO time and date (taken in combination) must be greater than the FROM time and date (taken in combination).

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the EXTEND input file. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0124E{OPEN | GET | CLOSE} error input-file Reason Code =  nn . Return Code =  cc .

Explanation: An error occurred in an attempt to access or close the EXTEND input file. The Reason Code value is the primary error code; the Return Code value is the secondary error code. For further explanation, look up the displayed er under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors in this manual or SEQ FILE ERRORS in the HELP text.

input-file is the file with ddname ARIEXTND, the input file associated with the use of the EXTEND initialization parameter during database initialization.

System Action: For OPEN or GET errors, the database manager ends. For CLOSE errors, processing continues.

Operator Response: For OPEN or GET errors, look up displayed error codes to take corrective action. For CLOSE errors, no action is required.

System Programmer Response: Same as Operator Response.

ARI0125EThe extend file is empty.

Explanation: The input file, ddname ARIEXTND, associated with the use of the EXTEND initialization parameter during database initialization contains no commands.

System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: You must either provide the required file commands or restart database initialization with EXTEND=N.

ARI0126EDBSS termination during {FORWARD|ROLLBACK|UNDO| REDO} processing.


System Action: The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Save this message and the subsequent display output and contact your system programmer immediately.

System Programmer Response: Make note of the information given in the message and the following display output, and refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference manual for information about recovery procedures for DBSS errors.

ARI0127EThe {TIME | DATE} parameter string contains a syntax error.

Explanation: The TIME or DATE parameter specified in a ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command contained a syntax error.

Must be a total of 8 characters (hh:mm:ss). You must have two digits each for hour, minutes, and seconds with a delimiter (:) between each. Add leading zeros if necessary.

Must be a total of 8 characters (mm-dd-yy). You must have two digits each for month, day, and year with a delimiter (-) between each. Add leading zeros if necessary.
string is the incorrect time or date character string.

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the EXTEND input file. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0128EA nonnumeric or invalid character was found in the {TIME | DATE} parameter string.

Explanation: An invalid character was found in the TIME or DATE parameter specified in a ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command.

A non-numeric value for the hour, minutes, or seconds was specified. Or, an incorrect numeric value was specified. Valid numeric ranges for time are:
hh 00-23 mm 00-59 ss 00-59

A non-numeric value for the month, day, or year was specified. Or, an incorrect numeric value was specified. Valid numeric ranges for date are:
mm 01-12 dd 01-31 yy 00-99

Note:Value for day must be valid for the month or year specified.

string is the invalid time or date string.

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the EXTEND input file. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0129EThe combination of the ALL option with any other option is not valid.

Explanation: One of two conditions occurred:

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the BYPASS UNDO WORK command. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0130IThe parameters specified are a subset of those used in a previous statement of the same type.

Explanation: The parameters ANDed together in a BYPASS UNDO WORK or ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command are a subset of parameters specified in previous commands of the same type. For example, the following duplicate commands will cause this message to be issued:


System Action: The duplicate specification is ignored. Processing continues.

ARI0131EThe TO option was found but no starting time or date was specified.

Explanation: A ROLLBACK COMMITTED WORK command was entered and the TO option was specified. No starting (from) TIME or DATE was specified.

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the EXTEND input file. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0132EDBSPACE dbspace-number has been selected for both enabling and disabling.

Explanation: The EXTEND input file contained conflicting commands to enable and disable the same DBSPACE.

System Action: EXTEND input file parsing completes. The database manager ends.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Correct the EXTEND input file. Restart extended database initialization.

ARI0133Iyyyyyyyy's ownership of the application server xxxxxxxx has been revoked by CP. No new users can connect to this application server. The database manager will continue to process current users.

Explanation: This message is issued if two disjoint collections merge, and another virtual machine has identified xxxxxxxx as a resource, or if an authorized user has revoked the resource.

System Action: The database manager continues to process current users. No new users can access the application server (resource) xxxxxxxx.

Operator Response: Refer this problem to the SQL database administrator. The database manager should be shut down. A normal shutdown can still be done.

System Programmer Response: Resolve the conflict over the use of xxxxxxxx as a global resource name.

ARI0134IApplication server  xxxxxxxx  has been identified as a {global | local} resource.

Explanation: The database manager has identified the specified application server as a global or local resource (specified with the DBMODE parameter). If no DBMODE parameter was specified at startup, then the database manager has used the IUCV *IDENT directory entry for xxxxxxxx as the default startup mode.

System Action: Database initialization continues.

ARI0135EThe application server is not authorized to identify itself as resource  xxxxxxxx .

Explanation: The database machine is not authorized to identify itself as the resource xxxxxxxx in an APPC/VM environment. The database machine's VM directory entry for IUCV *IDENT is incorrect. The causes are:

System Action: The database manager has ended. Message ARI0042I is issued with a reason code.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: See Chapter 21, DB2 Server for VM Reason Codes for additional information about the reason codes. Ensure that the IUCV *IDENT directory entry for the DB2 Server for VM database machine exists and is correct. Sample entries are:


If the entry only allows LOCAL identification for resource (database) yyyyyyyy, then an attempt to start the database manager as a GLOBAL resource (DBMODE=G) will fail.

ARI0136EAnother virtual machine already owns the resource identifier  xxxxxxxx .

Explanation: Another virtual machine is managing resource xxxxxxxx. Resource names must be unique.

System Action: The database manager has ended. Message ARI0042I is issued with a reason code.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Ensure that the resource name xxxxxxxx is unique within your collection.

See Chapter 21, DB2 Server for VM Reason Codes for additional information about the reason codes.

ARI0137IInvalid installation defined date/time defaults on  name. 

Explanation: The specified date/time default name contains an invalid value. During installation, four date/time values were stored into the SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS table. Their names and supported values are as follows:

The date format. One of the following must be used: ISO, JIS, USA, EUR, LOCAL.

The time format. One of the following must be used: ISO, JIS, USA, EUR, LOCAL.

The local date length. It must be 0, or a number greater than 9 and less than 255.

The local time length. It must be 0, or a number greater than 7 and less than 255.

System Action: Processing continues with the default datetime values.

The default values supplied by the system are:





Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Update the SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS table with the correct datetime values.

ARI0140DEnter DRRM function name and trace-level pair. Valid function names are *, DICT, GEN, PARSE, RDIIN, and CANCEL. Valid trace-level values are 0, 1, and 2.

Explanation: The TRACE ON command is being processed. The operator responded DRRM to prompting message ARI0087D. The database manager is prompting the operator to specify the functions of DRRM to be traced and the trace level for each function.

System Action:

Note:This message is displayed in all environments. In environments in which the DRRM component is not active, however, the operator's response to this message is ignored.

Operator Response:

ARI0141DEnter WUM trace-level or CANCEL. Valid trace-level values are 0, 1, and 2.

Explanation: The TRACE ON command is being processed. The operator has responded WUM to prompting message ARI0087D. The database manager is prompting the operator to specify the desired trace level for WUM.

System Action:

Operator Response:

ARI0142DEnter DSC function name and trace-level pair. Valid function names are *, AGENT, COM, and CANCEL. Valid trace-level values are 0, 1, and 2.

Explanation: The TRACE ON command is being processed. The operator responded DSC to prompting message ARI0087D. The database manager prompts the operator to specify the DSC function to trace and the desired trace level.

System Action:

Note:If you enter trace level 0 for a function, the function is not traced. Entering trace level 0 is equivalent to not specifying the function at all.

Operator Response: If you want to terminate the TRACE command, enter CANCEL.

ARI0143IThe application server has been initialized with the following values: CHARNAME = option1, DBCS = option2, CHARSUB = option3, CCSIDSBCS = option4, CCSIDMIXED = option5, and CCSIDGRAPHIC = option6.

Explanation: The CHARNAME startup parameter (if specified) or the CHARNAME value used previously, and the values in SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS for DBCS and CHARSUB, are used to initialize the values reported by this message. The values in SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS are updated so that the next time the application server is started and the CHARNAME startup parameter is not specified, the values reported by this message are then similar to those received now.

System Action: Initialization continues.

ARI0145EDBSPACE name dbspace-number does not exist or is invalid.

Explanation: The user failed to pass in a valid DBSPACE name (for example, System DBSPACE name) for processing.

System Action: The IDENTIFICATION process ends unsuccessfully.

User Response: Rerun the IDENTIFICATION process and provide a valid DBSPACE name as input.

ARI0146IWarning: The command line was truncated at column 80.

Explanation: ARIYE04 only parses 80 characters. On VM, the command can be up to 130 characters. On VSE, an operator command can only be 80 characters. Rather than extending ARIYE04 for VM, a warning message is generated on VM if the operator enters more than 80 characters.

System Action: Process the truncated command.

Operator Response: Shorten the command line if valid data appears beyond column 80.

ARI0150EThere is no connection for  showid .

Explanation: A connection to the application server for the specified showid that is an agent, user ID, or LUWID cannot be found. Sources of the problem include:

System Action: The SHOW command processing is ended.

Operator Response: Be sure that the specified agent, user ID, or LUWID is correct and then reenter the SHOW CONNECT command.
Note:You may receive the same result if the requested agent, user ID, or LUWID is not connected to the application server when the command is reentered.

ARI0152IProcessing DBSPACE: owner.dbspace-name.

Explanation: This message is written out to the screen to indicate that the specified DBSPACE owner.dbspace-name is being processed.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0153IThe database manager ignores TRACEBUF = size parameter when trace is not activated.

Explanation: A nonzero size for the TRACEBUF startup parameter has been specified, and no subcomponent have been chosen to be traced (TRACxxxx startup parameters must indicate 1 or 2 for a specific subcomponent to be traced).

System Action: The system does not use the TRACEBUF parameter, and no trace buffer is allocated. The startup continues.

Operator Response: No response is required if the operator does not want any trace output. If trace output is expected, then the database manager must be restarted with the proper values of the TRACxxxx startup parameters. Alternatively, the TRACEBUF n parameter in the TRACE ON operator command can be used to start the trace in MUM.

ARI0154IA size kilobyte trace buffer has been allocated. Maximum contiguous memory left = amount kilobytes.

Explanation: The trace buffer of the size as shown has been created.

System Action: The trace is started. Trace records are stored into the trace buffer.

Operator Response: If the amount maximum contiguous memory left is too small (see the note below) then the operator can consider one of the following actions:

Note:Even after the database manager has been started, the storage requirements are dynamic and workload dependent. See the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for virtual storage requirements of the DB2 Server for VM system.

ARI0155EThere is not enough memory for trace buffer allocation. Contiguous memory requested = needed_storage kilobytes. Maximum contiguous memory available at this time = available_storage kilobytes. Trace is not started.

Explanation: The memory needed_storage required for the trace buffer allocation is not available.

System Action: If TRACEBUF was specified in the TRACE ON operator command, the trace is not started.

If TRACEBUF was specified as a database startup parameter, the database manager is ended.

Operator Response: There are several possible actions:

ARI0156IThe trace buffer was written to the trace file.

Explanation: The contents of the trace buffer was flushed out to the trace file. This can happen as a result of the TRACE OFF operator command or during a database system shutdown.

ARI0157IThe trace buffer is empty.

Explanation: An attempt to write the trace buffer into the trace file failed. The trace buffer is empty, because an incorrect TRACE specification (component, subcomponent, authorization ID, agent number or a level) was entered, or the workload that was run did not hit an activated trace point.

Operator Response: Reissue the TRACE ON command in MUM, or restart the database manager with the correct values of startup parameters. Repeat the workload to be traced.

ARI0158ERESID X'resid' is an invalid registered resid-class TPN.

Explanation: The database manager has detected an attempt to use an invalid registered TPN to identify a resource managed by this application server. The following are acceptable values for resid:

Note:Please refer to the information on SNA service transaction programs list in the SNA Transaction Programmer's Reference manual for LU Type 6.2 and the information on DRDA rules in the Distributed Relational Database Architecture Reference manual for more details. The following are acceptable values for resid-class:

System Action: The database manager is terminated.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Note the information in this message and refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for information about changing a database name and resource identifier.

ARI0159DThe specified CHARNAME is different than the current system CHARNAME. This will force the system CCSID values to be changed. Do you wish to change the system CHARNAME?
Enter 0(No) to continue using the
current CHARNAME of
 old-charname , or
1(Yes) to change the system
to  new-charname , or
111(Quit) to cancel your request
and end SQLSTART

Explanation: The value of the CHARNAME parameter specified in SQLSTART is different from the current CHARNAME value. Changing the current CHARNAME will change the current default CCSID values. Also, the CCSID attribute of the character columns of the system catalog tables will be updated to the new default CCSID. The actual data stored in the system catalog tables will not be converted from the current default CCSID to the new default CCSID. Only the attribute of the character columns will change. The CCSID attribute of the character columns of any user tables will not be updated to the new default CCSID.

The default CHARNAME of a system should be changed only once: at installation or migration. If it is changed after system objects have been created in the system catalog tables, object names not conforming to the rules for ordinary identifiers may contain characters that do not have the same hexadecimal representation in the new CCSID and some data may be displayed incorrectly. For the rules about ordinary identifiers, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual. For more information on the CHARNAME parameter, see the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

System Action:

Database Administrator Response: Unless you are installing or migrating a database or reconfiguring the database to work with different CCSIDs, enter 0(No) to continue database initialization using the current CHARNAME.

ARI0160DEnter CONV trace-level or CANCEL. Valid trace-level values are 0, 1, and 2.

Explanation: The TRACE ON command is being processed. The operator has responded CONV to prompting message ARI0087D. The database manager is prompting the operator to specify the desired trace level for CONV.

System Action:

Operator Response: Enter the desired trace level. If TRACE command termination is desired, enter CANCEL.

ARI0161EPROTOCOL=AUTO cannot be specified because the DRDA facility has not been installed for the application server.

Explanation: PROTOCOL=AUTO was specified as an SQLSTART parameter.

System Action: The database manager is ended.

Operator Response: Refer this message to your database administrator.

Database Administrator Response: Determine whether or not you require your application server to service DRDA requesters. If so, install the DRDA facility following the steps in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual. If not, do not specify PROTOCOL=AUTO as an SQLSTART parameter.

ARI0162DEnter STG trace-level or CANCEL. Valid trace level values are 0 and 1.

Explanation: The TRACE ON command is being processed. The operator responded STG to prompting message ARI0087D. The database manager is prompting the operator to specify the trace level for STG.

System Action:

Operator Response: Choose your response from "System Action", and enter 1 or 0 or CANCEL.

ARI0164IAn error occurred when dropping routine routine-name. NUCXDROP reason code = reason-code.

Explanation: The routine routine-name cannot be dropped. Refer to the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference for the explanation of the NUCXDROP reason-code.

User Response: Report the problem to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Drop the routine.

ARI0165IAll parameters are ignored for string.

Explanation: The command, statement, or operation that you entered, such as SHOW DBCONFIG, contained parameters, but none were required. The system does not use the parameters.

System Action: Processing continues, and all parameters are ignored.

ARI0172EA Sync Point Manager is not available.

Explanation: The parameter "SYNCPNT=Y" was specified at startup; however, the CRR recovery server was not available. This message is following by message ARI0176I.

System Action: The database manager resets the SYNCPNT parameter to "N" and the database manager is unable to use VM/CRR for handling DRDA sync point operations. As a result, this database may not be a participant in DRDA logical units of work that update multiple remote databases. However, the database manager is still able to process SQLDS protocol requests and DRDA requests that do not involve a sync point manager (for example, DRDA logical units of work that only update a single remote database).

System Programmer Response: If this database manager is to be a participant in DRDA logical units of work that update multiple remote databases, a CRR recovery server must be installed. See the VM/ESA: Installation Guide for instructions on installing a CRR recovery server. After the CRR recovery server is intalled, restart the database manager with SYNCPNT=Y.

ARI0173IThe CRR recovery server's TPN and log name and the database manager's log name have been reset. On the next resynchronization, the database manager's log status will be cold.

Explanation: The RESET CRR LOGNAMES command was entered to initialize the following fields stored in the database manager's log to hex zeros:

The next time the database manager is started with the SYNCPNT parameter set to "Y" and resynchronization initialization is performed, the database manager will consider the log status to be cold.

For more information about resynchronization initialization, see the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

System Action: The RESET CRR LOGNAMES command processing is ended.

Database Administrator Action: When the database manager is next started with the SYNCPNT parameter set to "Y", resynchronization initialization will fail if there are any DRDA2 in-doubt logical units of work. To clean these up, issue the SHOW INDOUBT command to list them and then use the FORCE and/or RESET INDOUBT commands to clear them.

ARI0174IResynchronization initialization has started. Date: date Time: time

Explanation: The database manager was started with the SYNCPNT parameter set to "Y". It has started the resynchronization initialization process with the CRR recovery server at the date and time specified. This process involves an exchange of log names and notifies the CRR recovery server of its readiness to accept resynchronization communications.

For more information about resynchronization initialization, see the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: Watch to make sure that no error messages appear after message ARI0174I.

ARI0175IResynchronization initialization has completed. Date: date Time: time

Explanation: The database manager previously started the resynchronization initialization process with the CRR recovery server. This message signals the operator that this processing has ended at the date and time specified. For more information about resynchronization initialization, see the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

System Action: If no errors occurred during resynchronization initialization, DRDA2 activity may commence with this database, including units of work that require a sync point manager. If message ARI0176I is displayed before this message, then errors have occurred during resynchronization initialization.

System Programmer Response: If errors occurred during resynchronization initialization, then an error message will have been displayed that indicated the error. See the explanation for that message and resolve the error.

ARI0176IThe SYNCPNT parameter has been reset to N.

Explanation: One of three situations has occurred:

  1. The database is performing resynchronization initialization and encountered an error that resulted in the SYNCPNT parameter being changed from "Y" to "N". If this is the case, then message ARI0174I will have been issued previously and another message follows it that indicates the error that occurred.
  2. The database is processing a DRDA2 logical unit of work and is attempting to register the unit of work with VM/CRR using the DMSREG CSL routine, but the registration failed. If this is the case, then message ARI0180E (with function DMSREG) will have been issued previously.

System Action: The database manager is unable to use VM/CRR for handling DRDA sync point operations. As a result, this database may not be a participant in DRDA logical units of work that update multiple remote databases. However, the database manager is still able to process SQLDS protocol requests and DRDA requests that do not involve a sync point manager (for example, DRDA logical units of work that only update a single a single remote database).

System Programmer Response: Message ARI0176I is preceded by a message indicating the error that occurred. Fix the problem indicated in this prior message and restart the database.

ARI0177ECRR recovery server at TPN tpn has provided a new log name resulting from a cold start. Some LUWID(s) cannot be automatically resolved by resynchronization.

Explanation: The database manager is performing resynchronization initialization and has determined that the CRR recovery server has been cold started. Furthermore, the database manager has some in-doubt logical units of work that require resynchronizing with the CRR recovery server.

tpn indicates the transaction program name for the CRR recovery server with which the database manager is communicating.

For more information about resynchronization initialization, see the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

System Action: The database manager is unable to use VM/CRR for handling DRDA sync point operations. As a result, this database may not be a participant in DRDA logical units of work that update multiple remote databases. However, the database manager is still able to process SQLDS protocol requests and DRDA requests that do not involve a sync point manager (for example, DRDA logical units of work that only update a single remote database).

Database Administrator Action: Contact the CRR recovery server operator to determine the reason for the cold start. Then resolve the disposition of each in-doubt unit of work as follows:

Once all in-doubt units of work have been resolved, restart the database manager.
Note:If CRR has coldstarted and a DRDA2 requester has any outstanding in-doubt logical units of work, those in-doubt units of work at the requester will need to be resolved before the requester can make a DRDA2 connection to the DB2 Server for VM server.

ARI0178EAn Exchange Log Name's {Request|Reply} sent by CRR recovery server at TPN tpn contained a log name which does not match the current {database manager|CRR recovery server} log name. Log name in {Request|Reply}: log name Current Log name: log name

Explanation: The database manager has detected a log name mismatch. This has occurred in one of the following circumstances:

  1. The database manager is processing resynchronization initialization and has received an exchange log names reply from the CRR recovery server. A log name given by the CRR recovery server in the reply does not match a corresponding log name found in the database manager's log. In this case:
  2. The database manager is processing resynchronization recovery and has received an exchange log names request from the CRR recovery server. The log name given by the CRR recovery server in the request does not match the log name found in the database manager's log. In this case:

For more information about resynchronization initialization or resynchronization recovery, see the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

System Action: If the message comes during resynchronization initialization, then the SYNCPNT parameter is reset from "Y" to "N" and the database manager is unable to use VM/CRR for handling DRDA sync point operations. As a result, this database may not be a participant in DRDA logical units of work that update multiple remote databases. However, the database manager is still able to process SQLDS protocol requests and DRDA requests that do not involve a sync point manager (for example, DRDA logical units of work that only update a single remote database).

If the message comes during resynchronization recovery, then any logical unit of work remains unresolved. That is, it remains IN-DOUBT.

Database Administrator Action: If the message comes during resynchronization initialization, then the database manager's participation in sync points must be delayed until the error condition is resolved. Contact the recovery server operator to determine the reason for the log name mismatch. The database may have been restored from an archive which resulted in the log name mismatch, or the recovery server might be using the wrong log, and should be restarted with the correct log. If the correct log cannot be supplied, both partners must be coldstarted. Note the following:

If the message comes during resynchronization recovery, contact the recovery server operator to determine the reason for the log name mismatch. A couple of possible reasons are:

If this is the case then the database must be coldstarted. Note that the "RESET CRR LOGNAMES" operator command may be used to reset the CRR recovery server's luname, tpn and log name and force a DB2 Server for VM log status of cold. If the recovery server is using the wrong log and cannot locate the correct log, some units of work may need to be manually FORCED at the database manager.

ARI0179EAn Exchange Log Name's Reply sent by CRR recovery server at TPN tpn contained an error status.

Explanation: The database manager is processing resynchronization initialization and has received an exchange log names reply from the CRR recovery server. This reply contains an error status rather than a normal status. The CRR recovery server has processed the exchange log names request sent by the database manager and one of the following situations has occurred:

  1. The database manager sent an exchange log names request with a log status of cold, but the CRR recovery server detected some units of work that were in-doubt and required resolving. In this case, the CRR recovery server issues CMS message 3311E to the recovery server operator.
  2. The database manager sent an exchange log names request with a log status of warm, but the CRR recovery server detected that a log name in the rquest does not match its current log name. In this case, the CRR recovery server issues CMS message 3312E to the recovery server operator.

tpn indicates the transaction program name for the CRR recovery server with which the database manager is communicating.

System Action: The SYNCPNT parameter is reset from "Y" to "N" and the database manager is unable to use VM/CRR for handling DRDA sync point operations. As a result, this database may not be a participant in DRDA logical units of work that update multiple remote databases. However, the database manager is still able to process SQLDS protocol requests and DRDA requests that do not involve a sync point manager (for example, DRDA logical units of work that only update a single remote database).

Database Administrator Action: Contact the recovery server operator to determine if the CRR recovery server issued CMS message 3311E or 3312E. With their help, resolve any in-doubt units of work or the log name mismatch. The "RESET CRR LOGNAMES" operator command may be used to reset the CRR recovery server's luname, tpn and log name and force a DB2 Server for VM log status of cold.
Note:If CRR has coldstarted and a DRDA2 requester has any outstanding in-doubt logical units of work, those in-doubt units of work at the requester will need to be resolved before the requester can make a DRDA2 connection to the DB2 Server for VM server.

ARI0180ECRR function function failed. Return Code: return code Reason Code: reason code Identifier: identifier.

Explanation: The database manager has issued a CMS command or callable services library (CSL) routine while interfacing with VM/CRR, and that command or routine has returned an error status.

function indicates the CMS command or CSL routine for which the error occurred. If function has the format "DMSxxxxx", then it was a CSL routine. Otherwise, it was a CMS command.

return code indicates the return code from the CMS command or CSL routine.

reason code indicates the reason code from the CSL routine. This has no meaning for CMS commands.

identifier indicates which occurrence of the CMS command or CSL routine for which this error occurred.

System Action: If the function was DMSCHREG, the change CRR registration has failed and the unit of work is rolled back. Otherwise, the SYNCPNT parameter is reset from "Y" to "N" and the database manager is unable to use VM/CRR for handling DRDA sync point operations. As a result, this database may not be a participant in DRDA logical units of work that update multiple remote databases. However, the database manager is still able to process SQLDS protocol requests and DRDA requests that do not involve a sync point manager (for example, DRDA logical units of work that only update a single remote database).

System Programmer Response: If it was a a callable services library (CSL) routine that failed, look up the return code and reason code in the VM/ESA: CMS Application Development Reference manual and resolve the error. Otherwise, it was a CMS command. In this case, look up the return code in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual and resolve the error. Note that the Reason code has no meaning for CMS commands.

Database Administrator Action: Once the error has been resolved, set the SYNCPNT parameter back to "Y" by restarting the database manager.

ARI0181IThe CRR recovery server is resynchronizing work with the database manager. Date:date Time:time

Explanation: Resynchronization occurs if two-phase commit processing is interrupted by a resource failure. The CRR recovery server initiates the resynchronization recovery function to ensure consistent completion of the sync point by all registered resources for which data was logged. Using information stored in its log, the CRR recovery server determines which resource managers (such as DB2 Server for VM) should be included in the recovery and allocates APPC conversations with them.

Message ARI0181I is a signal to the database manager operator that the CRR recovery server has initiated resynchronization recovery with the database manager and has allocated an APPC conversation with it. The date and time indicate when this occurred.

This message is followed by message ARI0182I which identifies the transaction id and LUW id for the unit of work being recovered.

For more information about resynchronization recovery, see the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

System Action: Resynchronization recovery processing continues.

Database Administrator Action: Watch to make sure that no error messages appear after message ARI0181I.

ARI0182ITransaction ID: transaction id LUWID: LUW id

Explanation: Message ARI0182I is an informational message that identifies the transaction id and LUW id for the unit of work involved in resynchronization recovery. It follows messages ARI0181I and ARI4023I.

System Action: Database manager processing continues.

Database Administrator Action: Watch to make sure that no error messages appear after message ARI0182I.

ARI0183EThe Sync Point Manager has asked to {COMMIT | ROLLBACK} this LUW but the database manager has no memory of it.


On VM, the database manager is working with the CRR recovery server to recover the LUWID identified in message ARI0181I. Specifically, the CRR recovery server is asking the database manager to either COMMIT or ROLLBACK this unit of work, as identified in the message. However, the database manager could not find any indication that this unit of work needs recovery.
Note:If the operator used the "RESET INDOUBT" command to erase the database manager's memory of a unit of work, and then the CRR recovery server involves this unit of work in resynchronization recovery, then message ARI0183E can come up.
Note:Message ARI0183E can come up in the following circumstances:
  • If the operator used the "RESET INDOUBT" command to erase the database manager's memory of a unit of work, and then the CRR recovery server involves this unit of work in resynchronization recovery.
  • A unit of work at the database manager is "read-only" and a DRDA2 commit is interrupted for any reason.

System Action: On VM, the database manager sends back a normal completion reply indicating a ROLLBACK, and resynchronization recovery is terminated for this unit of work.

Database Administrator Action: Contact the CRR operator and have them issue the "CRR QUERY LUWID" command to obtain more information about this unit of work. Then, make sure that this unit of work was properly recovered.

ARI0184AThe Sync Point Manager has asked to {COMMIT | ROLLBACK} this LUW but the FORCE command was previously used to {ROLLBACK | COMMIT} it.

Explanation: Coordinated Resource Recovery (CRR) is attempting to resynchronize the status of a logical unit of work with the database manager. It is asking the database to either commit or rollback this LUW. However the operator had previously used the database manager FORCE command to force the LUW into the opposite state.

System Action: The LUW remains unsynchronized with the sync point manager. The LUW still appears when the SHOW INDOUBT command is issued.

Operator Response: In order to clear out this LUW from the SHOW INDOUBT display , it is necessary to use the RESET INDOUBT command.

Database Administrator Action: Manual intervention is necessary to ensure that the LUW is in a consistent state at all sites where the LUW has been distributed. This may require intervention at this database manager, or possibly at another database manager. Manual intervention could mean manually fixing the data or possibly restoring an archive.

Refer this message to your DB2 Server for VM database administrator.

ARI0197EA communication error occurred.
Function: function-code
Return Code: return-code
Reason Code: reason-code
CMSIUCV Reg15: X'reg15'
CC: condition-code
IPRCODE: X'iprcode'
IPCODE: X'ipcode'
IPWHATRC: X'ipwhatrc'
IPAUDIT: X'audit'

Explanation: The database manager is engaged in a conversation with the CRR recovery server while performing resynchronization initialization or resynchronization recovery, but an APPC communications error occurred. For further information on determining the cause of the error, see the following sections:

System Action: The processing of resynchronization initialization or resynchronization recovery ends.

System Programmer Response: Take corrective action based on the Explanation.

ARI0198EReset CRR Lognames cannot be used when resynchronization <Initialization|Recovery> is active.

Explanation: The operator entered the "RESET CRR LOGNAMES" command to reset CRR log name information to hex zeros. However, the database is currently performing resynchronization initialization or resynchronization recovery which depends on this CRR log name information. Therefore, the operator command is disallowed.

<Initialization|Recovery> indicates whether the database was processing resynchronization initialization or resynchronization recovery.

System Action: Command processing is terminated.

Operator Response: Retry the command after message ARI0175I is displayed, signalling resynchronization initialization completion, or ARI4023I is displayed, signalling resynchronization recovery completion.

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