DB2 Server for VM: System Administration

Access Control to ISQL on a VSE Guest

In VSE, ISQL is made up of two transactions: ISQL and CISQ. The former controls the CICS terminal, and the latter controls access to the application server. By creating the second transaction dynamically (instead of hard-coding it as CISQ) you can put different departments or different groups of users into different CICS classes. Each group would have different transaction identifiers for both transactions of ISQL. Because the different groups have different CICS classes, you can limit the number of active ISQL users in each group.

To implement this, create any transaction ID for the first transaction. Then, instead of making CISQ the second transaction ID, make it identical to the first one except for the last character, which should be a 2. For example, if there are five departments, you could have chosen these transaction IDs:

  First            Second
  Transaction ID   Transaction ID            Department
  --------------   ---------------------     ----------
  ISQL             ISQ2                      202
  ACCT             ACC2                      ACCOUNTING
  SAL              SA2                       SALES
  IN               I2                        INVENTORY
  P                P2                        PLANNING

These examples show how the format works for different identifier lengths. Note that when the first transaction ID is one character (P), the 2 is added (P2). Also note that the first transaction ID cannot end with a 2.

Next, decide what the maximum number of ISQL users for each department should be:

  First            Second                         Maximum
  Transaction ID   Transaction ID    Department   ISQL Users
  --------------   --------------    ----------   ----------
  ISQL             ISQ2              202          2
  ACCT             ACC2              ACCOUNTING   3
  SAL              SA2               SALES        4
  IN               I2                INVENTORY    3
  P                P2                PLANNING     2

Next, specify the CICS parameters TRANSID, TCLASS, and CMXT as follows:

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