If your host machine is part of an SNA network, you must update the SNA NETID file to include your NETID (network identifier). The NETID is used in the generation of the LU 6.2 LUWID (logical unit of work identifier), which is necessary for distributed processing. With distributed processing, a DB2 Server for VM application server can receive requests from both DB2 Server for VM and non-DB2 Server for VM application requesters, and DB2 Server for VM application requesters can access non-DB2 Server for VM application servers.
You can create or change the SNA NETID file using an editor. The NETID that you specify should be that of the SNA network of which your host system is a part. It must be from one to eight characters long, and must begin in column 1 of the SNA NETID file. Your VTAM administrator can provide the NETID that you should use. (The default NETID supplied in the SNA NETID file is SNANETID. If you do not specify a valid NETID, SNANETID will be used.) The new NETID is used in the next database startup.
If you want to ensure the uniqueness of your NETID, ask your IBM representative about the IBM SNA Network Registry service.