DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Data Restore Guide


Without the Data Restore feature, you might need duplicate backups of certain tables or dbspaces, in addition to regular archives taken. There has been no possibility to restore individual tables from a DB2 archive or user archive. To be able to restore individual tables, often a backup with DBSU UNLOAD has been taken additionally. Since it is not predictable which table or dbspace of a backup will be needed for restore, in the worse case a copy of every table would have to be available. So very often a selection of important data was made and only these were separately copied, others were missing. An additional problem lies in the fact that no forward recovery can be applied on tables.

With the Data Restore feature, you get the most flexibility using either the DB2 ARCHIVE or Data Restore BACKUP for making backups. The Data Restore RESTORE lets you restore a full database or just one storage pool from a complete archive. For information about log recovery after RESTORE of a storage pool, refer to Log Recovery. The Data Restore RELOAD gives you the possibility to reload any table from a complete archive, and there is no need to make additional copies of tables just for backup. Therefore, it is recommended to spend the resources on an improved archive process of all data rather than on making duplicate backups of specific tables.

There are still occasions where you will need to unload and reload tables:

For these kinds of operations there are several alternatives from which to choose depending on which alternative with its capabilities fits your needs best.

Archive Advantages

DB2 ARCHIVE and Data Restore BACKUP offer you the following recovery choices:

Archive Weaknesses

There are very few disadvantages of DB2 ARCHIVE and Data Restore BACKUP, depending on what you compare them to.

Comparison between Data Restore BACKUP and DB2 ARCHIVE

The differences between DB2 ARCHIVE and Data Restore BACKUP are the following:


So the most prominent difference is that a DB2 archive can be taken online, but might be translated, which can take twice as long as the archive itself. For disaster recovery in LOGMODE=A, offline archives are safer, as described in Recover from System Failure and page ***.

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