DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Data Restore Guide


Appendix A. Messages and Codes

XTS9-001Processing directory

Explanation: The Data Restore feature is processing the archive for the DB2 Server for VSE & VM directory. All directory blocks are saved.

XTS9-002xxx directory blocks saved

Explanation: After the Data Restore feature has finished the directory archive, this message gives the user information about the number of blocks saved.

XTS9-005xxx blocks saved

Explanation: All DBEXTENTS must be saved. Indicates how many blocks have been saved during BACKUP or UNLOAD.

XTS9-006Processing xxx

Explanation: Indicates which DBEXTENT is being saved.

XTS9-007Processing successfully completed

Explanation: Indicates that the command or exec executed successfully.

XTS9-008Restoring directory

Explanation: The RESTORE function has been invoked, DATA RESTORE FEATURE restores the directory.

XTS9-009xxx directory blocks restored

Explanation: This message displays the number of directory blocks restored.

User Response: Check to make sure the number of directory blocks is correct. If it is not correct, Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-010xxx blocks restored

Explanation: Shows the number of DBEXTENT blocks restored.

XTS9-011Restoring xxx

Explanation: The RESTORE function has been invoked, the Data Restore feature is restoring DBEXTENT xxx.

XTS9-01212 days before password expiration

Explanation: Your password will expire in 12 days.

XTS9-013Table xxx.xxx may be reloaded

Explanation: When processing BACKUP or UNLOAD function, the list of reloadable tables will be displayed on the PRINTER.

User Response: Check to make sure all tables are listed. If they are not all listed, Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-014 to XTS9-027 

Explanation: Reports are created with these messages.

XTS9-100The Data Restore feature Version xxx

Explanation: Data Restore FEATURE version is displayed on PRINTER and CONSOLE.

XTS9-101xxx tables successfully processed

Explanation: With the Data Restore feature, it is possible to reload up to 90 tables in one step. At the end of the process, the number of reloaded tables is displayed.

XTS9-102xxx rows loaded procedure completed

Explanation: When reloading tables the Data Restore feature the number of rows reloaded. If RESTARTCOUNT parameter has been specified, the number displayed includes SKIPPED rows.

XTS9-103Filename (xxx) unknown for program (xxx)

Explanation: Internal error.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-104File function(yyy) unknown for program(xxx)

Explanation: Internal error. Contact IBM Support Center.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-105Invalid parameter (yyy) for function (xxx)

Explanation: The syntax of SYSIN statement is invalid or the parameter has been specified twice (refer to OPTIONS and CONTROL Statements for correct syntax).

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Verify the syntax for the specified function and correct the SYSIN statement.

XTS9-106Invalid command in SYSIN


System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Verify the syntax for the specified function and correct the SYSIN statement. Verify that continuation lines start after column one.

XTS9-107Missing parameter (xxx)

Explanation: A mandatory parameter is missing. Correct the SYSIN statement.
Note:If the message, XTS9-107 Missing parameter ("(" or ")" for DBSPACE=) is displayed, check that the list of dbspaces is specified on a maximum of 10 lines.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Verify the syntax for the specified function and correct the SYSIN statement.

XTS9-109Invalid value for xxx

Explanation: The value specified for xxx parameter is invalid (refer to OPTIONS and CONTROL Statements).

User Response: Verify the syntax for the specified function and correct the SYSIN statement.

XTS9-110More than xxx xxx command(s) in SYSIN

Explanation: Only one of each command (OPTIONS, CONTROL, BACKUP, RESTORE, FORMAT, SELECT, DESCRIBE, UNLOAD, SHOWDBS, APPLYLOG, LISTLOG, TRANSLATE or SHOWPOOL can be specified in the SYSIN. Correct SYSIN statements.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Verify the syntax for the specified function and correct the SYSIN statement.

XTS9-111Length error for xxx


System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct the SYSIN statement.

XTS9-113Too many functions specified


System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct the SYSIN statement. Verify functions are specified in column one and continuation statement after column one.

XTS9-114No function specified

Explanation: No function (BACKUP, RESTORE, RELOAD, SELECT, FORMAT, DESCRIBE, UNLOAD or SHOWDBS) has been specified in SYSIN. Correct the SYSIN statements.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct the SYSIN statement. Verify functions are specified in column one and continuation statement after column one.

XTS9-115Record not found (Program=xxx)

Explanation: Internal error. Contact IBM Support Center.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-116More than xxx GETMAIN calls occurred

Explanation: Internal error. Contact IBM Support Center.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-117GETMAIN unsuccessful (R15=xxx)

Explanation: The WRKSIZE parameter specifies a storage size that is larger than is available in the partition (VSE) or the virtual machine (VM).

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct the parameter WRKSIZE or increase the amount of storage available for the Data Restore feature (either by running in a different partition (VSE) or increasing the size of the virtual machine (VM).

XTS9-118FREEMAIN unsuccessful (R15=xxx)

Explanation: Internal error.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-119Invalid FREEMAIN address (xxx)

Explanation: Internal error.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-120EOF condition occurs in program xxx

Explanation: This message can be displayed when you specify the DBSPACE= parameter for reloading a view. Internal error. In other cases, Contact IBM Support Center.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-121Program xxx cannot be located

Explanation: A program is missing.

System Action: Processing ends.

System Programmer Response: Check your installation.

XTS9-122Processing capacity exhausted(xxx)

Explanation: If program specified in the message is LMBRP061 or LMBRP062 increase NBVIEWS parameter on the OPTIONS statement and retry process otherwise the WRKSIZE parameter on the OPTIONS statement is too small for the Data Restore feature function.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: The minimum storage to specify for WRKSIZE parameter is displayed on XTS9-158 message. Modify SYSIN to specify the right WRKSIZE parameter.

XTS9-123Invalid continuation syntax

Explanation: A continuation statement is a statement whose first word is not: CONTROL, RELOAD, BACKUP, RESTORE, FORMAT, SELECT, OPTIONS, UNLOAD, SHOWDBS, APPLYLOG, LISTLOG or TRANSLATE and begins after column 1.

User Response: Modify SYSIN to specify continuation properly.

XTS9-124Debugger option in effect

Explanation: Internal debugger started.

XTS9-125Debugger breakpoint xxx

Explanation: Specifies address of breakpoint for DATA RESTORE FEATURE internal debugger.

XTS9-126xxx.xxx table cannot be located

Explanation: The table specified for RELOAD function is not found in archive, or table has been specified twice in SYSIN.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Verify the TNAME and CREATOR parameters.

XTS9-127xxx rows loaded, procedure continuing

Explanation: The number of loaded rows is displayed on console when the COMMITCOUNT parameter has been specified on the OPTIONS statement, and the reload process is continuing.

XTS9-128xxx rows loaded into (xxx.xxx)

Explanation: The number of rows loaded is displayed on console when the Processing ends.

XTS9-129SQL error (SQLCODE=xxx, SQLERRD1=xxx, SQLERRD2=xxx)

Explanation: An SQLERROR occurred.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Messages and Codes manuals for an explanation.

XTS9-130DBSPACE for xxx.xxx is unknown

Explanation: The RELOAD function tried to create a non-existent table and the parameters DBSPACE=, OWNER= are not specified on the reload SYSIN statement, or the dbspace is not acquired.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Acquire the specified dbspace or specify a different value for DBSPACE= and OWNER= parameters.

XTS9-131SQLDBA user not found or password is blank

Explanation: The RELOAD, SELECT and UNLOAD functions need an SQLDBA sign-on with DBA authority and such a sign-on is not declared in DB2 Server for VSE & VM database with a password.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Execute command: GRANT DBA TO SQLDBA IDENTIFIED BY XXXXXXXX while connected with DBA authority.

XTS9-132xxx file xxx-xxx xxx error R15=xxx

Explanation: Internal error.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-133Invalid value for timestamp

Explanation: Forward log recovery requires a timestamp to process LUW up to a specific timestamp. The format is invalid.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct the value. You can use LISTLOG function to verify the timestamp to specify.

XTS9-135Function not supported VM/CMS)

Explanation: FORMAT function is only available for VSE environment.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-136Processing xxx archived on (xxx-xxx)

Explanation: Date and time of the archive is displayed.

XTS9-137No record "0" found on archive

Explanation: Internal error.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Verify the input file was produced by BACKUP or UNLOAD function or Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-138xxx archive mounted for xxx

Explanation: VERIFY=YES parameter is found and archive database name is different than the base in which the table is reloaded.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: The database (DBNAME parameter) processed is different from the one processed during BACKUP or UNLOAD function. Execute SQLINIT with the correct DBNAME parameter. If the database is different, then specify VERIFY=NO.

XTS9-141External labeling of this archive is


XTS9-142Base xxx Date xxx Time xxx

Explanation: This message gives the DBNAME, date and time of the USER ARCHIVE.


Explanation: SYSIN is displayed on PRINTER.

XTS9-145Table xxx.xxx cannot be processed

Explanation: Table containing longvarchar columns cannot be processed by SELECT function.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-146Error at xxx xxx xxx

Explanation: The storage address is displayed.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Verify that DBNAME parameter is correct and the server's 195 disk is accessed.

XTS9-147File produced on xxx at xxx mounted

Explanation: Date and time of the archive files do not match the DATE= and TIME= parameters on the CONTROL STATEMENT.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Mount the correct file and re-execute the process.

XTS9-148File produced on xxx at xxx required

Explanation: Parameters DATE= and TIME= specified on CONTROL STATEMENT must correspond to archive file.

User Response: Mount the correct file or change DATE= and TIME= parameters. You can use DESCRIBE function to determine the correct values.

XTS9-150Table xxx.xxx not found

Explanation: A SELECT function is executed for a table (CREATOR=, TNAME=) which is not found in DB2 Server for VSE & VM catalogs. TNAME must specify a table, not a view.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Choose an existing table or use DESCRIBE function to determine the tables that can be processed.

XTS9-151Column xxx not found in xxx.xxx

Explanation: A SELECT function is executed for a table, and only columns specified by COLUMNS= parameter will be displayed. One of the columns specified in COLUMNS= parameter is not found in DB2 Server for VSE & VM catalogs for the table.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Change the column name or verify the table name is correct.

XTS9-152xxx rows selected

Explanation: After a SELECT function, the number of rows selected is displayed.

XTS9-153Database server message (xxx)

Explanation: During the Data Restore feature functions, if an SQLERROR occurs, after SQLCODE (message XTS9-129), a complementary message may be displayed.

XTS9-154Wrong password for SQLDBA

Explanation: The SQLDBA password must be specified on the CONTROL statement when the SELECT function is used. The password specified is not valid.

System Action: Processing ends

User Response: Specify the correct password for SQLDBA user.

XTS9-155Column xxx not found

Explanation: The column specified is not found in the selected table.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct SYSIN file.

XTS9-157Storage violation has occurred

Explanation: A Data Restore feature function has not been successful because a storage violation has occurred. A dump is created.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-158WRKSIZE needed is xxx

Explanation: Storage required for backup function should be at least equal to the value specified. Modify your SYSIN on OPTIONS statement specify a WRKSIZE parameter equal to or greater than this value.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Modify your SYSIN to specify the required value for WRKSIZE= parameter.

XTS9-159System Catalog tables cannot be reloaded

Explanation: The Reload function cannot process System Catalog tables. The NEWCREATOR= parameter can be specified to RELOAD System Catalog tables into a user table.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct the SYSIN.

XTS9-160External labeling of this unload is

Explanation: The message following this message displays date and time of the UNLOAD output file.

XTS9-161DBSPACE xxx.xxx not found

Explanation: UNLOAD dbspace function cannot be executed for a non-existent dbspace, or the dbspace has been specified twice.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct the SYSIN.

XTS9-162SQL stmt: xxx . xxx . xxx

Explanation: During RELOAD process, if an SQL ERROR occurs on a dynamic statement, this message will give the program name and statement number in error and the statement will be displayed on PRINTER.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Analyze SQLCODE and statement displayed or Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-163Cursor name: xxx table: xxx.xxx

Explanation: During RELOAD process, if an SQL ERROR occurs, this message will give the name of the table in error and the name of the associated cursor.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Analyze SQLCODE or Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-164xxx rows skipped, procedure continuing

Explanation: During RELOAD process, if RESTARTCOUNT parameter is specified, this message will be displayed each time COMMITCOUNT parameter value is reached.

XTS9-165xxx rows loaded into (xxx.xxx) xxx skipped

Explanation: During reload process, if RESTARTCOUNT parameter is specified, this message is displayed to specify how many rows were skipped and how many were loaded.

XTS9-166File mounted was not produced by BACKUP function

Explanation: The RESTORE function is executed for a file that was not produced by BACKUP function.
Note:A RESTORE cannot be executed from an UNLOAD file.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Mount a BACKUP file.

XTS9-167Record number xxx not found on LMBRWRK

Explanation: During log recovery process a record was not found in work file but is specified in LMBRLGn files.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Verify that all files were produced by the same RELOAD function.

XTS9-168DBSPACE xxx and Pagexxx not found in IXLNGVAR (step=xxx)

Explanation: During log recovery for long columns, an error occurred, no matching information was found in IXLNGVAR table.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Contact IBM Support Center.

XTS9-169Processing tables containing long columns

Explanation: A specific process is executed for tables including long columns.

XTS9-170RESTARTCOUNT cannot be used with a table containing long columns

Explanation: RESTARTCOUNT parameter can't be specified for tables having long columns.

XTS9-171Missing FILEDEF for xxx

Explanation: A work file is used during log recovery process, the FILEDEF for this file is missing.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Modify your procedure to specify the FILEDEF.

XTS9-172Database server was ended with logmode xxx

Explanation: This message specifies the last logmode for DB2 Server for VSE & VM server. If logmode was Y, forward log recovery cannot be processed.

XTS9-173Database server was not ended with UARCHIVE

Explanation: The user executes a BACKUP function but the server was not ended with the UARCHIVE parameter.

System Action: The process is stopped with RC=26.

User Response: Restart your database manager and execute command SQLEND UARCHIVE.

XTS9-174Processing xxx unloaded on (xxx-xxx)

Explanation: The process is executed on a file generated by UNLOAD function. The DBNAME, date and time of UNLOAD function is displayed.

XTS9-175Recovery not allowed with file produced by UNLOAD function

Explanation: RECOVERY=YES parameter can only be processed on a backup file.

XTS9-176Invalid ARCHIV file

Explanation: The file was not produced by the BACKUP function.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-177Recovery not allowed with file produced with logmode=xxx

Explanation: Recovery is allowed only for databases using LOGMODE = A or L.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-178Recovery not allowed with logmode=xxx

Explanation: Recovery can only be specified for databases using log archive or archive mode.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-179Current log

Explanation: The current log will be required to process RELOAD function with RECOVERY=YES parameter.

XTS9-180xxx at xxx

Explanation: The list of archives and log archives necessary for log recovery processing is displayed before RELOAD function starts.

XTS9-181Archive mounted not found in history area

Explanation: The history area contains all information on date and time of archive, user archive and log archive. The user is processing a tape that is not known for database manager in history area cannot be processed.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Verify the mounted archive.

XTS9-182Following files are needed for recovery

Explanation: The list of archives and log archives necessary for log recovery processing is displayed before RELOAD function starts.

XTS9-183Please mount log archive at xxx

Explanation: The log archive with the specified timestamp is required to process log recovery on reloaded tables.

User Response: Mount the required file.

XTS9-184Processing current log

Explanation: After all log archives are processed for log recovery, the current log is processed.

XTS9-185Forward recovery stopped due to xxx

Explanation: During forward recovery process, if a DROP TABLE, DROP DBSPACE or ALTER TABLE command on a table being reloaded is found, the process is stopped.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-186Timestamp of statement is xxx

Explanation: The timestamp for the command specified in message XTS9-185 is displayed.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-187Invalid action (xxx) found in LMBRLG1

Explanation: The action specified in log is not INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, DROP TABLE, DROP DBSPACE, ALTER DBSPACE.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Call IBM Support Center.

XTS9-188Wrong file mounted

Explanation: The log file specified in message XTS9-183 is not the one mounted.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Verify the external file label.

XTS9-189Timestamp xxx reached in log file

Explanation: During APPLYLOG, when END parameter is reached in log file, this message is displayed.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-190Action xxx found in history area

Explanation: Reload with log recovery cannot be processed because COLDLOG, ARCHIVE, RESTORE, STARTUP=R, SWITCH TO N, SWITCH TO Y has been executed after the archive or UARCHIVE was taken.

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-191Recovery not possible

Explanation: Message XTS9-190 contains the reason why the recovery is not possible

System Action: Processing ends.

XTS9-192Processing xxx archived by database server on (xxx-xxx)

Explanation: When a process accesses an archive file, the DBNAME, date and time at BACKUP or UNLOAD time is displayed.

XTS9-193Mount first tape of database server archive

Explanation: When a database server archive is used for recovery, the archive tapes must be read twice. This message is displayed when the first tape of the archive must be mounted for the second time.

System Action: The process is waiting for operator intervention

Operator Response: Mount the first archive tape.


Explanation: SQLERRP is displayed with SQLCODE, SQLERRD1, SQLERRD2 and SQLERRM.

User Response: Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM messages and Codes manual to analyze the error.

XTS9-195xxx currently mounted

Explanation: When reload is executed with RECOVERY=YES parameter, the list of all necessary files is displayed. The BACKUP file is currently mounted.

XTS9-196Do you want to continue the xxx process xxx

Explanation: When CONFIRM=YES is specified, the user is asked to confirm that the process should continue.

XTS9-197I/O error on LOG disk

Explanation: This message is displayed during the RELOAD process with RECOVERY=YES parameter, when the current log is processed and an I/O error occurs on disk.

System Action: If DUAL logging exists, the reload continues on the second LOG file. Otherwise, the processing is terminated.

XTS9-198Switching to secondary log

Explanation: This message is displayed during the RELOAD process with RECOVERY=YES parameter, when the current log is processed and an I/O error occurs on disk.

System Action: If DUAL logging exists, the reload continues on the second LOG file.

XTS9-199Dual logging not in effect, cannot switch to secondary log

Explanation: This message is displayed during the RELOAD process with RECOVERY=YES parameter, when the current log is processed and an I/O error occurs on disk.

System Action: Dual logging is not in effect. RELOAD processing is terminated.

XTS9-200Processing larchive at xxx

Explanation: The log archive created at the displayed timestamp is being processed.

XTS9-201Medium is disk xxx xxx *

Explanation: The log archive to be processed was created on disk. The filename and filetype are displayed.

User Response: If the log archive file was moved onto tape, the user can change the device support by replying to message XTS9-408.

XTS9-202Processing database server archive (timestamp=xxx)

Explanation: The RELOAD process is executed from a DB2 Server for VSE & VM archive. The timestamp of the archive is displayed.

XTS9-203pool=xxx First Extent=xxx Pool is xxx

Explanation: The SHOWPOOL function displays for all defined storpool the list of attached dbextents. This message displays the first attached dbextent. T his storpool is recoverable or non recoverable.

XTS9-204dbextent=xxx Pool =xxx Next Dbextent=xxx

Explanation: The SHOWPOOL function displays for all defined storpool the list of attached dbextents. The dbextents chaining can be analyzed with this message.

XTS9-205dbextent=xxx extend deleted

Explanation: The SHOWPOOL function displays for all defined storpool the list of attached dbextents. This message displays deleted extents number.

XTS9-207Backup file used can not be restored

Explanation: Pool recovery can not process this file. The reason is describe in preceding message.

XTS9-208the current database is not R510 or later, a pool recovery cannot be used

Explanation: The pool level recovery feature is only available for a database Version 5 Release 1 and later, the function can't be processed on the specified database.

User Response: Verify the dbname parameter in SYSIN file and control the database level.

XTS9-209Pool number xxx must be included in pool list

Explanation: A pool level recovery has been executed for a list of pool. The processing has been stopped due to an error. After the problem has been solved, the list you specified in SYSIN must contain at least the same pool numbers, but you modified it and the specified number in message has been omitted.

User Response: The specified number in message must be included in the pool list.

XTS9-210Pool number xxx is not recoverable

Explanation: The storpool number specified is not recoverable. SPLR can not process it.

User Response: Remove this storpool from pool list.

XTS9-211Beginning update of directory

Explanation: SPLR has verified that all storpool of pool list can be processed and start the update of directory. Before this message is issued user can cancel processing and restart SQL server with STARTUP="W". After you must let SPLR completing the process and restart SQL server with STARTUP='u'

XTS9-213Invalid value xxx for pool number xxx

Explanation: The specified value is invalid as a pool number only defined pool numbers can be specified.

User Response: Correct the pool list to process

XTS9-214Full restore is in progress

Explanation: If a Full restore was completed successfully, you must start DB2 Server for VSE & VM with STARTUP=U before doing something else. If a Full restore was not completed succesfully, you must run Full restore completely.

XTS9-215Pool recovery is not allowed

Explanation: Pool recovery is not allowed after an uncompleted Full restore. This message is preceded by XTS9-214

XTS9-216Feature not installed


XTS9-217Specify FULL or INCREMENTAL on BACKUP card

Explanation: You need to specify either FULL or INCREMENTAL as the type of input file.

XTS9-218A full backup has never been executed.

Explanation: You try to execute an Incremental Backup, but you have never executed a FULL backup. Incremental Backup is associated with a Full Backup.

System Action: You must take a full backup before trying to take an incremental backup.

XTS9-219Mount dbname archived on (date- time)

Explanation: You are processing a RELOAD/RESTORE function from an INCREMENTAL backup, and are being prompted to mount the associated full backup. You must use a FULLARC FILEDEF or TLBL or DLBL to specify the file.

System Action: Mount the required file.

XTS9-220Storage pool level recovery not allowed with INCREMENTAL BACKUP

Explanation: NEED WORDS HERE!!!

XTS9-225Version DRF 6.1.0 required for INCREMENTAL BACKUP

Explanation: Incremental backup can only be run against Version 6 Release 1 of DB2 Server for VSE & VM.

System Action: The database must be migrated to Version 6 Release 1 before incremental backup can be used.

XTS9-226This file is a INCREM BACKUP

Explanation: The DESCRIBE function displays this message to specify the type of the input file. In this case, the file is an INCREMENTAL backup file.

XTS9-228The correlated full backup was archived on ( timestamp)

Explanation: For the DESCRIBE command, this message shows the timestamp of the associated full backup for this incremental backup file.

For the RELOAD and RESTORE commands, this message is a prompt to load the associated full backup file. required.

XTS9-229The file is a DB2 $1 archive

Explanation: The file being processed is a REGULAR|FULL archive. When processing the DESCRIBE or TRANSLATE function, this message specifies whether the input file is a REGULAR or FULL archive.

XTS9-230WRKSIZE= $1 has been used at backup time

Explanation: To reload tables or restore a database from an incremental backup, the WRKSIZE parameter may be required if the default capacity is exhausted.

The WRKSIZE parameter to specify is equivalent to the value used at backup time.

This message displays this value.

XTS9-304Restore from user archive invoked


XTS9-305Current database will be destroyed

Explanation: Before restoring an archive, the operator is asked to confirm that the current database will be destroyed.

XTS9-307Start the database manager with parameter "STARTUP=U"

Explanation: After restoring from a database archive, the database manager must be informed that an archive was restored. This is accomplished by specifying the STARTUP=U parameter.

XTS9-308Format DBEXTENT invoked (xxx)

Explanation: Format for DBEXTENT (xxx) invoked.

XTS9-309Processing DB2 for VSE and VM version xxx

Explanation: This message displays DB2 Server for VSE & VM version.

XTS9-311Base xxx specified but archive for base xxx was found

Explanation: The DBNAME parameter does not match the database name recorded on the archive or unload file.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Modify the DBNAME parameter to match with the mounted tape or mount another tape.

XTS9-313DB2 for VSE and VM version xxx processed

Explanation: This message displays DB2 version.

XTS9-314COMMIT WORK successful for reload of data, creating required objects

Explanation: After the table has been reloaded with FUNCT=REPLACE, a COMMIT WORK is issued and this message is displayed before the environment is created.

XTS9-315ALL SQL statements loaded into table DATARFTR.CMD

Explanation: All commands required to recreate the environment are loaded into the DATARFTR.CMD table.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: If an SQLERROR occurs while recreating the environment, refer to Chapter 11, Restoring Logical Elements to continue.

XTS9-401Enter 0(STOP) or 1(CONTINUE)

Explanation: During the RELOAD process with log recovery, after each log archive is asked to be mounted this message is displayed.

System Action: Processing is waiting for operator answer.

User Response: 0 will stop the process, 1 will continue it.

XTS9-402Enter 0 (NO) or 1 (YES)

Explanation: This message is displayed to prompt for a response to a previous message.

System Action: The system is waiting for a response.

Operator Response: Reply 0 for NO or 1 for YES.

XTS9-403Reply is xxx

Explanation: This message displays the operator's response.

XTS9-405Enter 0 (CANCEL) or 1(RETRY)

Explanation: A tape drive was not ready to allow RELOAD to begin. Reply 1 to retry the RELOAD after the tape drive is ready or reply 0 to cancel.

System Action: The system is waiting for a response.

Operator Response: Reply 0 to cancel or 1 to retry.

XTS9-406Enter 0 (CANCEL) or 1 (CONTINUE)

Explanation: This message is displayed before the RESTORE function to confirm the destruction of the current database.

System Action: The system is waiting for a response.

Operator Response: Reply 0 to cancel or 1 to continue.

XTS9-407Enter 0 (CANCEL), 1 (CONTINUE) or 111(SKIPFILE)

Explanation: This message is displayed during the RELOAD process, for each log archive tape, if RECOVERY=YES parameter was specified.

System Action: The system is waiting for a response.

Operator Response: Reply 0 to cancel, reply 1 to continue or reply 111 to stop.

XTS9-408Enter 0(CANCEL), 1(CONTINUE), 11(CHANGE) or 111(SKIPFILE)

Explanation: The log archive to be processed was created on disk. The filename and filetype are displayed

System Action: The system is waiting for a response.

User Response: If the log archive file was moved to tape, the user can change the device support by replying 11. After replying 11, the operator will be asked to mount the log archive tape.

XTS9-601DATE: xxx TIME: xxx

Explanation: Date and time of process is displayed.

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