You can specify additional parameters for each of the Data Restore functions. Specify these parameters in the OPTIONS statement or the CONTROL statement.
The list of those parameters follows:
>>-OPTIONS----+---------------------+---+-----------------+-----> '-COMMITCOUNT=integer-' '-WRKSIZE=integer-' >-----+----------------------------+----------------------------> | .-1--. | '-MSGCLASS=integer---+-2--+--' >-----+-------------------------+---+---------------------+-----> '-MSGDEV=integer---+-3-+--' | .-TAPE--. | +-1-+ '-DEVICE---+-DASD--+--' '-2-' >-----+---------------------+---+----------------------+--------> '-DEVICE2---+-TAPE-+--' '-RESTARTCOUNT=integer-' '-DASD-' >-----+----------------+---+--------------------+---------------> | .-M--. | | .-E--. | '-CASE---+-U--+--' '-NOTATION---+-U--+--' >-----+-----------------+---+---------------------+-------------> '-NBVIEWS=integer-' '-RECOVERY=--+-NO--+--' '-YES-' >-----+-----------+---+--------------------+--+--------------+--> '-LANG=lang-' '-CONFIRM=--+-NO--+--' '-ARCHTYPE=DB2-' '-YES-' >-----+-------------------------+---+-------------------+------>< '-NBPASS=integer---+-2-+--' '-REWIND=--+-YES-+--' '-1-' '-NO--' |
When reloading or restoring from an incremental backup, the WRKSIZE parameter must be equivalent to the value specified at backup time. Message XTS9-230 will display the required value.
2: Only error messages are displayed
2: Messages are displayed on VSE SYSLST or VM SYSPRINT
3: Messages are displayed on both devices
DASD: Archive on disk
The following parameter, DEVICE2, is optional for the BACKUP or the UNLOAD function should the user want to perform a primary and a secondary backup of the archive in a single operation:
TAPE: A second archive copy is made on tape
DASD: A second archive copy is made on disk (ARCHIV2 must be specified in JCL or EXEC).
In the VM environment, this parameter only specifies that dual archiving is enabled. (It does not matter if the parameter is set to tape or DASD.) The FILEDEF for ARCHIV2 will determine whether tape or DASD output is created.
In the VSE environment, if tape is specified a TLBL ARCHIV2 must be defined. If DASD is specified, a DLBL must be specified for ARCHIV2.
TAPE: FULLARC TLBL must be specified for FULL backup file
DASD: FULLARC DLBL must be specified for FULL backup file
M: Mixed to display messages with lower and uppercase. This is the default.
U: Upper to display messages with upper case only, (for printers not supporting lower case).
E: European: Numbers are displayed with point for thousand and comma for decimal. For example: 1.234.567,89. This is the default.
U: United States: Numbers are displayed with point for decimal and comma for thousand. For example: 1,234,567.89
NO: No table recovery from log files is required. This is the default.
YES: The user wants to generate the file containing all modifications on reloaded tables from LOGS.
YES: Before processing the function in SYSIN, Data Restore will prompt the operator to confirm the function to
NO: No confirmation for the process is required.
2: For normal processing. This is the default.
1: can be specified on a Restart (for instance after a power failure) to avoid reading the DB2 Server for VSE & VM archive twice, only valid if the message XTS9-193: "Mount first tape of DB2 Server for VSE & VM archive" was previously received.
YES: Rewind during OPEN/CLOSE processing.
NO: Do not rewind during OPEN/CLOSE processing.