The tables that follow describe certain limits imposed by this product.
Table 14. Identifier Length Limits
Identifier Limits | DB2 Server for VSE & VM |
Longest authorization name | 8 |
Longest constraint name | 18 |
Longest correlation name | 18 |
Longest cursor name | 18 |
Longest host identifier | 256 a |
Longest long identifier | 18 |
Longest short identifier | 8 |
Longest server name | 18 |
Longest statement name | 18 |
Longest unqualified column name | 18 |
Longest unqualified package name | 8 |
Longest unqualified table/view/index name | 18 |
Numeric Limits | DB2 Server for VSE & VM |
Smallest INTEGER value | -2147483648 |
Largest INTEGER value | +2147483647 |
Smallest SMALLINT value | -32768 |
Largest SMALLINT value | +32767 |
Largest decimal precision | 31 |
Smallest FLOAT value | -7.2x1075 |
Largest FLOAT value | +7.2x1075 |
Smallest positive FLOAT value | +5.4x10-79 |
Largest negative FLOAT value | -5.4x10-79 |
Smallest REAL value | -7.2x1075 |
Largest REAL value | +7.2x1075 |
Smallest Positive REAL value | +5.4x10-79 |
Largest Negative REAL value | -5.4x10-79 |
String Limits | DB2 Server for VSE & VM |
Maximum byte count of CHAR | 254 |
Maximum byte count of VARCHAR | 32767 |
Maximum character count of GRAPHIC | 127 |
Maximum character count of VARGRAPHIC | 16383 |
Maximum byte count of character constant | 254 |
Longest concatenated character string | 254 |
Longest concatenated graphic string | 127 |
Maximum character count of a graphic constant b | 127 |
Datetime Limits c | DB2 Server for VSE & VM |
Smallest DATE value | 0001-01-01 |
Largest DATE value | 9999-12-31 |
Smallest TIME value | 00:00:00 |
Largest TIME value | 24:00:00 |
Smallest TIMESTAMP value | 0001-01-01- |
Largest TIMESTAMP value | 9999-12-31- |
Table 18. Database Manager Limits
Database Manager Limits | DB2 Server for VSE & VM |
Most columns in a table | 255 |
Most columns in a view | 140 d |
Maximum byte count of a row including all overhead | 4080 e |
Maximum byte count of a table f | 32 x 109 |
Maximum byte count of an index f | 32 x 109 |
Most rows in a table | 2 x 109 |
Longest index key | 255 |
Most columns in an index key | 16 |
Most indexes on a table | 255 |
Most tables referenced in an SQL statement or a view g | 15 |
Most host variable declarations in a preprocessed program | storage |
Most host variables in an SQL statement | 256 |
Longest host variable used for insert or update | 32767 |
Longest SQL statement | 8192 |
Most elements in a select list | 255 |
Most predicates in a WHERE or HAVING clause | 200 |
Most JOIN columns | 40 |
Maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY clause | 16 |
Maximum total length of columns in a GROUP BY clause | 255 |
Maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY clause | 16 |
Maximum total length of columns in an ORDER BY clause | 255 |
Maximum size of an SQLDA | 22524 |
Maximum number of prepared statements | 512 h |
Most declared cursors in a program | 512 h |
Maximum number of cursors opened at one time | storage |
Most tables in a relational database | storage |
Most CCSID overrides in an INSERT or SELECT statement i | 80 |