DB2 Server for VSE & VM: SQL Reference

Appendix A. SQL Limits

The tables that follow describe certain limits imposed by this product.

Table 14. Identifier Length Limits
Identifier Limits DB2 Server for VSE & VM
Longest authorization name 8
Longest constraint name 18
Longest correlation name 18
Longest cursor name 18
Longest host identifier 256 a
Longest long identifier 18
Longest short identifier 8
Longest server name 18
Longest statement name 18
Longest unqualified column name 18
Longest unqualified package name 8
Longest unqualified table/view/index name 18

Table 15. Numeric Limits
Numeric Limits DB2 Server for VSE & VM
Smallest INTEGER value -2147483648
Largest INTEGER value +2147483647
Smallest SMALLINT value -32768
Largest SMALLINT value +32767
Largest decimal precision 31
Smallest FLOAT value -7.2x1075
Largest FLOAT value +7.2x1075
Smallest positive FLOAT value +5.4x10-79
Largest negative FLOAT value -5.4x10-79
Smallest REAL value -7.2x1075
Largest REAL value +7.2x1075
Smallest Positive REAL value +5.4x10-79
Largest Negative REAL value -5.4x10-79

Table 16. String Limits
String Limits DB2 Server for VSE & VM
Maximum byte count of CHAR 254
Maximum byte count of VARCHAR 32767
Maximum character count of GRAPHIC 127
Maximum character count of VARGRAPHIC 16383
Maximum byte count of character constant 254
Longest concatenated character string 254
Longest concatenated graphic string 127
Maximum character count of a graphic constant b 127

Table 17. Datetime Limits
Datetime Limits c DB2 Server for VSE & VM
Smallest DATE value 0001-01-01
Largest DATE value 9999-12-31
Smallest TIME value 00:00:00
Largest TIME value 24:00:00
Smallest TIMESTAMP value 0001-01-01-
Largest TIMESTAMP value 9999-12-31-

Table 18. Database Manager Limits
Database Manager Limits DB2 Server for VSE & VM
Most columns in a table 255
Most columns in a view 140 d
Maximum byte count of a row including all overhead 4080 e
Maximum byte count of a table f 32 x 109
Maximum byte count of an index f 32 x 109
Most rows in a table 2 x 109
Longest index key 255
Most columns in an index key 16
Most indexes on a table 255
Most tables referenced in an SQL statement or a view g 15
Most host variable declarations in a preprocessed program storage
Most host variables in an SQL statement 256
Longest host variable used for insert or update 32767
Longest SQL statement 8192
Most elements in a select list 255
Most predicates in a WHERE or HAVING clause 200
Most JOIN columns 40
Maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY clause 16
Maximum total length of columns in a GROUP BY clause 255
Maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY clause 16
Maximum total length of columns in an ORDER BY clause 255
Maximum size of an SQLDA 22524
Maximum number of prepared statements 512 h
Most declared cursors in a program 512 h
Maximum number of cursors opened at one time storage
Most tables in a relational database storage
Most CCSID overrides in an INSERT or SELECT statement i 80


Individual host language compilers may further restrict this. The database manager, and not the FORTRAN compiler, places a limit of 18 on host identifiers in FORTRAN programs.
May be further restricted by preprocessors and utilities.
Shown in ISO format.
The row length of a formatted data row is 4080 bytes including overhead items such as the data value of the row, null byte, and the varchar length field. These items and others affecting the length of a row in a table are discussed in DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration.
The numbers shown are architectural limits. The practical limits may be less.
In a complex select-statement, the number of tables that can be joined may be significantly less.
In C, COBOL and PL/I the sum of the number of declared cursors and the number of prepared statements that are not referenced by a cursor must not be greater than 512. In REXX, the sum of the number of declared cursors and the number of prepared statements that are not referenced by a cursor must not be greater than 40.
Though a table may be created with more than 80 different combinations of CCSID and datatype, insert-statement and select-statement impose a limitation of 80 CCSID overrides. For overrides above 80, use a second insert-statement or select-statement.

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