DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Interactive SQL Guide and Reference

Understanding ISQL Modes

The two modes in ISQL are wait and display. They provide different displays and, for particular commands and statements, they react differently. Wait mode is indicated by the VM READ displayed in the status area (lower right corner) of the display. In wait mode, you can enter any SQL statement and any ISQL command other than display commands. Each command or statement that you type is displayed line by line in the output area. From wait mode, you can query your application server. A query (a SELECT statement) puts the display into display mode.

In display mode, no message is displayed in the status area, and the entire output area displays the results of a query. From display mode, you can type any SQL statement or any ISQL command including ISQL display commands to move through the displayed data. You end display mode when you type END, an SQL statement other than SELECT, an ISQL command other than a display command, or an incorrect SELECT statement. In all instances wait mode is returned.

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