DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Interactive SQL Guide and Reference

Entering Commands While Viewing the Results of a Query

You can type any SQL statement or ISQL command while viewing the results of a query as long as that result does not originate from a query processed in an ISQL routine. Exceptions to this restriction are display commands, which you can use while viewing the results of a query being processed in a routine. (Routines are discussed in Chapter 7, Creating and Using Routines.)

If you do type a command, other than a display command, while viewing the results of a query being processed in a routine, you receive the following message:

   ARI7956E Command failed.  This command is not valid
            while you view a query result from a routine.

The query result, because it is the result of a routine, is not affected.

If you are viewing a query result that is not from a routine, and you type an ISQL command or SQL statement that changes the current display, you receive the following message:

   ARI7955I The system ended your query result to process your command.

In this situation, ISQL ends the current query display and processes the new command or statement.

If you are viewing a query result that is not from a routine, and you type a display command, the display command is processed.

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