The system displays messages about certain operating conditions for your terminal session. (See Figure 6 for examples of the system messages.) You can receive messages in the language you want, depending on your site. The text of the messages that you receive may be slightly different from those shown here.
Messages have two parts. The first part is the message number, which remains the same regardless of the language setting. An example of a message number is ARI0503E. It starts with the letters ARI, which identify it as a DB2 Server for VSE & VM message. Then it contains a four-digit number to identify the message. Finally, it ends with one of the following letters that indicates the message type:
The second part is the text of the message; for example, An SQL error has occurred. ISQL uses the same language for messages as your CMS language setting. For more information, see SET. In most situations, the text is self-explanatory. If it is not, you can use the message number with the HELP command. (For information about using the HELP command to display the message description, refer to Chapter 10, ISQL Commands.) You can also use the message number to look up the message description in the DB2 Server for VSE Messages and Codes and DB2 Server for VM Messages and Codes manuals.
Messages ARI0503E, ARI0505I, and ARI0504I are usually encountered when an error is detected while the system is processing an SQL statement.
Message ARI0504I is an informational message that provides data useful to those who are responsible for locating problems within the system. You can usually ignore this message, but there may be occasions when you are prompted to record its contents.
Message ARI0504I always follows message ARI0505I. Message ARI0503E indicates that the SQL statement being processed was unsuccessful. Message ARI0505I follows ARI0503E and provides a 3-digit number called an SQLCODE in its message text.
For example, assume you receive the following messages:
ARI0503E An SQL error has occurred. SQL command begins properly but is incomplete. ARI0505I SQLCODE = -106 SQLSTATE = 37501 ROWCOUNT = 0 ARI0504I SQLERRP: ARIXPA1 SQLERRD1: -150 SQLERRD2: 0
The SQLCODE provided in message ARI0505I is -106. Text for this SQLCODE begins on the second line of message ARI0503E and describes the cause of the error. If you want further explanation of the error, use the SQLCODE (in this example, -106) to view the online help information or to look up the explanation in the DB2 Server for VSE Messages and Codes and DB2 Server for VM Messages and Codes manuals.
The SQLSTATE information provides a code for error conditions that are common across relational database products. For more information about SQLSTATE, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE Messages and Codes and DB2 Server for VM Messages and Codes manuals.
The ROWCOUNT information is useful only for certain commands and is explained in the command descriptions. You can ignore the information in message ARI0504I, unless you are prompted to record it.