DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Interactive SQL Guide and Reference
>>-SET----| Group_1 |--| Group_2 |-----------------------------><
V .-ON--. |
| '-OFF-' |
| .-UPper--. |
| '-STRing-' |
| .-?----------. |
| (1) | (2) | |
| .-hyphen----. |
| '-character-' |
| (1) .-1------------. |
| | (3) | |
| '-integer------' |
| .-0-------. |
| +-integer-+ |
| '-OFF-----' |
| .-//./----------------. |
- The parameters CLAss, COPies, and PRINTRoute are not applicable to
- Output class wanted (letters from A to Z).
- Number of copies to be printed.
- A maximum of 20 characters can be used for null values.
V .-RR--. |
| +-CS--+ |
| '-UR--' |
| '-langid--------' |
| .-?-----------. |
| | (4) | |
| '-string------' |
| .-132-----. .-66------. |
| '-integer-' '-integer-' |
| (1) |
| +-TERMid--termid--+ |
| +-TOUser--userid--+ |
| '-SYSTem----------' |
| .-CONTInue--. |
| +-STOP------+ |
| '-CANCEL----' |
| .-2-------. |
| | '-integer-' | |
| '-string----------------' |
| .-20------. |
- The parameters CLAss, COPies, and PRINTRoute are not applicable to
- Output class wanted, (letters from A to Z).
- Number of copies to be printed.
- A maximum of 20 characters can be used for null values.
SET is an ISQL command that controls a number of functions.
When ISQL is started, the following operational characteristics are in
- CLASS is a question mark (?). (DB2 Server for VSE only)
- CONTINUE is a hyphen (-).
- COPIES is 1. (DB2 Server for VSE only)
- COSTEST is zero.
- DECIMAL is //./.
- ISOLATION is repeatable read.
- LANGUAGE is the default language as defined in the SYSOPTIONS
- NULL is a question mark (?).
- PRINTROUTE is to the system printer. (DB2 Server for VSE only)
- SEPARATOR is two blanks.
- VARCHAR is 20.
The current setting of these functions can be listed with the LIST
command. Some of these settings may already have been changed by a
PROFILE routine, or you may want to change the settings for your session in
your PROFILE routine, which is run automatically when you start ISQL.
- In the VM environment, the user must use the CP commands SPOOL and TAG to
change the routing of the print output.
- When you are using DRDA protocol in the VSE or VM environment, the
isolation level is set to CS.
- AUTOCommit
- specifies if commands are to be committed automatically. Unless
otherwise specified, commands are committed automatically.
- ON
- specifies that changes to tables resulting from an SQL statement are
committed automatically when the statement is processed. This is the
There is an exception to the automatic committing of changes. If the
SQL statement is INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, and it affects more than one data
row, the changes are not immediately committed. Instead, the system
issues a message that lets you either commit the work, or cancel or rollback
the changes. If you type CANCEL or ROLLBACK, the changes are not
committed; if you type any other statement, the changes are
- specifies that changes are not to be committed to a table until a COMMIT
statement is typed.
- specifies if characters enclosed in single quotation marks are to be
converted to uppercase. Unless otherwise specified, all characters
typed from the keyboard are converted to uppercase.
If you specify that the characters are to be converted, SQL uses the
conversion information from the SYSCHARSETS system catalog to handle the
- UPper
- specifies that all characters typed from the keyboard or a routine are
converted to uppercase characters. This is the default.
- STRing
- specifies that all characters enclosed in single quotation marks typed
from the keyboard or a routine are not converted to uppercase
- CLAss (DB2 Server for VSE only)
- specifies the printer output class.
- class
- is the output class desired (a letter from A to Z).
- ?
- specifies the default printer class of the system.
Unless otherwise specified, the default printer class for the system is
Note: | Class cannot be specified for a CICS/VSE terminal printer.
- CONTInue
- specifies the continuation character.
- character
- is the continuation character to use for continuation of input
Choose a character that is not normally the last character of a
statement. Also, do not use a single or double quotation mark, a
semicolon, or a blank. Unless otherwise set, the continuation character
is the hyphen (-).
- COPies (DB2 Server for VSE only)
- specifies the number of copies for printed reports.
- integer
- is the number of copies that are to be printed when subsequent PRINT
commands are issued.
Unless otherwise specified, the number of copies for printed reports is
one. A maximum of 99 copies can be specified.
Note: | The number of copies cannot be specified for a CICS/VSE terminal
- COSTest
- specifies when the ISQL Query Cost Estimate (QCE) is
displayed. Unless OFF is specified, the QCE message is always
- specifies that the ISQL QCE message should not be displayed.
- integer
- specifies that the ISQL QCE message should be displayed. Replace
integer with any number from 0 to 9999. The QCE is displayed
if it is greater than integer.
While you cannot specify any number greater than 9999, the QCE message
displays '>9999' to indicate the cost is greater than
For additional information about the ISQL Query Cost Estimate, refer to the
DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.
- DECimal
- specifies the type of punctuation to use when displaying a decimal
- /thousands/
- is the thousands separator character.
Valid characters are a period, a comma, and a blank.
- /decimal/
- is the decimal separator character. Valid characters are a period
and a comma.
The slash distinguishes the thousands separator character from the decimal
separator character.
Unless otherwise specified, no thousands separator is used, and the decimal
separator is a period.
Valid combinations of t and d are:
Thousands Separator
| Decimal Separator
| Example
(a blank)
1 234,56
For example, assume the value 123456 is contained in a decimal
column that was created with two decimal places. Then,
set decimal /,/./
provides the following punctuation when this field is displayed:
The DECIMAL keyword does not change how input is specified, only how output
is displayed. For example, to reference the above number
(1,234.56) in a column called SALES in a WHERE clause, you use:
where SALES=1234.56
- ISOLation
- specifies the isolation level placed on data when you read information
from the application server. You specify the type of lock that the
system places on the data. This is specifying the isolation
The isolation level specified sets the degree of independence one terminal
user has from another terminal user.
For guidelines on using this setting, see Specifying the Isolation Level.
- RR
- requests the isolation level repeatable read.
This setting holds locks on the data you are using until a COMMIT or ROLLBACK
is performed. These locks isolate the data from other users. No
one can modify any rows you have read until your work has been committed or
rolled back. Use this setting when it is important to keep data
completely isolated. This is the default.
Note: | For DB2 Server for VSE & VM, if you are using the DRDA protocol,
the default isolation level is set to CS. If you specify any other
setting, it will be ignored.
- CS
- requests the isolation level cursor stability. Isolation level
cursor stability has meaning only for data in
public dbspaces with row and page level locking. The system locks
individual rows or pages depending on the lock specified in ACQUIRE DBSPACE,
ALTER DBSPACE, and LOCK statements. Use the CS setting to free the data
you are reading as soon as possible.
- UR
- requests the isolation level uncommitted read. Isolation level
uncommitted read has meaning only for data in
public dbspaces with row and page level locking. This setting applies
only to read-only operations (SELECTs). For other operations (UPDATE,
DELETE, and INSERT), the rules of CS apply. This setting reduces lock
contention on data being read; however, data integrity may be compromised
because read-only access to uncommitted data is allowed. Use the UR
setting only when it is not necessary that the data you are reading be
The isolation level specification affects the UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT with
subselect form, and SELECT statements. The correct value to specify
depends on what activity you are performing. Locking problems can be
reduced if the isolation level can be set to cursor stability in your
Note: | Read and update access to the catalog
is performed with a repeatable read setting, regardless of how you set the
isolation level. This access is activated by dynamic preprocessing of
SQL statements and by SQL data definition statements such as CREATE, ACQUIRE,
and GRANT. Your selects (and updates and deletes, if you are a DBA)
against the catalog are performed according to the isolation level you
SET ISOLATION is acceptable only when the target application server
is a local application server. Otherwise the isolation level of CS is
assumed and the SET ISOLATION command will have no effect.
- LANGuage
- specifies the language in which online HELP and error messages are
displayed. Operator messages are displayed in the national language of
the application server.
- language_name
- is the language being specified; for example, French. The
description of the language can be either the IBM-supplied description or the
description chosen by your site. For example, your site may prefer to
use Francais instead of French.
Language-name can be up to 40 characters long.
- langid
- is a 5-character language identifier that can be specified instead of the
language name. The language identifiers are:
- Mixed Case American English
- Uppercase American English
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Korean
- Simplified Chinese
If the language you specify is not supported, the current language remains
- specifies the characters to be displayed in null fields. Unless
otherwise specified, a question mark (?) is used.
- string
- specifies the characters (up to a maximum of 20) to use for null
fields. Enclose the string in single quotation marks if it contains a
For example, the following command:
set null empty
causes the word EMPTY to be displayed in all null fields.
- PAGEsize
- specifies the page size for printed output.
- WIDth
- specifies the width of the paper being used.
- integer
- is the number of characters that can fit on a line of the output
paper. Unless otherwise specified, the page width is 132. You
can specify values from 19 to 204.
Note: | If you are sending your output to the terminal printer, you should set the
page width to the printer width-1 to avoid spacing problems. For
example, if the terminal printer width is 132, then set the width to 131 with
the command SET PAGE WID 131.
- LENgth
- specifies the length of the page being used.
- integer
- is the number of printed lines that can fit on the output paper.
Unless otherwise specified, the page length is 66. You can specify
values from 9 to 32767. The maximum number of lines that can actually
be printed on a page is 8 less than the length. Eight lines are
reserved for top and bottom titles and margins.
- PRINTRoute (DB2 Server for VSE only)
- specifies where print output is to be sent.
- DESTid
- specifies that printed output is to be directed to the designated POWER
remote workstation.
- wkstat
- is the ID of the desired remote workstation. wkstat can be
any number from 0 to 250. When wkstat is 0, the printed output
is to be directed to the system printer.
- TERMid
- specifies that printed output is to be directed to the designated CICS/VSE
- termid
- is the terminal identifier of the desired CICS/VSE terminal. The
termid must be from one to four alphanumeric characters.
- TOUser
- spools the print output the same way it will spool the print output when
the user enters PRINT TOUser userid
- userid
- is the VSE POWER user identifier of the user to whom the output is being
spooled. An identifier cannot be longer than eight alphanumeric
characters. If the userid is any number from 1 to 250, ISQL
will spool the print output to the POWER remote workstation whome ID is the
number specified.
- SYStem
- specifies that printed output is to be directed to the system
- RUNMode
- specifies whether processing should continue when an error is detected in
a routine. Unless otherwise specified, processing continues.
- CONTInue
- specifies that processing is to continue to the next command even if
errors are detected in the routine. This is the default.
- specifies that processing is to stop if an error is detected in the
routine. No rollback is performed, and processing is terminated.
- specifies that an internal CANCEL is to be issued if an error is
detected. A rollback is issued internally.
- SEParator
- specifies the separation between columns. Unless otherwise
specified, two blanks are used.
- integer BLANKs
- specifies the number of spaces to be displayed between columns.
Replace integer with the number of blanks desired. The maximum
number of blanks that can be specified is 254.
- string
- specifies the characters to be displayed between columns. Enclose
the string in single quotation marks if it contains a blank. For
example, if you want to draw a vertical line between columns, you type:
set separator ' | '
which places a blank, a vertical bar, and a blank between all
columns. The string can be up to 254 characters long.
- VARChar
- specifies the display width of variable length columns.
- integer
- is the length desired. The maximum width that can be specified is
254. Unless otherwise set, the VARCHAR length is 20. Since only
the first 20 characters of a variable length column are displayed, this
command or a FORMAT VARCHAR is necessary to view those columns that are wider
than 20 characters.
The SET command can be used with more than one keyword option,
allowing you to set several operational characteristics with a single SET
command. These characteristics are effective for the duration of your
terminal session. In the following example, a single SET command sets
operational characteristics for AUTOCOMMIT, NULL, and SEPARATOR:
set autocommit on null 'no data' separator 2 blanks
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