DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Operation

Specifying Initialization Parameters

You specify initialization parameters after the PARM keyword in the SQLSTART EXEC statement. For example, if you want to use the following initialization parameters:


You can specify the parameters on the EXEC statement that invokes ARISQLDS in a VSE system like this:


The PARM keyword identifies a string of initialization parameters. Enclose the string of parameters in single quotation marks, as shown.
Note:The DBNAME you choose, for example 'SQLDBA' as shown above, must be defined in the DBNAME directory. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration for information regarding the DBNAME directory.

You can specify the server name in DBNAME, specify the initialization parameters in PARM, and start the application server in a VM system like this:


In these examples, commas separate the initialization parameters. You can also use blanks to separate the parameters, but do not put blanks within initialization parameters.

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