DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Operation

Starting the Application Server in a VM Environment

To start the application server in a VM/ESA system:

  1. Log on to an application server. An application server is a virtual machine that has access to DB2 Server for VM code and a database.
  2. Invoke the SQLSTART EXEC.

The SQLSTART EXEC is on the production disk, and the application server has access to it. This is the format of the SQLSTART EXEC:

      '-AMODE(nn)-'   '-PARM(parameters)-'

You must type the parentheses in the parameters. The parameters for the SQLSTART EXEC are:

is required. It identifies the database that the application server is to access. For example, to start the application server to access database SQLDBA, enter:


The DBNAME parameter must be the first or second parameter specified. For the DBNAME keyword, you can use any initial substring (such as DBNAM or DBNA).

is optional. Specify this parameter only if your installation has created saved segments for the DB2 Server for VM code and you want to use them. Otherwise, omit this parameter. For example, you can enter:


If DCSSID is not specified, the id value from the dbname SQLDBN file on the production disk is used. If neither value is available, SQLDBA is used.

If you do not know what to specify for id, you can ask your VM system administrator. If specified, DCSSID must be the first or second parameter. You can specify ID instead of DCSSID for the keyword. No other abbreviation is valid. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration for more information about saved segments.

is optional. AMODE specifies the type of addressing mode (24-bit or 31-bit) the database manager runs in.

Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration for more information about this parameter.

is optional. You can use PARM to specify parameters that the DB2 Server for VM code uses. The application server uses parameters when you start it. These are called initialization or startup parameters. If you omit PARM, the application server uses defaults for its initialization parameters. See Appendix A, DB2 Server for VSE & VM Initialization Parameters for a list of parameters and their defaults. If you specify PARM, you must put it last in the EXEC command. The PARM parameter cannot appear before DBNAME or DCSSID.

The initialization parameters in PARM define how the application server operates.

For example, if you intend to maintain the log and automatically archive the database, use the initialization parameter LOGMODE=A.

Because initialization parameters are optional, you can omit the PARM keyword. For example, you can start the application server to access the SQLDBA database without specifying initialization parameters:


Note that you cannot run the application server in a conversational monitor system (CMS) batch machine.

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