Each column of every DB2 Server for VSE & VM table is
given an SQL data type when the column is created. Figure 25 shows the data types and how they are stored
SQL Data Type | How Stored |
INTEGER or INT | Stored as a signed 31-bit binary integer |
SMALLINT | Stored as a signed 15-bit binary integer |
DECIMAL[(p[,s])] or DEC[(p[,s])] 4 , 5 | Stored as a packed decimal number of precision p and scale s. Precision is the total number of digits; scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For example, 251.66 fits in a DECIMAL(5,2) data area. When precision and scale are calculated, if the precision is greater than 31, leading zeros will be removed until it is equal to 31. Trailing zeros are not removed. The default scale is 0 and the default precision is 5. |
FLOAT(n) 1 | Stored as a single-precision (4-byte) floating-point number in short System/390 floating-point format, or as a double-precision (8-byte) floating-point number in long System/390 floating-point format. |
CHARACTER[(n)] or CHAR[(n)] 3 | Stored as a character string of fixed length n, where <= 254. The default length is 1. |
VARCHAR(n) 2 , 3 | Stored as a varying-length character string of maximum length n, where n <= 32767. If 254 < n <= 32767, VARCHAR(n) is considered a long string. |
LONG VARCHAR 3 | Stored as a varying-length character string of maximum length 32767. |
GRAPHIC[(n)] | Stored as a string of double-byte character set (DBCS) characters of fixed length n, where n <= 127. The default length is one DBCS character. |
VARGRAPHIC(n) 2 | Stored as a varying-length string of DBCS characters of maximum length n, where n <= 16383. If 127 < n <= 16383, VARGRAPHIC(n) is considered a long string. |
LONG VARGRAPHIC | Stored as a varying-length string of DBCS characters of maximum length 16383. |
DATE | Stored as a string of 4 bytes. Each byte is two packed decimal digits. The first two bytes are the year, the next is the month, and the last is the day. |
TIME | Stored as a string of 3 bytes. Each byte is two packed decimal digits. The first byte is the hour, the next is the minute, and the last is the second. |
TIMESTAMP | Stored as a string of 10 bytes. Each byte is two packed decimal digits. The first 4 bytes are the date, the next 3 are the time, and the last 3 are the microsecond. |
The column is treated as VARCHAR or VARGRAPHIC, however, in two respects:
When n is less than 255 (VARCHAR) or 128 (VARGRAPHIC) on these statements, the treatment of the column is unchanged.
For example, if string X1 = "STRING " and string X2 = "STRING" and X3 = X1 CONCAT X2 then X3 will be equal to "STRING STRING". However, X1 is considered equal to X2 in a compare statement such as a SELECT...WHERE.
A long string column is either a LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, VARCHAR(n) (where 254 < n <= 32 767), or VARGRAPHIC(n) (where 127 < n <= 16 383). Long strings are intended for storage of unstructured data such as text strings, images, and drawings. For a list of restrictions on the use of long strings, refer to the section on data types in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual.
The only operations permitted on long strings are:
The restrictions on the use of long strings can usually be avoided by the appropriate use of the SUBSTR function.
Datetime is a collective DB2 Server for VSE & VM term that includes date, time, and timestamp. Although datetime values can be used in certain arithmetic operations and are compatible with certain strings, they are neither strings nor numbers. Conversely, strings and numbers are not datetime values. A datetime value is either:
Datetime values of the same type can be subtracted. If date1 and date2 are DATE columns, date1 - date2 is a valid expression. |Date1 - '01/01/2000' is also a valid expression because |'01/01/2000' is a valid string representation of a date. |However, '01/01/2000' - '12/20/1999' is not valid because |strings cannot be subtracted and a string is interpreted as a date only if the |other operand is a value of data type DATE. Scalar functions are |provided to explicitly convert strings to datetime values. The |following expression is valid: |DATE('01/01/2000') - '12/20/1999'.
For detailed information on the components and valid formats and lengths of the date, time, and timestamp data types and the assignment of these data types to host variables or CHAR-type columns, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual.
Character subtypes and coded character set identifiers (CCSIDs) provide a means of identifying the character data representation scheme to be used for character and graphic data in your system. For example, by using a certain CCSID, you can specify that all character data in your system is single-byte EBCDIC data.
Subtypes are a way of specifying that you want to use the application server system default CCSID associated with that subtype. CCSIDs apply to both character and graphic data, while subtypes apply only to character data.
For a detailed description of coded character sets and CCSIDs, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual.
For most applications, you do not need to specify subtypes or CCSIDs, because the system defaults can usually meet your character data representation requirements.
If this is not the case, you may have to become familiar with Character Data Representation Architecture (CDRA). Refer to the section about data integrity concerns in the Character Data Representation Architecture Reference and Registry manual for a discussion of using CDRA to meet your requirements.
The following are examples of problems that can be solved by the specification of CCSIDs or subtypes. The solutions to these problems are discussed in Assigning Subtypes and CCSIDs When a Column Is Created and Assigning Subtypes and CCSIDs to Data in a Program.
Refer to the SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS catalog table to determine the application server system defaults. The rows containing the following values in the SQLOPTION column are important: CHARSUB, CCSIDSBCS, CCSIDMIXED, CCSIDGRAPHIC, and CHARNAME.
DB2 Server for VM |
For the application requester system defaults, invoke the SQLINIT EXEC using the QUERY option. The fields that contain important information are CCSIDSBCS, CCSIDMIXED, CCSIDGRAPHIC, and CHARNAME. (For a discussion of the SQLINIT EXEC, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.) |
Examples of items that assume application requester system defaults are input and output SQLDA elements (the default can be overridden), and host variables.
The following are examples of items that assume application server system defaults:
The following are examples of items that assume application requester system defaults:
For information on setting system defaults, refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration or the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual.
There are three ways to assign subtypes or CCSIDs to a column:
There are two ways to assign subtypes or CCSIDs to the data items in a program:
For examples of how to build an SQLDA that contains CCSID information, see Chapter 7, Using Dynamic Statements. For a more detailed discussion on using the SQLDA, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual.
For the database manager, the operands in an assignment or comparison operation must be compatible. For example, a character string cannot be compared to a numeric string, a graphic string cannot be compared to a character string, and an arithmetic operation cannot contain a character string operand. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual for more details about compatible data types.
Operands that are compatible but are not identical in data types, lengths, datetime formats, or CCSIDs, can be used in assignment and comparison operations but require data conversion as follows:
To retrieve a datetime value, (that is, a DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP), it must be assigned to a character string host variable. The assignment operation converts the datetime value to a character string representation. Whenever a string representation of a datetime value is used in any other operation with a datetime value, the operation is performed with a temporary copy of the string that has been converted to the data type of the datetime value.
If a conversion error occurs when the database manager assigns a value to a host variable in the INTO clause of a SELECT or FETCH statement, and if you have provided an indicator variable for the affected host variable, the system returns the following:
If you have not provided an indicator variable, both SQLCODE and SQLSTATE return error codes (a negative value for SQLCODE, and a data exception for SQLSTATE).
For more information about data conversion and conversion errors, see the discussion about assignments and comparisons in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual.
Data conversion is summarized in tabular form in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual. Overflow (loss on the left) or truncation (loss on the right) may occur on some conversion attempts.
Truncations are handled differently for numeric, character, and datetime data.
When an input character string value does not fit into a DB2 Server for VSE & VM column, an error results.
Whenever truncation occurs, it follows specific rules depending on the character subtype involved. Also, padding may occur when a string is assigned to either a fixed-length host variable or to a fixed-length column and the source string is shorter than the length of the target. Padding, like truncation, follows rules depending on subtype. These rules are in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual.
SBCS and mixed are the only two types of character data truncation. In mixed truncation, the integrity of target data is ensured. For example, if 'ab<(CCDDEE)>cd' is truncated to a length of 6, the result with mixed truncation is 'ab<(CC)>'. The system counts to byte 6. Because this would split a double-byte character, the number of bytes is rounded to the next lowest whole number. It also always ensures that the < and > characters correctly identify the double-byte characters.
Figure 26 shows the type of truncation that occurs depending on the
subtype of the source and target data.
Subtype of Source | Subtype of Target | Result | ||
Mixed | Mixed | Mixed truncation | ||
SBCS | SBCS | SBCS truncation | ||
Mixed | SBCS | SBCS truncation1 | ||
SBCS | Mixed | SBCS truncation1 | ||
Figure 27 shows the results of SBCS and mixed truncation when
selecting 'ab<(CCDDEE)>fg'
into various host variables:
Figure 27. Examples of Mixed Data Truncation and SBCS Truncation
Target Host Variable | SBCS Truncation | Mixed Truncation |
CHAR(6) | 'ab<CCD' | 'ab<(CC)>' |
CHAR(7) | 'ab<CCDD' | 'ab<(CC)> ' |
VARCHAR(7) | 'ab<CCDD' | 'ab<(CC)>' |
Note: | For mixed data, the only difference between the second and the third example is the length of the resulting VARCHAR string. A blank is added to the fixed string. |
For more information about how computations are performed internally or how overflows can occur, refer to the section about arithmetic operations in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.
DBCS characters can be used in identifiers, constants, and data in DB2 Server for VSE & VM programs. Strings containing DBCS characters are formatted as <(XXXX)>, where < represents the shift-out character, and > represents the shift-in character.
Each XX represents one double-byte character set character. The <> delimiters are single-byte character set (SBCS) characters.
In identifiers, characters constants, and character data, the delimiters are significant so redundant delimiter pairs are not removed. For example, the following strings of DBCS characters are not equivalent:
<(AABB)><(CCDD)> and <(AABBCCDD)>
In graphic data and constants, the delimiters are not significant.
Each DBCS character requires 2 bytes for its representation; therefore, an even number of bytes must be between the < and >. The number of bytes used to represent a string of DBCS characters is equal to:
2 * the number of DBCS characters + 2 (for mixed data) 2 * the number of DBCS characters (for graphic data)
Strings of DBCS characters cannot span lines, whereas mixed strings containing strings of DBCS and SBCS characters can span lines if each string of DBCS characters in the mixed string is on one input record. For a discussion of the rules for using DBCS characters in constants, see Using Character Constants and Using Graphic Constants.
To use DBCS characters in application programs, you must know the following: