DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Application Programming
Chapter 7. Using Dynamic Statements
Partial Table-of-Contents
Dynamically Defining SQL Statements
Comparing Non-Query Statements to Query Statements
Using Non-Query Statements
Executing Non-Parameterized Statements
Executing Parameterized Statements
Using Query Statements
Executing a Non-Parameterized Select-Statement
Using the PREPARE and DESCRIBE Statements
Declaring the SQL Descriptor Area (SQLDA)
Processing a Run-Time Query Using the SQLDA
Allocating Storage for the SQLDA Using the SQLVAR Array
Initializing the SQLN Field of the SQLDA
Inserting Values in the SQLDA
Analyzing the Elements of SQLVAR
Allocating Storage for the Result of the Select-Statement
Retrieving the Query Result
Executing a Parameterized SELECT Statement
Generating an Additional SELECT Statement
Executing a Parameterized Non-Query Statement
Generating a SELECT Statement
Using an Alternative to a Scanning Routine
Ensuring Data Type Equivalence in a Dynamically Defined Query
Summarizing the Fields of the SQLDA
Using the SQLN Field
Using the SQLD Field in the SQLDA
Using the PREPARE Statement
SQL Functions Not Supported in Dynamic Statements
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