The following information provides a brief description of each chapter and appendix in the book.
This preface identifies the audience, the purpose, and the use of the book.
Summary of Changes describes the new features of DB2 Server for VSE & VM Version 7 Release 1.
Chapter 1, "Getting Started" provides an overview of the application server, the SQL language that accesses the application server, and the host application languages that embed the SQL language.
Chapter 2, "Designing a Program" describes the basic framework for designing a DB2 Server for VSE & VM application based on its three main parts: the prolog, body, and epilog.
Chapter 3, "Coding the Body of a Program" describes the coding entered in the program body to retrieve and manipulate DB2 Server for VSE & VM data. Data retrieval is described in terms of tables, associated views, and the various means of accessing and selecting table data. Data manipulation focuses on inserting, updating, and deleting data.
Chapter 4, Preprocessing and Running a DB2 Server for VM Program and Chapter 5, Preprocessing and Running a DB2 Server for VSE Program provide information on the steps you take to preprocess and run an application program. These steps include initial preparation of the system, as well as preprocessing, compiling, link-editing, loading, and running the program.
Chapter 6, "Testing and Debugging" shows you how to test a new program, process program errors, and monitor program execution.
Chapter 7, "Using Dynamic Statements" describes how to dynamically process SQL statements that are specified at run time.
Chapter 8, "Using Extended Dynamic Statements" explains how extended dynamic SQL statements can be used to create and maintain packages of SQL statements. The SQL statements that create and maintain the packages are available only in an application written in the assembler language.
Chapter 9, "Maintaining Objects Used by a Program" discusses the management of DB2 Server for VSE & VM objects. First it describes the database space (dbspace); then it discusses the data objects used to manage the data itself, including tables, indexes, synonyms, comments, and labels.
Chapter 10, "Assigning Authority and Privileges" explains the techniques used to control user access to, and user manipulation of, the data. A section on user access discusses granting and revoking database authority, while a section on privileges describes assigning of user privileges for tables, views and packages.
Chapter 11, "Special Topics" covers various special topics, such as ensuring data integrity, that supplement the material in the preceding chapters.
Appendixes A through E describe information specific to each application host language.
Appendix F contains decision tables used by the system to grant privileges on packages.
The Bibliography lists the full titles and order numbers of related publications. It is followed by the Index.