Since the SQLMAINT table initially contains no maintenance history, all DBSPACEs will be selected when analysis is done the first time. If you want to limit the number of DBSPACEs returned in the Analysis Display List, the last date field for either Update Statistics or REORG (or both) can be modified to inhibit selection of those DBSPACEs for candidate processing. This can be done manually using ISQL or DBSU.
For example, the REORG_DATE and UPSTAT_DATE columns in the SQLMAINT table can initially be set to different values so that a single Analysis run will only consider a portion of the DBSPACEs. You can execute a database command such as:
This would change about half of the DBSPACEs to a different maintenance date. You could then use the List Reorg Candidates function (option 3) with an appropriate DAYS SINCE parameter so that only those DBSPACEs whose names start with N through Z would be selected.
The same considerations for TAPE FILE NAME and FILE the reorganization is accomplished using the DBSPACE Reorganization or the Analysis Tool.