DB2 Data Links Manager Quick Beginnings

Backing up a Journaled File System on AIX

This section describes how to back up a JFS on AIX. For information on backing up a DCE-DFS file server, see your Transarc product documentation.

To create a backup using Version 3 inode format:

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.
  2. Start the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) by entering the smit command.
  3. Unmount the file system to be backed up. Select System Storage Management --> File Systems --> Unmount a File System.
  4. Backup the file system. Select System Storage Management --> File Systems --> Backup a File System.
  5. Mount the file system that was just backed up. Select System Storage Management --> File Systems --> Mount a File System.

To reduce recovery time after a crash, use an incremental backup strategy where level 0 refers to a full backup, and levels 1 through 9 refer to incremental backups. A level n backup backs up only those files that have changed since a level (n-1) backup. After a level n backup, the next backup to be taken will be a level (n+1) backup.

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