OLAP Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for 1-2-3

Retrieving Data

Now that you are more familiar with the Hyperion Essbase environment, you can connect to the Hyperion Essbase server and start using Hyperion Essbase and Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in. The following section guides you through a typical Hyperion Essbase session where you connect to a database and retrieve data in various ways.

This section outlines the following basic retrieval tasks:

Note:Make sure that you followed the steps in Setting Hyperion Essbase Options. If the settings in the Hyperion Essbase Options dialog box are different from the settings previously illustrated, the worksheet view will differ from the illustrations shown in this chapter.

Remember that you can perform common data retrieval tasks by doing any of the following:

Connecting to a Database

To access Hyperion Essbase data, you must first connect to a database on the server. This tutorial assumes that you have the appropriate privileges to connect to a server, an application, and a database.

  1. Select Essbase > Connect

    Hyperion Essbase displays the Essbase System Login dialog box.

    Figure 13. Essbase System Login Dialog Box

    Figure sdlogin1 not displayed.

    Note:To complete the steps that follow, you need to know the name of the Hyperion Essbase server, your username, and your password. If you do not have this information, contact the Hyperion Essbase system administrator.

  2. From the Server list box, select the server that you want to access. (If the server name that you want does not appear in the list, you can type in the name of the server you want to access.)
  3. Press Tab to move to the Username text box; type your username in the text box.
  4. Press Tab to move to the Password text box; type your password in the text box.
    Note:You can change your password when you are connected to a server. To change your password, see Changing a Password.
  5. To connect to the server, click OK.

    Hyperion Essbase displays a list of available application/database pairs in the Application/Databaselist box. A Hyperion Essbase server allows simultaneous access to multiple applications. An application can contain multiple databases. Only the databases to which you have security access are shown in the list.

    For this tutorial, you use the Sample Basic database. If the Sample Basic database was installed as part of the Hyperion Essbase installation, it is shown in the list. If Sample Basic is not shown in the Application/Database list box, ask the Hyperion Essbase system administrator to install it.

    Figure 14. Available Application and Database Pairs

    Figure sdlogin2 not displayed.

  6. In the Application/Database list box, double-click Sample Basic. You can also select Sample Basic from the list box and click OK.

If the application is not already running, Hyperion Essbase automatically starts it. There may be a brief pause as the application loads. The time required to start an application depends on the number of databases, the sizes of the databases, and the sizes of the indexes of the databases contained within the application.

Changing a Password

You can change your password only if you are connected to a server.
Note:Remember, tasks that you should not perform as part of the tutorial are shown in gray boxes.

To change your password:

  1. In the Essbase System Login dialog box, select the Change Password button.
  2. In the Change Password dialog box in the New Passwordtext box, type your new password.
  3. In the Confirm Password text box, type the password again.
  4. The passwords must be identical.
  5. Click OK to change your password.
  6. Click OK again to close the Essbase System Login dialog box.

Retrieving Data from a Database

Each time you retrieve information from a Hyperion Essbase server, the following actions occur:

To help you monitor these operations, Hyperion Essbase uses three custom cursors.

Table 1. Hyperion Essbase Custom Cursor
This cursor: Is displayed when:

Figure sireqsvr not displayed.

Hyperion Essbase requests information from the server.

Figure siprcreq not displayed.

The server is processing the request.

Figure sireqrtn not displayed.

The server returns the data.
Note:Small retrieval actions display the cursors very quickly; you may not notice changes in the direction of the arrow when retrieving small amounts of data.

To retrieve data into an empty worksheet:

  1. Open a new worksheet by selecting File > New or by clicking the
    Figure Sifile not displayed.
    Note:You should be connected to the Sample Basic database. If you are not connected, follow the steps in Connecting to a Database.
  2. Select Essbase > Retrieve.

    Hyperion Essbase retrieves data into the Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet.

    Figure 15. Initial Data Retrieval from Sample Basic

    Figure Ssretr1 not displayed.

    Because you clicked the Enable Double-Clicking box in the Essbase Options dialog box (Global Tab), you can double-click in an empty cell to retrieve data. You can also click the Retrieve button on the Hyperion Essbase toolbar.

When you retrieve data into an empty worksheet, Hyperion Essbase returns data from the top levels of each database dimension. The top level is used as a starting point to navigate, or drill down, into levels of detailed data. In the Sample Basic database, the following five dimensions are retrieved: Measures, Product, Market, Scenario, and Year.

For the remainder of tasks in this tutorial, you can retrieve data by double-clicking in a data cell, selecting Essbase > Retrieve, or by clicking the Retrieve button on the Hyperion Essbase toolbar.

Canceling a Data Retrieval Request

Occasionally, you may want to cancel a retrieval request. For instance, you may want to stop a request if a retrieval is taking longer than expected or if you mistakenly double-click.

Because Hyperion Essbase returns data so quickly to the worksheet, you may not be able to cancel a retrieval before the retrieval is complete. The cancel feature is most useful when you need to stop a large retrieval request.

To cancel data retrievals, press the Esc key during a retrieval action.
Note:You can cancel a retrieval only while Hyperion Essbase is processing in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in. You cannot cancel a retrieval when Hyperion Essbase is processing from the server.

Restoring the Previous Database View

The FlashBack command restores the previous database view. A database view is simply what you see in the worksheet after a retrieval or navigation operation. FlashBack is similar to the Lotus 1-2-3 Edit > Undocommand, which reverses the last action. The FlashBack command uses the memory of your machine to store the current view before processing a Hyperion Essbase retrieval request. You can use FlashBack to undo only the most recent operation. FlashBack cannot undo multiple operations.

Throughout this tutorial, you should follow all steps in the order that they are presented. If you make a mistake or find yourself out of step with the tutorial, you can use the FlashBack command from the Essbase menu or toolbar to undo the last command and return to the previous database view. If you want to start the tutorial over from the beginning, select the entire worksheet and select Edit > Clear > All. Then press Enter or click OK to empty the worksheet and start again.

You can disable FlashBack during normal operations to conserve memory on your local machine. Do not disable FlashBack for this tutorial.

To disable Flashback:

  1. Select Essbase > Options and click the Global tab.
  2. Clear the Enable FlashBack check box.

Drilling Down to More Detail

With Hyperion Essbase, you can drill down to various levels of multidimensional data in the worksheet. For example, if you want to view data for a specific quarter or month rather than an aggregate data value for the whole year, you can drill down on the Year dimension to see more detailed data.

You have three options for drilling down on a member:

To drill down to lower levels of the Year dimension:

  1. On Year in cell A2, double-click the primary mouse button.

    The drill-down action retrieves data for the level below (the children of) Year: Qtr1, Qtr2, Qtr3, and Qtr4.

    Figure 16. Result of Drilling Down on the Year Dimension

    Figure Sszmin1 not displayed.

    Note:For a discussion of the relationships among Hyperion Essbase database members, see Database Outlines"Database Outlines" on page 29.

    With Hyperion Essbase, you can retrieve members into grouped, or nested, columns or rows. Row groups containing more than one level of data are nested within single-member row groups. For example, a row group containing Qtr1, Qtr2, Qtr3, and Qtr4 may be nested within a single-member row for a specific region, such as East (see the following illustration). Drilling down to lower levels of database members is one way to retrieve data into nested groups.

  2. In cell D1, double-click to drill down on Market and create nested groups of rows down the worksheet.

    Figure 17. Result of Drilling Down on the Market Dimension (Nested Rows)

    Figure Sszmin2 not displayed.

    Because worksheets can accommodate more rows than columns, Hyperion Essbase is preset to retrieve data into rows when you drill down on a member. You can change this default behavior and display the results of a drill-down across columns. Drilling across columns applies only to the top-level member of a dimension (for example, Market or Scenario).

Follow these steps to drill down on Scenario and retrieve its respective members into columns rather than rows:

  1. Press and hold the Alt key.
  2. Double-click Scenario (in cell E1).
  3. Release the Alt key.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the data in columns across the worksheet.

    Figure 18. Result of Drilling-Down on the Scenario Dimension (Nested Columns)

    Figure Sszmin3 not displayed.

Drilling Down on Attribute Members

You can use the Hyperion Essbase attribute feature to retrieve and analyze in terms of characteristics, or attributes, of dimensions. For example, you can analyze product profitability based on size or packaging. Attribute dimensions are associated with base dimensions.

You can use an attribute dimension to drill down on the base dimension with which it is associated. In the Sample Basic database, the Product base dimension is associated with several attribute dimensions, such as Caffeinated, Ounces, and Pkg_Type. Each attribute dimension consists of level 0 attribute members. Level 0 attribute members are the lowest level attributes that are associated with members of a base dimension. The Pkg_Type attribute dimension, for instance, has two level 0 members, Bottle and Can.

You can extract information on all products sold in a can by entering manually the name Can in the worksheet. You can also use Hyperion Essbase Query Designer or the Essbase Member Selection dialog box to select the attribute and display it in the worksheet.

Open a worksheet, connect to the Sample Basic database, and select Essbase > Retrieve. Select Product and replace it with Can by typing Can manually. Click anywhere outside of cell C1 and select Essbase > Retrieve again. The result is displayed below:

Figure 19. An Attribute Member in a Report

Figure Sattdrl1 not displayed.

Drill down to all products sold in a can by double-clicking Can in cell C1. Cola, Diet Cola, and Diet Cream are the members of Product that have the Can attribute. The result is displayed below:

Figure 20. Result of Drilling Down on an Attribute Member

Figure Sattdrl2 not displayed.

Drilling Down on Level 0 Attribute Members

The following is a description of the general behavior of Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in when you drill down on a level 0 attribute member:

The drill-down behavior for non-level 0 attribute members is the same as the current drill-down behavior for other types of members. See the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in online help for examples of drilling down on level 0 attribute members. For more information on attributes, refer to the Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide, Volume 1.

Drilling Up to Less Detail

With Hyperion Essbase, you can drill up to higher levels in the multidimensional database outline by collapsing the current member tree. For example, if you previously drilled down on a dimension, such as Scenario, to view data for Actual and Budget, you may need to drill up to view aggregate data for the Scenario dimension.

You have three options for drilling up on a member:

To drill up on the Scenario dimension in the current worksheet:

  1. On any member of the Scenario dimension (that is, cell C2, D2, E2, F2, or G2), double-click the secondary mouse button.

    Hyperion Essbase collapses the members of the Scenario dimension.

    Figure 21. Result of Drilling Up On the Scenario Dimension

    Figure Sszmout1 not displayed.

  2. In cell A3, double-click the secondary mouse button to drill up on East.

    Hyperion Essbase collapses East, West, South, and Central into the single Market dimension and keeps the dimension in the A column.

    Figure 22. Result of Drilling Up On East

    Figure Sszmout2 not displayed.

Customizing Drill-Down and Drill-Up Behavior

You can customize the behavior of the Zoom In and Zoom Out commands in the Hyperion Essbase Options dialog box. The following steps illustrate some drill-down and drill-up techniques.

To retrieve all members of a dimension with a single drill-down operation:

  1. Select Essbase > Options and select the Zoom tab.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the Zoom Tab.

    Figure 23. Zoom In and Member Retention Option Settings

    Figure sdzoom2 not displayed.

    The Zoom In option group contains items that enable you to customize drilling behavior. You can specify which members are returned to the worksheet during a drill-down operation. For example, if you select Bottom Level, Hyperion Essbase retrieves data for the lowest level of members in a dimension. With this option, a drill-down on Year retrieves Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, and Dec.

    The Member Retention option group contains items that enable you to customize drilling retention characteristics. The default selection, Include Selection, retains the selected member along with the other members retrieved as a result of a drill down. For example, if you drill down on Qtr1, Hyperion Essbase retrieves data for Jan, Feb, and Mar, as well as for Qtr1. When this option is disabled, Hyperion Essbase retrieves data only for Jan, Feb, and Mar; Qtr1 is eliminated.
    Note:For more information on the Zoom In and Member Retention option groups, see the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in online help.

  2. In the Zoom In option group, select the All Levels option and click OK to save the setting.
  3. In cell A3, drill down (double-click) on Market.
  4. In cell C2, drill down (double-click) on Scenario.

    Hyperion Essbase retrieves all members of Market and Scenario. For the Market dimension, Hyperion Essbase drilled down two levels to get to the bottom-most members, which are individual states. The Scenario dimension has only one member level, so the members of Scenario would also be retrieved if you selected Next Level in the Zoom In option group.

    Figure 24. Result of Drilling Down to All Member Levels

    Figure Sszmall not displayed.

  5. Select Essbase > Options and select the Zoom tab.
  6. Return the Zoom In option setting to Next Level.

If you want to drill up on only one quarter of the year, select Within Selected Group in the Member Retention option group.

To drill up only on Qtr1:

  1. In the Member Retention option group on the Zoom Tab, click the Within Selected Group check box and click OK.

    Make sure that Include Selection is also still checked.

  2. To drill up on Qtr 1 (in cell B3), double-click the secondary mouse button.

    Notice that drilling up to the Year dimension affects only New York. All other states show data for all four quarters.

    Figure 25. Result of Drilling Up Within a Selected Group

    Figure Sszmgrp not displayed.

  3. Before moving on with the tutorial, disable the Within Selected Group option:
    1. Select Essbase > Options and select the Zoom tab.
    2. In the Member Retention option group, clear the Within Selected Group check box.
  4. Select File > Close to close the worksheet. You do not need to save the worksheet.

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