User's Guide and Reference

Verifying the installation

After you install DB2 Spatial Extender, you can verify its installation by using the DB2 Spatial Extender sample program. Before you can run the sample program, you must create a SAMPLE database and make the sample program executable.
Note:Be sure to use the compiler specified in the DB2 Spatial Extender makefile.

To compile and run the sample program for Windows NT:

  1. Log in with the user ID that has administrator privileges.
  2. From a command line prompt, enter db2sampl to create the DB2 SAMPLE database.
  3. From a command line prompt, enter the following command:
    cd %DB2PATH%\samples\spatial

    Note:In order to perform step 3 and continue verifying the installation, you must own the default DB2 instance (DB2-DB2).

  4. Enter make rungsedemo.
  5. Enter rungsedemo.exe.
  6. Check the error and completion messages that are displayed as the program is running.

To compile and run the sample program for AIX:

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Create or update a DB2 instance.
  3. From a command line prompt, enter db2sampl to create the DB2 SAMPLE database.
  4. From a command line prompt, enter the following command:
    cd $DB2INSTANCE/sqllib/samples/spatial

    Note:In order to perform step 4 and continue verifying the installation, you must own the DB2 instance that you created or updated.

  5. Enter make rungsedemo.
  6. Enter rungsedemo.
  7. Check the error and completion messages that appear as the program is running.

For information about the sample programs, see Writing applications for DB2 Spatial Extender.

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