SQL Reference

SQL Statements

This chapter contains syntax diagrams, semantic descriptions, rules, and examples of the use of the SQL statements.

Table 18. SQL Statements
SQL Statement Function
ALTER BUFFERPOOL Changes the definition of a buffer pool.
ALTER NICKNAME Changes the definition of a nickname.
ALTER NODEGROUP Changes the definition of a nodegroup.
ALTER SERVER Changes the definition of a server.
ALTER TABLE Changes the definition of a table.
ALTER TABLESPACE Changes the definition of a table space.
ALTER TYPE (Structured) Changes the definition of a structured type.
ALTER USER MAPPING Changes the definition of a user authorization mapping.
ALTER VIEW Changes the definition of a view by altering a reference type column to add a scope.
BEGIN DECLARE SECTION Marks the beginning of a host variable declaration section.
CALL Calls a stored procedure.
CLOSE Closes a cursor.
COMMENT ON Replaces or adds a comment to the description of an object.
COMMIT Terminates a unit of work and commits the database changes made by that unit of work.
Compound SQL (Embedded) Combines one or more other SQL statements into an executable block.
CONNECT (Type 1) Connects to an application server according to the rules for remote unit of work.
CONNECT (Type 2) Connects to an application server according to the rules for application-directed distributed unit of work.
CREATE ALIAS Defines an alias for a table, view, or another alias.
CREATE BUFFERPOOL Creates a new buffer pool.
CREATE DISTINCT TYPE Defines a distinct data type.
CREATE EVENT MONITOR Specifies events in the database to monitor.
CREATE FUNCTION Registers a user-defined function.
CREATE FUNCTION (External Scalar) Registers a user-defined external scalar function.
CREATE FUNCTION (External Table) Registers a user-defined external table function.
CREATE FUNCTION (OLE DB External Table) Registers a user-defined OLE DB external table function.
CREATE FUNCTION (Source or Template) Registers a user-defined sourced function.
CREATE FUNCTION (SQL Scalar, Table or Row) Registers and defines a user-defined SQL function.
CREATE FUNCTION MAPPING Defines a function mapping.
CREATE INDEX Defines an index on a table.
CREATE INDEX EXTENSION Defines an extension object for use with indexes on tables with structured or distinct type columns.
CREATE METHOD Associates a method body with a previously defined method specification.
CREATE NICKNAME Defines a nickname.
CREATE NODEGROUP Defines a nodegroup.
CREATE PROCEDURE Registers a stored procedure.
CREATE SCHEMA Defines a schema.
CREATE SERVER Defines a data source to a federated database.
CREATE TABLE Defines a table.
CREATE TABLESPACE Defines a table space.
CREATE TRANSFORM Defines transformation functions.
CREATE TRIGGER Defines a trigger.
CREATE TYPE (Structured) Defines a structured data type.
CREATE TYPE MAPPING Defines a mapping between data types.
CREATE USER MAPPING Defines a mapping between user authorizations.
CREATE VIEW Defines a view of one or more table, view or nickname.
CREATE WRAPPER Registers a wrapper.
DECLARE CURSOR Defines an SQL cursor.
DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE Defines the Global Temporary Table.
DELETE Deletes one or more rows from a table.
DESCRIBE Describes the result columns of a prepared SELECT statement.
DISCONNECT Terminates one or more connections when there is no active unit of work.
DROP Deletes objects in the database.
END DECLARE SECTION Marks the end of a host variable declaration section.
EXECUTE Executes a prepared SQL statement.
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Prepares and executes an SQL statement.
EXPLAIN Captures information about the chosen access plan.
FETCH Assigns values of a row to host variables.
FLUSH EVENT MONITOR Writes out the active internal buffer of an event monitor.
FREE LOCATOR Removes the association between a locator variable and its value.
GRANT (Database Authorities) Grants authorities on the entire database.
GRANT (Index Privileges) Grants the CONTROL privilege on indexes in the database.
GRANT (Package Privileges) Grants privileges on packages in the database.
GRANT (Schema Privileges) Grants privileges on a schema.
GRANT (Server Privileges) Grants privileges to query a specific data source.
GRANT (Table, View, or Nickname Privileges) Grants privileges on tables, views and nicknames.
GRANT (Table Space Privileges) Grants privileges on a tablespace.
INCLUDE Inserts code or declarations into a source program.
INSERT Inserts one or more rows into a table.
LOCK TABLE Either prevents concurrent processes from changing a table or prevents concurrent processes from using a table.
OPEN Prepares a cursor that will be used to retrieve values when the FETCH statement is issued.
PREPARE Prepares an SQL statement (with optional parameters) for execution.
REFRESH TABLE Refreshes the data in a summary table.
RELEASE (Connection) Places one or more connections in the release-pending state.
RELEASE SAVEPOINT Releases a savepoint within a transaction.
RENAME TABLE Renames an existing table.
RENAME TABLESPACE Renames an existing tablespace.
REVOKE (Database Authorities) Revokes authorities from the entire database.
REVOKE (Index Privileges) Revokes the CONTROL privilege on given indexes.
REVOKE (Package Privileges) Revokes privileges from given packages in the database.
REVOKE (Schema Privileges) Revokes privileges on a schema.
REVOKE (Server Privileges) Revokes privileges to query a specific data source.
REVOKE (Table, View, or Nickname Privileges) Revokes privileges from given tables, views or nicknames.
REVOKE (Table Space Privileges) Revokes the USE privilege on a given table space.
ROLLBACK Terminates a unit of work and backs out the database changes made by that unit of work.
SAVEPOINT Sets a savepoint within a transaction.
SELECT INTO Specifies a result table of no more than one row and assigns the values to host variables.
SET CONNECTION Changes the state of a connection from dormant to current, making the specified location the current server.
SET CURRENT DEGREE Changes the value of the CURRENT DEGREE special register.
SET CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE Changes the value of the CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE special register.
SET CURRENT EXPLAIN SNAPSHOT Changes the value of the CURRENT EXPLAIN SNAPSHOT special register.
SET CURRENT PACKAGESET Sets the schema name for package selection.
SET CURRENT REFRESH AGE Changes the value of the CURRENT REFRESH AGE special register.
SET EVENT MONITOR STATE Activates or deactivates an event monitor.
SET INTEGRITY Sets the check pending state and checks data for constraint violations.
SET PASSTHRU Opens a session for submitting a data source's native SQL directly to the data source.
SET PATH Changes the value of the CURRENT PATH special register.
SET SCHEMA Changes the value of the CURRENT SCHEMA special register.
SET SERVER OPTION Sets server option settings.
SET transition-variable Assigns values to NEW transition variables.
SIGNAL SQLSTATE Signals an error.
UPDATE Updates the values of one or more columns in one or more rows of a table.
VALUES INTO Specifies a result table of no more than one row and assigns the values to host variables.
WHENEVER Defines actions to be taken on the basis of SQL return codes.

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