The SET SERVER OPTION statement specifies a server option setting that is to remain in effect while a user or application is connected to the federated database. When the connection ends, this server option's previous setting is reinstated. This statement is not under transaction control.
This statement can be issued interactively. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared.
The authorization ID of the statement must have either SYSADM or DBADM authority on the federated database.
>>-SET SERVER OPTION--server-option-name---TO--string-constant--> >----FOR--SERVER--server-name----------------------------------><
Example 1: An Oracle data source called RATCHIT is defined to a federated database called DJDB. RATCHIT is configured to disallow plan hints. However, the DBA would like plan hints to be enabled for a test run of a new application. When the run is over, plan hints will be disallowed again.
CONNECT TO DJDB; strcpy(stmt,"set server option plan_hints to 'Y' for server ratchit"); EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :stmt; strcpy(stmt,"select c1 from ora_t1 where c1 > 100"); /*Generate plan hints*/ EXEC SQL PREPARE s1 FROM :stmt; EXEC SQL DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR s1; EXEC SQL OPEN c1; EXEC SQL FETCH c1 INTO :hv;
Example 2: You have set the server option PASSWORD to 'Y' (yes, validate passwords at the data source) for all Oracle 8 data sources. However, for a particular session in which an application is connected to the federated database in order to access a specific Oracle 8 data source--one defined to the federated database DJDB as ORA8A--passwords will not need to be validated.
CONNECT TO DJDB; strcpy(stmt,"set server option password to 'N' for server ora8a"); EXEC SQL PREPARE STMT_NAME FROM :stmt; EXEC SQL EXECUTE STMT_NAME FROM :stmt; strcpy(stmt,"select max(c1) from ora8a_t1"); EXEC SQL PREPARE STMT_NAME FROM :stmt; EXEC SQL DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR STMT_NAME; EXEC SQL OPEN c1; /*Does not validate password at ora8a*/ EXEC SQL FETCH c1 INTO :hv;