What's New

>8 Character Userid Support

The userID length supported by DB2 Universal Database has been increased from 8 characters to 30 characters for some operating systems. The following list shows the Version 7 level of support for:

See the Quick Beginnings for your operating system for more information. You should also review the following sections.

Pre-Version 7 Servers

Pre-Version 7 servers do not support userIDs, authIDs, and schemas that are longer than 8 characters. Version 7 applications that are designed to exploit the >8 character support will fail when connecting with down-level DB2 servers.


The length of userID and schema names supported by replication has been increased from 8 characters to 18 characters. See the Replication Guide and Reference for more information.


OS/390 supports only 8-character userIDs and authIDs. Similar length restrictions apply to the schema name in any statements being sent to the host.


OS/400 supports only 10-character userIDs and authIDs. Similar length restrictions apply to the schema name in any statements being sent to the host.

Import and Export

Version 7 databases with a schema name greater than 8 characters cannot be imported or exported with pre-Version 7 code because truncation occurs.

Stored Procedures

Existing stored procedures that assume that userIDs, authIDs, and schema names are limited to 8 characters should be examined. Unexpected behavior might occur if these stored procedures are used in a Version 7 environment.

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