Troubleshooting Guide
Use the diagnostic tools described in this chapter to gather
data that can help identify the cause of a problem you are having with your
OS/2 system. Once the data is collected, it can be examined by someone
who is familiar with the problem or provided to DB2 Customer Support for
Some of the diagnostic tools available for OS/2 include:
- OS/2 logging utility
- The OS/2 logging facility provides a record of error information for
OS/2 programs. See Using the OS/2 Logging Facility, for more information.
- FFST for OS/2 and SNA alert routing
- FFST for OS/2 allows you to capture error information at the point
of occurrence and to route SNA generic alerts either to a specified dump file
or over an SNA session to a host or to a LAN alert collection facility.
For more information, see Using the FFST for OS/2 Utility and Taking an SNA Trace.
- pstat
- The pstat command lists status information on which processes
are running. For more information, see Using the pstat Command.
- WarpCenter
- Available for Version 4 of OS/2 Warp Connect, the WarpCenter provides
access to problem determination tools, including:
- Logging and tracing tools
- Browsers to see the hardware and software configuration, and FFST settings
- A problem determination tutorial
For more information, see your OS/2 Warp Version 4 documentation.
- Standalone dump utility
- The standalone dump utility records the contents of all physical
memory. This utility, which runs independently of the OS/2
program, can be used to dump data when a problem is very difficult to
reproduce, or when other methods of problem determination cannot solve the
problem. It is seldom required by DB2 Customer Support.
- Kernel debugging for advanced problem diagnosis
- In severe situations, DB2 Customer Support can connect remotely to your
site and use kernel debugging to diagnose the cause of a problem.
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