Troubleshooting Guide
The First Failure Support Technology/2 (FFST for OS/2) program
captures error data at the point of occurrence, provides immediate problem
notification to predefined locations, and furnishes unique error code
identification. Because it remains passive until a software error is
detected, its impact on system performance is minimal.
FFST for OS/2 provides the following functions:
- Error logging in a SYSLOG file called
LOG00001.DAT. For more information about this file,
see Using the OS/2 Logging Facility.
- System Network Architecture (SNA) generic alerts
Currently, FFST for OS/2 is accessed by LAN Adapter and Protocol
Support (to log messages only) and by DB2 (to log error data and generic
The FFST for OS/2 program group must exist on your Desktop Manager
window. If it has not already been added, type the following command at
the OS/2 command line:
This command presents you with a series of windows that allow you to
specify the FFST for OS/2 configuration parameters and enter the
workstation parameters. (To reset the parameters to the default values,
select Reset.) After specifying the appropriate parameters
in each window, select OK.
For more information about the FFST for OS/2 configuration
parameters, see Configuring and Enabling the FFST for OS/2 Utility.
You can modify FFST for OS/2 operations and configuration with the
epw command. For example, you can:
- Enable and disable FFST for OS/2
- Enable and disable the FFST for OS/2 message display
- Select the maximum number of dump data sets of a given type (either system
dumps or application dumps) that may exist at one time in the current
subdirectory for that type of dump
- Select the subdirectory in which to place FFST for OS/2 dump data
- Select the path and file name of the FFST for OS/2 message log
FFST for OS/2 is enabled by the presence of the epw
command in the CONFIG.SYS file. All of the command
parameters are optional and may be specified in any combination or
This command operates in two modes:
- Initialization mode: FFST for OS/2 has not yet been
- Configuration mode: FFST for OS/2 is enabled (ON) and new
values for the parameters are being specified.
The syntax of the FFST for OS/2 epw command follows:
V |
| '-off-' |
| '-off-' |
| '-drive:-' '-\path-' |
| '-drive:-' '-\path-' |
'-drive:-' '-\path-' '-\filename-'
- Specifies whether FFST for OS/2 will be enabled or disabled:
- ON
- Enables all of the data-capturing capabilities of the FFST for
OS/2 program, which include customized dump, error logging, generic
alerts and message logging.
(This parameter is the default when you type EPW without
specifying any parameters.)
- Disables the FFST for OS/2 program's data-capturing
- In order for FFST for OS/2 to produce error logs, the operating
system LOG function must be enabled. For more information, see Using OS/2 Logging Facility Commands.
- The syslog command impacts operations. Enter
syslog /s at the OS/2 command prompt to suspend FFST for
OS/2 error logging, and syslog /r to resume it.
- Specifies whether FFST for OS/2 will display messages:
- ON
- Displays messages
- Suppresses message display
- Specifies the maximum number of system software dumps that may occur in
the current system dump directory. System software dump files are named
OS2SYSxx.DMP, where xx ranges from 01
to nn.
- When FFST for OS/2 is initialized, xx is initialized to
the index of the newest dump file in the current dump directory plus
one. Whenever xx exceeds nn, it is reset to
01. The value nn must be between 08 and 99. Its
predefined default value is 32.
- If the epw command is invoked in initialization mode and this
keyword is not specified or is invalid, the default value of 32 will be
- If the epw command is invoked in configuration mode and this
keyword is not specified or is invalid, the current value remains
- Specifies the maximum number of software dumps that may occur in the
current dump directory. System software dump files are named
OS2APLxx.DMP, where xx ranges from 01 to
- When FFST for OS/2 is initialized, xx is initialized to
the index of the newest dump file in the current dump directory plus
one. Whenever xx exceeds nn, it is reset to
01. The value nn must be between 8 and 99. Its
predefined default value is 32.
- If the epw command is invoked in initialization mode and this
keyword is not specified or is invalid, the default value of 32 will be
- If the epw command is invoked in configuration mode and this
keyword is not specified or is invalid, the current value remains
- SYSDUMPPATH=[drive:][\path]
- Specifies the drive and directory where a system software dump file should
be placed once it is generated.
- If a drive is not included in the path, the boot drive will be
used. The default value for the directory is OS2\SYSTEM. Dump
file names cannot be set using this command.
- If this command is invoked in initialization mode and this keyword is not
specified or is invalid, the default value will be used.
- If this command is invoked in configuration mode and this keyword is not
specified or is invalid, the current value remains unchanged.
- APLDUMPPATH=[drive:][\path]
- Specifies the drive and directory where a software dump file will be
placed once it is generated.
- If a drive is not included in the path, the boot drive will be
used. The default value for the directory is
OS2\SYSTEM. Dump file names cannot be set using this
- If the epw command is invoked in initialization mode and this
keyword is not specified or is invalid, the default value will be used.
- If the epw command is invoked in configuration mode and this
keyword is not specified or is invalid, the current value remains
- MLOGNAME=[drive:][\path][\file_name]
- Specifies the fully qualified file name to be used for the message log
file. If a drive is not included in the file name, the default drive
will be used. (The default drive is the drive the system was booted
If a directory is not specified, the default directory will be used.
The default directory is OS2\SYSTEM.
If a file name is not specified, the default file name
OS2MLOG.DAT will be used.
The first invocation of the epw command defines the values that
will be used until the machine is rebooted or the values are reset.
For example, assume you enabled FFST for OS/2 by placing the
following line in the CONFIG.SYS file:
If you later disable FFST for OS/2 by issuing EPW OFF, the
value for MAXAPLDUMP in a subsequent EPW ON command will be 75
rather than 32.
This applies to all of the epw keywords listed above.
Error records logged through FFST for OS/2 are recorded in the
OS/2 System Error Log (SYSLOG). This is the same log to which the
OS/2 logging facility writes error records. For information about
the syslog command, see Using the OS/2 Logging Facility. You can also select System Error Log in
the FFST for OS/2 program group window to access this log.
DB2 will always write a symptom record when using any of the FFST for
OS/2 services. The symptom record includes:
In order to route generic alerts over an SNA session to a host (such as
SystemView) or to a LAN alert collection facility, you must enable the Generic
Alert Router function of the FFST for OS/2 program and specify a
destination. To do this, use the epwrout command.
Its syntax is as follows:
epwrout [Destination] [Option]
The parameters of this command are optional and positional. If only
one parameter is specified, it is assumed to be the Destination
parameter. This parameter is a numeric value to specify an
action. It supports the following values:
- -1
- The router is enabled, and alerts will be routed to a dump file called
EPWALERT.DMP. The path is set by the SYSDUMPPATH parameter of
the epw command.
- 0
- The router is terminated if it is active.
- 1
- The router is enabled, and alerts will be routed to the default
destination. The alerts will be sent over an SNA session to the host
using the SNA component of Communications Server. (If no
destination value is specified, this value is the default.)
- 2
- The router is enabled, and alerts will be routed over a LAN 802.2
session to a LAN alert collection facility. If you use this value, you
may need to specify the Option parameter.
The Option parameter is needed only if the destination
value is "2". It specifies the LAN adapter used to route alerts.
If it is not specified, its value is assumed to be "0", and adapter 0 will be
used. Values 0 through n are supported, where n
is the number of LAN adapters available for your system. (The first LAN
adapter is identified as Adapter 0.)
Start the router by placing a RUN= statement in the
CONFIG.SYS file, or with the start or
detach commands at the command line.
For example, to route the alerts to a dump file called EPWALERT.DMP,
do one of the following:
- Include RUN=EPWROUT -1 in the
- Use the command start epwrout -1
- Run detach epwrout -1 at the command line
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