You may find you have a problem installing DB2 Connect Personal Edition on Windows 2000. The IBM Personal Communications product packaged with DB2 in Version 6 does not work on Windows 2000. If you already have a product installed using a SNA stack that is Windows 2000 ready, then you will not be affected by this limitation. Using DB2 Version 6.1 with FixPak 3 will give you a Windows 2000 ready version of IBM Personal Communications (PCOMM Version 4.2 CSD2).
DB2 Version 6.1 and later will not install successfully when done by someone who is a member of the Users Group on Windows 2000. With Windows 2000 Professional, anyone performing an installation must be a member of the Power Users Group or higher. For other Windows 2000 products, only members of the Administrator Group are able to install DB2.