Command Reference


Returns the values of individual entries in the database manager configuration file.



Required Connection

None or instance. An instance attachment is not required to perform local DBM configuration operations, but is required to perform remote DBM configuration operations. To display the database manager configuration for a remote instance, it is necessary to first attach to that instance.

Command Syntax

>>-GET--+-DATABASE MANAGER-+---+-CONFIGURATION-+---------------><
        +-DB MANAGER-------+   +-CONFIG--------+
        '-DBM--------------'   '-CFG-----------'

Command Parameters


Note:Both node type and platform determine which configuration parameters are listed.

The following is sample output from GET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION (issued on AIX):

          Database Manager Configuration
     Node type = Database Server with local clients
 Database manager configuration release level            = 0x0900
 CPU speed (millisec/instruction)             (CPUSPEED) = 4.000000e-05
 Max number of concurrently active databases     (NUMDB) = 8
 Data Links support                          (DATALINKS) = NO
 Federated Database System Support           (FEDERATED) = NO
 Transaction processor monitor name        (TP_MON_NAME) =
 Default charge-back account           (DFT_ACCOUNT_STR) =
 Java Development Kit 1.1 installation path (JDK11_PATH) = 
 Diagnostic error capture level              (DIAGLEVEL) = 3
 Diagnostic data directory path               (DIAGPATH) = 
 Default database monitor switches
   Buffer pool                         (DFT_MON_BUFPOOL) = OFF
   Lock                                   (DFT_MON_LOCK) = OFF
   Sort                                   (DFT_MON_SORT) = OFF
   Statement                              (DFT_MON_STMT) = OFF
   Table                                 (DFT_MON_TABLE) = OFF
   Unit of work                            (DFT_MON_UOW) = OFF
 SYSADM group name                        (SYSADM_GROUP) = BUILD
 SYSCTRL group name                      (SYSCTRL_GROUP) =
 SYSMAINT group name                    (SYSMAINT_GROUP) =
 Database manager authentication        (AUTHENTICATION) = SERVER
 Cataloging allowed without authority   (CATALOG_NOAUTH) = YES
 Trust all clients                      (TRUST_ALLCLNTS) = YES
 Trusted client authentication          (TRUST_CLNTAUTH) = CLIENT
 Default database path                       (DFTDBPATH) = /home/jessicae
 Database monitor heap size (4KB)          (MON_HEAP_SZ) = 56
 UDF shared memory set size (4KB)           (UDF_MEM_SZ) = 256
 Java Virtual Machine heap size (4KB)     (JAVA_HEAP_SZ) = 512
 Audit buffer size (4KB)                  (AUDIT_BUF_SZ) = 0
 Backup buffer default size (4KB)            (BACKBUFSZ) = 1024
 Restore buffer default size (4KB)           (RESTBUFSZ) = 1024
 Sort heap threshold (4KB)                  (SHEAPTHRES) = 20000
 Directory cache support                     (DIR_CACHE) = YES
 Application support layer heap size (4KB)   (ASLHEAPSZ) = 15
 Max requester I/O block size (bytes)         (RQRIOBLK) = 32767
 Query heap size (4KB)                   (QUERY_HEAP_SZ) = 1000
 DRDA services heap size (4KB)            (DRDA_HEAP_SZ) = 128
 Priority of agents                           (AGENTPRI) = SYSTEM
 Max number of existing agents               (MAXAGENTS) = 200
 Agent pool size                        (NUM_POOLAGENTS) = 4 (calculated)
 Initial number of agents in pool       (NUM_INITAGENTS) = 0
 Max number of coordinating agents     (MAX_COORDAGENTS) = MAXAGENTS
 Max no. of concurrent coordinating agents  (MAXCAGENTS) = MAX_COORDAGENTS
 Max number of logical agents          (MAX_LOGICAGENTS) = MAX_COORDAGENTS
 Keep DARI process                            (KEEPDARI) = YES
 Max number of DARI processes                  (MAXDARI) = MAX_COORDAGENTS
 Initialize DARI process with JVM         (INITDARI_JVM) = NO
 Initial number of fenced DARI process   (NUM_INITDARIS) = 0
 Index re-creation time                       (INDEXREC) = RESTART
 Transaction manager database name         (TM_DATABASE) = 1ST_CONN
 Transaction resync interval (sec)     (RESYNC_INTERVAL) = 180
 SPM name                                     (SPM_NAME) =
 SPM log size                          (SPM_LOG_FILE_SZ) = 256
 SPM resync agent limit                 (SPM_MAX_RESYNC) = 20
 SPM log path                             (SPM_LOG_PATH) =
 TCP/IP Service name                          (SVCENAME) = xjessicae
 APPC Transaction program name                  (TPNAME) =
 IPX/SPX File server name                   (FILESERVER) =
 IPX/SPX DB2 server object name             (OBJECTNAME) =
 IPX/SPX Socket number                      (IPX_SOCKET) = 879E
 Discovery mode                               (DISCOVER) = SEARCH
 Discovery communication protocols       (DISCOVER_COMM) =
 Discover server instance                (DISCOVER_INST) = ENABLE
 Directory services type                      (DIR_TYPE) = NONE
 Directory path name                     (DIR_PATH_NAME) = /.:/subsys/database/
 Directory object name                    (DIR_OBJ_NAME) = 
 Routing information object name        (ROUTE_OBJ_NAME) = 
 Default client comm. protocols        (DFT_CLIENT_COMM) = 
 Maximum query degree of parallelism   (MAX_QUERYDEGREE) = ANY
 Enable intra-partition parallelism     (INTRA_PARALLEL) = NO
 No. of int. communication buffers(4KB)(FCM_NUM_BUFFERS) = 512
 Number of FCM request blocks              (FCM_NUM_RQB) = 256
 Number of FCM connection entries      (FCM_NUM_CONNECT) = (FCM_NUM_RQB * 0.75)
 Number of FCM message anchors         (FCM_NUM_ANCHORS) = (FCM_NUM_RQB * 0.75)

These fields are identified as follows:

The amount of memory allocated and committed by the operating system for each agent. This parameter specifies the number of pages for each agent stack on the server.

Execution priority assigned to database manager processes and threads on a particular machine.

Size (in pages) of the memory shared between a local client application and a database manager agent.

Size (in pages) of the buffer used when auditing the database.

Determines how and where authentication of a user takes place. A value of CLIENT indicates that all authentication takes place at the client. If the value is SERVER, the user ID and password are sent from the client to the server so that authentication can take place at the server.

Size (in pages) of the buffer used when backing up the database, if the buffer size is not specified when calling the backup utility.

Specifies whether users are able to catalog and uncatalog databases and nodes, or DCS and ODBC directories, without SYSADM authority. The default value (0) for this parameter indicates that SYSADM authority is required. If this parameter is set to 1 (yes), SYSADM authority is not required.

The value calculated for the communications bandwidth, in megabytes per second, is used by the SQL optimizer to estimate the cost of performing certain operations between the database partition servers of a partitioned database system.

This parameter specifies the number of seconds within which a TCP/IP connection is to be established between two nodes. If the attempt completes within the time specified by this parameter, communications are established. If it fails, another attempt is made to establish communications. If the connection is attempted the number of times specified by the MAX_CONNRETRIES parameter and always times out, an error is returned.

CPU speed (in milliseconds per instruction) used by the SQL optimizer to estimate the cost of performing certain operations. The value of this parameter is set automatically when the database manager is installed, but can be modified to model a production environment on a test system, or to assess the impact of upgrading hardware.

This parameter specifies whether Data Links support is enabled.

Default accounting string.

This parameter defines the default client adapter number for the NETBIOS protocol whose server name is extracted from DCE Directory Services. This parameter can only be used with DCE.

Specifies the communication protocols that the client applications on a specific instance can use for remote connections. Used for configuring DCE only.

Default value of the snapshot monitor's buffer pool switch.

Default value of the snapshot monitor's lock switch.

Default value of the snapshot monitor's sort switch.

Default value of the snapshot monitor's statement switch.

Default value of the snapshot monitor's table switch.

Default value of the snapshot monitor's unit of work (UOW) switch.

Default database path. If no path is specified when a database is created, the database is created on the path specified by this parameter.

Diagnostic error capture level determines the severity of diagnostic errors recorded in the error log file (db2diag.log).

The fully qualified path for DB2 diagnostic information.

Directory cache support. If set to YES, database, node, and DCS directory files are cached in memory. This reduces connect costs by eliminating directory file I/O, and minimizing the directory searches required to retrieve directory information.

Object name in DCE name space. The object name representing a database manager instance (or a database) in the directory. The concatenation of this value and the dir_path_name value yields a global name that uniquely identifies the database manager instance or database in the name space governed by the directory services specified in the dir_type parameter.

Directory path name in DCE name space. The unique name of the database manager instance in the global name space is made up of this value and the value in the dir_obj_name parameter.

Directory services type. Indicates whether the database manager instance uses the DCE global directory services.

This parameter defines the type of discovery request supported on a client or server. Discovery requests can be issued from the client configuration assistant or from control center tools. Specify SEARCH to support search discovery, in which the DB2 client searches the network for DB2 databases. Specify KNOWN to support known discovery, in which the discovery request is issued against the administration server specified by the user. Specify DISABLE to disable the client or server from supporting any type of discovery request.

This parameter defines the communications protocols that clients use to issue search discovery requests, and servers use to listen for search discovery requests. More than one protocol can be specified, separated by commas, or the parameter can be left blank. Supported protocols are TCPIP and NETBIOS.

This parameter enables or disables client discovery of an instance.

DOS requester I/O block size. Applicable only on DOS clients, including DOS clients running under OS/2. This parameter controls the size of the I/O blocks that are allocated on the client and the server.

Specifies the size, in pages, of the DRDA heap. This heap is used by the DRDA AS and by DB2 Connect.

This parameter specifies the number of FCM message anchors. Agents use the message anchors to send messages among themselves.

This parameter specifies the number of 4KB buffers that are used for internal communications (messages) among the nodes in an instance.

This parameter specifies the number of FCM connection entries. Agents use connection entries to pass data among themselves.

This parameter specifies the number of FCM request blocks. Request blocks are the media through which information is passed between the FCM daemon and an agent.

Federated database object support. When set to YES, the instance can use nicknames to access data managed by DB2 Family and other database managers.

IPX/SPX file server name. Specifies the name of the Novell NetWare file server where the internetwork address of the database manager server instance is registered.
Note:The following characters are not valid: / \  : ; , * ?

Specifies when invalid database indexes should be recreated. This parameter is used if the database configuration parameter indexrec is set to SYSTEM.

The possible output values are:

This parameter indicates whether each fenced DARI process will load the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) when starting. This parameter will reduce the initial startup time for fenced Java stored procedures, especially when used in conjunction with the num_initdaris parameter. This parameter could increase the initial load time for non-Java fenced stored procedures, because they do not need the JVM.

This parameter specifies whether the database manager can use intra-partition parallelism.

In a symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) environment, the default for this parameter is YES. In a non-SMP environment, the default for this parameter is NO. This parameter can be used on both partitioned and non-partitioned database systems. Some of the operations that can take advantage of parallel performance improvements when the value of this parameter is YES include database queries and index creation.

IPX/SPX socket number. Specifies a "well-known" socket number and represents the connection end point in a DB2 server's IPX/SPX internetwork address.

Determines the maximum size of the heap that is used by the Java interpreter. For non-partitioned database systems, one heap is allocated for the instance; for partitioned database systems, one heap is allocated for each database partition server.

This parameter specifies the directory under which the Java Development Kit 1.1 is installed. The CLASSPATH and other environment variables used by the Java interpreter are computed from the value of this parameter.

Indicates whether to keep a DARI process after each DARI call. If NO, a new DARI process is created and terminated for each DARI invocation. If YES, a DARI process is reused for subsequent DARI calls, and is terminated only when the associated user application exits.

If an attempt to establish communication between two nodes fails because the value specified by the CONN_ELAPSE parameter is reached (for example, the attempt to establish TCP/IP communication times out), MAX_CONNRETRIES specifies the number of connection retries that can be made to a node. If the value specified for this parameter is exceeded, an error is returned.

This parameter determines the maximum number of coordinating agents that can exist at one time on a node.

Controls the maximum number of applications that can be connected to the instance. When the parameter is set to a value greater than the default (max_coordagents), the concentrator feature is activated.

This parameter specifies the maximum degree of parallelism used for any SQL statement executing on this instance of the database manager. An SQL statement will not use more than this number of parallel operations when the statement is executed. For a multi-node system, this parameter applies to the degree of parallelism within a single node.

Each node has its own system clock. This parameter specifies the maximum time difference, in minutes, that is permitted among the nodes listed in the db2nodes.cfg file.

Maximum number of database manager agents that can exist simultaneously on a node, regardless of which database is being used.

Maximum number of database manager agents that can be concurrently executing a database manager transaction. Cannot exceed the value of maxagents.

Maximum number of DARI processes that can reside at the database server. Cannot exceed the value of maxagents.

Maximum number of files open per application. Defines the total database and application file handles that can be used by a specific process connected to a database.

MIN_PRIV_MEM (OS/2 only)
Minimum committed private memory. Specifies the number of pages that the database server process will reserve as private virtual memory when a database manager instance is started (db2start).

Database system monitor heap size. Specifies the amount (in 4KB pages) of memory to allocate for database system monitor data.

NNAME (OS/2 only)
Name of the node or workstation. Database clients use nname to access database server workstations using NetBIOS. If the database server workstation changes the name specified in nname, all clients that access the database server workstation must catalog it again and specify the new name.

nodetype (Node type)
Indicates whether the node is configured as a database server with local and remote clients, a client, a database server with local clients, a partitioned database server with local and remote clients, or a Satellite database server with local clients.

NOTIFYLEVEL (Windows NT only)
This parameter is used to determine the severity of messages that are written to the notification files.

This parameter determines the initial number of agents that are created in the agent pool when the database manager is started.

This parameter indicates the initial number of idle fenced DARI processes that are created in the DARI pool when the database manager is started. Setting this parameter will reduce the initial startup time for fenced stored procedures. This parameter is ignored if keepdari is not specified.

This parameter specifies the size to which the agent pool is allowed to grow. The agent pool contains both idle agents (as in DB2/6000 Version 2), and MPP and SMP associated subagents. If more agents are created, they will be terminated and not return to the pool when they are finished executing.

If the value of this parameter is calculated at run time using other configuration parameters, the label (calculated) appears to the right of the value shown in the output for GET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION. If -1 (calculated) is shown in the output, the request was issued from a client, and the value was not available.

The obsolete database manager configuration parameter max_idleagents can still be updated through UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION, and is interpreted as an update to num_poolagents.

Maximum number of local databases that can be concurrently active (that is, have applications connected to them).

This parameter represents the database manager server instance as an object on the NetWare file server, where the server's IPX/SPX address is stored and retrieved. The value must be entered in uppercase. The value must be unique on the NetWare file server, and it is recommended that it be unique across the IPX/SPX network.
Note:The following characters are not valid: / \  : ; , * ?

Private memory threshold. Sets a threshold below which a server will not release the memory associated with a client when that client's connection is terminated.

Maximum amount of memory (in pages) that can be allocated for the query heap. A query heap is used to store each query in the agent's private memory.

release (Database manager configuration release level)
Release level of the configuration file.

Size (in 4KB pages) of the buffer used when restoring the database, if the buffer size is not specified when calling the restore utility.

Time interval (in seconds) after which a Transaction Manager (TM) or a Resource Manager (RM) retries the recovery of any outstanding indoubt transactions found in the TM or the RM. Applicable when transactions are running in a distributed unit of work (DUOW) environment.

Routing information object name. Specifies the name of the default routing information object entry that will be used by all client applications attempting to access a DRDA server. Used for configuring DCE only.

Client I/O block size. Specifies the size (in bytes) of the communication buffer between remote applications and their database agents on the database server.

Limit on the total amount of memory (in pages) available for sorting across the entire instance.

This parameter identifies the Sync Point Manager (SPM) log file size in 4KB pages. The log file is contained in the spmlog sub-directory under sqllib and is created the first time SPM is started.

This parameter specifies the directory where the Sync Point Manager (SPM) logs are written. By default, the logs are written to the sqllib directory, which, in a high-volume transaction environment, can cause an I/O bottleneck. Use this parameter to have the SPM log files placed on a faster disk than the current sqllib directory. This allows for better concurrency among the SPM agents.

This parameter identifies the number of simultaneous agents that can perform resync operations.

This parameter identifies the name of the Sync Point Manager (SPM) instance to the database manager. The spm_name must be defined in the system database directory and, if remote, in the node directory.

SS_LOGON (OS/2 only)
By accepting the default for this parameter, a LOGON user ID and password are required before issuing a DB2START or DB2STOP.

This parameter specifies the time, in minutes, within which all nodes must respond to START DATABASE MANAGER, STOP DATABASE MANAGER, or ADD NODE.

The name used to update the database manager configuration file at the server. This value must be the same as the Connection Service name specified in the services file.

Defines the group name with system administration (sysadm) authority for the database manager instance. This is the highest level of authority within the database manager, and controls all database objects.

Defines the group name with system control (sysctrl) authority for the database manager instance. This level has privileges allowing operations affecting system resources, but not allowing direct access to data.

Defines the group name with system maintenance (sysmaint) authority for the database manager instance. This level has authority allowing maintenance operations on all databases associated with an instance, but not allowing direct access to data.

Name of the transaction manager (TM) database for each DB2 instance.

Name of the transaction processing (TP) monitor product being used.

Name of the remote transaction program that the database client must use when it issues an allocate request to the database manager instance using the APPC communication protocol.

This parameter and the TRUST_CLNTAUTH parameter are used to determine where users are validated for the database environment. By accepting the default for this parameter, all clients are treated as trusted clients. This means a level of security is available at the client, and that users can be validated at the client. Other options may be used to protect the server against certain clients based on their platform or database protocol.

This parameter and the TRUST_ALLCLNTS parameter are used to determine where users are validated to the database environment. By accepting the default for this parameter, all users of trusted clients are validated at the client.

For a fenced user defined function (UDF), specifies the default allocation for memory to be shared between the database process and the UDF. For an unfenced process, specifies the size of the private memory set. In both cases, this memory is used to pass data to a UDF and back to a database.

Usage Notes

If an attachment to a remote instance (or a different local instance) exists, the database manager configuration parameters for the attached server are returned; otherwise, the local database manager configuration parameters are returned.

If an error occurs, the information returned is invalid. If the configuration file is invalid, an error message is returned. The user must install the database manager again to recover.

To set the configuration parameters to the default values shipped with the database manager, use RESET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION.

For more information about these parameters, see the Administration Guide.

See Also



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