Command Reference


Adds a new node to the parallel database system. This command creates database partitions for all databases currently defined in the MPP server on the new node. The user can specify the source node for any system temporary table spaces to be created with the databases, or specify that no system temporary table spaces are to be created. The command must be issued from the node that is being added, and can only be issued on an MPP server.


This command only affects the node on which it is executed.


One of the following:

Required Connection


Command Syntax

>>-ADD NODE----+-------------------------+---------------------><
               +-LIKE NODE--node-number--+
               '-WITHOUT TABLESPACES-----'

Command Parameters

LIKE NODE node-number
Specifies that the containers for the system temporary table spaces will be the same as the containers on the specified node-number for each database in the instance. The node specified must be a node that is already in the db2nodes.cfg file.

Specifies that containers for the system temporary table spaces are not created for any of the databases. The ALTER TABLESPACE statement must be used to add system temporary table space containers to each database before the database can be used.
Note:If no option is specified, containers for the system temporary table spaces will be the same as the containers on the catalog node for each database. The catalog node may be a different node for each database in the MPP system.

Usage Notes

Before adding a new node, ensure that there is sufficient storage for the containers that must be created for all existing databases on the system.

The add node operation creates an empty database partition on the new node for every database that exists in the instance. The configuration parameters for the new database partitions are set to the default value.

If an add node operation fails while creating a database partition locally, it enters a clean-up phase, in which it locally drops all databases that have been created. This means that the database partitions are removed only from the node being added (that is, the local node). Existing database partitions remain unaffected on all other nodes. If this fails, no further clean up is done, and an error is returned.

The database partitions on the new node cannot be used to contain user data until after the ALTER NODEGROUP statement has been used to add the node to a nodegroup. For details, see the SQL Reference.

This command will fail if a create database or a drop database operation is in progress. The command can be reissued once the operation has completed.

If system temporary table spaces are to be created with the database partitions, ADD NODE may have to communicate with another node in the MPP system in order to retrieve the table space definitions. The start_stop_time database manager configuration parameter is used to specify the time, in minutes, by which the other node must respond with the table space definitions. If this time is exceeded, the command fails. Increase the value of start_stop_time, and reissue the command.

See Also


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