Message Reference

SQL6000 - SQL6099

SQL6000NDB2 Conversion of QMF Data.

Explanation: This is the normal termination message.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL6001NThe prefix for the filename was not specified.

Explanation: The user executed a module of the SQLQMF facility directly rather than using the SQLQMF facility command.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Use the provided SQLQMF facility command.

SQL6002NCommunications Manager encountered a download error.

Explanation: Communications Manager encountered an error during the download of the host file.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Review the Communications Manager message log.

SQL6003NThe file exported from QMF contains rows that are too long. The row length is "<number>".

Explanation: The computed row size (the sum of the computed column sizes) exceeds the maximum of 7000 bytes.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Return to your QMF host session and run a query with fewer data columns selected. EXPORT the data again and then try the SQLQMF facility command again.

SQL6004N"<function>" returned the unexpected return code "<code>".

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during processing. The Communications Manager or DB2 may not be installed or configured correctly.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that Communications Manager has been installed and the appropriate host communications session is active. Retry the command after checking for other errors. If the problem persists, contact your Communications Manager system administrator.

SQL6005NAn error occurred while reading the downloaded QMF file.

Explanation: One of the following conditions was encountered:

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Review the Communications Manager message log. Retry the command. If the error continues, contact your Communications Manager system administrator.

SQL6006NAn error occurred while writing to an output file.

Explanation: One of the following conditions was encountered:

Federated system users: there isn't enough space to hold the db2djlink output. Additional space is required for the temporary files that db2djlink creates and uses.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Check for sufficient disk space on the C: drive. Retry the command.

Federated system users: increase the size of the file system where the federated server is installed. To estimate the amount of free space db2djlink needs on an AIX operating system, enter:

ls -e /install_directory/lib/libdb2euni.a

This command returns the number of bytes used by the listed file. Multiply that number by 3. The result is an estimate of how much free space is needed on the file system. Increase the size of the file system as necessary and retry the command.

SQL6007NThe decimal number in row "<row>", column "<column>" cannot be converted to ASCII.

Explanation: The indicated decimal field could not be converted.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the host column data type is DECIMAL. Retry the QMF EXPORT and then try the SQLQMF facility command again. If the error continues, rerun the QMF query without the named column.

SQL6008NThe file specified in the command is not in QMF data format.

Explanation: The file specified by the filename parameter is not in the expected QMF format.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that you have typed the name correctly. If correct, return to your QMF host session and issue the command EXPORT DATA TO filename again. Be sure to export using the QMF data format.

SQL6009NThe file exported from QMF contains Column "<name>" with a width "<width>" that is too long. The maximum column width is 4000 bytes.

Explanation: The downloaded QMF file has a column width greater than 4000 bytes.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Return to your QMF host session, rerun the QMF query without the named column, and export the data again. Then run the SQLQMF facility command again.

SQL6010NThe downloaded QMF file has more than 255 data columns.

Explanation: The file being processed has more than 255 data columns.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Return to your QMF host session and rerun a query, selecting 255 or fewer data columns. EXPORT the data again and then run the SQLQMF facility command again.

SQL6011NThe data type "<number>" ("<type-text>") of column "<name>" (positioned at column "<number>") cannot be processed.

Explanation: The QMF file contains a column with data type that is not supported.

The SQLQMF facility does NOT support the following data types:

Only the SQLQMF facility SQLQMFDB supports graphic data types.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Return to your QMF host session and rerun the query without selecting the named column. Then run the SQLQMF facility command again.

SQL6012NToo many parameters were specified for the command.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified with the command.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Retry the command with the correct number of parameters.

SQL6013NHost filename "<host filename>" is either too long or does not begin with an alphabetic character.

Explanation: The host filename does not begin with an alphabetic character; or, if the host is a VM System, the host filename, filetype, or filemode are too long.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Retry the command with a correct host filename syntax.

SQL6014NInvalid command syntax, colon (':') should follow a keyword.

Explanation: Keyword parameters with operands require the keyword to be immediately followed by a ":" character and then the operand.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the command syntax and retry the command.

SQL6015NThe keyword is not recognized.

Explanation: The keyword parameter indicator ("/") was followed by a value that is not a keyword.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Retry the command using a different keyword value.

SQL6016NToo many operands for the System/370 filename "<name>".

Explanation: If the host is a VM System, the host file name contains more than three space-separate tokens. If the host is an MVS System, the host filename contains embedded blanks.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Retry the command using a different keyword value.

SQL6017NMore information may be contained in the Import message log "<name>".

Explanation: The database IMPORT operation terminated with warning or error messages.

The command has left its work files allocated.

User Response: Use the message preceding this message and the IMPORT message log, if it exists, to decide if the IMPORT was successful and to determine corrective action. If the import was successful, erase the DEL, CRE, COL, and IML files.

SQL6018NNo S/370 filename was specified.

Explanation: The S/370 filename is a required parameter.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Retry the command with a host filename.

SQL6019NCommunications short session ID "<ID>" is either too long or is invalid.

Explanation: The value provided for the communications short session ID is either longer than one byte or is not alphabetic.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Retry the command with a valid value.

SQL6020NAn import option was specified without also providing a database name.

Explanation: No database name was provided and an import option was specified.

The command has terminated.

User Response: Retry the command and include a database name.

SQL6021NData was successfully imported.

Explanation: This is a normal ending message when the SQLQMF facility imports data to a database.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL6022NSystem database directory is not shared by all nodes.

Explanation: All nodes should be accessing one physical copy of the system database directory.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that all nodes are accessing the system database directory that resides in the sqllib directory, then try the request again.

SQL6023NThe user does not have the authority to run the Get Table Partitioning Information utility on table "<name>".

Explanation: The user attempted to retrieve partitioning information on the specified table without the appropriate authorization (either the SYSADM or DBADM authority or the CONTROL or SELECT privilege on the table).

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Do not attempt to call the Get Table Partitioning Information utility without appropriate authorization. Contact your system administrator for assistance.

SQL6024NTable or index <name> is not defined on node <node-number>.

Explanation: The application is connected to node "<node-number>", and the table or index "<name>" is not defined.

The cause is one of the following:

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Connect the application to a node on which the table or index is defined. Determine the nodegroup in which the table was created and obtain the list of nodes in the nodegroup by selecting the appropriate rows from the NODEGROUPDEF catalog view. The nodes whose IN_USE value is set to Y are the ones on which the table or index is defined.

SQL6025NDatabase backed up on node "<node1>" cannot be restored to node "<node2>".

Explanation: The backup image used for the restore is a backup of the database on a different node.

User Response: Ensure that you have the correct backup image for the node, then try the request again.

SQL6026NDatabase with catalog node "<node1>" cannot be restored to a database with catalog node "<node2>".

Explanation: The catalog node can exist on only one node and there is a discrepancy between the backup image and the node being restored to. This can occur in the following cases:

User Response: Verify that the correct backup image is being restored.

If you are restoring to an existing database and want to change the catalog node to "<node2>", the existing database must be dropped first.

If you are restoring to a new database, restore the catalog node "<node1>" first.

SQL6027NThe path "<path>" for the database directory is not valid.

Explanation: The path "<path>" specified for either the CREATE DATABASE or the CATALOG DATABASE command starts with the character '.' or contains the character string '/.'.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the specified path is a fully qualified path, does not start with the character '.', and does not contain the character string '/.'. Then try the request again.

SQL6028NCatalog database failed because database "<dbname>" was not found in the local database directory.

Explanation: When cataloguing a local database into the system database directory, the command/API has to be issued from a node on the server where the database resides.

User Response: Reissue the command/API from a node where the database resides.

SQL6030NSTART or STOP DATABASE MANAGER failed. Reason code "<reason-code>".

Explanation: The reason code indicates the error. The statement cannot be processed.

Cannot access the sqllib directory of the instance.

The full path name added to the profile filename is too long.

Cannot open the profile file.

The nodenum parameter value is not defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.

The nodenum parameter must be specified when a command option is specified.

The port parameter value is not valid.

The new couple hostname/port is not unique.

The FORCE option cannot be specified when the NODENUM option is specified.

The hostname and port parameters must be specified when using the ADDNODE option.

Cannot update the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory for the ADDNODE or RESTART option.

The hostname parameter value is not valid.

The pointer to the sqledbstrtopt or sqledbstopopt structure is not valid.

No port value is defined for your DB2 instance id (/etc/services file on UNIX-based systems).

The port value is not in the valid port range defined for your DB2 instance id (/etc/services file on UNIX-based systems).

A hostname value has no corresponding port 0 defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.

The value specified for the command or option parameter is not valid.

The DROP option cannot be specified when the NODENUM option is not specified.

The value specified for the callerac parameter is not valid.

Unable to create the UNIX socket directory /tmp/db2_<ver>_<rel>/$DB2INSTANCE.

The node number specified with the ADDNODE option already exists in the db2nodes.cfg file or the node has been already been added since the last stop database manager command was issued.

The tablespace type specified with the ADDNODE option is not valid.

The tablespace node specified with the ADDNODE option is out of range.

The computer name parameter must be specified for the ADDNODE option.

The user name parameter must be specified for the ADDNODE option.

The computer name is not valid.

The user name is not valid.

The password is not valid.

The password is expired.

The user account specified is either disabled, expired, or restricted.

User Response: The action corresponding to the reason code is:

Ensure that the $DB2INSTANCE userid has the required permissions to access the sqllib directory of the instance.

Change the profile name to a shorter name so that the total length of the fully qualified path added to the profile name length is smaller than the SQL_PROFILE_SZ defined in the file sqlenv.h.

Ensure that the profile file exists.

Ensure that the nodenum value specified is defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory and is between 0 and 999.

Resubmit the command with the nodenum parameter specified.

Ensure that the port value is between 0 and 999. If a value is not specified, the port value defaults to 0.

Ensure that the new couple hostname/port is not already defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.

Do not specify the FORCE option when you specify the NODENUM option.

Ensure that the hostname and the port values are specified when you specify the ADDNODE option.

Ensure that the $DB2INSTANCE username has write access to the sqllib directory of the instance, that there is sufficient disk space, and the file exists.

Ensure that the specified hostname is defined on the system.

Ensure that the pointer is not NULL and points to the sqledbstrtopt for the sqlepstr() API, or to the sqledbstopopt structure for the sqlepstp() API.

Ensure that the services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems) contains an entry for your DB2 instance id.

Ensure that you only use port values that are specified in the services file (/etc/services file on UNIX-based systems) for your instance.

Ensure that all the hostname values have a port 0 defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory including the restart option parameters.

Ensure that the value specified for the option parameter is within the valid range.

Specify the NODENUM option when you specify the DROP option.

Ensure that the value specified for the callerac parameter is within the valid range.

Check the permission of the /tmp filesystem to make sure all intermediate directories of /tmp/db2_<ver>_<rel>/$DB2INSTANCE can be created.

Ensure that the correct node number is being specified. You must stop the database manager to update the db2nodes.cfg file with nodes that have been added to the system since the previous stop database manager command.

Ensure that the value specified for the tablespace type is within the valid range.

Ensure that the tablespace node value specified is defined in the db2nodes.cfg and is between 0 and 999.

Specify the computer name of the system on which the new node is created using the COMPUTER option.

Specify a valid domain account user name and password for the new node using the USER and PASSWORD options.

Resubmit the command with a valid computer name.

Resubmit the command with a valid user name.

Resubmit the command with a valid password.

Change/update the account password and resubmit the command.

Resubmit the command with a valid user account.

SQL6031NError in the db2nodes.cfg file at line number "<line>". Reason code "<reason code>".

Explanation: The statement cannot be processed because of a problem with the db2nodes.cfg file, as indicated by the following reason codes:

Cannot access the sqllib directory of the instance.

The full path name added to the db2nodes.cfg filename is too long.

Cannot open the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.

A syntax error exists at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.

The nodenum value at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not valid.

The nodenum value at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is out of sequence.

The nodenum value at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not unique.

The port value at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not valid.

The hostname/port couple at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not unique.

The hostname at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not valid.

The port value at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not defined for your DB2 instance id in the services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems).

The port value at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not in the valid port range defined for your DB2 instance id in the services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems).

The hostname value at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory has no corresponding port 0.

A db2nodes.cfg file with more than one entry exists, but the database manager configuration is not MPP.

The netname at line "<line>" of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not valid.

User Response: The action corresponding to the reason code is:

Ensure that the $DB2INSTANCE userid has the required permissions to access the sqllib directory of the instance.

Make the instance home directory path name shorter.

Ensure that the db2nodes.cfg file exists in the sqllib directory and is not empty.

Ensure that at least 2 values are defined per line in the db2nodes.cfg file and that the file does not contain blank lines.

Ensure that the nodenum value defined in the db2nodes.cfg file is between 0 and 999.

Ensure that all the nodenum values defined in the db2nodes.cfg file are in ascending order.

Ensure that each nodenum value defined in the db2nodes.cfg file is unique.

Ensure that the port value is between 0 and 999.

Ensure that the new couple hostname/port is not already defined in the db2nodes.cfg file.

Ensure the hostname value defined in db2nodes.cfg at line "<line>" is both defined on the system and operational.

Ensure that the services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems) contains an entry for your DB2 instance id.

Ensure that you only use port values that are specified in the services file (/etc/services file on UNIX-based systems) for your instance.

Ensure that the port value 0 has been defined for the corresponding hostname in the db2nodes.cfg file.

Perform one of the following actions:

Ensure the netname value defined in db2nodes.cfg at line "<line>" is both defined on the system and operational.

SQL6032WStart command processing was attempted on "<total_number>" node(s). "<number_started>" node(s) were successfully started. "<number_already_started>" node(s) were already started. "<number_not_started>" node(s) could not be started.

Explanation: The database manager did not start successfully on all the nodes. Not all of the data in the database may be accessible. Data on the nodes that started successfully or were already running is accessible.

User Response: Check the log file created in the log directory of the sqllib directory for the instance to see which nodes did not start.

SQL6033WStop command processing was attempted on "<total_number>" node(s). "<number_stopped>" node(s) were successfully stopped. "<number_already_stopped>" node(s) were already stopped. "<number_not_stopped>" node(s) could not be stopped.

Explanation: The database manager did not stop successfully on all the nodes. The database manager is still active on the nodes that could not be stopped.

User Response: Check the log file created in the log directory of the sqllib directory for the instance to see which nodes did not stop.

SQL6034WNode "<node>" is not being used by any databases.

Explanation: During DROP NODE VERIFY processing, all databases are scanned to verify that this node does not exist in the nodegroups of any database, and that no event monitor is defined on this node.

User Response: This node can now be removed from the system by issuing the 'db2stop drop nodenum <node>' command.

SQL6035WNode "<node>" is being used by database "<database>".

Explanation: During DROP NODE VERIFY processing, databases are scanned to verify that this node does not exist in the nodegroups of any database, and that no event monitor is defined on this node. Node "<node>" is being used by database "<database>" and cannot be dropped.

User Response: You must do the following before dropping the node:

  1. Redistribute the data to remove it from the node using the REDISTRIBUTE NODEGROUP command. Use either the DROP NODE option of the REDISTRIBUTE NODEGROUP command or the ALTER NODEGROUP statement to drop the node from the nodegroup. This must be done for all nodegroups in which the node to be dropped is a member.
  2. Drop any event monitors that are defined on the node.
  3. Issue the 'db2stop drop nodenum <node>' command to drop the node.

SQL6036NSTART or STOP DATABASE MANAGER command is already in progress.

Explanation: A START DATABASE MANAGER or a STOP DATABASE MANAGER command is already in progress on the system.

User Response: Wait for the command in progress to complete, then try the request again.

SQL6037NSTART or STOP DATABASE MANAGER timeout value was reached.

Explanation: The start_stop_time value defined in the database manager configuration was reached at the node. This value specifies the time, in minutes, in which a node must respond to a Start Database Manager, Stop Database Manager or Add Node command.

User Response: Do the following:

SQL6038NNo partitioning key is defined.

Explanation: The user attempted to use the Get Row Partitioning Information utility without specifying a partitioning key.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Ensure that you specify a partitioning key, then try the request again.

SQL6039NPartitioning column "<column-number>" is currently defined as not nullable.

Explanation: An attempt was made to assign a null value to partitioning column "<column-number>", which is not nullable.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Assign a non-null value or change the type of the partitioning column to be nullable.

SQL6040CNo FCM buffers are available.

Explanation: No FCM buffer is available.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Try the request again.

If the error persists, increase the number of FCM buffers (fcm_num_buffers) specified in the database manager configuration file, then try the request again.

sqlcode: -6040

sqlstate: 57011

SQL6041CNo FCM connection entries are available.

Explanation: No FCM connection entry is available.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Try the request again.

If the error persists, increase the number of FCM connection entries (fcm_num_connect) specified in the database manager configuration file, then try the request again.

sqlcode: -6041

sqlstate: 57011

SQL6042CNo FCM message anchors are available.

Explanation: No FCM message anchor is available.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Try the request again.

If the error persists, increase the number of FCM message anchors (fcm_num_anchors) specified in the database manager configuration file, then try the request again.

sqlcode: -6042

sqlstate: 57011

SQL6043CNo FCM request blocks are available.

Explanation: No FCM request block is available.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Try the request again.

If the error persists, increase the number of FCM request blocks (fcm_num_rqb) specified in the database manager configuration file, then try the request again.

sqlcode: -6043

sqlstate: 57011

SQL6044NThe syntax of the string representation "<string>" with value of datatype "<datatype-value>" and length "<length>" is not correct.

Explanation: The specified string cannot be recognized as the target datatype. (The Application Development Guide contains information on datatypes.) Either the syntax is not valid or the value is out of range.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Ensure that the string representation or the datatype is correct, then try the request again.

SQL6045NThe datatype "<datatype-value>" of length "<datatype-length>" is not supported.

Explanation: The datatype and data length are not supported for a partitioning key.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: See the Administration Guide for information about datatypes. See the API Reference for information about the Get Row Partitioning Information API.

SQL6046NSpecified DROP NODE action is not valid.

Explanation: The value specified for the action parameter of the DROP NODE command is not valid. Only the verify mode is supported for the DROP NODE command. The parameter must be set to the value SQL_DROPNODE_VERIFY.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the action is set to SQL_DROPNODE_VERIFY, then try the request again.

SQL6047NNodegroup cannot be redistributed because table "<name>" does not have a partitioning key.

Explanation: At least one table in the single-node nodegroup does not have a partitioning key. All tables in the single-node nodegroup must have a partitioning key before the nodegroup can be redistributed to a multiple-node nodegroup.

The operation was not performed.

User Response: Use the ALTER TABLE command to specify partitioning keys for tables that do not have one. Then try the request again.

SQL6048NA communication error occurred during START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER processing.

Explanation: A TCP/IP communication error occurred while the START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER command was trying to establish connection with all the nodes defined in the sqllib/db2nodes.cfg file.

User Response: Do the following:

SQL6049NThe log control file for database "<name>" could not be found on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: The SQLOGCTL.LFH file for the database is not in the database directory on the specified node(s).

The database was not started.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User Response: Either restore the database from a backup on the specified node(s), or re-create the database.

SQL6050NAn I/O error occurred while accessing the log control file for database "<name>" on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: An error occurred while accessing the SQLOGCTL.LFH file for the database on the specified node(s).

The database cannot be used.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User Response: Either restore the database from a backup on the specified node(s), or re-create the database.

SQL6051NDatabase "<name>" is not configured for roll-forward recovery on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: The specified database is not configured for roll-forward recovery on the specified node(s).

The database is not rolled forward on all nodes.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User Response: Ensure that recovery is required on the specified node(s), then restore the most recent backup version of the database on these nodes.

SQL6052NCannot roll forward database "<name>" because it is not in roll-forward pending state on node(s) "<node list>".

Explanation: The specified database is not in the roll-forward pending state on the specified node(s). This may be because the database has not been restored, or was restored with the WITHOUT ROLLING FORWARD option, or roll-forward recovery is complete on these nodes.

The database is not rolled forward.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User Response: Do the following:

  1. Ensure that recovery is required on the specified node(s).
  2. Restore a backup version of the database on these nodes.
  3. Issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command.

SQL6053NError exists in file "<file>". Reason code = "<reason-code>".

Explanation: There is an error in the specified file as indicated by the reason code:

The number of values in the partitioning map file is not 1 or 4,096.

The number of values in the distribution file is not 4,096.

The data in the distribution file is not in a valid format.

The node number in the partitioning map is not between 0 and 999.

The sum of all the values in the distribution file is greater than 4,294,967,295.

The specified target partition map contains a node number that is not defined in SYSCAT.NODEGROUPDEF for the specified nodegroup.

User Response: The action corresponding to the reason code is:

Ensure that the partitioning map file contains only a single value (if the resultant nodegroup is a single-node nodegroup) or exactly 4,096 values (if the resultant nodegroup is a multinode nodegroup).

Ensure that the distribution file contains exactly 4,096 values, one per hash partition.

Ensure that the values in the distribution file are integers greater than or equal to 0, and that the sum of all the distribution values is less than or equal to 4,294,967,295.

Ensure that the node numbers are in the range of greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 999.

Ensure that the sum of all the distribution values for the 4,096 partitions is less than or equal to 4,294,967,295.

Either issue ALTER NODEGROUP to add the missing node(s) or change the partitioning map file to exclude the node(s) not defined in sysibm.sysnodegroupdef.

SQL6054NThe archive file "<name>" is not a valid log file for the database "<name>" on node "<node-number>".

Explanation: An archive log file exists in the log directory on the specified node, but it is not valid.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User Response: To determine the correct archive log file, issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option. Move the correct archive log file to the database log directory or, if the database is in a consistent state, change the log path to point to the correct archive file and issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again.

SQL6055NThe archive file "<name>" does not belong to database "<name>" on node "<node-number>".

Explanation: An archive log file in the log directory on the specified node does not belong to the specified database.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User Response: To determine the correct archive log file, issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option. Move the correct archive log file to the database log directory or, if the database is in a consistent state, change the log path to point to the correct archive file and issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again.

SQL6056NNodegroup cannot be redistributed. Reason code = "<reason-code>".

Explanation: The operation cannot be executed. The reason code indicates the error.

The nodegroup specification is not legal. The resulting nodegroup after redistribution would not contain any nodes.

A previous redistribution operation did not complete successfully.

A redistribution operation is already in progress.

There is no previously aborted redistribution command to CONTINUE or ROLLBACK.

No data redistribution is performed because the data in the nodegroup is already distributed as specified.

The REDISTRIBUTE NODEGROUP command was not submitted from the catalog node.

The REDISTRIBUTE NODEGROUP command is not available nor applicable in this non-partitioned version of the product.

Redistribution is not allowed if there are user temporary table spaces in the nodegroup with existing declared temporary tables.

User Response: The action corresponding to the reason code is:

Do not drop all the nodes of the nodegroup during redistribution.

Identify why the previous redistribution failed and take the required corrective action. Submit the REDISTRIBUTE NODEGROUP command using either the CONTINUE or ROLLBACK option. CONTINUE will complete the previously aborted redistribution operation and ROLLBACK will undo the effects of the previously aborted operation.

Issue the next REDISTRIBUTION NODEGROUP command after the current one completes.

You cannot invoke the CONTINUE or ROLLBACK option on a nodegroup that is not associated with a failed redistribution operation.

Try using a different target partitioning map or distribution file. Otherwise, redistribution is not necessary.

Issue the command again from the catalog node.

Do not issue the REDISTRIBUTE NODEGROUP command using this version of the product.

Request redistribution again when there are no declared temporary tables using the user temporary table spaces in the nodegroup.

SQL6057NArchive file "<name>" is not associated with the database "<name>" that was restored, or with the log file previously processed on node "<node-number>".

Explanation: An archive log file is found in the log directory on the specified node, but does not belong to the specified database.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User Response: To determine the correct archive log file, issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option. Move the correct archive log file to the database log directory or, if the database is in a consistent state, change the log path to point to the correct archive file and issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again.

SQL6058NRoll-forward recovery stopped because of error "<error>" while retrieving log file "<name>" for database "<name>" on node "<node-number>".

Explanation: Roll-forward processing invokes the db2uexit to retrieve the log file for the database on the specified node. The error may have occurred in the db2uexit.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User Response: See the user exit documentation in the Administration Guide for a description of the error, and either resume or terminate the roll-forward recovery.

SQL6059NThe point-in-time passed to the Rollforward utility must be greater than or equal to "<timestamp>", because database "<name>" on node(s) "<node-list>" contains information later than the specified time.

Explanation: An advanced virtual timestamp is in the database backup.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User Response: Do one of the following:

SQL6061NRoll-forward recovery on database "<name>" cannot reach the specified stop point (end-of-log or point-in-time) because of missing log file(s) on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: The Rollforward Database utility cannot find the necessary log file(s) in the logpath.

User Response: Do one of the following:

SQL6062NRoll-forward recovery on database "<name>" cannot complete because the log information on node(s) "<node-list>" does not match the corresponding record(s) on the catalog node.

Explanation: The Rollforward utility processed all the log files found on each node, but the stop points on the specified nodes do not match the corresponding records on the catalog node. This can be caused by missing log files on either the catalog node or on the specified nodes, or the catalog node must be included in the list of nodes to be rolled forward.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User Response: Do one of the following:

SQL6063NRoll-forward recovery on database "<name>" has stopped on node(s) "<node-list>" due to a change in log file size.

Explanation: The Rollforward Database utility has stopped rolling forward because the log files have changed in size. It must be restarted to establish the new log file size.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

Roll-forward recovery has stopped.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: Reissue the ROLLFORWARD command to continue.

SQL6064NSQL error "<sqlcode>" occurred during data redistribution.

Explanation: An error occurred during data redistribution.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Look at the SQLCODE (message number) in the message for more information. Make any required changes and try the request again.

SQL6065NAn error occurred while writing to file "<file>".

Explanation: One of the following conditions was encountered:

The command or the utility cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the file exists and that the file permissions allow write access. Try the command or the utility again.

SQL6067WROLLFORWARD DATABASE QUERY STATUS command encountered sqlcode "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE QUERY STATUS command encountered an error with the sqlcode "<sqlcode>". The query might not be successful on some nodes for various reasons. The most severe error is indicated by "<sqlcode>". The roll-forward status is only returned for the successful nodes.

User Response: Look up the sqlcode "<sqlcode>" in the DB2 Messages Reference, or online to determine the problems on the failed nodes. Take the required corrective actions, then continue the forward recovery on these nodes.

SQL6068WRollforward operation was cancelled successfully. The database has to be restored on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: A Rollforward operation was cancelled before it successfully completed, and the database is left in an inconsistent state. The restore pending flag is on for the listed nodes.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User Response: Restore the database on the listed nodes.

SQL6069NThe ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command cannot be submitted on a non-catalog node.

Explanation: The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command is only accepted on the catalog node.

User Response: Submit the command on the catalog node.

SQL6071NThe requested operation cannot be processed because a new node has been added to the system. The system must be stopped and started again before the operation can be done.

Explanation: One of the following:

User Response: Issue db2stop to stop all the nodes. When all nodes are successfully stopped, issue db2start to start all the nodes, including the new node, then try the request again.

sqlcode: -6071

sqlstate: 57019

SQL6072NDB2START with the RESTART option cannot proceed because the specified node is already active.

Explanation: The node specified for restart is already active on the system.

User Response: If necessary, issue a DB2STOP specifying the node to stop and issue the DB2START command again to restart the node.

SQL6073NAdd Node operation failed. SQLCODE = "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: The Add Node operation failed with sqlcode "<sqlcode>".

User Response: Check the message associated with the sqlcode that is returned in either the DB2 Messages Reference, or online.

Take any required corrective action, then try the request again.

SQL6074NAdd Node operation failed because a Create or Drop Database operation is currently executing.

Explanation: An Add Node operation cannot execute concurrently with a Create or Drop Database operation.

User Response: Wait for the Create or Drop Database operation to complete, then try the request again.

SQL6075WThe Start Database Manager operation successfully added the node. The node is not active until all nodes are stopped and started again.

Explanation: The db2nodes.cfg file is not updated to include the new node until all nodes are simultaneously stopped by the STOP DATABASE MANAGER (db2stop) command. Until the file is updated, the existing nodes cannot communicate with the new node.

User Response: Issue db2stop to stop all the nodes. When all nodes are successfully stopped, issue db2start to start all the nodes, including the new node.

SQL6076WWarning! This command will remove all database files on the node for this instance. Before continuing, ensure that there is no user data on this node by running the DROP NODE VERIFY command.

Explanation: This procedure will remove all the database partitions from the specified node.

User Response: Ensure that the DROP NODE VERIFY command was run before dropping this node. If using the API, ensure that the callerac parameter is specified correctly.

SQL6077WThe db2stop DROP NODENUM procedure ended successfully, but could not remove all the files. See the file "<file>" for details.

Explanation: The db2stop DROP NODENUM procedure ended successfully, but some user data files are still on the node.

User Response: Information in "<file>" file will indicate the directory structure from which files could not be deleted.

SQL6078NThe db2stop DROP NODENUM procedure could not update the database information for database "<dbname>".

Explanation: The db2stop DROP NODENUM procedure could not access the catalog node for database "<dbname>".

User Response: Try the request again. If the problem persists, contact your service representative.

SQL6079WThe db2stop DROP NODENUM command was cancelled successfully.

Explanation: The db2stop DROP NODENUM command was stopped before it began processing.

User Response: None.

SQL6080WThe Start Database Manager operation successfully added in the node, but no database partitions have been created on the node. The node is not active until all nodes are stopped and started again.

Explanation: The db2nodes.cfg file is not updated to include the new node until all nodes are simultaneously stopped by the STOP DATABASE MANAGER (DB2STOP) command. Until the file is updated, the existing nodes cannot communicate with the new node.

User Response: Issue DB2STOP to stop all the nodes. When all nodes are successfully stopped, issue DB2START to start all the nodes, including the new node. When all nodes are successfully started, the database system can be used.

SQL6081A communication error caused a DB2STOP FORCE command to time out on this node.

Explanation: A communication error occurred on one or more of the database nodes, causing the DB2STOP FORCE command to time out on the current node, or, DB2STOP FORCE terminated because a severe error occurred during FORCE on one or more nodes. Any node where the communication error occurred will receive the SQL6048N message.

User Response: Do the following:

  1. Correct the communication error on the node (or nodes) that received the SQL6048N message.
  2. Issue a DB2START command and ensure that all nodes that received the SQL6048N message started successfully.
  3. Issue the DB2STOP FORCE command again from any node.
  4. Look at the db2diag.log file to find the error, correct it if possible, and reissue the DB2STOP FORCE command from any node.

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