SQL5100N | The entry in the database manager configuration file for the number of allowed concurrent databases is too large. |
Explanation: The requested change would cause (1) the number of allowed concurrent databases to be too large or (2) the number of segments allowed for DB2 to be too small.
The number of allowed concurrent databases is restricted by the maximum number of segments allowed for DB2. The following condition must always be true:
segments >= ((number of databases * 5) + 1)
The requested change is not made.
User Response: Do one of the following:
SQL5101N | The entries in the database configuration file define log file parameters (logprimary and logsecond) that are not in the valid range. |
Explanation: The requested change would cause the total number of logfiles to be out of range. The following condition must always be true:
logprimary + logsecond <= 128
The requested change is not made.
User Response: Do one or both of the following:
SQL5103N | The entry in the database configuration file for the size of the buffer pool (buffpage) is too small for the maximum number of active applications (maxappls). |
Explanation: The requested change would cause the maximum number of active applications to be too large for the size of the buffer pool. The following condition must always be true:
bufferpool_size > (number of active_processes * 2)
The requested change is not made.
User Response: Do one or both of the following:
SQL5112N | The value of the configuration parameter "<parameter>" must be either 0 or 1. |
Explanation: The request is not completed because the value given for "<parameter>" is invalid.
User Response: Ensure that the value specified for "<parameter>" is either 0 or 1, then try the request again.
SQL5120N | Old and new log parameters cannot both be modified at the same time. |
Explanation: The user is attempting to modify both the previous log parameters and the new parameters. The application should only support the parameters of the current release.
The request is denied.
User Response: Modify only the parameters of the current release and retry the command.
SQL5121N | The entry in the database configuration file for configuration options is not valid. |
Explanation: The value set for database options (SQLF_DETS) is not valid. Valid settings are between 0 and 15. The requested change is not made.
The requested change is not made.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid database options value.
SQL5122N | Access to the database was invalid because of a machine dependent check. |
Explanation: The database and database configuration file cannot be accessed because of copy protection.
The user request is denied.
User Response: Return to the original database and modify the configuration file to turn the copy protection off, then create a new backup which may be used to restore the database. This must be done by an individual with SYSADM authority. If the original database is no longer available, contact your service representative.
SQL5123N | Database "<name>" cannot be configured because an I/O error occurred while accessing the log control file. |
Explanation: An error occurred while accessing SQLOGCTL.LFH for the specified database.
The requested change is not made.
User Response: Restore the database from a backup copy or recreate the database.
SQL5126N | An attempt was made to modify the database manager configuration parameter "<parm>" which is not valid for a node type of "<node-type-code>". |
Explanation: The user attempted to modify a database manager configuration parameter which is invalid for the given node type. "<node-type-code"> is defined as follows:
The requested change is not made.
User Response: Resubmit the request with a valid parameter for the given nodetype.
SQL5130N | The value specified for the configuration parameter "<parameter>" is not in the valid range of "<start-of-range>" to "<end-of-range>". |
Explanation: The request is not done because the value of "<parameter>" is not within the valid range.
User Response: Ensure that the value specified for "<parameter>" is within the valid range, then try the request again.
SQL5131N | The value specified for the configuration parameter "<parameter>" is not in the valid range. The valid range is "-1", or from "<start-of-range>" to "<end-of-range>". |
Explanation: The request is not done because the value of "<parameter>" is not within the valid range.
User Response: Ensure that the value specified for "<parameter>" is within the valid range, then try the request again.
SQL5132N | The configuration parameter is null or too long. The maximum length is <maximum length>. |
Explanation: The configuration parameter is not set or too long.
User Response: Change the value of the configuration parameter to within the maximum length given.
SQL5133N | The value "<value>" for configuration parameter "<parm>" is invalid. The valid set of values is "<value_list>". |
Explanation: "<value>" was the the value specified for the configuration parameter "<parm>". This value is not one of the allowable values shown in the "<value_list>".
Consult the Application Development Guide (SQLFUPD entry) and the Administration Guide for the meanings of these values.
User Response: Change the value of the configuration parameter to one of the values shown in the valid list.
SQL5134N | The configuration parameter tpname contains invalid characters. |
Explanation: One or more characters in the tpname is not in the valid range. The characters in the tpname must be one of the following:
User Response: Change the tpname and retry the command or function call.
SQL5135N | The settings of the maxlocks and maxappls configuration parameters do not use all of the locklist space. |
Explanation: The number of active processes (maxappls) times the maximum percentage of lock list space for each application (maxlocks) must be greater than or equal to 100. That is:
maxappls * maxlocks >= 100
This ensures that all of the allocated locklist space can be used.
User Response: Increase the setting for maxappls, maxlocks, or both.
SQL5136N | The entry in the database manager configuration file for the default database path (dftdbpath) is invalid. |
Explanation: An invalid value was specified by dftdbpath. The rules for the default database path on UNIX-based systems are:
The rules for other platforms (such as OS/2, WindowsNT, Windows 95) are:
User Response: Change the dftdbpath and retry the command or function call.
SQL5137N | The entry in the database manager configuration file for the diagnostic directory path (diagpath) is invalid. |
Explanation: An invalid value was specified for diagpath. The rules for the diagnostic directory path are:
User Response: Change the diagpath and retry the command or function call.
SQL5140N | The entry in the database manager configuration parameter "authentication" must be one of SERVER, CLIENT, DCS, DCE, KERBEROS, SERVER_ENCRYPT, DCS_ENCRYPT, DCE_SERVER_ENCRYPT, or KRB_SERVER_ENCRYPT. |
Explanation: The allowed values for the configuration parameter "authentication" are:
The requested change is not made.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid value for "authentication".
SQL5141N | The configuration parameter avg_appls is out of range. The valid range is from 1 to the value of maxappls. |
Explanation: The allowable range for avg_appls is from 1 to the value of maxappls.
The requested change is not made.
User Response: One or more of the following:
SQL5142N | The configuration parameter agentpri is not in the valid range. |
Explanation: The valid values for agentpri are -1, or a three digit number of which the first digit is a priority class ranging from 2 to 4 and the last two digits are a priority level within the class in the range of 00 to 31. The priority class is defined as follows:
For example, the number 304 would correspond to a priority class of 3 (TIMECRITICAL), with a priority level of 4.
User Response: Change the value of the configuration parameter to a value within the valid range.
SQL5150N | The value specified for the configuration parameter "<parameter>" is less than the minimum allowable value of "<minimum value>". |
Explanation: The request is not completed because the value given for "<parameter>" is too low. "<parameter>" may not be less than "<minimum value>"
User Response: Ensure that the value specified for "<parameter>" is within the valid range, then try the request again.
SQL5151N | The value specified for the configuration parameter "<parameter>" is less than the minimum allowable value of "<minimum value>" and is not -1. |
Explanation: The request is not completed because the value given for "<parameter>" is invalid. Except for an allowable value of -1, "<parameter>" may not be less than "<minimum value>".
User Response: Ensure that the value specified for "<parameter>" is within the valid range, then try the request again.
SQL5152N | The value specified for the configuration parameter "<parameter>" is greater than the maximum allowable value of "<maximum value>". |
Explanation: The request is not completed because the value given for "<parameter>" is too high. "<parameter>" may not be greater than "<maximum value>"
User Response: Ensure that the value specified for "<parameter>" is within the valid range, then try the request again.
SQL5153N | The update cannot be completed because the following relationship would be violated: "<condition>" |
Explanation: A valid configuration file must maintain the following relationship:
The update request could not be completed because the resulting configuration would violate that relationship.
User Response: Resubmit the request, ensuring that the relationship is satisfied.
SQL5154N | The requested combination of configuration values for "authentication" and "<parameter>" is not allowed. |
Explanation: The database manager configuration parameter "authentication" must have the value "CLIENT" if the value of "<parameter>" is non-default.
The requested change is not made.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid combination of configuration parameter values.
SQL5155W | The update completed successfully. The current value of SORTHEAP may adversely affect performance. |
Explanation: The value of SORTHEAP is currently greater than half the value of the database manager configuration parameter SHEAPTHRES. This may cause performance to be less than optimal.
User Response: Increase the value of the database manager configuration parameter SHEAPTHRES and/or decrease the value of SORTHEAP so that SHEAPTHRES is at least twice as large as SORTHEAP.
A larger ratio is desirable in most cases. See the Adminstration Guide for recommendations on configuration parameter tuning.
SQL5156N | The value of the database manager configuration parameter "trust_allclnts" must be one of NO, YES, or DRDAONLY. |
Explanation: The allowed values for the configuration parameter "trust_allclnts" are:
The requested change is not made.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid value for "trust_allclnts".
SQL5180N | DB2 is unable to read the federation configuration file "<file-name>". |
Explanation: The federated configuration file could not be found, or it could not be opened for reading.
User Response: Specify the federation configuration file in the DB2_DJ_INI registry variable. Be sure that the file exists and is readable.
SQL5181N | The format of line "<line-number>" in the federation configuration file "<file-name>" is invalid. |
Explanation: The specified line does not have the proper format. The format should be: <variable-name> = <value>.
User Response: Put the specified line in the format described in the preceding paragraph.
SQL5182N | A required environment variable, "<variable-name>", has not been set. |
Explanation: In the federated configuration file, the environment variable "<variable-name>" is unlisted, or it is listed but has no value.
User Response: Consult the "Administration Guide" to find out what values can be assigned to the environment variable "<variable-name>". Then use the db2set command to set this variable to the value that you want it to have.
SQL5185N | Pass-through to "<server-type>" data sources is not supported. |
Explanation: The Pass-Through facility cannot be used to access "<server-type>" data sources.
User Response: None required.
sqlcode: -5185
sqlstate: 428EV