SQL3400N | The method specified in METHOD is not valid for Non-Delimited ASCII files. It must be 'L' for locations. |
Explanation: When loading from a non-delimited ASCII file, columns must be selected by locations in the file.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid set of locations for the columns in the source file.
SQL3401N | The method specified in METHOD is not valid for any filetype. |
Explanation: The method for selecting columns in the file is not a value allowed for any filetype. Choose one of the following method indicators:
Further restrictions are based on filetype.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid method indicator.
SQL3402N | A beginning-ending location pair with both values zero was specified for non-nullable column "<name>". |
Explanation: A location pair with both the beginning and the ending location set to zero was specified for the indicated column, but the column is not nullable.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid set of locations for the columns in the source file.
SQL3403N | The beginning-ending location pair for inserting into column "<name>" is not valid. |
Explanation: The field specification for locating the input data for the indicated database column within the input non-delimited ASCII file is not valid. The field specification has one of the following errors:
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid set of locations for the columns in the source file.
SQL3404N | The beginning-ending location pair for inserting into column "<name>" is not valid for a number. |
Explanation: The field specification for locating the data for the indicated database column within the input non-delimited ASCII file is not valid. The location pair defines a field longer than 50 bytes.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid set of locations for the columns in the source file.
SQL3405N | The beginning-ending location pair for insertng into column "<name>" is not valid for a date. |
Explanation: The field specification for locating data for the indicated database column within the non-delimited ASCII file is not valid. The location pair defines a field length that is not valid for an external representation of a date.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid set of locations for the columns in the source file.
SQL3406N | The beginning-ending location pair for inserting into column "<name>" is not valid for a time. |
Explanation: The field specification for locating the data in the indicated database column within the input non-delimited ASCII file is not valid. The location pair defines a field length that is not valid for an external representation of a time.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid set of locations for the columns in the source file.
SQL3407N | The beginning-ending location pair for inserting into column "<name>" is not valid for a timestamp. |
Explanation: The field specification for locating the data for the indicated database column within the input non-delimited ASCII file is not valid. The location pair defines a field length that is not valid for an external representation of a timestamp.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid set of locations for the columns in the file.
SQL3408W | The beginning-ending location pair for inserting into column "<name>" defines a field larger than the target column. Data may be truncated. |
Explanation: The field specification for obtaining data from the input non-delimited ASCII file defines a field larger than the size (or maximum size) of the target database column.
The utility continues processing. Truncation occurs when necessary.
User Response: No action is required.
SQL3409W | The beginning-ending location pair for inserting into column "<name>" defines a field shorter than the target fixed-length column. Data will be padded. |
Explanation: The indicated database column is a fixed-length column. The field specification for obtaining data from the input non-delimited ASCII file defines a field smaller than the size of the target database column.
The utility continues processing. Values input to the indicated database column are padded with spaces as necessary, on the right.
User Response: No action is required.
SQL3410N | The beginning-ending location pair for inserting into column "<name>" is not valid for a graphic column. |
Explanation: The field specification for locating the input data in the ASCII file that is to be inserted into the indicated database column defines a field with an odd number of bytes.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid set of locations for the columns in the source file.
SQL3411W | The field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" is not valid for a graphic column. A null was inserted. |
Explanation: The value in the field indicated is not an acceptable graphic column value. The value may contain an odd number of bytes. For DEL files, the value of the column number specifies a field in the indicated row. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value begins.
The row is not inserted.
User Response: If a null is not acceptable, correct the input file and resubmit the command, or edit the data in the table.
SQL3412W | The field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" is not valid for a graphic column but the target column is not nullable. The row was not inserted. |
Explanation: The value in the field indicated is not an acceptable graphic column value. The value may contain an odd number of bytes. A null cannot be inserted because the target column is not nullable. For DEL files, the value of the column number specifies a field in the indicated row. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value begins.
The row is not inserted.
User Response: No action is required. If the row is necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command, or edit the data in the table.
SQL3413W | The field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" is too short for the target column. A null was inserted. |
Explanation: The value in the specified field is not acceptable because it is too short for the target column. The value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the field begins.
A null value is inserted.
User Response: No action is required. If a null is not acceptable, correct the inner field and resubmit the command, or edit the data in the table.
SQL3414N | The temporary file "<filename>" could not be found. |
Explanation: At the end of the load phase a temporary file is created with information necessary to restart the load. If the load is interrupted before this point, this file is not created.
This message indicates that this file could not be found during load restart.
The utility stops.
User Response: Depending on where the interrupt occurred, it may be possible to restart the load at the build phase.
SQL3415W | Failed to convert the field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" from the codepage of the input data file to the codepage of the database. A null value was loaded. |
Explanation: The value in the field indicated cannot be converted from the codepage of the input data file to the codepage of the database.
User Response: If a null value is not acceptable, correct the input data file and resubmit the command, or edit the data in the table.
SQL3416W | Failed to convert the field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" from the codepage of the input data file to the codepage of the database. The row was not loaded. |
Explanation: The value in the field indicated cannot be converted from the codepage of the input data file to the codepage of the database.
User Response: No action is required. If the row is necessary, correct the input data file and resubmit the command, or edit the data in the table.