SQL3300N | The records in the input file are not in the correct sequence. |
Explanation: The records in the worksheet format (WSF) file are expected to be in ascending order (row 1, col 1 ... row 1, col 256; row 2, col 1 ... row 2, col 256, and so on). Some damage has occurred to the WSF file or it was generated incorrectly, possibly with a level of the Lotus product not supported by the database manager.
The IMPORT utility stops processing.
User Response: Regenerate the WSF file with a supported level of the Lotus product.
SQL3301N | A BOF record was found in the middle of the input file. |
Explanation: A beginning-of-file (BOF) record must be the first record of a worksheet format (WSF) file. It cannot occur at any other location in the file. Some damage has occurred to the WSF file or it was generated incorrectly, possibly with a level of the Lotus product not supported by the database manager.
The IMPORT utility stops processing.
User Response: Regenerate the WSF file with a supported level of the Lotus product.
SQL3302N | An EOF record was found before any data was imported. |
Explanation: The input file is valid, but it did not contain any usable data to be imported. The first worksheet row is reserved for title information. The second worksheet row is used for column labels. Data begins in the third row.
The IMPORT utility stops processing.
User Response: Regenerate the worksheet format (WSF) file with valid data in the rows that the database manager uses for data.
SQL3303N | The file type must be IXF when using the CREATE or REPLACE_CREATE keywords in the Action String parameter. |
Explanation: File types other than IXF are not allowed with the CREATE or REPLACE_CREATE keywords in the Action String (e.g. "REPLACE into ...") parameter.
The IMPORT utility stops processing. No data is imported.
User Response: Change the file type to IXF, or use INSERT, INSERT_UPDATE or REPLACE.
SQL3304N | The table does not exist. |
Explanation: The parameters specified on the command require that the table exists.
The utility stops processing. No data is loaded.
User Response: Do one of the following:
SQL3305N | The table cannot be created because it already exists. |
Explanation: The CREATE keyword indicates that a new table must be created but a table with the specified name already exists.
The IMPORT utility stops processing. No data is imported.
User Response: Either erase the existing table or use a keyword other than CREATE and resubmit the command.
SQL3306N | An SQL error "<sqlcode>" occurred while inserting a row into the table. |
Explanation: An SQL error occurred while inserting a row into the table.
If the SQL error is not severe the row will be rejected and the utility continues processing; otherwise the utility stops processing.
User Response: Examine other messages in the message file for details about the actual error and resubmit the command, if necessary.
SQL3307N | The number of columns in the METHOD parameter does not match the number of entries in the Action String parameter, or a column specified in the METHOD parameter does not exist. |
Explanation: The CREATE or REPLACE_CREATE option was specified on the IMPORT command. Either:
The IMPORT utility stops processing. No table is created.
User Response: Either correct the columns specified in the METHOD and Action String parameters or correct the columns specified in the METHOD parameter.
SQL3308N | The code page values of the PC/IXF column "<name>" are not compatible with the code page values for the application. The FORCEIN parameter was not specified. |
Explanation: The code page values for the column and the application are not compatible. When the FORCEIN parameter is not specified, the data cannot be loaded if the conversion from the IXF file code pate to the application code page is not supported.
The utility stops processing. No data is loaded.
User Response: To load data with these code pages, resubmit the command with the FORCEIN option.
SQL3309N | Column "<name>" in the PC/IXF file is defined as a graphic column. The FORCEIN parameter was not specified. |
Explanation: During the load of a PC/IXF file, a graphic data column was encountered. Because the FORCEIN parameter was not used, the data cannot be loaded.
The utility stops processing. No data is loaded.
User Response: If you want to load the data with the graphic data, resubmit the command with the FORCEIN parameter.
SQL3310N | Column "<name>" in the PC/IXF file is not valid. |
Explanation: The CREATE or REPLACE_CREATE option was specified on the IMPORT command. A column with an invalid C record was found while importing the PC/IXF file.
The IMPORT utility stops processing. The table is not created.
User Response: Verify the column definition information in the input file.
SQL3313N | The disk is full. Processing was ended. |
Explanation: The disk or diskette is full. During the export to a PC/IXF file, either the PC/IXF data file is on a fixed disk, or the PC/IXF data file and the database are on the same drive, or the PC/IXF data file and the message file are on the same drive.
The EXPORT utility stops processing. The exported data is not complete.
User Response: Provide more space on the disk or diskette or specify that the data file be located on a different drive than the database or the message file and resubmit the command.
SQL3314N | The date and time fields in an A record do not match the date and time fields in the H record. |
Explanation: During the load of a PC/IXF file, an A record was found in the PC/IXF file, that contained run identification information (in the date and time fields) that differs from the run identification information in the header (H) record. This action does not apply to an A record at the start of a continuation file.
The input file has probably been damaged.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Re-create the damaged file, or repair the damaged file to recover as much data as possible. Resubmit the command.
SQL3315N | The volume fields in an A record of subtype C are not valid. |
Explanation: During the load of a PC/IXF file that was created by Database Services, an A record was found in the PC/IXF file, that contained volume information (in the volume fields) that is not valid.
The input file has probably been damaged.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Re-create the damaged file, or repair the damaged file to recover as much data as possible. Resubmit the command.
SQL3316N | An I/O error occurred while closing part of the input file. |
Explanation: During the load of a multiple part PC/IXF file, an I/O error occurred while the system was closing one of the files that make up the input PC/IXF file. This action does not apply to the last file in the group of files that make up the PC/IXF file.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the command.
SQL3317N | The string pointed to by the filetmod parameter contains conflicting information. |
Explanation: The filetmod string defines the generation and product family for the output WSF file. More than one generation or product family was defined in the string.
The utility stops processing. The output file is not created.
User Response: Change the filetmod string to define only one generation and product family. Resubmit the command.
SQL3318N | There are duplicate keywords in the filetmod parameter. |
Explanation: A COLDEL, CHARDEL, or DECPT keyword appears more than once in the filetmod parameter. This condition may arise while using delimited ASCII (DEL) files.
The utility stops processing. No data is loaded or exported.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a correct filetmod parameter.
SQL3319N | An SQL error "<sqlcode>" occurred while creating the table. |
Explanation: An SQL error occurred while creating the table.
The IMPORT utility stops processing. The table was not created. No data was imported.
User Response: Look at the SQLCODE (message number) in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL3320N | There is no delimiter or decimal point character after a keyword in the filetmod parameter. |
Explanation: A COLDEL, CHARDEL, or DECPT keyword is located at the very end of the filetmod parameter. There is no delimiter or decimal point character following the keyword. This condition may arise while using delimited ASCII (DEL) files.
The utility stops processing. No data is loaded or exported.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a correct filetmod parameter.
SQL3321C | Data was not imported into the database because the log was full. Recovery was not successful. SQLCODE "<sqlcode>" was returned. |
Explanation: The IMPORT utility could not insert a row of data into the database because the database transaction log was full. All work was committed, but the utility could not insert the row, because the database transaction log remains full.
The utility stops processing. All previous changes were committed, but the current row was not imported.
User Response: Check the amount of space remaining on the filesystem containing your database files. Consider increasing the maximum log size in the database configuration file.
SQL3322N | An operating system semaphore error occurred. |
Explanation: An error occurred in the wait/post semaphores.
The utility stops processing. For the EXPORT utility, data may be incomplete on the media. For the IMPORT utility, data not already committed is rolled back.
User Response: Stop and restart DB2 and resubmit the utility.
SQL3324N | Column "<name>" has a type of "<type>" which is not recognized. |
Explanation: A column of data returned by the SQL statement is not supported.
Federated system users: The data type of the data that you want is not supported by either the federated server or the data source that you want to access.
User Response: Correct the error and retry the command.
Federated system users: Specify a supported data type and resubmit the program.
SQL3325W | All the columns in row "<row-number>" have NULL values; the row will not be included in the WSF data file. |
Explanation: When you are doing an export of a WSF file and the SELECT statement results in a row of all NULL values, the row will not be added to the WSF file. The total number of rows specified in message SQL3105N is the number of rows resulting from the SELECT statement and not the number of rows in the WSF file.
The command continues processing.
User Response: No action required. This is an informational message.
SQL3326N | The column list following the table name in the Action String parameter is invalid. |
Explanation: When you call IMPORT or LOAD with an Action String (e.g. "REPLACE into ...") parameter which contains a column list after the table name, this message will result if it is invalid. For example, the following Action String parameters will fail:
The command cannot continue.
User Response: Change the Action String parameter with a valid column list and call the utility again.
SQL3327N | A system error occurred (reason code1 = " <reason-code-1>" and reason code2 = "<reason-code-2>"). |
Explanation: A system error occurred during processing.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Retain the message file. Terminate all applications using the database. Reboot the system. Restart the database. Try the command again.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility.
SQL3330W | In row "<row-number>" a character field has an odd length but its target database column is a graphic column. The row was not loaded. |
Explanation: Only even length character fields can be loaded into graphic database columns.
The row is not loaded.
User Response: Either load the data to a new table using the CREATE option in the IMPORT command or do not load this column into this table.
SQL3331C | The permission setting of a file (or directory) does not allow the specified access. |
Explanation: This may accompany another error message. It indicates an attempt was made to get access to a file or directory in a way that is incompatible with the attributes of the file. One of the following may be the source of the difficulty:
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Retry the utility when the file is not in use, or retry the utility directing the output to a path and file that allows writing.
SQL3332C | The maximum number of open files has been reached. |
Explanation: This message may accompany another error message. It indicates that the maximum number of open files has been reached.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Terminate other applications to reduce the number of files open and retry the utility.
SQL3333C | The file or directory does not exist. |
Explanation: This message may accompany another error message. It indicates that a file or directory to be accessed does not exist or cannot be found.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct file name, including a valid path.
SQL3334C | There is not enough storage available. |
Explanation: This message may accompany another error message. It indicates there is not enough storage available to open the file.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Stop the application. Possible solutions include:
SQL3335C | The file system is full. |
Explanation: This message may accompany another error message. It indicates there is no available space for writing on the device.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: To make space available on the device, delete unneeded files or direct the output data to a device with space available.
SQL3337N | An I/O error occurred while writing data to the server. |
Explanation: An I/O error has occurred while attempting to write data to a temporary file on the server (temporary files are created in the tmp directory under the sqllib directory for the instance of the database manager). The file system on the server may be full.
The utility stops processing. The database is unchanged.
User Response: Contact the System Administrator for the server to make space available on the server, and resubmit the command.
SQL3338N | An I/O error occurred reading a temporary message file on the server. |
Explanation: A system I/O error has occurred while attempting to read the temporary message file on the server.
The IMPORT operation is complete; however, the message file on the database client system may be empty or incomplete.
User Response: Query the remote database to determine if the utility operation was successful.