SQL30000N | Execution failed because of a Distributed Protocol Error that will not affect the successful execution of subsequent commands or SQL statements: Reason Code "<reason-code(subcode)>". |
Explanation: A system error occurred that prevented successful processing of the current environment command or SQL statement. This message (SQLCODE) is produced at statement compilation or execution time.
The command or statement cannot be processed. The current transaction is not rolled back and the application remains connected to the remote database.
User Response: Record the message number and the reason code. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility.
Required information:
sqlcode: -30000
sqlstate: 58008
SQL30002N | The SQL statement cannot be executed due to a prior condition in a chain of statements. |
Explanation: An SQL statement was chained to PREPARE, but the PREPARE statement has received a warning SQLCODE that requires the program or end user to either re-issue the chained statement or issue a different SQL request. This error can occur only in a client/server environment.
The statement cannot be executed as chained.
User Response: The statement must be sent again as a separate request.
sqlcode: -30002
sqlstate: 57057
SQL30020N | Execution failed because of a Distributed Protocol Error that will affect the successful execution of subsequent commands and SQL statements: Reason Code "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: A system error occurred that prevented successful execution of the current environment command or SQL statement, as well as any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The command or statement cannot be processed. The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database.
User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the reason code. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility.
Required information:
Some possible reason codes include:
If you are using the DB2 Connect product in a gateway server environment with downlevel clients, this error may occur if your application's host variables and the queried table's column descriptions do not match.
sqlcode: -30020
sqlstate: 58009
SQL30021N | Execution failed because of a Distributed Protocol Error that will affect the successful execution of subsequent commands and SQL statements: Manager "<manager>" at Level "<level>" not supported. |
Explanation: A system error occurred that prevented successful connection of the application to the remote database. This message (SQLCODE) is produced for SQL CONNECT statement. "<manager>" and "<level>" are numeric values that identify the incompatibility between the client and the server.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Record the message number, the "<manager>", and "<level>" values. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database again.
If the problem persists, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Then, contact your service representative with the following information:
sqlcode: -30021
sqlstate: 58010
SQL30040N | Execution failed because of unavailable resources that will not affect the successful execution of subsequent commands and SQL statements: Reason "<reason>". Type of Resource "<resource-type>". Resource name "<resource-name>". Product ID "<product-ID>". |
Explanation: The application cannot process the command or SQL statement because the specified resource has run out. The current transaction is not rolled back and the application remains connected to the remote database.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Increase the size of the specified resource and resubmit the command.
sqlcode: -30040
sqlstate: 57012
SQL30041N | Execution failed because of unavailable resources that will affect the successful execution of subsequent commands and SQL statements: Reason "<reason>". Type of Resource "<resource-type>". Resource name "<resource-name>". Product ID "<product-ID>". |
Explanation: The application cannot process the command or SQL statement because resources are not available at the remote database. This SQLCODE is produced at statement compilation or processing time.
Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.
If the "<resource name>" is "Encrypt" or "Decrypt", the user exits for password encryption or decryption are unavailable or had an error.
The command or statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Investigate the remote database system environment.
Federated system users:
If using a user-supplied user exit, please check the user exit source code to determine why the "<reason>" was returned. If the error is found in the user exit source code, fix the error, link-edit the object code with the federated server, and reissue the failing command or statement.
sqlcode: -30041
sqlstate: 57013
SQL30050N | "<number>" command or SQL statement invalid while bind is in progress. |
Explanation: An application attempted to issue a command or SQL statement that is not valid while a precompile/bind operation is in progress. <number> is a numeric value that identifies the erroneous command or SQL statement.
The command or statement is not processed.
User Response: If the application is not the database manager precompiler/binder, verify that bind is not active before issuing the command or SQL statement.
If the application is the database manager precompiler/binder, record the message number (SQLCODE) and the <number> value. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to perform the bind operation again.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
Required information:
sqlcode: -30050
sqlstate: 58011
SQL30051N | Bind process with the specified package name and consistency token not active. |
Explanation: An attempt has been made to issue a precompile/bind operation when precompile/bind is not active or an attempt was made to use an invalid package name and/or consistency token during an active precompile/bind operation.
The command or statement cannot be processed.
User Response: If the application is not the database manager precompiler/binder, verify that precompile/bind is active before issuing the bind operation and that correct information is being passed on the bind operation.
If the application is the database manager precompiler/binder, record the message number (SQLCODE) and all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to perform the operation again.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
Required information:
sqlcode: -30051
sqlstate: 58012
SQL30052N | Program preparation assumptions are incorrect. |
Explanation: The SQL statement being compiled is not recognized by the precompiler and cannot be processed by the database.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Ensure that the statement is correct and attempt to perform the operation again. If the problem continues, remove the statement from the program.
sqlcode: -30052
sqlstate: 42932
SQL30053N | The value for OWNER failed the authorization check at the remote database. |
Explanation: The value specified for the OWNER option on the precompile/bind failed the authorization check at the remote database. This SQLCODE is produced during precompile/bind. It is not produced by the database manager precompiler/binder.
The precompile/bind operation cannot be processed.
User Response: Ensure that you are authorized to use the ID specified for the OWNER option, or do not use the OWNER option.
sqlcode: -30053
sqlstate: 42506
SQL30060N | "<authorization-ID>" does not have the privilege to perform operation "<operation>". |
Explanation: Authorization ID <authorization-ID> attempted to perform the specified <operation> without having been granted the proper authorization to do so. This SQLCODE is produced at statement compilation or processing time.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Ensure that the <authorization-ID> has been granted the authorization necessary to perform the desired operation.
sqlcode: -30060
sqlstate: 08004
SQL30061N | The database alias or database name "<name>" was not found at the remote node. |
Explanation: The database name is not an existing database at the remote database node.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct database name or alias.
Federated system users: check to ensure that the entry in SYSCAT.SERVERS correctly specifies the database name of the data source.
sqlcode: -30061
sqlstate: 08004
SQL30070N | "<command-identifier>" Command is not supported. |
Explanation: The remote database received a command that it does not recognize. The current environment command or SQL statement cannot be processed successfully, nor can any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database. The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the command identifier. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
Required information:
sqlcode: -30070
sqlstate: 58014
SQL30071N | "<object-identifier>" Object is not supported. |
Explanation: The remote database received data it does not recognize. The current environment command or SQL statement cannot be processed successfully, nor can any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database. The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the object identifier. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues,
If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
Required information:
sqlcode: -30071
sqlstate: 58015
SQL30072N | "<parameter-identifier>" Parameter is not supported. |
Explanation: The remote database received data it does not recognize. The current environment command or SQL statement cannot be processed successfully, nor can any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The command cannot be processed.. The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database.
User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the parameter identifier. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
Required information:
sqlcode: -30072
sqlstate: 58016
SQL30073N | "<parameter-identifier>" Parameter value "<value>" is not supported. |
Explanation: The remote database received data it does not recognize. The current environment command or SQL statement cannot be processed successfully, nor can any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database. The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the parameter identifier. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues,
If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
Required information:
Some possible parameter identifiers include:
sqlcode: -30073
sqlstate: 58017
SQL30074N | "<reply-identifier>" Reply is not supported. |
Explanation: The client received a reply it does not recognize. The current environment command or SQL statement cannot be processed successfully, nor can any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database. The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the reply identifier. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
Required information:
sqlcode: -30074
sqlstate: 58018
SQL30080N | A communication error "<reason-code>" occurred sending or receiving data from the remote database. |
Explanation: The "<reason-code>" contains the original error codes reported by Communications Manager.
For APPC error codes, the format is pppp-ssssssss-dddddddd where pppp is the primary return code, ssssssss is the secondary return code and dddddddd is the sense data. Each of these error code values is represented in hexadecimal notation. Possible primary and secondary error codes include 0003-00000004 and 0003-00000005, which indicate that a conversation with the Database Server could not be allocated. Sense data will only be displayed for an APPC ALLOCATE error.
The command cannot be processed. The connection attempted to the database is unsuccessful or the current transaction to the connected database is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database.
Refer to the document IBM Communications Manager 1.0 APPC Programming Guide and Reference (SC31-6160) for explanation of the APPC primary and secondary return codes. For details of APPC sense data, refer to the IBM Communications Manager 1.0 Problem Determination Guide (SC31-6156).
User Response: Ensure that both the database manager and Communications Manager are started at the Database Server and that all Communications Manager configuration parameters are correct. Also, consult the Communications Manager/2 APPC Programming Guide & Reference for further information.
Note: | If the reason code embedded in your message is 0003-084C0001 one possible cause for this message is that you are trying to make a remote connection to a workstation that is not a server. Verify that the remote workstation is a server. If it is not a server, install the database manager as a server. |
sqlstate: 08001
SQL30081N | A communication error has been detected. Communication protocol being used: <protocol>. Communication API being used: <interface>. Location where the error was detected: <location>. Communication function detecting the error: <function>. Protocol specific error code(s): <rc1>, <rc2>, <rc3>. |
Explanation: An error has been detected by the communication subsystem.
If the connection has already been established, possible causes include the following:
If you are trying to establish a new connection, possible causes include the following:
Refer to the token values for details. Depending on the protocol being used and the communication function invoked, some tokens may not be applicable. The following is the explanation of the token values:
The format of the ID is the Internet address in dot notation.
The format of the ID is the fully qualified LU name (networkID.LUname).
The format of the ID is the Workstation name (nname).
The format of the ID is the network address and node address in hexadecimal notation (network.node).
If the location information is not available at the time that the error occurred, this token is not filled in.
If the protocol being used is:
Note: | When using Windows Sockets, if the <function> is WSAStartup, and <rc1> is 0, then <rc2> contains the Windows Sockets Specification version level requested by DB2, and <rc3> contains the Windows Sockets Specification version level supported by the Windows Sockets DLL. |
<rc1> contains the return code from the CPI-C function. If present, <rc2> contains the global errno value from the CPI-C function call. <rc3> is not applicable.
<rc1> contains the return code from the call to NetBIOS. <rc2> and <rc3> are not applicable.
<rc1> contains the global t_errno value from the call to TLI Services, or the return code from the call to NetWare Connection or Bindery Services. If the <rc1> t_errno is TLOOK, <rc2> contains the TLI event that has occurred. If the <rc2> event is T_DISCONNECT, <rc3> contains the disconnect reason code. On AIX, if the <rc1> t_errno is TSYSERR, <rc3> contains the system errno (defined in sys/errno.h). If <rc1> contains the error return code from a call to AIX NetWare Connection or Bindery Services, <rc2> contains the error generator.
See the Communications Errors appendix of the Messages Reference for more information on specific communication error codes.
User Response:
If the connection has already been established, check if:
If you are trying to establish a new connection, check if:
If the problem persists, consult with your network administrator and/or communication expert to determine the cause of the problem using the set of tokens provided.
sqlcode: -30081
sqlstate: 08001
SQL30082N | Attempt to establish connection failed with security reason "<reason-code>" ("<reason-string>"). |
Explanation: The attempt to connect to the remote database server was rejected due to invalid or incorrect security information. The cause of the security error is described by the <reason-code> and corresponding <reason-string> value.
The following is a list of reason codes and corresponding reason strings:
User Response: Ensure that the proper userid and/or password is supplied.
The userid may be disabled, the userid may be restricted to accessing specific workstations, or the userid may be restricted to certain hours of operation.
For reason code 17, retry the command with a supported authentication type.
For reason code 20, make sure the authentication mechanism for the server is started, and retry.
sqlcode: -30082
sqlstate: 08001
SQL30083N | Attempt to change password for user id "<uid>" failed with security reason "<reason-code>" ("<reason-string>"). |
Explanation: The attempt to change password was rejected due to invalid or incorrect security information. The cause of the security error is described by the "<reason-code>" and corresponding "<reason-string>" values.
The following is a list of reason codes and corresponding reason strings:
User Response: Ensure that the proper userid, current and new passwords are supplied. For reason code 14, check the file db2pem.log in the instance subdirectory (typicaly "db2") for a detailed description of the problem encountered.
The userid may be disabled, the userid may be restricted to accessing specific workstations, or the userid may be restricted to certain hours of operation.
sqlcode: -30083
sqlstate: 08001
SQL30090N | Operation invalid for application execution environment. Reason code = "<reason-code>" |
Explanation: The operation is invalid for the application execution environment. For example, an operation might be invalid for applications that have special restrictions on statements or APIs - applications such as those that operate in an XA Distributed Transaction Processing environment, such as CICS; those that operate with CONNECT type 2 connection settings; or those that use federated system functionality to update multiple heterogeneous data sources. The operation was rejected.
Possible reason codes are:
Cursor hold is not supported in these environments.
For an update/delete operation accessing data sources:
User Response:
Correct the problem by doing one of the following steps:
sqlcode: -30090
sqlstate: 25000