Message Reference

SQL29000 - SQL29100

SQL29000NThe value specified for DYN_QUERY_MGMT is not valid. DB2 Query Patroller is not installed on this server.

Explanation: The attempt to update the database configuation parameter DYN_QUERY_MGMT to ENABLE failed because the DB2 Query Patroller server is not installed.

User Response: Install the DB2 Query Patroller server.

SQL29001NThis database client level is not compatible with the level of DB2 Query Patroller server you are running on.

Explanation: The client and server code are not compatible.

SQL29002NDB2 Query Patroller is not installed on this server.

Explanation: DB2 Query Patroller server tables do not exist on the server.

User Response: Install the DB2 Query Patroller server.

SQL29003NDB2 Query Patroller could not load Java class "<class-name>", reason code "<reason-code>".

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to load the Java class "<class-name>". The reason codes are:

The class was not found on the CLASSPATH.

User Response: Ensure the "<class-name>" is installed in the CLASSPATH.

SQL29004NDB2 Query Patroller class "<class-name>" cannot call method "<method-name>" with signature "<signature>".

Explanation: The Java method "<method-name>" cannot be found.

User Response: Ensure that the correct version of the DB2 Query Patroller client is installed.

SQL29005NUser "<user-ID>" is not defined in the user profile table.

Explanation: User "<user-ID>" is not defined in the user profile table. The user, or the group to which the user belongs, must be defined in the user profile table.

User Response: Use Query Administration to define the user in the user profile table.

SQL29006NJava exception "<exception-string>" was thrown.

Explanation: Java exception "<exception-string>" was thrown.

User Response: Please refer to the First Failure Data Service Log (db2diag.log) for additional information.

If the problem persists contact your technical service representative.

SQL29007NDB2 Query Patroller Server is not available.

Explanation: DB2 Query Patroller server is not running.

User Response: Start DB2 Query Patroller server and resubmit your query.

SQL29008NError encountered during job sequence number generation.

Explanation: An error was encountered during job sequence number generation.

User Response: Please refer to the First Failure Data Service Log (db2diag.log) and the DB2 Query Patroller log file (syserr.log) for additional information.

If the problem persists contact your technical service representative.

SQL29009NError encountered when submitting a new job. Reason code "<reason-code>".

Explanation: An error was encountered during submission of a new job.

User Response: Examine the reason code and resubmit the query.

SQL29010NThe query has been cancelled.

Explanation: User has cancelled the query.

SQL29011IJob "<job-ID>" has been submitted.

Explanation: Job "<job-ID>" has been submitted to the DB2 Query Patroller server.

SQL29012NJob "<job-ID>" has been aborted.

Explanation: Job "<job-ID>" has been aborted.

User Response: Use QueryMonitor or the iwm_cmd command to examine the reason for the aborted job and resubmit the query.

SQL29013IJob "<job-ID>" has been held.

Explanation: Job "<job-ID>" has been put on hold.

SQL29014NThe value specified for DB2 registry variable "<registry-variable>" is invalid.

Explanation: The value specified for "<registry-variable>" is invalid because of the following restrictions by "<registry-variable>":

The value must be one of OFF, RUN[:timeout], or CHECK[:timeout].

The length must not exceed 32 characters.

The length must not exceed 256 characters.

User Response: Correct the value of the DB2 registry variable "<registry-variable>" with the db2set command and resubmit the query.

SQL29015NError encountered during job cancellation. Reason code: "<reason-code>".

Explanation: An error was encountered while trying to cancel a job. The reason code maps to an SQL or DB2 message.

User Response: Examine the reason code, correct the error, and retry the action again.

SQL29016NThe data source on the client does not match the data source on the DB2 Query Patroller server.

Explanation: The data source to which the client is connected does not match the data source that is used by the DB2 Query Patroller server.

User Response: Ensure that the DB2DBDFT profile variable on the DB2 Query Patroller server matches the client data source name.

SQL29017NJob "<job-id>" has been cancelled.

Explanation: Job "<job-id>" has been cancelled.

User Response: None.

SQL29018NThe DB2 Query Patroller Client is not installed.

Explanation: The user is querying a database which has enabled the database configuration parameter DYN_QUERY_MGMT. However, the DB2 Query Patroller client code is not installed on the client machine.

User Response: Install the QueryEnabler component of the DB2 Query Patroller client.

SQL29019NJobs have been scheduled on the DB2 Query Patroller server.

Explanation: Jobs have been scheduled on the DB2 Query Patroller server.

User Response: None.

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