SQL2701N | Invalid command line option for "<progname>". Reason code: "<reason-code>" |
Explanation: Command line option for the data splitting utility is not valid. Valid options are:
User Response: Given for each reason code:
SQL2702N | Failed to open the configuration file "<config-file>". |
Explanation: The utility cannot read the configuration file "<config-file>".
User Response: Please ensure the configuration file exists and is readable.
SQL2703N | Failed to open the log file "<log-file>". |
Explanation: The utility cannot open the log file "<log-file>" for writing or appending.
User Response: Please ensure the log file exists and is writable.
SQL2704N | Failed to open the input data file "<input-data-file>". |
Explanation: The utility cannot read the input data file "<input-data-file>".
User Response: Please ensure the input data file exists and is readable.
SQL2705N | Failed to open the input partitioning map file "<in-map-file>". |
Explanation: The utility cannot read the input partitioning map file "<in-map-file>".
User Response: Please ensure the input partitioning map file exists and is readable.
SQL2706N | Failed to open the output partitioning map file "<out-map-file>". |
Explanation: The utility cannot open the output partitioning map file "<out-map-file>" for writing.
User Response: Please ensure the output partitioning map file is writable.
SQL2707N | Failed to open the distribution file "<dist-file>". |
Explanation: The utility cannot open the distribution file "<dist-file>" for writing.
User Response: Please ensure the distribution file is writable.
SQL2708N | Failed to open the output data file "<out-data-file>". |
Explanation: The utility cannot open the output data file "<out-data-file>" for writing.
User Response: Please ensure the output data file is writable.
SQL2709N | Syntax error at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: There is a syntax error in the specification of a keyword and its argument.
User Response: A keyword and its argument must be delimited by an '=' sign.
SQL2710N | Invalid keyword at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: There is an undefined keyword in the configuration file.
User Response: Valid keywords (case insensitive) are:
SQL2711N | Invalid column delimiter (CDELIMITER) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The column delimiter (CDELIMITER) specified in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: Make sure the column delimiter (CDELIMITER) is a single byte character.
SQL2712N | Invalid string delimiter (SDELIMITER) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The string delimiter (SDELIMITER) specified in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: The string delimiter (SDELIMITER) cannot be a period.
SQL2713N | Invalid run type (RUNTYPE) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The value for run type (RUNTYPE) specified in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: Valid run type (RUNTYPE) can be either PARTITION or ANALYZE (case insensitive).
SQL2714N | Invalid message level (MSG_LEVEL) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The value for message level (MSG_LEVEL) specified in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: Valid message level (MSG_LEVEL) can be either CHECK or NOCHECK (case insensitive).
SQL2715N | Invalid check level (CHECK_LEVEL) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The value for check level (CHECK_LEVEL) specified in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: Valid check level (CHECK_LEVEL) can be either CHECK or NOCHECK (case insensitive).
SQL2716N | Invalid record length (RECLEN) "<reclen>" at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The value for record length (RECLEN) "<reclen>" specified in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: The record length (RECLEN) must be between 1 and 32767.
SQL2717N | Invalid node specification (NODES) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. Reason code "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: The node specification (NODES) in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: Given for each reason code:
SQL2718N | Invalid output node specification (OUTPUTNODES) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. Reason code "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: The output node specification (OUTPUTNODES) in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: Given for each reason code:
SQL2719N | Invalid output type (OUTPUTTYPE) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The output type (OUTPUTTYPE) in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: Valid output types (OUTPUTTYPE) are W (write) or S (stdin), case insensitive.
SQL2720N | Number of partition keys exceeded the maximum "256". This error was detected at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The number of partitioning keys defined cannot exceed the maximum limit: 256.
User Response: Remove one or more partitioning keys defined in the configuration file.
SQL2721N | Invalid partitioning key specification (PARTITION) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. Reason code "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: A partitioning key specification (PARTITION) in the configuration file is not valid. Valid format:
PARTITION=<key name>,<position>,<offset>, <len>,<nullable>,<datatype>
If a delimited-data file, <position> must be defined; otherwise, <offset> and <len> must be defined.
User Response: Given for each reason code:
SQL2722N | Invalid log file specification (LOGFILE) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The log file specification (LOGFILE) in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: The log file specification (LOGFILE) must be in one of the following two formats:
<log type> can only be W (write) or A (append), case insensitive.
SQL2723N | Invalid trace specification (TRACE) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The trace specification (TRACE) in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: The trace specification (TRACE) must be a positive integer between 0 and 65536 (exclusive).
SQL2724N | Invalid node list specification. |
Explanation: The node list specification is not valid.
User Response: One and only one of the two parameters: NODES and MAPFILI (input partition map) must be specified in the configuration file.
SQL2725N | Filename for output partition map was not specified. |
Explanation: If run type is ANALYZE, a filename for the output partition map must be defined.
User Response: Specify a filename for the output partition map.
SQL2726N | There is no partitioning key defined. |
Explanation: At least one partitioning key must be defined.
User Response: Specify one or more partitioning keys.
SQL2727N | Partition key "<key-name>" exceeds the record length "<reclen>". |
Explanation: For non-delimited data, starting position for a key must be less than the record length.
User Response: Make sure starting position for a key is less than the record length.
SQL2728N | Output node "<out-node>" is not defined in the node list. |
Explanation: Output node list must be a subset of the node list, which is derived from NODES or the input partition map file.
User Response: Make sure all output nodes are defined in the node list.
SQL2729N | Invalid input partition map. |
Explanation: There is at least one error in the input partition map file.
User Response: The input partition map must contain no less than 4096 data entries, and each data entry must be a number between 0 and 999.
SQL2730N | Error while writing header to output data file "<out-data-file>". |
Explanation: An I/O error occurred while writing the header to an output data file.
User Response: Check your operating system documentation for file I/O errors and ensure that there is sufficient space on the output device.
SQL2731N | Error while reading from input data file "<filename>". |
Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading from input data file.
User Response: Check your operating system documentation for file I/O errors.
SQL2732N | Line "<line>" of the input data file contains binary data. |
Explanation: Binary data is not permitted on the host versions of this utility program.
User Response: Check your input data file.
SQL2733N | Run type (RUNTYPE) was not defined in the configuration file. |
Explanation: The run type (RUNTYPE) must be defined as either PARTITION or ANALYZE.
User Response: Please specify run type (RUNTYPE) in the configuration file.
SQL2734N | Invalid specification for parameter 32KLIMIT at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The specification for parameter 32KLIMIT in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: Parameter 32KLIMIT can be either YES or NO, case insensitive.
SQL2735W | The record "<rec-no>" of the input data file was discarded because it was an empty record. |
Explanation: The record "<rec-no>" of the input data is discarded because it contains nothing but spaces.
User Response: Check record "<rec-no>" in the input data file.
SQL2736N | sqlugrpi_api returned an error when processing record at line "<line>" of the input data file. |
Explanation: Partitioning key fields contain invalid data.
User Response: Check the input data file at line "<line>".
SQL2737N | Failed to write output data file for output node "<out-node>" when processing record at line "<line>" of input data file. |
Explanation: An I/O error occurred while writing a record to the output data file for node "<out-node>".
User Response: Check your operating system documentation for file I/O errors and ensure that there is sufficient space on the output device.
SQL2738W | Record at line "<line>" of input data file has been truncated when writing to the output data file for node "<out-node>". Expected writing length is "<reclen>" while actual writing length is "<real-len>". |
Explanation: Expected writing length (RECLEN) does not match the actual writing length.
User Response: Adjust record length value defined in the configuration file.
SQL2739N | The record length was not specified for a binary numerical data file. |
Explanation: If a binary numerical input data file, the record length has to be defined.
User Response: Please specify the record length in your configuration file.
SQL2740N | Float data type is not allowed in a non-binary input data file. |
Explanation: Float data type is only supported when the file type is BIN (binary).
User Response: Make sure data types and the type of input data file match.
SQL2741N | Invalid file type specification at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The file type specification (FILETYPE) in the configuration file is not valid.
User Response: Valid values for the file type parameter are as follows:
All the values are case insensitive.
SQL2742N | The length of partition key "<partition-key>" does not match its precision. |
Explanation: In a binary input data file, the length of a partition key with decimal data type must conform to the equation: LENGTH=(PRECISION+2)/2 (integer division), because it is a packed decimal.
User Response: Match the length of a decimal-typed partition key with its precision if the input data file is a binary data file.
SQL2743N | The length of partition key "<partition-key>" does not match its data type. |
Explanation: In a binary input data file, the length of a partition key with integer, small integer, float, and double data type must be a predefined constant, i.e. 4 for integer, 2 for small integer, 4 for float, and 8 for double.
User Response: Check partition key definitions in the configuration file.
SQL2744N | Illegal file name specification for "<file>" at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The maximum length for a file name is 80 bytes.
User Response: Check the configuration file.
SQL2745N | Invalid NEWLINE flag at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The NEWLINE flag must be either YES or NO, and if not given, it is NO.
User Response: Check the specification of NEWLINE flag in the configuration file.
SQL2746N | An incomplete record was found while reading record "<record-number>" from the input data file. |
Explanation: If a fixed-length positional ASC file or a binary numerical data file, each record has to be exactly the same length as the value of the RECLEN parameter in the configuration file.
User Response: Make sure the input data file is complete.
SQL2747N | A record was too long while reading record "<rec-no>" from the input data file. |
Explanation: For a positional ASC input data file or a delimited data file with parameter 32KLIMIT on, the maximum record length can not exceed the 32k (bytes) limit.
User Response: Check your input data file and make sure the record length is less than 32k bytes.
SQL2748N | Record "<record-number>" has a length of "<length>" bytes, which is too short to hold the partitioning key "<key>". |
Explanation: For a positional ASC input data file or a binary numerical data file, each record has to be long enough to hold all partitioning keys.
User Response: Check the record length of your input data file.
SQL2749N | Partitioning key "<key-no>" of record "<rec-no>" was not in the first 32k bytes of the record. |
Explanation: If a record is greater than 32k bytes long in a delimited data file, all partitioning keys of each record have to be within the first 32k bytes of the record.
User Response: Check record "<rec-no>" in the input data file.
SQL2750N | The length of line "<line-number>" in the configuration was more than 255 bytes. |
Explanation: The maximum length of a line in the configuration file must be less than 255 bytes.
User Response: Check your configuration file and make sure all lines are less than 255 bytes.
SQL2751N | The actual length "<actual-reclen>" of record "<rec-no>" did not match the expected length "<exp-reclen>". |
Explanation: If new line checking is required for a fixed length ASC data file (NEWLINE parameter is YES and RECLEN parameter is not zero), the actual length of each record has to match the expected record.
User Response: Check record "<rec-no>" in the input data file.
SQL2752N | Invalid codepage specification "<codepage>" at line "<line>" of the configuration file. |
Explanation: The codepage specification is not valid. It must be a positive integer.
User Response: Correct the codepage specification in the configuration file.
SQL2753N | Failed to get the country code and codepage for the application. Return code from function "<function-name>" is "<rc>". |
Explanation: The program failed to get the country code and codepage of its environment.
User Response: Check with your database system adminstrator.
SQL2754N | Codepage "<source-cp>" cannot be converted to codepage "<target-cp>". |
Explanation: The database does not support codepage conversion between those two codepages.
User Response: Please ensure your data is in a convertible codepage.
SQL2755N | Decimal data can not be in both IMPLIEDDECIMAL and PACKEDDECIMAL format. |
Explanation: Valid format of decimal data is SQL_PACKEDDECIMAL_FORMAT, SQL_CHARSTRING_FORMAT, or SQL_IMPLIEDDECIMAL_FORMAT, mutually exclusive.
User Response: Verify the format of your decimal data, correct the format value, and resubmit the command.
SQL2761N | Only one of table name or nodegroup can be specified. |
Explanation: Specify either the table name or the nodegroup name, but not both.
User Response: Check your command line options.
SQL2762N | The utility failed to find the database installation path. |
Explanation: The utility needs to know where the database manager is installed, then it can find its bind file.
User Response: Make sure your database manager is properly installed.
SQL2763N | The table "<tbl-name>" was not found. |
Explanation: The table "<tbl-name>" cannot be located in sysibm.systables.
User Response: Make sure the table exists in the database.
SQL2764N | The nodegroup "<nodegroup>" was not found. |
Explanation: The nodegroup "<nodegroup>" cannot be located in sysibm.sysnodegroupdef.
User Response: Make sure the nodegroup exists in the database.
SQL2765W | The utility failed to open output partition map file "<out-map-file>". |
Explanation: The utility cannot open the output partition map file for writing. It will write the output to stdout.
User Response: Check your file access permissions.
SQL2766N | The partition map is not of the correct size "<map-size>". |
Explanation: The size of the partition map is not correct. Data is corrupted in the database.
User Response: Contact the Database Administrator to resolve the problem.
SQL2767N | A command line option is not valid. |
Explanation: There is an invalid command line option.
User Response: Make sure to specify the correct command line options.