Message Reference

SQL2700 - SQL2799

SQL2701NInvalid command line option for "<progname>". Reason code: "<reason-code>"

Explanation: Command line option for the data splitting utility is not valid. Valid options are:

User Response: Given for each reason code:

There is an option not started with '-' sign.

Each option except 'h' (or 'H') must be followed by an argument.

There is an invalid option.

The argument of an option is too long (maximum 80 characters).

SQL2702NFailed to open the configuration file "<config-file>".

Explanation: The utility cannot read the configuration file "<config-file>".

User Response: Please ensure the configuration file exists and is readable.

SQL2703NFailed to open the log file "<log-file>".

Explanation: The utility cannot open the log file "<log-file>" for writing or appending.

User Response: Please ensure the log file exists and is writable.

SQL2704NFailed to open the input data file "<input-data-file>".

Explanation: The utility cannot read the input data file "<input-data-file>".

User Response: Please ensure the input data file exists and is readable.

SQL2705NFailed to open the input partitioning map file "<in-map-file>".

Explanation: The utility cannot read the input partitioning map file "<in-map-file>".

User Response: Please ensure the input partitioning map file exists and is readable.

SQL2706NFailed to open the output partitioning map file "<out-map-file>".

Explanation: The utility cannot open the output partitioning map file "<out-map-file>" for writing.

User Response: Please ensure the output partitioning map file is writable.

SQL2707NFailed to open the distribution file "<dist-file>".

Explanation: The utility cannot open the distribution file "<dist-file>" for writing.

User Response: Please ensure the distribution file is writable.

SQL2708NFailed to open the output data file "<out-data-file>".

Explanation: The utility cannot open the output data file "<out-data-file>" for writing.

User Response: Please ensure the output data file is writable.

SQL2709NSyntax error at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: There is a syntax error in the specification of a keyword and its argument.

User Response: A keyword and its argument must be delimited by an '=' sign.

SQL2710NInvalid keyword at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: There is an undefined keyword in the configuration file.

User Response: Valid keywords (case insensitive) are:

SQL2711NInvalid column delimiter (CDELIMITER) at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The column delimiter (CDELIMITER) specified in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Make sure the column delimiter (CDELIMITER) is a single byte character.

SQL2712NInvalid string delimiter (SDELIMITER) at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The string delimiter (SDELIMITER) specified in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: The string delimiter (SDELIMITER) cannot be a period.

SQL2713NInvalid run type (RUNTYPE) at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The value for run type (RUNTYPE) specified in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Valid run type (RUNTYPE) can be either PARTITION or ANALYZE (case insensitive).

SQL2714NInvalid message level (MSG_LEVEL) at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The value for message level (MSG_LEVEL) specified in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Valid message level (MSG_LEVEL) can be either CHECK or NOCHECK (case insensitive).

SQL2715NInvalid check level (CHECK_LEVEL) at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The value for check level (CHECK_LEVEL) specified in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Valid check level (CHECK_LEVEL) can be either CHECK or NOCHECK (case insensitive).

SQL2716NInvalid record length (RECLEN) "<reclen>" at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The value for record length (RECLEN) "<reclen>" specified in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: The record length (RECLEN) must be between 1 and 32767.

SQL2717NInvalid node specification (NODES) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. Reason code "<reason-code>".

Explanation: The node specification (NODES) in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Given for each reason code:

NODES has already been defined.

The format is not valid. A valid example: NODES=(0,30,2,3,10-15,57)

Each entry must be numeric data between 0 and 999.

Range specification must be from a lower number to a higher number.

SQL2718NInvalid output node specification (OUTPUTNODES) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. Reason code "<reason-code>".

Explanation: The output node specification (OUTPUTNODES) in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Given for each reason code:

OUTPUTNODES has already been defined.

The format is not valid. A valid example: OUTPUTNODES=(0,30,2,3,10-15,57)

Each entry must be numeric data between 0 and 999.

Range specification must be from a lower number to a higher number.

SQL2719NInvalid output type (OUTPUTTYPE) at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The output type (OUTPUTTYPE) in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Valid output types (OUTPUTTYPE) are W (write) or S (stdin), case insensitive.

SQL2720NNumber of partition keys exceeded the maximum "256". This error was detected at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The number of partitioning keys defined cannot exceed the maximum limit: 256.

User Response: Remove one or more partitioning keys defined in the configuration file.

SQL2721NInvalid partitioning key specification (PARTITION) at line "<line>" of the configuration file. Reason code "<reason-code>".

Explanation: A partitioning key specification (PARTITION) in the configuration file is not valid. Valid format:

 PARTITION=<key name>,<position>,<offset>,

If a delimited-data file, <position> must be defined; otherwise, <offset> and <len> must be defined.

User Response: Given for each reason code:

Fields must be delimited by the ',' character.

<position>, <offset> and <len> must be positive integers.

<nullable> must take a value from {N,NN,NNWD}.

Valid <data type> includes: SMALLINT, INTEGER, CHARACTER, VARCHAR, FOR_BIT_CHAR, FOR_BIT_VARCHAR, FLOAT (for binary numerics only), DOUBLE (for binary numerics only), DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, DECIMAL(x,y).

For DECIMAL data type, precision (x) and scale (y) must be specified and they must be positive integers.

For CHARACTER or VARCHAR data type, <len> must be specified."

SQL2722NInvalid log file specification (LOGFILE) at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The log file specification (LOGFILE) in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: The log file specification (LOGFILE) must be in one of the following two formats:

<log type> can only be W (write) or A (append), case insensitive.

SQL2723NInvalid trace specification (TRACE) at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The trace specification (TRACE) in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: The trace specification (TRACE) must be a positive integer between 0 and 65536 (exclusive).

SQL2724NInvalid node list specification.

Explanation: The node list specification is not valid.

User Response: One and only one of the two parameters: NODES and MAPFILI (input partition map) must be specified in the configuration file.

SQL2725NFilename for output partition map was not specified.

Explanation: If run type is ANALYZE, a filename for the output partition map must be defined.

User Response: Specify a filename for the output partition map.

SQL2726NThere is no partitioning key defined.

Explanation: At least one partitioning key must be defined.

User Response: Specify one or more partitioning keys.

SQL2727NPartition key "<key-name>" exceeds the record length "<reclen>".

Explanation: For non-delimited data, starting position for a key must be less than the record length.

User Response: Make sure starting position for a key is less than the record length.

SQL2728NOutput node "<out-node>" is not defined in the node list.

Explanation: Output node list must be a subset of the node list, which is derived from NODES or the input partition map file.

User Response: Make sure all output nodes are defined in the node list.

SQL2729NInvalid input partition map.

Explanation: There is at least one error in the input partition map file.

User Response: The input partition map must contain no less than 4096 data entries, and each data entry must be a number between 0 and 999.

SQL2730NError while writing header to output data file "<out-data-file>".

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while writing the header to an output data file.

User Response: Check your operating system documentation for file I/O errors and ensure that there is sufficient space on the output device.

SQL2731NError while reading from input data file "<filename>".

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading from input data file.

User Response: Check your operating system documentation for file I/O errors.

SQL2732NLine "<line>" of the input data file contains binary data.

Explanation: Binary data is not permitted on the host versions of this utility program.

User Response: Check your input data file.

SQL2733NRun type (RUNTYPE) was not defined in the configuration file.

Explanation: The run type (RUNTYPE) must be defined as either PARTITION or ANALYZE.

User Response: Please specify run type (RUNTYPE) in the configuration file.

SQL2734NInvalid specification for parameter 32KLIMIT at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The specification for parameter 32KLIMIT in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Parameter 32KLIMIT can be either YES or NO, case insensitive.

SQL2735WThe record "<rec-no>" of the input data file was discarded because it was an empty record.

Explanation: The record "<rec-no>" of the input data is discarded because it contains nothing but spaces.

User Response: Check record "<rec-no>" in the input data file.

SQL2736Nsqlugrpi_api returned an error when processing record at line "<line>" of the input data file.

Explanation: Partitioning key fields contain invalid data.

User Response: Check the input data file at line "<line>".

SQL2737NFailed to write output data file for output node "<out-node>" when processing record at line "<line>" of input data file.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while writing a record to the output data file for node "<out-node>".

User Response: Check your operating system documentation for file I/O errors and ensure that there is sufficient space on the output device.

SQL2738WRecord at line "<line>" of input data file has been truncated when writing to the output data file for node "<out-node>". Expected writing length is "<reclen>" while actual writing length is "<real-len>".

Explanation: Expected writing length (RECLEN) does not match the actual writing length.

User Response: Adjust record length value defined in the configuration file.

SQL2739NThe record length was not specified for a binary numerical data file.

Explanation: If a binary numerical input data file, the record length has to be defined.

User Response: Please specify the record length in your configuration file.

SQL2740NFloat data type is not allowed in a non-binary input data file.

Explanation: Float data type is only supported when the file type is BIN (binary).

User Response: Make sure data types and the type of input data file match.

SQL2741NInvalid file type specification at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The file type specification (FILETYPE) in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Valid values for the file type parameter are as follows:

All the values are case insensitive.

SQL2742NThe length of partition key "<partition-key>" does not match its precision.

Explanation: In a binary input data file, the length of a partition key with decimal data type must conform to the equation: LENGTH=(PRECISION+2)/2 (integer division), because it is a packed decimal.

User Response: Match the length of a decimal-typed partition key with its precision if the input data file is a binary data file.

SQL2743NThe length of partition key "<partition-key>" does not match its data type.

Explanation: In a binary input data file, the length of a partition key with integer, small integer, float, and double data type must be a predefined constant, i.e. 4 for integer, 2 for small integer, 4 for float, and 8 for double.

User Response: Check partition key definitions in the configuration file.

SQL2744NIllegal file name specification for "<file>" at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The maximum length for a file name is 80 bytes.

User Response: Check the configuration file.

SQL2745NInvalid NEWLINE flag at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The NEWLINE flag must be either YES or NO, and if not given, it is NO.

User Response: Check the specification of NEWLINE flag in the configuration file.

SQL2746NAn incomplete record was found while reading record "<record-number>" from the input data file.

Explanation: If a fixed-length positional ASC file or a binary numerical data file, each record has to be exactly the same length as the value of the RECLEN parameter in the configuration file.

User Response: Make sure the input data file is complete.

SQL2747NA record was too long while reading record "<rec-no>" from the input data file.

Explanation: For a positional ASC input data file or a delimited data file with parameter 32KLIMIT on, the maximum record length can not exceed the 32k (bytes) limit.

User Response: Check your input data file and make sure the record length is less than 32k bytes.

SQL2748NRecord "<record-number>" has a length of "<length>" bytes, which is too short to hold the partitioning key "<key>".

Explanation: For a positional ASC input data file or a binary numerical data file, each record has to be long enough to hold all partitioning keys.

User Response: Check the record length of your input data file.

SQL2749NPartitioning key "<key-no>" of record "<rec-no>" was not in the first 32k bytes of the record.

Explanation: If a record is greater than 32k bytes long in a delimited data file, all partitioning keys of each record have to be within the first 32k bytes of the record.

User Response: Check record "<rec-no>" in the input data file.

SQL2750NThe length of line "<line-number>" in the configuration was more than 255 bytes.

Explanation: The maximum length of a line in the configuration file must be less than 255 bytes.

User Response: Check your configuration file and make sure all lines are less than 255 bytes.

SQL2751NThe actual length "<actual-reclen>" of record "<rec-no>" did not match the expected length "<exp-reclen>".

Explanation: If new line checking is required for a fixed length ASC data file (NEWLINE parameter is YES and RECLEN parameter is not zero), the actual length of each record has to match the expected record.

User Response: Check record "<rec-no>" in the input data file.

SQL2752NInvalid codepage specification "<codepage>" at line "<line>" of the configuration file.

Explanation: The codepage specification is not valid. It must be a positive integer.

User Response: Correct the codepage specification in the configuration file.

SQL2753NFailed to get the country code and codepage for the application. Return code from function "<function-name>" is "<rc>".

Explanation: The program failed to get the country code and codepage of its environment.

User Response: Check with your database system adminstrator.

SQL2754NCodepage "<source-cp>" cannot be converted to codepage "<target-cp>".

Explanation: The database does not support codepage conversion between those two codepages.

User Response: Please ensure your data is in a convertible codepage.

SQL2755NDecimal data can not be in both IMPLIEDDECIMAL and PACKEDDECIMAL format.

Explanation: Valid format of decimal data is SQL_PACKEDDECIMAL_FORMAT, SQL_CHARSTRING_FORMAT, or SQL_IMPLIEDDECIMAL_FORMAT, mutually exclusive.

User Response: Verify the format of your decimal data, correct the format value, and resubmit the command.

SQL2761NOnly one of table name or nodegroup can be specified.

Explanation: Specify either the table name or the nodegroup name, but not both.

User Response: Check your command line options.

SQL2762NThe utility failed to find the database installation path.

Explanation: The utility needs to know where the database manager is installed, then it can find its bind file.

User Response: Make sure your database manager is properly installed.

SQL2763NThe table "<tbl-name>" was not found.

Explanation: The table "<tbl-name>" cannot be located in sysibm.systables.

User Response: Make sure the table exists in the database.

SQL2764NThe nodegroup "<nodegroup>" was not found.

Explanation: The nodegroup "<nodegroup>" cannot be located in sysibm.sysnodegroupdef.

User Response: Make sure the nodegroup exists in the database.

SQL2765WThe utility failed to open output partition map file "<out-map-file>".

Explanation: The utility cannot open the output partition map file for writing. It will write the output to stdout.

User Response: Check your file access permissions.

SQL2766NThe partition map is not of the correct size "<map-size>".

Explanation: The size of the partition map is not correct. Data is corrupted in the database.

User Response: Contact the Database Administrator to resolve the problem.

SQL2767NA command line option is not valid.

Explanation: There is an invalid command line option.

User Response: Make sure to specify the correct command line options.

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