Message Reference

SQL2600 - SQL2699

SQL2600WThe input parameter pointer to the authorization block is invalid or the block's size is incorrect.

Explanation: The pointer to the authorization structure parameter is NULL, the pointer to the authorization structure points to an area that is smaller than the length indicated in the structure length field, or the authorization structure length field is not set to the correct value.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Correct the value of the input parameter and resubmit the command.

SQL2650NAn invalid parameter was passed to the asynchronous read log API. Reason Code = "<reason-code>".

Explanation: An invalid parameter was passed to the asynchronous read log API. The possible reason codes are as follows:

Invalid action specified.

The starting log sequence number is greater than or equal to the current database active log sequence number.

The log sequence number range bounded by the starting and ending log sequence numbers is not large enough to span a log record.

The starting log sequence number does not represent the start of an actual log record.

The starting log sequence number's location could not be determined.

The ending log sequence number is less than or equal to the starting log sequence number.

The buffer is not valid for the indicated size.

The buffer is not of sufficient size to store a log record.

A pointer is not valid.

User Response: For reason code 01, ensure that the action is either SQLU_RLOG_QUERY, SQLU_RLOG_READ, or SQLU_RLOG_READ_SINGLE.

For reason code 02, ensure that the starting log sequence number is less than the current active log sequence number returned in the read log information structure.

For reason code 03, ensure that the ending log sequence number is sufficiently larger than the starting log sequence number.

For reason code 04, ensure that the starting log sequence number is either the initial log sequence number or one byte larger than the last read log sequence number returned in the read log information structure.

For reason code 05, ensure that the starting log sequence number resides in a log extent in the database log file path.

For reason code 06, ensure that the ending log sequence number is greater than the starting log sequence number.

For reason code 07, ensure that the buffer has been allocated and is of the size indicated by the log buffer size parameter.

For reason code 08, increase the size of the allocated buffer.

For reason code 09, ensure that memory has been correctly allocated and the pointers properly initialized.

SQL2651NThe log records associated with the database can not be asynchronously read.

Explanation: The asynchronous read log API was used against a connected database which does not have LOG RETAIN or USER EXITS ON. Only databases which are forward recoverable may have their associated logs read.

User Response: Update the database configuration for the database, identified to the asynchronous read log API, turning LOG RETAIN and/or USER EXITS ON.

SQL2652NInsufficient memory to run the asynchronous log reader.

Explanation: The allocation of the internal buffers used by the asynchronous read log API has failed.

User Response: Increase the amount of available memory available to the process (increase real or virtual memory or remove unnecessary background processes) or decrease the log sequence number range provided to the asynchronous read log API.

SQL2653WA Restore, Forward or Crash Recovery may have reused log sequence number ranges. Reason code "<reason-code>".

Explanation: A Restore, Forward or Crash Recovery may have reused log sequence number ranges. The possible reason codes are as follows:

User Response: No action is required.

SQL2654WThe database log has been asynchronously read to the end of the current active log.

Explanation: All log records in the database active log have been read by the asynchronous log reader.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL2655NThe Asynchronous Log Reader encountered log file "<name>" which is not associated with the database being asynchronously read.

Explanation: The Asynchronous Log Reader attempted to read log records from the specified log file. The specified log file is not associated with the database being asynchronously read.

User Response: Remove this log file from the database log directory. Move the correct log file into the database log directory and resubmit the call to the Asynchronous Read Log API.

SQL2656NThe Asynchronous Log Reader has encountered log file "<name>" which cannot be read.

Explanation: The Asynchronous Log Reader attempted to read log records from the specified log file. The specified log file has been corrupted and cannot be read.

User Response: Increase the start read log sequence and resubmit the call to the Asynchronous Read Log API to start reading after the specified log file.

SQL2657NThe Asynchronous Log Reader requires log file "<name>" which does not currently reside in the database log directory.

Explanation: The Asynchronous Log Reader requires log records from the specified log file. The specified log file does not currently reside in the database log directory.

User Response: Move the specified log file into the database log directory of the database being asynchronously read. If the database log path was changed, the log file might be found in the old log path. Resubmit the call to the Asynchronous Read Log API.

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