Table 32. Class Code 55: Object Not in Prerequisite State
Meaning |
55001 | The database must be migrated. |
55002 | The explanation table is not defined properly. |
55006 | The object cannot be dropped, because it is currently in use by the same application process. |
55007 | The object cannot be altered, because it is currently in use by the same application process. |
55009 | The system attempted to write to a read-only file or a write-protected diskette. |
55012 | A clustering index already exists on the table. |
55019 | The table is in an invalid state for the operation. |
55022 | The file server is not registered with this database. |
55023 | An error occured calling a routine. |
55024 | The tablespace cannot be dropped, because data related to a table is also in another tablespace. |
55025 | The database must be restarted. |
55026 | A temporary tablespace cannot be dropped. |
55031 | The format of the error mapping file is incorrect. |
55032 | The CONNECT statement is invalid, because the database manager was stopped after this application was started. |
55033 | An event monitor cannot be activated in the same unit of work in which it is created or modified. |
55034 | The event monitor is in an invalid state for the operation. |
55036 | The node cannot be dropped, because it has not been removed from the partitioning map. |
55037 | The partitioning key cannot be dropped, because the table is in a multi-node nodegroup. |
55038 | The nodegroup cannot be used, because it is being rebalanced. |
55039 | The access or state transition is not allowed, because the tablespace is not in an appropriate state. |
55041 | Containers cannot be added to a tablespace while a rebalance is in progress. |
55043 | Attributes of a structured type cannot be altered when a typed table or typed view based on the type exists. |