Message Reference

Class Code 54 SQL or Product Limit Exceeded

Table 31. Class Code 54: SQL or Product Limit Exceeded
54001 The statement is too long or too complex.
54002 A string constant is too long.
54004 The statement has too many table names or too many items in a SELECT or INSERT list.
54006 The result of concatenation is too long.
54008 The key is too long, has too many columns, or a key column is too long.
54010 The record length of the table is too long.
54011 Too many columns were specified for a table or view.
54023 The limit for the number of parameters or arguments for a function or a procedure has been exceeded.
54028 The maximum number of concurrent LOB handles has been reached.
54029 The maximum number of open directory scans has been reached.
54030 The maximum number of event monitors are already active.
54031 The maximum number of files have already been assigned the event monitor.
54032 The maximum size of a table has been reached.
54033 The maximum number of partitioning maps has been reached.
54034 The combined length of all container names for the tablespace is too long.
54035 An internal object limit exceeded.
54036 The path name for the container is too long.
54037 The container map for the tablespace is too complicated.
54038 Maximum depth of cascaded triggers exceeed.
54045 Maximum levels of a type hierarchy exceeded.
54046 The maximum allowable parameters is exceeded in an index extension.
54047 The maximum size of a table space is exceeded.
54048 A temporary table space with sufficient page size does not exist.
54049 Length of an instance of a structured type exceeds system limit.
54050 The maximum allowable attributes is exceeded in a structured type.

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