For specific details on how to set the DB2 CLI/ODBC configuration keywords for your platform see the last step of Platform Specific Details for CLI/ODBC Access. See How to Set CLI/ODBC Configuration Keywords for information on the location and format of the db2cli.ini file.
The keywords are listed in alphabetical order starting with APPENDAPINAME. They are also divided into categories. Each of these categories is presented on a separate tab on the CLI/ODBC Settings notebook, accessible from the Client Configuration Assistant (not available on UNIX platforms).
General keywords.
The Compatibility set of options are used to define DB2 behavior. They can be set to ensure that other applications are compatible with DB2.
The Data Type set of options are used to define how DB2 reports and handles various data types.
The Enterprise set of options are used to maximize the efficiency of connections to large databases.
The Environment set of options are used to define the location of various files on the server and client machines.
The File DSN set of options are used to set the TCP/IP settings for a file DSN connection.
The Optimization set of options are used to speed up and reduce the amount of network flow between the CLI/ODBC Driver and the server.
The Service set of options are used to help in troubleshooting problems with CLI/ODBC connections. Some options can also be used by programmers to gain a better understanding of how their CLI programs are translated into calls to the server.
The Static SQL set of options are used when running static SQL statements in CLI/ODBC applications.
The Transaction set of options are used to control and speed up SQL statements used in the application.
The DB2 CLI function (API) name that generated an error is appended to the error message retrieved using SQLGetDiagRec() or SQLError(). The function name is enclosed in curly braces { }.
For example,
[IBM][CLI Driver]" CLIxxxx: < text > SQLSTATE=XXXXX {SQLGetData}"
This keyword is only useful for debugging.
This option allows you to enable or disable the ability to execute queries asynchronously. This only benefits applications that were written to take advantage of this feature. Disable it only if your application does not function properly when enabled. It is placed in the data source specific section of the db2cli.ini file.
Note: | The CLI/ODBC driver will act as it did with previous versions of DB2 that did not support asynchronous ODBC. |
This option allows you to specify whether ODBC binary data types (SQL_BINARY, SQL_VARBINARY, SQL_LONGVARBINARY, and SQL_BLOB), are reported as binary type data. IBM DBMSs support columns with binary data types by defining CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONG VARCHAR columns with the FOR BIT DATA attribute. DB2 Universal Database will also support binary data via the BLOB data type (in this case it is mapped to a CLOB data type).
Users may also need to set this option if they are using a DB2 Version 1 application that retrieves (LONG) (VAR)CHAR data into SQL_C_CHAR buffer. In DB2 Version 1, data is moved into the SQL_C_CHAR buffer unchanged; starting in DB2 Version 2, the data is converted into the ASCII representation of each hexadecimal nibble.
Only set BITDATA = 0 if you are sure that all columns defined as FOR BIT DATA or BLOB contain only character data, and the application is incapable of displaying binary data columns.
If the value is NOT an integer between 3 and 30, the default will be used without error or warning.
This keyword is used to increase the number of sections for SQL statements in CLI/ODBC applications. If it is used, the administrator should explicitly bind the required CLI bind files with CLIPKG bind option. Also, the db2cli.ini file on the server (DB2 UDB V6.1 or later on UNIX or Intel platforms) must be updated with the same value of CLIPKG.
This setting only applies to large packages (containing 364 sections). The number of small packages (containing 64 sections) is 3 and cannot be changed.
It is recommended that you only increase the number of sections enough to run your application as the packages take up space in the database.
The DB2 ODBC catalog is designed to improve the performance of schema calls for lists of tables in ODBC applications that connect to host DBMSs through DB2 Connect.
The DB2 ODBC catalog, created and maintained on the host DBMS, contains rows representing objects defined in the real DB2 catalog, but these rows include only the columns necessary to support ODBC operations. The tables in the DB2 ODBC catalog are pre-joined and specifically indexed to support fast catalog access for ODBC applications.
System administrators can create multiple DB2 ODBC catalog views, each containing only the rows that are needed by a particular user group. Each end user can then select the DB2 ODBC catalog view they wish to use (by setting this keyword).
Use of the CLISCHEMA setting is completely transparent to the ODBC application; you can use this option with any ODBC application.
While this keyword has some similar effects as the SYSSCHEMA keyword, CLISCHEMA should be used instead (where applicable).
CLISCHEMA improves data access efficiency: The user-defined tables used with SYSSCHEMA were mirror images of the DB2 catalog tables, and the ODBC driver still had to join rows from multiple tables to produce the information required by the ODBC user. Using CLISCHEMA also results in less contention on the catalog tables.
Used to specify the target logical node of a DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition database partition server that you want to connect to. This keyword (or attribute setting) overrides the value of the environment variable DB2NODE. Can be set to:
If this variable is not set, the target logical node defaults to the logical node which is defined with port 0 on the machine.
This option allows you to specify the default connect type.
This keyword defines the path used to resolve function references and data type references that are used in dynamic SQL statements. It contains a list of one or more schema-names, where schema-names are enclosed in double quotes and separated by commas.
The default value is "SYSIBM","SYSFUN",X where X is the value of the USER special register delimited by double quotes. The schema SYSIBM does not need to be specified. If it is not included in the function path, then it is implicitly assumed as the first schema.
This keyword is used as part of the process for resolving unqualified function references that may have been defined in a schema name other than the current user's schema. The order of the schema names determines the order in which the function names will be resolved. For more information on function resolution, refer to the SQL Reference.
This option will issue the command "SET CURRENT PACKAGESET schema" after every connect to a database. By default this clause is not appended.
This statement sets the schema name (collection identifier) that will be used to select the package to use for subsequent SQL statements.
CLI/ODBC applications issue dynamic SQL statements. Using this option you can control the privileges used to run these statements:
The SQL statements from the CLI/ODBC applications will now run under the specified schema and use the privileges defined there.
Refer to the SQL Reference for more information on the SET CURRENT PACKAGESET command.
For information on Summary Tables and the SET CURRENT REFRESH AGE statement, see the SQL Reference.
This keyword can be set to one of the following values:
Upon a successful connect, if this option is set, a SET CURRENT SCHEMA statement is sent to the DBMS. This allows the end user or application to name SQL objects without having to qualify them by schema name.
For more information on the SET CURRENT SCHEMA statement, see the SQL Reference.
Upon a successful connect, if this option is set, a SET CURRENT SQLID statement is sent to the DBMS. This allows the end user and the application to name SQL objects without having to qualify them by schema name.
This option controls the effect of a transaction completion on open cursors.
Note: | Cursors are always destroyed when transactions are rolled back. |
This option affects the result returned by SQLGetInfo() when called with SQL_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR or SQL_CURSOR_ROLLBACK_BEHAVIOR. The value of CURSORHOLD is ignored if connecting to DB2 for VSE & VM where cursor with hold is not supported.
You can use this option to tune performance. It can be set to cursor no hold (0) if you are sure that your application:
The DBMS will operate more efficiently, as resources no longer need to be maintained after the end of a transaction.
When using a File DSN you must use this option to specify the database on the server to connect to. This value has nothing to do with any database alias name specified on the client, it must be set to the database name on the server itself.
This setting is only considered when the PROTOCOL option is set to TCPIP.
This option is used to indicate to the DB2 CLI driver which version of a DB2 Connect or DB2 DDCS gateway is being used. The CLI driver can then use this information to maximize its interaction with the data source (supporting stored procedures that return multiple result sets, for instance).
5 = Indicates that a version 5 DB2 Connect gateway is being used (default).
2 = Indicates that a version 2 DB2 DDCS gateway is being used.
This option only applies to a DB2 Version 5.2 or later server. If the value specified is anything other than 0 (the default) then DB2 CLI will issue the following SQL statement after a successful connection:
This specifies the degree of parallelism for the execution of the SQL statements. The database manager will determine the degree of parallelism if you specify ANY.
For more information, see the SET CURRENT DEGREE statement in the SQL Reference.
This option determines whether DB2 CLI will display a dialog box to report estimates returned by the DB2 optimizer at the end of SQL query statement preparation.
The graphic window will display the optimizer estimates, along with push buttons to allow users to choose whether they wish to continue with subsequent execution of this query or cancel it.
The recommended value for DB2ESTIMATE is 60000.
This option is only relevant when connecting to a DB2 version 2 or later database. In order for the window to appear, the application must have a graphical interface.
If this option is used then the DB2 CLI/ODBC option DEFERREDPREPARE will be considered off.
This keyword determines whether Explain snapshot and/or Explain table information will be generated by the server.
A 'SET CURRENT EXPLAIN SNAPSHOT=NO' and a 'SET CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE=NO' statement will be sent to the server to disable both the Explain snapshot and the Explain table information capture facilities.
A 'SET CURRENT EXPLAIN SNAPSHOT=YES' and a 'SET CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE=NO' statement will be sent to the server to enable the Explain snapshot facility, and disable the Explain table information capture facility.
A 'SET CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE=YES' and a 'SET CURRENT EXPLAIN SNAPSHOT=NO' will be sent to the server to enable the Explain table information capture facility and disable the Explain snapshot facility.
A 'SET CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE=YES' and a 'SET CURRENT EXPLAIN SNAPSHOT=YES' will be sent to the server to enable both the Explain snapshot and the Explain table information capture facilities.
Explain information is inserted into Explain tables, which must be created before the Explain information can be generated. For more information on these tables, refer to the SQL Reference.
The current authorization ID must have INSERT privilege for the Explain tables.
Option 1 is only valid when connecting to a DB2 Common Server version 2.1.0 or later database; options 2 and 3 when connecting to a DB2 Common Server version 2.1.1 or later database.
If this option is set then DB2 CLI will issue the following SQL statement after a successful connection:
This specifies the query optimization level at which the optimizer should operate the SQL queries. Refer to the SQL Reference for the allowable optimization levels.
This keyword allows for Data Source Names of greater than 8 single byte characters. The Data Source Name (DSN) is the name, enclosed in square brackets, that denotes the section header in the db2cli.ini file (on platforms where this is an ASCII file). Typically, this section header is the database alias name which has a maximum length of 8 bytes. A user who wishes to refer to the data source with a longer, more meaningful name, can place the longer name in the section header, and set this keyword value to the database alias used on the CATALOG command. Here is an example:
; The much longer name maps to an 8 single byte character dbalias [MyMeaningfulName] DBALIAS=DB2DBT10
The end user can specify [MyMeaningfulName] as the name of the data source on connect while the actual database alias is DB2DBT10.
In a 16-bit Windows ODBC environment, under the [ODBC DATA SOURCES] entry in the ODBC.INI file, the following line must also be updated with the long alias name (dbname).
This option is only used when connecting to DB2 for MVS/ESA, and only if (base) table catalog information is requested by the application. If a large number of tables exist in the DB2 for MVS/ESA subsystem, a dbname can be specified to reduce the time it takes for the application to query table information, and reduce the number of tables listed by the application.
If this option is set then the statement IN DATABASE dbname will be appended to various statements such as CREATE TABLE.
This value maps to the DBNAME column in the DB2 for MVS/ESA system catalog tables. If no value is specified, or if views, synonyms, system tables, or aliases are also specified via TABLETYPE, only table information will be restricted; views, aliases, and synonyms are not restricted with DBNAME. It can be used in conjunction with SCHEMALIST, and TABLETYPE to further limit the number of tables for which information will be returned.
This option should only be used on a temporary basis; the stored procedure catalog table should be used instead. See the SQL Reference for more information.
The library pointed to by this option will be used in all stored procedure calls that do not already explicitly specify a library. Because you are specifying a location on the server machine, you must use the path format of that operating system, not of the client. For more information, see the CALL statement in the SQL Reference.
For instance, if the stored procedures are located on the server in the library file d:\terry\proclib\comstor, you could set DEFAULTPROCLIBRARY to d:\terry\proclib\comstor, then call the stored procedure func without specifying a library. The resulting SQL statement sent would be:
CALL d:\terry\proclib\comstor!func
Defers sending the PREPARE request until the corresponding execute request is issued. The two requests are then combined into one command/reply flow (instead of two) to minimize network flow and to improve performance.
The default behavior has changed from DB2 version 2. Deferred prepare is now the default and must be explicitly turned off if required.
If the target DB2 Common Server database or the DDCS gateway does not support deferred prepare, the client disables deferred prepare for that connection.
Note: | When deferred prepare is enabled, the row and cost estimates normally returned in the SQLERRD(3) and SQLERRD(4) of the SQLCA of a PREPARE statement may become zeros. This may be of concern to users who want to use these values to decide whether or not to continue the SQL statement. |
This option is turned off if the CLI/ODBC option DB2ESTIMATE is set to a value other than zero.
The CLI/ODBC driver is capable of supporting multiple concurrent threads.
This option is used to enable or disable multi-thread support.
If multithreading is disabled then all calls for all threads will be serialized at the process level. Use this setting for multithreaded applications that require the serialized behavior of DB2 Version 2.
(This option is contained in the Common section of the initialization file and therefore applies to all connections to DB2.)
This option specifies whether or not the temporary cursor on the server can be automatically closed, without closing the cursor on the client, when the last record is sent to the client.
This saves the CLI/ODBC driver a network request by not issuing the statement to explicitly close the cursor because it knows that it has already been closed.
Having this option on will speed up applications that make use of many small result sets.
The EARLYCLOSE feature is not used if either:
Note: | Although this option can be set at any time, the option value used is the one that exists when the statement is executed (when the cursor is opened). |
This option can be used to reduce the amount of information returned when the application gets a list of privileges for tables in a database, or columns in a table. The list of authorization IDs specified is used as a filter; the only tables or columns that are returned are those with privileges that have been granted TO those IDs.
Set this option to a list of one or more authorization IDs that have been granted privileges, delimited with single quotes, and separated by commas. The entire string must also be enclosed in double quotes. For example:
In the above example, if the application gets a list of privileges for a specific table, only those columns that have a privilege granted TO USER1, USER2, or USER8 would be returned.
This option can be used to reduce the amount of information returned when the application gets a list of privileges for tables in a database, or columns in a table. The list of authorization IDs specified is used as a filter; the only tables or columns that are returned are those with privileges that have been granted BY those IDs.
Set this option to a list of one or more authorization IDs that have granted privileges, delimited with single quotes, and separated by commas. The entire string must also be enclosed in double quotes. For example:
In the above example, if the application gets a list of privileges for a specific table, only those columns that have a privilege granted BY USER1, USER2, or USER8 would be returned.
This option controls how two related pieces of information are returned by the application:
The default is that GRAPHIC is not returned since many off the shelf applications do not recognize this data type and cannot provide proper handling.
Use this option in conjunction with the SERVICENAME option to specify the required attributes for a TCP/IP connection from this client machine to a server running DB2. These two values are only considered when the PROTOCOL option is set to TCPIP.
Specify either the server system's host name or its IP address.
On rare occasions an application will not correctly handle warning messages. This option can be used to indicate that warnings from the database manager are not to be passed on to the application.
Although this option can be used on its own, it can also be used in conjunction with the WARNINGLIST CLI/ODBC configuration keyword.
On rare occasions an application may not correctly handle some warning messages, but does not want to ignore all warning messages. This keyword can be used to indicate which warnings are not to be passed on to the application. The IGNOREWARNINGS keyword should be used if all database manager warnings are to be ignored.
If an sqlstate is included in both IGNOREWARNLIST and WARNINGLIST, it will be ignored altogether.
Each sqlstate must be in uppercase, delimited with single quotes and separated by commas. The entire string must also be enclosed in double quotes. For example:
IGNOREWARNLIST="'01000', '01004','01504'"
0 = Do not cache database connections (default).
Setting this option to a value greater than zero can speed up applications that constantly connect to and disconnect from the same database using the same connection information.
Instead of closing the connection each time, then re-opening it again, the CLI/ODBC driver will keep the connection open and cache the connection information. When the request to connect to the same database occurs a second time, the existing connection is used. This saves the time, resources, and network flow to close the first connection, as well as to re-open the second connection.
The value set for this option indicates the number of database connections to cache. Although the maximum is limited only by system resources, usually a value of 1 or 2 is sufficient for applications that will benefit at all from this behavior.
By default, the memory required for 5 statement handles is cached. When a statement handle is closed, the memory used for that handle is not deallocated but is instead used when the next statement handle is allocated.
The value set for this option determines how many statement handles are cached. It can be set to less than 5 to explicitly reduce the amount of memory used by the statement cache. It can be increased above 5 to improve performance for applications that open, close, and then re-open large sets of statements.
The maximum number of cached statement handles is determined by system resources.
This will override the 2 Gigabyte (1G for DBCLOB) value that is returned by SQLGetTypeInfo() for the COLUMN_SIZE column for SQL_CLOB, SQL_BLOB, and SQL_DBCLOB SQL data types. Subsequent CREATE TABLE statements that contain LOB columns will use the column size value you set here instead of the default.
This option indicates to DB2 CLI what data type the application expects
when working with a database with large object (LOB) columns.
Database data type | Large Objects (0--Default) | Long Data Types (1) |
This option is useful when running ODBC applications that cannot handle the large object data types.
The DB2 CLI/ODBC option LOBMAXCOLUMNSIZE can be used in conjunction with this option to reduce the default size declared for the data.
This option is used to specify the maximum number of connections allowed for each CLI/ODBC application. This can be used as a governor for the maximum number of connections an administrator may wish to restrict each application to open. A value of 0 may be used to represent no limit; that is, an application is allowed to open up as many connections as permitted by the system resources.
On OS/2 and WIN32 platforms (Windows NT and Windows 95), if the NetBIOS protocol is in use, this value corresponds to the number of connections (NetBIOS sessions) that will be concurrently set up by the application. The range of values for OS/2 NetBIOS is 1 to 254. Specifying 0 (the default) will result in 5 reserved connections. Reserved NetBIOS sessions cannot be used by other applications. The number of connections specified by this parameter will be applied to any adapter that the DB2 NetBIOS protocol uses to connect to the remote server (adapter number is specified in the node directory for a NetBIOS node).
Sets the CONNECT mode to either SHARE or EXCLUSIVE. If a mode is set by the application at connect time, this value is ignored. The default is SHARE.
Note: | EXCLUSIVE is not permitted for DRDA connections. Refer to the SQL Reference for more information on the CONNECT statement. |
This option is used to specify how SQLConnect() requests are mapped to physical database connections.
If MULTICONNECT is set to 0 then multithreading must be disabled using the keyword DISABLEMULTITHREAD
Note: | If MULTICONNECT is set off then all statements are executed on the same connection and therefore in the same transaction. This means that a rollback will roll back ALL statements on all connections. Be sure that the application is designed to work with MULTICONNECT off before doing so or the application may not operate correctly. |
(This option is contained in the Common section of the initialization file and therefore applies to all connections to DB2.)
This option will append the "OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS" clause to every select statement, where n is an integer larger than 0. If set to 0 (the default) this clause will not be appended.
For more information on the effect of the OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS clause, refer to the Administration Guide.
If OPTIMIZESQLCOLUMNS is on (set to 1), then all calls to SQLColumns() will be optimized if an explicit (no wildcard specified) Schema Name, explicit Table Name, and % (ALL columns) for Column Name are specified. The DB2 CLI/ODBC Driver will optimize this call so that the system tables will not be scanned. If the call is optimized then the COLUMN_DEF information (which contains the default string for the columns) is not returned. When connecting to an AS/400 database, the information returned by SQLColumns() for columns whose data type is NUMERIC will be incorrect. If the application does not need this information then it can turn on the optimization to increase performance.
If the application needs the COLUMN_DEF information then OPTIMIZESQLCOLUMNS should be set to 0. This is the default.
This keyword is used to specify a work-around for known problems with ODBC applications. The value specified can be for none, one, or multiple work-arounds. The patch values specified here are used in conjunction with any PATCH2 values that may also be set.
Using the DB2 CLI/ODBC Settings notebook you can select one or more patches to use. If you set the values in the db2cli.ini file itself and want to use multiple patch values then simply add the values together to form the keyword value. For example, if you want the patches 1, 4, and 8, then specify PATCH1=13.
The DB2 CLI/ODBC Settings notebook has a list of values. Select the Service folder in the DB2 folder for information on how to update this list of values. This information is also contained in the README file (there will be no such section in the README if there are no current patch values for that platform).
This keyword is used to specify a work-around for known problems with CLI/ODBC applications. The value specified can be for none, one, or multiple work-arounds. The patch values specified here are used in conjunction with any PATCH1 values that may also be set.
When specifying multiple patches, the values are specified in a comma delimited string (unlike the PATCH1 option where the values are added together and the sum is used).
To set PATCH2 values 3, 4 and 8 you would specify:
PATCH2="3, 4, 8"
The PATCH2 values are contained in the README file (there will be no such section in the README if there are no current patch values for that platform).
Pops up a message box every time DB2 CLI generates an error that can be retrieved using SQLGetDiagRec() or SQLError(). Useful for debugging applications that do not report messages to users.
TCP/IP is the only protocol supported when using a File DSN. Set the option to the string TCPIP (without the slash).
When this option is set then the following options must also be set:
This password value is used if a password is not provided by the application at connect time.
It is stored as plain text and is therefore not secure.
An application can use the SQLSetStmtAttr() function to set the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT statement attribute. This indicates the number of seconds to wait for an SQL statement to execute before returning to the application
The QUERYTIMEOUTINTERVAL configuration keyword is used to indicate how long the CLI driver should wait between checks to see if the query has completed.
For instance, suppose SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT is set to 25 seconds (timeout after waiting for 25 seconds), and QUERYTIMEOUTINTERVAL is set to 10 seconds (check the query every 10 seconds). The query will not time out until 30 seconds (the first check AFTER the 25 second limit).
There may be cases where the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT is set to a value which is too low, and the query should NOT be timed-out. If the application cannot be modified (i.e., a third party ODBC application), then the QUERYTIMEOUTINTERVAL can be set to 0, and the CLI driver will ignore the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT setting.
(This option is contained in the Common section of the initialization file and therefore applies to all connections to DB2.)
SCHEMALIST is used to provide a more restrictive default, and therefore improve performance, for those applications that list every table in the DBMS.
If there are a large number of tables defined in the database, a schema list can be specified to reduce the time it takes for the application to query table information, and reduce the number of tables listed by the application. Each schema name is case-sensitive, must be delimited with single quotes, and separated by commas. The entire string must also be enclosed in double quotes. For example:
For DB2 for MVS/ESA, CURRENT SQLID can also be included in this list, but without the single quotes, for example:
The maximum length of the string is 256 characters.
This option can be used in conjunction with DBNAME and TABLETYPE to further limit the number of tables for which information will be returned.
Use this option in conjunction with the HOSTNAME option to specify the required attributes for a TCP/IP connection from this client machine to a server running DB2. These two values are only considered when the PROTOCOL option is set to TCPIP.
Specify either the server system's service name or its port number.
Use in conjunction with the POPUPMESSAGE option. This prevents DB2 CLI from displaying errors that are associated with the defined states.
Each SQLSTATE must be in upper case, delimited with single quotes and separated by commas. The entire string must also be enclosed in double quotes. For example:
SQLSTATEFILTER=" 'HY1090', '01504', '01508' "
This keyword is used to specify the Capture File name and optionally the directory where it will be saved.
For more information on running CLI/ODBC applications as static SQL, see the STATICMODE keyword.
This keyword is used to specify the Static Profiling Log File name and optionally the directory where it will be saved.
For more information on running CLI/ODBC applications as static SQL, see the STATICMODE keyword.
This option allows you to specify how the SQL issued by the CLI/ODBC application for this DSN will be processed:
For more information about running CLI/ODBC applications as static SQL, see the Release Notes and the Internet at:
This keyword is used to specify the package to be used when the application runs in Match Mode. You first need to use Capture Mode to create the Capture File.
Only the first 7 characters of the indicated package name will be used. A one-byte suffix will be added to represent each isolation level, as follows:
For more information on running CLI/ODBC applications as static SQL, see the STATICMODE keyword.
Use this option to specify how commits and rollbacks will be coordinated among multiple database (DUOW) connections. It is only relevant when the default connect type is set to Coordinated connections (CONNECTTYPE = 2).
A Transaction Manager is not used to perform two phase commit but one phase commit is used to commit the work done by each database in a multiple database transaction.
A Transaction Manager is required to coordinate two phase commits among those databases that support this.
This option indicates an alternative schema to be searched in place of the SYSIBM (or SYSTEM, QSYS2) schemas when the DB2 CLI and ODBC Catalog Function calls are issued to obtain system catalog information.
Using this schema name the system administrator can define a set of views
consisting of a subset of the rows for each of the following system catalog
DB2 Universal Database | DB2 for MVS/ESA | DB2 for VSE & VM | OS/400 | DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 |
For example, if the set of views for the system catalog tables is in the ACME schema, then the view for SYSIBM.SYSTABLES is ACME.SYSTABLES; and SYSSCHEMA should then be set to ACME.
Defining and using limited views of the system catalog tables reduces the number of tables listed by the application, which reduces the time it takes for the application to query table information.
If no value is specified, the default is:
This keyword can be used in conjunction with SCHEMALIST and TABLETYPE (and DBNAME on DB2 for MVS/ESA) to further limit the number of tables for which information will be returned.
If there is a large number of tables defined in the database, a tabletype string can be specified to reduce the time it takes for the application to query table information, and reduce the number of tables listed by the application.
Any number of the values can be specified. Each type must be delimited with single quotes, separated by commas, and in uppercase. The entire string must also be enclosed in double quotes. For example:
This option can be used in conjunction with DBNAME and SCHEMALIST to further limit the number of tables for which information will be returned.
TABLETYPE is used to provide a default for the DB2 CLI function that retrieves the list of tables, views, aliases, and synonyms in the database. If the application does not specify a table type on the function call, and this keyword is not used, information about all table types is returned. If the application does supply a value for the tabletype on the function call, then that argument value will override this keyword value.
If TABLETYPE includes any value other than TABLE, then the DBNAME keyword setting cannot be used to restrict information to a particular DB2 for MVS/ESA database.
When working with Large Objects (CLOBS, BLOBS, etc...), a temporary file is often created on the client machine to store the information. Using this option you can specify a location for these temporary files. The system temporary directory will be used if nothing is specified.
The keyword is placed in the data source specific section of the db2cli.ini file, and has the following syntax:
When a Large Object is accessed, an SQLSTATE of HY507 will be returned if the path name is invalid, or if the temporary files cannot be created in the directory specified.
When this option is on (1), CLI/ODBC trace records are appended to the file indicated by the TRACEFILENAME configuration parameter or to files in the subdirectory indicated by the TRACEPATHNAME configuration parameter.
For example, to set up a CLI/ODBC trace file that is written to disk after each trace entry:
(This option is contained in the Common section of the initialization file and therefore applies to all connections to DB2.)
When TRACECOMM is set on (1) then information about each network request will be included in the trace file.
This option is only used when the TRACE CLI/ODBC option is turned on. See the TRACE for an example.
(This option is contained in the Common section of the initialization file and therefore applies to all connections to DB2.)
If the file specified does not exist, then it will be created; otherwise, the new trace information will be appended to the end of the file.
If the filename given is invalid or if the file cannot be created or written to, no trace will occur and no error message will be returned.
This option is only used when the TRACE option is turned on. This will be done automatically when you set this option in the CLI/ODBC Configuration utility.
See the TRACE option for an example of using the various trace settings. The TRACEPATHNAME option will be ignored if this option is set.
DB2 CLI trace should only be used for debugging purposes. It will slow down the execution of the CLI/ODBC driver, and the trace information can grow quite large if it is left on for extended periods of time.
(This option is contained in the Common section of the initialization file and therefore applies to all connections to DB2.)
Set this option on (TRACEFLUSH = 1) to force a write to disk after each trace entry. This will slow down the trace process, but will ensure that each entry is written to disk before the application continues to the next statement.
This option is only used when the TRACE CLI/ODBC option is turned on. See the TRACE option for an example.
(This option is contained in the Common section of the initialization file and therefore applies to all connections to DB2.)
Each thread or process that uses the same DLL or shared library will have a separate DB2 CLI/ODBC trace file created in the specified directory.
No trace will occur, and no error message will be returned, if the subdirectory given is invalid or if it cannot be written to.
This option is only used when the TRACE option is turned on. This will be done automatically when you set this option in the CLI/ODBC Configuration utility.
See the TRACE option for an example of using the various trace settings. It will be ignored if the DB2 CLI/ODBC option TRACEFILENAME is used.
DB2 CLI trace should only be used for debugging purposes. It will slow down the execution of the CLI/ODBC driver, and the trace information can grow quite large if it is left on for extended periods of time.
(This option is contained in the Common section of the initialization file and therefore applies to all connections to DB2.)
Sets the isolation level to:
The words in parentheses are IBM's terminology for the equivalent SQL92 isolation levels. Note that no commit is not an SQL92 isolation level and is supported only on DB2 Universal Database for AS/400. Refer to the SQL Reference for more information on isolation levels.
This keyword is only applicable if the default isolation level is used. If the application has specifically set the isolation level then this keyword will have no effect.
The specified userid value is used if a userid is not provided by the application at connect time.
This option allows you to specify whether the underscore character "_" is to be used as a wildcard character (matching any one character, including no character), or to be used as itself. This option only affects catalog function calls that accept search pattern strings.
The underscore is treated as a wildcard matching any one character or none. For example, if two tables are defined as follows:
The DB2 CLI catalog function call that returns table information (SQLTables()) will return both of these entries if "KEY_WORDS" is specified in the table name search pattern argument.
The underscore is treated as itself. If two tables are defined as the example above, SQLTables() will return only the "KEY_WORDS" entry if "KEY_WORDS" is specified in the table name search pattern argument.
Setting this keyword to 0 can result in performance improvement in those cases where object names (owner, table, column) in the database contain underscores.
Note: | This keyword only has an effect on DB2 common server versions prior to Version 2.1. The ESCAPE clause for the LIKE predicate can be used for subsequent versions and all other DB2 servers. For more information on the ESCAPE clause, refer to the SQL Reference. |
Any number of SQLSTATEs returned as errors can be downgraded to warnings. Each must be delimited with single quotes, separated by commas, and in uppercase. The entire string must also be enclosed in double quotes. For example:
WARNINGLIST=" '01S02', 'HY090' "
This option can be used in conjunction with the IGNOREWARNINGS CLI/ODBC configuration keyword. If you also set IGNOREWARNINGS on then any errors you downgrade to warnings will not be reported at all.