Installation and Configuration Supplement

Performing the Installation of a DB2 Thin-Client or DB2 Thin-Connect Environment

Performing a Thin-installation is a straightforward process. To set up this type of environment, you need to perform the following steps:

Step 1. Install a DB2 Administration Client or DB2 Connect Personal Edition With The Code Server Component

You need to install a DB2 Administration Client or DB2 Connect Personal Edition on the workstation that will act as the code server for the Thin-Client or Thin-Connect target workstations. A DB2 Thin-Client can only load code from a DB2 Thin-Client Code Server and a DB2 Thin-Connect workstation can only load code from a DB2 Thin-Connect Code Server.
Note:When you are installing your DB2 Client, make sure you perform a Custom installation. From the Select Components window you can select the components you want to install. You must select the Thin Client Code Server to install the files needed to setup the thin client.

To install a DB2 Administration Client, see Installing DB2 Clients. To install DB2 Connect Personal Edition, refer to your Quick Beginnings book.

Step 2. Setup Cross-Platform Support on the Code Server (Optional)

This step describes how to setup a Windows NT and Windows 2000 code server (referred throughout this section as Windows code server) to service Windows 9x Thin-Client workstations.

Figure 00002671 not displayed.

If you are not planning on supporting a mix of Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows 9x Thin-workstations in your environment, you can skip this step.

A code server can only provide code for Thin-workstations that belong to the same family of operating systems. This means that a Windows NT or Windows 2000 code server could not support a Windows 9x-based Thin-workstation and vice-versa.

If you have deployed a heterogeneous configuration of Windows 32-bit operating systems in your enterprise, you can set up your code server to support both Windows NT or Windows 2000-based and Windows 9x-based Thin-workstations by performing the following steps:
Note:The example that follows will assume that you are configuring a Windows NT-based code server to service Windows 9x Thin-workstations.

To have a Windows code server service a Thin-workstation on a Windows 9x machine, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a directory on the Windows NT or Windows 2000 code server that will be used to service Windows 9x Thin-workstations by entering the md d:\sqllib9x command, where d: represents a local hard drive.
  2. Copy the DB2 product directory on the code server (for example, c:\sqllib) into the directory that you just created by entering the following command:
        xcopy c:\sqllib\*.* d:\sqllib9x /s /e


  3. Change focus to the directory that you created for the cross platform code server. For example, you would enter the cd d:\sqllib9x command. This directory would be used to serve Thin-workstations running on Windows 9x.
  4. Enter the d:\sqllib9x\bin\db2thn9x.bat target_platform command to enable this machine to service a cross platform Thin-workstation


You now have two code bases on your code server. If you are going to create a Thin-workstation on a Windows NT or Windows 2000 machine, use the Windows NT or Windows 2000 code base (for example, c:\sqllib) in the remaining steps. If you are going to create a Thin-workstation on a Windows 9x machine and have the code served by a Windows NT or Windows 2000 code server, use the Windows 9x code base (for example, d:\sqllib9x) in the remaining steps.
Note:If you are logged onto a Windows 9x Thin Client workstation that is running code off of a Windows NT or Windows 2000 code server. You must ensure that the user account that you are logged on to the Windows 9x workstation is locally defined on the Windows NT or Windows 2000 code server.

Step 3. Share the Code Server Directory where the DB2 Client or DB2 Connect Personal Edition Code is Installed

In order for the Thin-workstations to load the required code from the code server, each of the target Thin-workstations must be able to read the directory where the DB2 Client or DB2 Connect Personal Edition code is installed. To make the code directory available to all Thin-workstations in READ mode, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on Start and select Programs --> Windows Explorer.
  2. Select the directory where you installed the DB2 product. Use the c:\sqllib directory for Thin-workstations running on Windows NT or Windows 2000. If you were going to set up Thin-workstations that were running on Windows 9x, you would also have to share the d:\sqllib9x directory.
  3. Select File --> Properties from the menu bar.
  4. Select the Sharing tab.
  5. Select the Shared As radio button.
  6. In the Share Name field, enter a share name. For example, enter NTCODESERVER.
  7. All target Thin-workstations need to have READ access to this directory for all users. If you are setting up a Windows NT or Windows 2000-based code server, specify READ access for everyone as follows:
    1. Click the Permissions button. The Access Through Share Permissions window opens.
    2. In the Name box, select Everyone.
    3. Click the Type of Access drop down box and select Read.
    4. Click OK until all windows are closed.
    Note:If you are setting up a Windows 9x-based code server, you do not need to specify this type of access when you set up a share. By default, everyone is granted read access.

Step 4. Create a Response File for the Target Thin-Workstation.

When you installed the code server, you performed an interactive installation. In this installation, you have to manually respond to prompts from the setup program in order to install your product. Your responses provided the information needed to install the DB2 product and configure its environment. During a distributed installation, this information is provided in the form of keywords and values in a response file. For this reason, a distributed installation is often referred to as a unattended installation or even a silent installation. For a detailed description of a distributed installation and how to perform this installation for a target Thin-workstation, see An Introduction to Distributed Installation.

For a DB2 Thin-Client or DB2 Thin-Connect installation, there is a ready-to-use response file called db2thin.rsp, which you can use to install either Thin-workstation. The default settings for the most common installation type are provided in this file. You can find this response file in the c:\sqllib\thnsetup directory, where c: represents the drive where you installed your DB2 product.

A response file contains:

In a response file, the asterisk (*) acts like a comment. Any line that is prefixed with an asterisk will be ignored during the installation. If you do not specify a keyword, or it is commented out, a default value will be used. To enable a parameter, remove the asterisk.

For example, let's assume that you want to install support for ODBC. The default entry for this keyword in the response file is:


To install this component, you would remove the asterisk from this line so it would look like:


For some keywords, you have to set values. To enable these keywords, remove the asterisk as usual, but make sure that you also replace the contents to the right of the equals sign with the value you want for that parameter.

For example,

   *DB2.DIAGLEVEL	= 0 - 4

would be:


if you wanted to set this parameter to 4.

The following is a section of the db2thin.rsp sample response file:

   * Required Global DB2 Registry Variable
   * -------------------------------------
	DB2INSTPROF                   = C:\CFG
   * General Options
   * ---------------
   *TYPE                          = 0,1,2  (0=compact, 1=typical, 2=custom)
   *COMP                          = ODBC_SUPPORT 
   *COMP                          = CONTROL_CENTER 
   *COMP                          = EVENT_ANALYZER 
   *COMP                          = WEB_ADMINISTRATION
   *COMP                          = QUERYMONITOR 
   *COMP                          = TRACKER 
   *COMP                          = QUERYADMIN 
   *COMP                          = CLIENT_CONFIGURATION_ASSISTANT 
   *COMP                          = COMMAND_CENTER 
   *COMP                          = DOCUMENTATION 
   *CREATE_ICONS                  = YES or NO (default=YES)
   *REBOOT                        = YES or NO 

For more information, see Available Sample Response Files for detailed descriptions about these parameters.

For example, set the following:

   DB2INSTPROF                   = C:\CFG
 	   TYPE                          = 1
   REBOOT							     = YES

Once you have finished editing this file, save it as a different name so you can maintain the integrity of the sample. Call this file test.rsp and save it in the same directory that you shared in the previous step (c:\sqllib).

Step 5. Make the Code Server Accessible to the Target Thin-Workstation.

The code server must be accessible before you can setup the target workstation to act as a Thin-workstation. You may choose to map a network drive to access the thnsetup directory which is under the shared directory that you created on the code server.

  1. Click Start and select Programs --> Windows Explorer.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Map Network Drive.
  3. In the Drive drop down list, select the drive you want to map the location of the code server to.
  4. In the Path, type the location of the share in the format


    represents the computer name of the code server.

    represents the share name of the shared directory on the code server. In our example, this was NTCODESERVER.
  5. Check the Reconnect at Logon box to make the share persistent.

If you are running Windows NT or Windows 2000, you may also specify user information in the Connect as Input field. The format is



represents the domain where the user account is defined. This is only required the account is a domain account and you are not logged on to the system with a user account that has READ access on the remote code server.

represents the user has access to this machine. This is only required if you are not logged on to the system with a user account that has READ access on the remote code server or you specified the domain parameter.
Note:On a Windows 9x workstation, you must be logged on to the workstation as a valid user with shared directory access to the code server.

If you are planning on having a DB2 for Windows NT or Windows 2000 code server service a Windows 9x Thin-workstation (or vice-versa), make sure that you enter the share name for the directory that you created for this purpose.

Step 6. Create the Target Thin-Workstation

To finish this setup, you need to run the thnsetup command. This command will set up the DB2 Thin-Client or DB2-Thin Connect workstation and the required links to the code server. The thnsetup command can be entered with the following parameters:
Syntax of the thnsetup command.

Specifies the path where the DB2 code is installed on the code server. Specify this parameter using the path that you attached to in the previous step. Remember, if this is a Windows NT or Windows 2000 code server and your target workstations are running Windows 9x, you have to specify the directory you set up for Windows 9x. This parameter is required.
Note:If you have not already mapped a persistent network drive to the code server as described in Step 5. Make the Code Server Accessible to the Target Thin-Workstation., then this parameter should be the drive letter which will be used to represent the network drive.

Specifies the fully qualified response file name. This parameter is required. For our example, use the response file that you saved as test.rsp on the remote code server.

Specifies the fully qualified log file name, where setup information and any errors occurring during setup are logged. If you do not specify the log file's name, the default db2.log file name is used. This file will be created in a directory called db2log, on the drive where your operating system is installed. This parameter is optional.

Specifies the computer name of the code server. This parameter is only necessary if you did not map a persistent network drive as in Step 5. Make the Code Server Accessible to the Target Thin-Workstation..

Specifies the share name of the code server where the DB2 product was installed. This parameter is only necessary if you did not map a persistent network drive as in Step 5. Make the Code Server Accessible to the Target Thin-Workstation..

For example, to create a Thin-workstation where the shared NTCODESERVER directory on a code server called myserver is mapped locally to the x: drive, and the response file is called test.rsp and is located in the same directory as the code server, enter the following command:

   x:\thnsetup\thnsetup /P x:\ /U x:\thnsetup\test.rsp  

When the thnsetup command completes, check the messages in the log file. Since we set the machine to reboot once the setup of the Thin-workstation completes, if your machine did not reboot, you know you have encountered an error.

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