OLAP Setup and User's Guide

Installing the Information Catalog Manager Tools, Administrator, and User components

You can install the following Information Catalog Manager components:

Installing the Information Catalog Manager components

To install the Information Catalog Manager components:

  1. Insert the DB2 OLAP Server CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The launchpad opens.
  2. Click Install from the launchpad.
  3. Accept the license conditions for the Personal Edition. This does not affect your license for DB2 OLAP Server or Information Catalog Manager.
  4. Click No on the Spreadsheet-only message prompt.
  5. Click Next on the Options window.
  6. In the Destination window, select the drive and directory you want to install Information Catalog Manager on, or accept the default driver and directory, and then click Next.
  7. In the Select Type of Install window, click Custom, then click Next.
  8. Deselect the DB2 OLAP Server components that are already selected, and select the Information Catalog Manager components.
  9. In the Select Folder window, enter the name of the Windows folder you want for Information Catalog Manager or accept the default, and then click Next.
  10. In the Start Copying Files window, review the information and click Next to continue the installation program.
  11. When the installation program completes, register the server node and any remote information catalogs. See the Information Catalog Manager User's Guide for more information.
  12. If you are installing the Information Catalog Manager Tools component on AS/400 or OS/390, locate the files createic.bak and flgnmwcr.bak and rename them to createic.exe and flgnmwcr.exe, respectively.
  13. Run the information catalog initialization utility. See Running the information catalog initialization utility for more information.

Running the information catalog initialization utility

Before you can use the Information Catalog Administrator component, you must create an information catalog or migrate existing information catalogs. You do this by running the information catalog initialization utility.

To run the information catalog initialization utility:

  1. Create a database in DB2 Universal Database, or locate an existing database that contains an information catalog.
  2. Click Start --> Programs --> IBM DB2 --> Information Catalog Manager --> Initialize Information Catalog. The Initialize Information Catalog window opens.
  3. Select a type of information catalog, then click OK. The Define Catalog on DB2 UDB for Windows NT window opens.
  4. Type the necessary information, then click Define. The Connect to Information Catalog window opens.
  5. Type the user ID and password for the information catalog that you specified, then click Connect.

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