OLAP Setup and User's Guide

Using DB2 OLAP Integration Server to Load Data

You can use DB2 OLAP Integration Server to load the model and metaoutline that you use the with the OLAP sample. See ***. To create an application and load it from the model defined in the OLAP Starter Kit sample.

To use DB2 OLAP Integration Server to load data:

  1. Launch the DB2 OLAP Integration desktop.
  2. In the OLAP Metadata Catalog field, select TBC_MD
  3. Type your user ID and password. Click OK.
  4. On the OLAP Integration Server Desktop, click the Existing tab.
  5. Expand TBC_Model, and select TBC Metaoutline. Click Open, or double click on TBC Metaoutline. The Data Source window opens.
  6. Select TBC from the pull down menu. Click OK.
  7. On the menu bar, click Outline > Member and Data Load. The Essbase Application and Database window opens.
  8. Type a name for your application; for example, TBC.
  9. Type a name for your database; for example, TBC.
  10. In the Calc Script box, select Use Default Calc Script. Click Next. The Schedule Essbase Load window opens.
  11. Select Now.
  12. Click Finish.
  13. You should see a message that the data has loaded successfully. To verify that the data is loaded, you should be able to launch a spread sheet, and view the data.

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