//   Source File Name: V5Stp.java  1.4 
//   Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM 
//   (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1996, 1997. 
//       All Rights Reserved. 
//   US Government Users Restricted Rights - 
//   Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by 
//   GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 

//   Sample Program - Java Stored Procedure (called by V5SpCli) 

//   Steps to set up server side: 
//   (1) create and populate the SAMPLE database (db2sampl) 
//   (2) compile this java file (javac V5Stp.java) 
//   (3) copy the resulting V5Stp.class file into sqllib/function 

//   NOTES: (1) The jdk11_path database manager configuration parameter must 
//              be set 
//          (2) The CLASSPATH and shared library path environment variables 
//              must be set, as for any JDBC application. 
//          (3) Visit http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/java 
//              for current DB2 Java information 

//  For more information about this sample, refer to the README file. 

//  For more information on Programming in Java, refer to the  
//  "Programming in Java" section of the Application Development Guide. 

//  For more information on creating stored procedures, refer to the  
//  "Writing Stored Procedures" section of the Application Development Guide. 

//  For more information on building and running Java programs for DB2, 
//  refer to the "Building Java Applets and Applications" section of the  
//  Application Building Guide. 

//  For more information on the SQL language, refer to the SQL Reference. 

//   Class V5Stp contains one method: 
//   (1) salaryModification: stored procedure body 

import java.sql.*;              //  JDBC classes 
import java.math.*;             //  BigDecimal 
import COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.*;  //  DB2 UDB JDBC classes 
import COM.ibm.db2.app.*;       //  StoredProc and associated classes 

// ///// 
//  Java stored procedure is in this class 
// ///// 
class V5Stp extends StoredProc
  //  (1) stored procedure body - modify employee salaries as requested 
  //      return: 
  //       . the total payroll before the increase 
  //       . the average salary before the increase 
  //       . the median employee salary after the increase 
  //       . the total payroll after the increase 
  //       . the average salary after the increase 
  public void salaryModification (String table,
                                  int percentModification,
                                  String department,
                                  double totalPayrollBefore,
                                  double totalPayrollAfter,
                                  double averageSalaryBefore,
                                  double averageSalaryAfter,
                                  int numberOfUpdates,
                                  String medianEmployeeName) throws Exception
    int counter = 0;
    double salary = 0.00;
    double payrollBefore = 0;

    //  get caller's connection to the database; inherited from StoredProc 
    Connection con = getConnection ();

    //  calculate the total payroll and average salary before the increase 
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement ();
    String sql = "Select * from " + table;
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery (sql);

    while (rs.next ())
        salary = rs.getDouble (12);
        payrollBefore += salary;

    int median = counter / 2;
    double averageBefore = payrollBefore / counter;
    double realPercent = percentModification;
    realPercent = 1.00 + (realPercent / 100.00);

    //  update the salaries for the requested department 
    int employeeUpdates = 0;
    sql = "Update " + table + " set salary = salary * " + realPercent +
      " where workdept = '" + department + "'";
    employeeUpdates = stmt.executeUpdate (sql);

    //  Calculate the total payroll and average salary after the increase 
    //  and retrieve the median salary as well... 
    sql = "Select * from " + table + " order by salary ";
    counter = 0;
    double payrollAfter = 0.00;

    rs = stmt.executeQuery (sql);
    while (rs.next ())
        salary = rs.getDouble (12);
        payrollAfter += salary;
        if (counter == median)
            medianEmployeeName =
              rs.getString (2) + " " +
              rs.getString (3) + " " +
              rs.getString (4);
    rs.close ();

    double averageAfter = payrollAfter / counter;

    //  set values for the output parameters 
    set (4, payrollBefore);
    set (5, payrollAfter);
    set (6, averageBefore);
    set (7, averageAfter);
    set (8, employeeUpdates);
    set (9, medianEmployeeName);

    //  close off everything before we leave 
    stmt.close ();
    con.close ();