      ** Source File Name = tload.sqb 
      ** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
      ** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995, 2000  
      ** All Rights Reserved. 
      ** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
      ** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
      ** PURPOSE: to show the usage of LOAD and QUIESCE APIs 
      ** APIs : 
      **        EXPORT                          sqlgexpr 
      **        QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE   sqlgvqdp 
      **        LOAD                            sqlgload 
      ** For more information about these samples see the README file. 
      ** For more information on Programming in COBOL, see the: 
      **    -  "Programming in COBOL" section of the Application Development Guide. 
      ** For more information on Building COBOL Applications, see the: 
      **    - "Building COBOL Applications" section of the Application Building Guide. 
      ** For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference. 

       Identification Division.
       Program-ID. "tload".

       Data Division.
       Working-Storage Section.

           copy "sqlenv.cbl".
           copy "sqlca.cbl".
           copy "sqlutil.cbl".

       77 statement         pic x(254).

       01 userid            pic x(8).
       01 passwd.
         49 passwd-length   pic s9(4) comp-5 value 0.
         49 passwd-name     pic x(18).

       77 errloc              pic x(80).
       77 stmt                pic x(254).
       77 impstmt             pic x(254).

       77 rc                  pic s9(9) comp-5.

      * Variables for IMPORT/EXPORT APIs 
       77 msgfile-x           pic x(10) value "EXPMSG.TXT".
       77 msgfile-x-len       pic 9(4) comp-5 value 10.
       77 fileformat          pic x(3) value "DEL".
       77 fileformat-len      pic 9(4) comp-5 value 3.

      * Variables for the QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE API 
       77 tname-len     pic s9(4) comp-5 value +9.
       77 quiesce-mode  pic s9(4) comp-5 value +2.
       77 tname         pic x(19) value "loadtable".

      * Variables for the LOAD API 
       77 lclfile-len   pic s9(4) comp-5 value +7.
       77 lclfile       pic x(7)  value "LOADMSG".
       77 rmtfile-len   pic s9(4) comp-5 value +8.
       77 rmtfile       pic x(8)  value "RLOADMSG".
       77 null-ind      pic s9(9) comp-5.

       01 datafile-len1          pic 9(4)  comp-5 value 12.

       01 datafile-ixf.
           05 datafile-len       pic 9(9)  comp-5 value 12.
           05 datafile           pic x(12) value "EXPTABLE.IXF".

       01 work-dir-ixf.
           05 work-dir-len       pic 9(9)  comp-5 value 1.
           05 work-dir-path      pic x(12) value ".".

       01 copy-dir-ixf.
           05 copy-dir-len       pic 9(9)  comp-5 value 1.
           05 copy-dir-path      pic x(12) value ".".

       01 lob-dir-ixf.
           05 lob-dir-len        pic 9(9)  comp-5 value 1.
           05 lob-dir-path       pic x(12) value ".".

       01 datafile-list.
           05 SQL-MEDIA-TYPE         PIC X.
           05 SQL-FILLER             PIC X(3).
           05 SQL-SESSIONS           PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
           05 SQL-TARGET.
               10 SQL-MEDIA          USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 SQL-VENDOR         REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 SQL-LOCATION       REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 FILLER             REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     PIC X(4).

       01 work-dir.
           05 SQL-MEDIA-TYPE         PIC X.
           05 SQL-FILLER             PIC X(3).
           05 SQL-SESSIONS           PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
           05 SQL-TARGET.
               10 SQL-MEDIA          USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 SQL-VENDOR         REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 SQL-LOCATION       REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 FILLER             REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     PIC X(4).

       01 copy-target.
           05 SQL-MEDIA-TYPE         PIC X.
           05 SQL-FILLER             PIC X(3).
           05 SQL-SESSIONS           PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
           05 SQL-TARGET.
               10 SQL-MEDIA          USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 SQL-VENDOR         REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 SQL-LOCATION       REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 FILLER             REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     PIC X(4).

       01 lobpaths.
           05 SQL-MEDIA-TYPE         PIC X.
           05 SQL-FILLER             PIC X(3).
           05 SQL-SESSIONS           PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
           05 SQL-TARGET.
               10 SQL-MEDIA          USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 SQL-VENDOR         REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 SQL-LOCATION       REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     USAGE IS POINTER.
               10 FILLER             REDEFINES SQL-MEDIA
                                     PIC X(4).

      * COMMON Variables among the above APIs 
       77 reserved-x    pic s9(9) comp-5 value 0.
       77 msgfile-len   pic s9(4) comp-5.
       77 filetype-len  pic s9(4) comp-5 value 3.
       77 msgfile       pic x(1025).
       77 filetype      pic x(3)  value "IXF".
       77 callerac      pic s9(4) comp-5.

       Procedure Division.
       tload Section.
           display "Sample COBOL program: TLOAD".

           display "Enter your user id (default none): " 
                with no advancing.
           accept userid.

           if userid = spaces
             EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample END-EXEC
             display "Enter your password : " with no advancing
             accept passwd-name.

           inspect passwd-name tallying passwd-length for characters
              before initial " ".

           display " ".

      * need to preset the size of structure field and counts 
           move "select id,name from staff" to stmt.
           move "insert into imptable (id,name)" to impstmt.
           move 0                 to SQL-COMMITCNT.
           move 0                 to SQL-RESTARTCNT.
           move stmt              to SQL-TCOLSTRG-DATA.
           move 25                to SQL-TCOLSTRG-LEN.
           move SQL-METH-D        to SQL-DCOLMETH.

           move 0                 to SQL-FILETMOD-LEN of SQL-FILETMOD.

      * connecting to SAMPLE database. 
           EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample USER :userid USING :passwd
           move "CONNECT TO SAMPLE" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           display "Exporting id and name from staff table into file: ",

      * EXPORT API called * 
           call "sqlgexpr" using
                                 by value     datafile-len1
                                 by value     fileformat-len
                                 by value     msgfile-x-len
                                 by reference datafile
                                 by value     0
                                 by value     0
                                 by reference SQL-DCOLDATA
                                 by reference SQL-TCOLSTRG
                                 by reference fileformat
                                 by reference SQL-FILETMOD
                                 by reference msgfile-x
                                 by value     SQLU-INITIAL
                                 by reference SQL-UEXPT-OUT
                                 by value     0
                                 by reference sqlca
                           returning rc.
           move "EXPORTING TABLE" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           display "Rows exported : ", SQL-ROWSEXPORTED.

      * drop the table just in case it already exists 
           move "drop table loadtable" to statement.

      * create the table loadtable 
            EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE loadtable (num char(6),
                 format varchar(10))
           move "CREATE TABLE loadtable" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.
           move "COMMIT the CREATE TABLE" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           move SQLU-QUIESCEMODE-EXCLUSIVE to quiesce-mode.
           call "sqlgvqdp" using
                                 by value tname-len
                                 by reference   tname
                                 by value       quiesce-mode
                                 by reference   reserved-x
                                 by reference   sqlca
                           returning rc.

           move "QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           display "Tablespace for loadtable has been quiesced.".

      * LOAD * 

      * initialize variables for the Load API 
           move SQLU-SERVER-LOCATION
                            to SQL-MEDIA-TYPE of datafile-list.
           move +1          to SQL-SESSIONS   of datafile-list.

      * set the pointer 
           set SQL-MEDIA of datafile-list
                            to address of datafile-len.

           move SQLU-INITIAL to callerac.

           move +0          to SQL-SESSIONS   of work-dir.
           move SQLU-LOCAL-MEDIA
                            to SQL-MEDIA-TYPE of work-dir.
           set SQL-LOCATION of work-dir to address of work-dir-len.

           move +0          to SQL-SESSIONS   of copy-target.
           move SQLU-LOCAL-MEDIA
                            to SQL-MEDIA-TYPE of copy-target.
           set SQL-LOCATION of work-dir to address of copy-dir-len.

           move +0          to SQL-SESSIONS   of lobpaths.
           move SQLU-LOCAL-MEDIA
                            to SQL-MEDIA-TYPE of lobpaths.
           set SQL-LOCATION of lobpaths to address of lob-dir-len.

           move +0 to   null-ind.
           move +0 to  reserved-x.

           initialize SQLULOAD-IN.
           move +0               to SQL-SAVECNT          of SQLULOAD-IN.
           move +0               to SQL-RESTARTCOUNT     of SQLULOAD-IN.
           move +0               to SQL-ROWCNT           of SQLULOAD-IN.
           move +0               to SQL-WARNINGCNT       of SQLULOAD-IN.
           move +0               to SQL-DATA-BUFFER-SIZE of SQLULOAD-IN.
           move +0               to SQL-SORT-BUFFER-SIZE of SQLULOAD-IN.
           move +0               to SQL-HOLD-QUIESCE     of SQLULOAD-IN.
           move " "              to SQL-RESTARTPHASE     of SQLULOAD-IN.
           move SQLU-STATS-NONE  to SQL-STATSOPT         of SQLULOAD-IN.

           move SQL-METH-D       to SQL-DCOLMETH         of SQL-DCOLDATA.

           initialize SQLULOAD-OUT.
           move SQLULOAD-OUT-SIZE to
                              SQL-SIZE-OF-STRUCT of  SQLULOAD-out.

           move "insert into loadtable " to impstmt.
           move impstmt                  to SQL-TCOLSTRG-DATA.
           move 21                       to SQL-TCOLSTRG-LEN.
           move SQL-DEL                  to filetype.

      * Call LOAD API 
           call "sqlgload" using
                                 by value       filetype-len
                                 by value       lclfile-len
                                 by value       rmtfile-len
                                 by reference   datafile-list
                                 by reference   lobpaths
                                 by reference   SQL-DCOLDATA
                                 by reference   SQL-TCOLSTRG
                                 by reference   filetype
                                 by reference   SQL-FILETMOD
                                 by reference   lclfile
                                 by reference   rmtfile
                                 by value       callerac
                                 by reference   SQLULOAD-IN
                                 by reference   SQLULOAD-OUT
                                 by reference   work-dir
                                 by reference   copy-target
                                 by reference   null-ind
                                 by reference   reserved-x
                                 by reference   sqlca
                           returning rc.
           move "LOAD" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           display "Load of table LOADTABLE is complete.".
           display "Rows loaded: ", SQL-ROWS-LOADED.
           display "Rows committed: ", SQL-ROWS-COMMITTED.

           move "CONNECT RESET" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

       End-tload. stop run.