      ** Source File Name = lobfile.sqb 
      ** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
      ** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995, 2000  
      ** All Rights Reserved. 
      ** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
      ** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
      ** PURPOSE: This sample program demonstrates the use of LOB values. 
      **          The program creates a CURSOR, and fetches the contents 
      **          of the "emp_resume" table (the SAMPLE database must be 
      **          installed with teh "db2sampl" executable), and then 
      **          outputs the first 15 lines of the resume. 
      ** For more information about these samples see the README file. 
      ** For more information on Programming in COBOL, see the: 
      **    -  "Programming in COBOL" section of the Application Development Guide. 
      ** For more information on Building COBOL Applications, see the: 
      **    - "Building COBOL Applications" section of the Application Building Guide. 
      ** For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference. 

       Identification Division.
       Program-ID. "lobfile".

       Data Division.
       Working-Storage Section.

           copy "sqlenv.cbl".
           copy "sql.cbl".
           copy "sqlca.cbl".

           EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION END-EXEC.                     1
       01 userid            pic x(8).
       01 passwd.
         49 passwd-length   pic s9(4) comp-5 value 0.
         49 passwd-name     pic x(18).
       01 resume            USAGE IS SQL TYPE IS CLOB-FILE.
       01 lobind            pic s9(4) comp-5.

       77 errloc          pic x(80).

       Procedure Division.
       Main Section.
           display "Sample COBOL program: LOBFILE".

      * Get database connection information. 
           display "Enter your user id (default none): " 
                with no advancing.
           accept userid.

           if userid = spaces
             EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample END-EXEC
             display "Enter your password : " with no advancing
             accept passwd-name.

      * Passwords in a CONNECT statement must be entered in a VARCHAR 
      * format with the length of the input string. 
           inspect passwd-name tallying passwd-length for characters
              before initial " ".

           EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample USER :userid USING :passwd
           move "CONNECT TO" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           move "RESUME.TXT" to resume-NAME.                            2
           move 10 to resume-NAME-LENGTH.
           move SQL-FILE-OVERWRITE to resume-FILE-OPTIONS.

           EXEC SQL SELECT resume INTO :resume :lobind                  3
                    FROM emp_resume
                    WHERE resume_format = 'ascii'
                    AND empno = '000130' END-EXEC.
           if lobind less than 0 go to NULL-LOB-indicated.

           display "Resume for EMPNO 000130 is in file : RESUME.TXT".
           go to End-Main.

           display "NULL LOB indicated".

           move "CONNECT RESET" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.
                  stop run.