      ** Source File Name = dbsnap.cbl 
      ** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
      ** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995, 2000  
      ** All Rights Reserved. 
      ** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
      ** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with 
      **    PURPOSE : 
      **       to demonstrate the use of the DATABASE MONITOR SNAPSHOT API. 
      **    APIs USED : 
      **       DATABASE MONITOR SNAPSHOT           sqlgmnss() 
      **        sqlgmnss() OUTPUT BUFFER           sqlgmnsz() 
      ** For more information about these samples see the README file. 
      ** For more information on Programming in COBOL, see the: 
      **    -  "Programming in COBOL" section of the Application Development Guide. 
      ** For more information on Building COBOL Applications, see the: 
      **    - "Building COBOL Applications" section of the Application Building Guide. 
      ** For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference. 

       Identification Division.
       Program-Id. "dbsnap".

       Data Division.
       Working-Storage Section.

       copy "sqlca.cbl".
       copy "sqlmonct.cbl".
       copy "sqlmon.cbl".

      * Variables for catalog/uncatalog nodes 

      * Local Variables 
       77 rc                  pic s9(9) comp-5.
       77 errloc              pic x(80).

       77 rezerv1             pic 9(9) comp-5 value 0.
       77 rezerv2             pic 9(9) comp-5 value 0.
       77 current-version     pic 9(9) comp-5 value 0.

       01 database.
         05 database-length   pic s9(4) comp-5.
         05 database-name     pic x(80).

       01 buff.
         05 buffer-sz         pic 9(9) comp-5 value 0.
         05 buffer            occurs 0 to 100000 times
                              depending on buffer-sz.
           10 element         pic x.

       Procedure Division.
       snap-pgm section.

           display "Sample COBOL Program : dbsnap.cbl".

      * get database to perform snapshot on 

           display "Take a snapshot of database activity".

           display "Enter the name of the database : " with no advancing.
           accept database-name.
           inspect database-name tallying database-length for characters
              before initial " ".
           inspect database-name replacing first " " by X'00'. 
           display " ".

           perform db-snap thru end-db-snap.

       end-snap. stop run.

       db-snap Section.
      * perform a snapshot of lock activity for a database * 

      * request SQLMA-DBASE, and SQLMA-DBASE-LOCKS in the sqlma 

           move 2 to OBJ-NUM of SQLMA.
           move SQLMA-DBASE to OBJ-TYPE(1).
           move database-name to SQLMA-OBJECT(1).
           move SQLMA-DBASE-LOCKS to OBJ-TYPE(2).
           move database-name to SQLMA-OBJECT(2).

           move SQLM-CURRENT-VERSION to current-version.

           display "estimate buffer size".
      * estimate buffer size do I need this?? 
           call "sqlgmnsz" using
                                 by value     rezerv1
                                 by reference sqlca
                                 by reference buffer-sz
                                 by reference SQLMA
                                 by reference rezerv2
                                 by value     current-version
                           returning rc.
           move "estimate buffer size" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           display "take a snapshot".

      * SNAPSHOT API called * 
           call "sqlgmnss" using
                                 by value     rezerv1
                                 by reference sqlca
                                 by reference SQLM-COLLECTED
                                 by reference buffer(1)
                                 by value     buffer-sz
                                 by reference SQLMA
                                 by reference rezerv2
                                 by value     current-version
                           returning rc.
           move "SNAPSHOT" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

       end-db-snap. exit.